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#42 page 45 時間に焦りながら音読、精読はできていません💦
7/1-本日読んだページ page45 The first time, back in college, had been farcical, unserious, everyone laughing: the terribly acted videos and limbless plastic mannequins couldn't have been more artificial. But now the lurking possibility that we would have to employ these skills someday animated everything. As I repeatedly slammed my palm into the chest of a tiny plastic child, I couldn't help but hear, along with my fellow students' jokes, real ribs cracking. Cadavers reverse the polarity. The mannequins you pretend are real; the cadavers you pretend are fake. But that first day, you just can't. When I faced my cadaver, slightly blue and bloated, his total deadness and total humanness were undeniable. The knowledge that in four months I would be bisecting this man's head with a hacksaw seemed unconscionable. Yet there are anatomy professors. And the advice they gave us was to take one good look at our cadaver's face and then leave it covered; it makes the work easier. Just as we prepared, with deep breaths and earnest looks, to unwrap our cadaver's head, a surgeon stopped by to chat, leaning with his elbows on the corpse's face. Pointing out various marks and scars on the naked torso, he reconstructed the patient's history. #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 📘私が音読の配信を始めるきっかけは #1の放送でお話しています。 継続して、緊張感は少しもちつつ、 配信のプレッシャー感じながら 英語に毎日触れるためです。 1人言のように話しています。 ふと我に返り、録音していることを 思い出し、等身大の私です。 事前準備なく衝動的に発信開始し、 #3の音読から、 事前に意味と単語調べるようにしました。 わたしにとったら、 少し継続のハードル上がったかもしれませんが、いい学びです📝 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#41 page 44 よく寝て早朝に録音。訳を入れながらしたら長い💦
6/30-本日読んだページ The scalpel is so sharp it doesn't so much cut the skin as unzip it, revealing the hidden and forbidden sinew be-neath, and despite your preparation, you are caught unawares, ashamed and excited. Cadaver dissection is a medical rite of passage and a trespass on the sacrosanct, engendering a legion of feelings: from revulsion, exhilaration, nausea, frustration, and awe to, as time passes, the mere tedium of academic exercise. Everything teeters between pathos and bathos: here you are, violating society's most fundamental taboos, and yet formaldehyde is a powerful appetite stimulant, so you also crave a burrito. Eventually, as you complete your assignments by dissecting the median nerve, sawing the pelvis in half, and slicing open the heart, the bathos supersedes: the sacred violation takes on the character of your average college class, replete with pedants, class clowns, and the rest. Cadaver dissection epitomizes, for many, the transformation of the somber, respectful student into the callous, arrogant doctor. The enormity of the moral mission of medicine lent my early days of med school a severe gravity. The first day, before we got to the cadavers, was CPR training, my second time doing it. ⭐️6週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定中です) ⑥A Strange Relativity: Altered Time for Surgeon-Turned-Patient https://youtu.be/d5u753wQeyM #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#40 page 43 急に睡魔です😅今日は音読だけです。
6/29-本日読んだページ Several professors had suggested I pursue a degree in the history and philosophy of science and medicine before deciding to leave academia for good. So I applied for, and was accepted into, the HPS program at Cambridge. I spent the next year in classrooms in the English countryside, where I found myself increasingly often arguing that direct experience of life-and-death questions was essential to generating substantial moral opinions about them. Words began to feel as weightless as the breath that carried them. Stepping back, I realized that I was merely confirming what I already knew: I wanted that direct experience. It was only in practicing medicine that I could pursue a serious biological philosophy. Moral speculation was puny compared to moral action. I finished my degree and headed back to the States. I was going to Yale for medical school.You would think that the first time you cut up a dead person, you'd feel a bit funny about it. Strangely, though, everything feels normal. The bright lights, stainless steel tables, and bow-tied professors lend an air of pro-priety. Even so, that first cut, running from the nape of the neck down to the small of the back, is unforgettable. ⭐️6週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定中です) ⑥A Strange Relativity: Altered Time for Surgeon-Turned-Patient https://youtu.be/d5u753wQeyM #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#39 page 42 仕事においての弱音言ったけど、自分を褒める
6/28-本日読んだページ It would mean letting my friends go to New York, to continue deepening those relationships, without me. It would mean setting aside literature. But it would allow me a chance to find answers that are not in books, to find a different sort of sublime, to forge relationships with the suffering, and to keep following the question of what makes human life meaningful, even in the face of death and decay. I began working through the necessary premedical courses, loading up on chemistry and physics. Reluctant to take a part-time job- -it would slow mv studies- but unable to afford Palo Alto rent, I found an open window in an empty dormitory and climbed in. After a few weeks of squatting, I was discovered by the caretaker--who happened to be a friend. She provided a key to the room and some useful warnings, like when the high school girls' cheerleading camps would be coming through. Thinking it wise to avoid becoming a registered sex of-fender, I'd pack a tent, some books and granola, and head up to Tahoe until it was safe to return. Because the med school application cycle takes eighteen months, I had a free year once my classes were over. ⭐️6週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定中です) ⑥A Strange Relativity: Altered Time for Surgeon-Turned-Patient https://youtu.be/d5u753wQeyM #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#38 page 41 今日も1日がんばりました、さくっと音読😅
6/27-本日読んだページ Some of my closest friends from college were headed to New York City to pursue a life in the arts- some in comedy, others in journalism and television- and I briefly considered joining them and starting anew. But I couldn't quite let go of the question: Where did biology, morality, literature, and philosophy intersect? Walking home from a football game one afternoon, the autumn breeze blowing, I let my mind wander. Augustine's voice in the garden commanded, "Take up and read," but the voice I heard commanded the opposite: "Set aside the books and practice medicine." Suddenly, it all seemed obvious. Although- or perhaps because my father, my an heather were all doctors. medicine had never occurred to me as a serious possibility. But hadn't Whitman himself written that only the physician could truly understand "the. Physiological-Spiritual Man"? The next day, I consulted a premed adviser to figure out the logistics. Getting ready for medical school would take about a year of intense coursework, plus the application time, which added up to another eighteen months. #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#37 page 40 仕事の振り返りに時間がかかり、配信は急いでしま
6/26-本日読んだページ Great literary works provided their own sets of tools, compelling the reader to use that vocabulary. For my thesis, I studied the work of Walt Whitman, a poet who, a century be-fore, was possessed by the same questions that haunted me, who wanted to find a way to understand and describe what he termed "the Physiological-Spiritual Man." As I finished my thesis, I could only conclude that Whitman had had no better luck than the rest of us at building a coherent "physiological-spiritual" vocabulary, but at least the ways in which he'd failed were illuminating. I was also increasingly certain that I had little desire to continue in literary studies, whose main preoccupations had begun to strike me as overly political and averse to science. One of my thesis advisers remarked that finding a community for myself in the literary world would be difficult, because most English PhDs reacted to science, as he put it, "like apes to fire, with sheer terror." I wasn't sure where my life was headed. My thesis- "Whitman and the Medicalization of Personality"-was well-received, but it was unorthodox, including as much history of psychiatry and neuroscience as literary criticism. It didn't quite fit in an English department. I didn't fit in an English department. ⭐️6週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定中です) ⑥A Strange Relativity: Altered Time for Surgeon-Turned-Patient https://youtu.be/d5u753wQeyM #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#36 page 39 音読前に、ここ数年の臨床経験から脱線話😅
6/25-本日読んだページ As graduation loomed, I had a nagging sense that there was still far too much unresolved for me, that I wasn't done studying. I applied for a master's in English literature at Stanford and was accepted into the program. I had come to see language as an almost supernatural force, existing between people, bringing our brains, shielded in centimeter-thick skulls, into communion. A word meant something only between people, and life's meaning, its virtue, had something to do with the depth of the relationships we form. It was the relational aspect of humans--ie., "human relationality"-that undergirded meaning. Yet somehow, this process existed in brains and bodies, subject to their own physiologic imperatives,prone to breaking and failing. There must be a way, I thought, that the language of life as experienced of passion, of hunger, of love bore some relationship, however convoluted, to the language of neurons, digestive tracts, and heartbeats. At Stanford, I had the good fortune to study with Richard Rorty, perhaps the greatest living philosopher of his day, and under his tutelage I began to see all disciplines as creating a vocabulary, a set of tools for understanding human life in a particular way. 調べた単語 a nagging senseうるさい、しつこい感じ into communion 交感する、 ie. means “that is,すなわち undergirded meaning意味を裏付ける convoluted 複雑な tutelage 指導 disciplines 学問 ⭐️6週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定中です) ⑥A Strange Relativity: Altered Time for Surgeon-Turned-Patient https://youtu.be/d5u753wQeyM #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 📘私が音読の配信を始めるきっかけは #1の放送でお話しています。 継続して、緊張感は少しもちつつ、 配信のプレッシャー感じながら 英語に毎日触れるためです。 1人言のように話しています。 ふと我に返り、録音していることを 思い出し、等身大の私です。 事前準備なく衝動的に発信開始し、 #3の音読から、 事前に意味と単語調べるようにしました。 わたしにとったら、 少し継続のハードル上がったかもしれませんが、いい学びです📝 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#35 page 38 娘のアレルギー、食べれないけど、卵焼きを作ってくれて
6/24-本日読んだページ "I think she's smiling," I said to the attendant. "Could be," she said. "It can be hard to tell some. times." But I was sure of it. She was smiling. When we got back to campus, I was the last one left in the room with the professor. "So, what'd you think?" he asked. I vented openly about how I couldn't believe that parents had abandoned these poor kids, and how one of them had even smiled at me. The professor was a mentor, someone who thought deeply about how science and morality intersected. I expected him to agree with me. "Yeah," he said. "Good. Good for you. But sometimes, you know, I think it's better if they die." I grabbed my bag and left. She had been smiling, hadn't she? Only later would I realize that our trip had added a new dimension to my understanding of the fact that brains give rise to our ability to form relationships and nake life meaningful. Sometimes, they break. ⭐️6週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定中です) ⑥A Strange Relativity: Altered Time for Surgeon-Turned-Patient https://youtu.be/d5u753wQeyM #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 📘私が音読の配信を始めるきっかけは #1の放送でお話しています。 継続して、緊張感は少しもちつつ、 配信のプレッシャー感じながら 英語に毎日触れるためです。 1人言のように話しています。 ふと我に返り、録音していることを 思い出し、等身大の私です。 事前準備なく衝動的に発信開始し、 #3の音読から、 事前に意味と単語調べるようにしました。 わたしにとったら、 少し継続のハードル上がったかもしれませんが、いい学びです📝 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#34 page 37 夕食後寝てしまい、ギリギリの収録
6/23-本日読んだページ I stepped back to join the group, which was leaving to tour the facility. Talking with the guide, I learned that many of the residents had nearly drowned as young children. Looking around, I noticed there were no other visitors besides us. Was that common? I asked. At first, the guide explained, a family will visit constantly, daily or even twice a day. Then maybe every other day. Then just weekends. After months or years, the visits taper off, until it's just, say, birthdays and Christmas. Eventually, most families move away, as far as they can get. "I don't blame them," she said. "It's hard caring for these kids." A fury churned in me. Hard? Of course it was hard, but how could parents abandon these kids? In one room, the patients lay on cots, mostly still, arranged in neat rows like soldiers in a barracks. I walked down a row until I made eye contact with one of them. She was in her late teens, with dark, tangled hair. I paused and tried smiling at her, showing her I cared. I picked up one of her hands; it was limp. But she gurgled and, looking right at me, smiled. フレーズ📝 A fury churned in me. 私は怒りに震えた。 lay on cots ベッドに横たわった it was limp ぐったりしていた gurgle ごくりとする ⭐️5週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定です) ⑤Discussion on "When Breath Becomes Air" with Lucy Kalanithi and Dean Lloyd Minor https://youtu.be/dsK9FQelDw8 #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 📘私が音読の配信を始めるきっかけは #1の放送でお話しています。 継続して、緊張感は少しもちつつ、 配信のプレッシャー感じながら 英語に毎日触れるためです。 1人言のように話しています。 ふと我に返り、録音していることを 思い出し、等身大の私です。 事前準備なく衝動的に発信開始し、 #3の音読から、 事前に意味と単語調べるようにしました。 わたしにとったら、 少し継続のハードル上がったかもしれませんが、いい学びです📝 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#33 page 36 自分の不得意なことを痛感、今の心情の記録になっています😅
6/22-本日読んだページ Senior year, in one of my last neuroscience classes, on neuroscience and ethics, we visited a home for people who had suffered severe brain injuries. We walked into the main reception area and were greeted by a disconsolate wailing. Our guide, a friendly thirty-something woman, introduced herself to the group, but my eyes hunted for the source of the noise. Behind the reception counter was a large-screen television showing a soap opera, on mute. A blue-eyed brunette with well-coiffed hair, her head shaking slightly with emotion, filled the screen as she pleaded with someone off camera; zoom out, and there was her strong-jawed, undoubtedly gravel-voiced lover; they embraced passionately. The wailing rose in pitch. I stepped closer to peer over the counter, and there, on a blue mat in front of the television, in a plain flower-print dress, was a young woman, maybe twenty, her hands balled into fists pressed into her eyes, violently rocking back and forth, wailing and wailing. As she rocked, I caught glimpses of the back of her head, where her hair had worn away, leaving a large, pale patch of skin. 今日の学びの単語 disconsolate wailing 悲痛な叫び声 embraced passionately 情熱的に抱き合った ⭐️5週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定です) ⑤Discussion on "When Breath Becomes Air" with Lucy Kalanithi and Dean Lloyd Minor https://youtu.be/dsK9FQelDw8 #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#32 page 35 語学学習の継続の理由をだらだらと。そして、娘の誕生日
6/21-本日読んだページ Back on campus, I didn't miss the monkeys. Life felt rich and full, and over the next two years I kept at it, seeking a deeper understanding of a life of the mind. I studied literature and philosophy to understand what makes life meaningful, studied neuroscience and worked in an fMRI lab to understand how the brain could give rise to an organism capable of finding meaning in the world, and enriched my relationships with a circle of dear friends through various escapades. We raided the school cafeteria dressed as Mongols; created a full fake frater-nity, complete with fake rush-week events, in our co-op house; posed in front of the gates at Buckingham Palace in a gorilla suit; broke into Memorial Church at midnight to lie on our backs and listen to our voices echo in the apse; and so on. (Then I learned that Virginia Woolf once boarded a battleship dressed as Abyssinian royalty, and, duly chastened, stopped boasting about our trivial pranks.) fMRI: 機能的磁気共鳴画像法 脳の血流を見て活動領域を検出して、脳の問題を発見する 気になって調べました。 Virginia Woolf バージニア ウルフ イギリスの小説家 https://r-ijin.com/virginia-woolf/ 彼女の遺書 In her suicide note, addressed to her husband, she wrote: Dearest, I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came. I can't fight it any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that—everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer. I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been. V. ⭐️5週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定です) ⑤Discussion on "When Breath Becomes Air" with Lucy Kalanithi and Dean Lloyd Minor https://youtu.be/dsK9FQelDw8 #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#31 page 34 音読の前に仕事の雑談😆継続中です。
6/20- No philosopher can explain the sublime better than this, standing be tween day and night. It was as if this were the moment God said, "Let there be light!" You could not help but feel your specklike existence against the immensity of the mountain, the earth, the universe, and yet still feel your own two feet on the talus, reaffirming your presence amid the grandeur. This was summer at Sierra Camp, perhaps no different from any other camp, but every day felt full of life, and of the relationships that give life meaning. Other nights found a group of us on the dining room deck, sipping whiskey with the assistant director of the camp, Mo, a Stanford alum taking a break from his English PhD, and discussing literature and the weighty matters of postadolescent life. The next year he returned to his PhD, and later he sent me his first published short story, summing up our time together: Suddenly, now, I know what I want. I want the counselors to build a pyre ... and let my ashes drop and mingle with the sand. Lose my bones amongst the driftwood, my teeth amongst the sand. ... I don't believe in the wisdom of children, nor in the wisdom of the old. There is a moment, a cusp, when the sum of gathered experience is worn down by the details of living. We are never so wise as when we live in this moment. ⭐️5週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定です) ⑤Discussion on "When Breath Becomes Air" with Lucy Kalanithi and Dean Lloyd Minor https://youtu.be/dsK9FQelDw8 #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 📘私が音読の配信を始めるきっかけは #1の放送でお話しています。 継続して、緊張感は少しもちつつ、 配信のプレッシャー感じながら 英語に毎日触れるためです。 1人言のように話しています。 ふと我に返り、録音していることを 思い出し、等身大の私です。 事前準備なく衝動的に発信開始し、 #3の音読から、 事前に意味と単語調べるようにしました。 わたしにとったら、 少し継続のハードル上がったかもしれませんが、いい学びです📝 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#30 page 33 音読の箇所はきれいな描写、私は眠いです😆
6/19- My doubt, however, was short-lived. The camp delivered on its promise, concentrating all the idylls of youth: beauty manifest in lakes, mountains, people; richness in experience, conversation, friendships. Nights during a full moon, the light flooded the wilderness, so it was possible to hike without a head-lamp. We would hit the trail at two a.M., summiting the nearest peak, Mount Tallac, just before sunrise, the clear, starry night reflected in the flat, still lakes spread below Snuggled together in sleeping bags at the peak, nearly ten thousand feet up, we weathered frigid blasts of wind with coffee someone had been thoughtful enough to bring. And then we would sit and watch as the first hint of sunlight, a light tinge of day blue, would leak out of the eastern horizon, slowly erasing the stars. The day sky would spread wide and high, until the first ray of the sun made an appearance. The morning commuters began to animate the distant South Lake Tahoe roads. But craning your head back, you could see the day's blue darken halfway across the sky, and to the west, the night remained yet unconquered-pitch-black, stars in full glimmer, the full moon still pinned in the sky. To the east, the full light of day beamed toward you; to the west, night reigned with no hint of surrender. ⭐️5週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定です) ⑤Discussion on "When Breath Becomes Air" with Lucy Kalanithi and Dean Lloyd Minor https://youtu.be/dsK9FQelDw8 #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#29 page 32 父の日、WBCの映画鑑賞にいきました!
6/18-読んだページ📄 The camp's literature promised, simply, the best summer of your life. I was surprised and flattered to be accepted. Yet I had just learned that macaques had a rudimentary form of culture, and I was eager to go to Yerkes and see what could be the natural origin of meaning itself. In other words, I could either study meaning or I could experience it. After delaying for as long as possible, I finally chose the camp. Afterward, I dropped by my biology adviser's office to inform him of my decision. When I walked in, he was sitting at his desk, head in a journal, as usual. He was a quiet, amiable man with heavy-lidded eyes, but as I told him my plans, he became a different person entirely: his eyes shot open, and his face flushed red, flecks of spit spraying. "What?" he said. "When you grow up, are you going to be a scientist or a ... chef?" Eventually the term ended and I was on the windy mountain road to camp, still slightly worried that I'd made a wrong turn in life. ⭐️5週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定です) ⑤Discussion on "When Breath Becomes Air" with Lucy Kalanithi and Dean Lloyd Minor https://youtu.be/dsK9FQelDw8 #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 📘私が音読の配信を始めるきっかけは #1の放送でお話しています。 継続して、緊張感は少しもちつつ、 配信のプレッシャー感じながら 英語に毎日触れるためです。 1人言のように話しています。 ふと我に返り、録音していることを 思い出し、等身大の私です。 事前準備なく衝動的に発信開始し、 #3の音読から、 事前に意味と単語調べるようにしました。 わたしにとったら、 少し継続のハードル上がったかもしれませんが、いい学びです📝 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#28 page 31 事前に3回読んでも理解乏しいままの配信、今後の継続対策。
6/17- 音読した文章のページ📘 Meaning, while a slippery concept, seemed inextricable from human relationships and moral values. T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land resonated profoundly, relating meaninglessness and isolation, and the desperate quest for human connection. I found Eliot's metaphors leaking into my own language. Other authors resonated as well. Nabo-kov, for his awareness of how our suffering can make us callous to the obvious suffering of another. Conrad, for is hypertuned sense of how miscommunication between people can so profoundly impact their lives. Literature not only illuminated another's experience, it provided, I believed, the richest material for moral refection. My brief forays into the formal ethics of analytic philosophy felt dry as a bone, missing the messiness and weight of real human life. Throughout college, my monastic, scholarly study of human meaning would conflict with my urge to forge and strengthen the human relationships that formed that meaning. If the unexamined life was not worth liv-ing, was the unlived life worth examining? Heading into my sophomore summer, I applied for two jobs: as an in-tern at the highly scientific Yerkes Primate Researd Center, in Atlanta, and as a prep chef at Sierra Campa family vacation spot for Stanford alumni on the pristine shores of Fallen Leaf Lake, abutting the stark beauty of Desolation Wilderness in Eldorado National Forest . ⭐️5週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ ⑤Discussion on "When Breath Becomes Air" with Lucy Kalanithi and Dean Lloyd Minor 50分くらい https://youtu.be/dsK9FQelDw8 対談の概要 Lucy Kalanithi is the widow of the author, Paul Kalanithi, and Dean Lloyd Minor is the Dean of the Stanford University School of Medicine, where Paul Kalanithi was a student. The conversation revolves around the themes and impact of the book, as well as the lessons learned from Paul's journey as a neurosurgeon and his battle with terminal cancer. They explore topics such as the search for meaning in life, the doctor-patient relationship, and the importance of empathy and compassion in healthcare. The discussion offers insights into the profound and thought-provoking aspects of the book and its relevance in the medical field. #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 📘 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#27 page 30 看護学生時代をふと振り返りました。あとは余談ばかり🤭
6/16- It wasn't high culture. It should have been funny, but it wasn't. However, it didn't make the throwaway assumption that the mind was simply the operation of the brain. An idea that struck me was force it's titled my naïve understanding of the world. Of course, it must be true. What were our brains doing? Otherwise, though we had free will, we were also biological organisms.-the brain was an organ subject to all the laws of physics, too. Literature provided a rich account of human meaning the brain then was the machinery that somehow enabled it. It seemed like magic. That night, in my room, I open up my red Stanford course catalog, which I had to read through dozens of times, and grabbed a highlighter. In addition to all the literature classes I had marked I began looking in biology and neuroscience as well. A few years later, I hadn't thought much more about a career, but had a yearly completed degrees in English literature and human biology. I was driven less by achievement them by trying to understand, in earnest: what makes human life meaningful? I still felt literature provided the best account of the life of the mind, while neuroscience laid down the most elegant rules of the brain. chatGPTに中学生でもわかる程度の日本語で要約してほしいと聞くと、 ☟ このページでは、おもしろいはずの本が実は面白くなかったと言っています。でもその本は、脳だけが心の全てを操作しているわけではないと考えています。脳は物理の法則に従っているけれども、文学は人間の意味を豊かに説明してくれるし、脳はそれを実現するための機械のようなものだと感じました。この考えから、脳と心の関係に興味を持ち、生物学や神経科学の勉強も始めました。数年後、英文学と人間生物学の学位を取得しました。自分の人生の意味を真剣に理解しようとしているのです。 ⭐️4週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定です) ④Jeevan Kalanithi @ 5x15 - When Breath Becomes Air https://youtu.be/VOnO136CYIM Jeevan Kalanithi is a technologist, entrepreneur and younger brother of Paul Kalanithi, whose posthumous memoir 'When Breath Becomes Air' is shortlisted for the Wellcome Book Prize 2017. #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 📘私が音読の配信を始めるきっかけは #1の放送でお話しています。 継続して、緊張感は少しもちつつ、 配信のプレッシャー感じながら 英語に毎日触れるためです。 1人言のように話しています。 ふと我に返り、録音していることを 思い出し、等身大の私です。 事前準備なく衝動的に発信開始し、 #3の音読から、 事前に意味と単語調べるようにしました。 わたしにとったら、 少し継続のハードル上がったかもしれませんが、いい学びです📝 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#26 page 29 継続中。記憶の話からするつもりなかった脳血流の話🧠🤭
6/15本文の文字起こし I was taken with her worldliness the sense that she knew the secret one only learned at college. She had studied psychology and read often meet as she got off work. She was a hardbinger of the sub rosa, the New World awaiting me in just a few weeks. One afternoon I woke from my nap, looked up, and so vultures, circling, mistaking me for carrion. I checked my watch. It was almost 3. I was going to be late. I dusted off my jeans and jogged the rest of the way through the desert, until sand gave way to pavement, the first buildings appeared, and I rounded the corner to find Abigail, broom in hand, sweeping the coffee shop deck. ' I already cleaned the espresso machine', she said,' so no iced latte for you today. ' The floors swept, we went inside. Abigail walked to the cash register and picked up a paper bag. She'd stashed there. ' here 'she said, tossing it at me. " you should read this. You're always reading such high culture. Crap why don't you try something lol bro for once?. '" It was a 500 page novel called Satan: His psychotherapy, and Cure by the Unfortunate Dr.Kassler, J. S. P.S., by Jeremy Leven. I took it home and read it in a day. ⭐️4週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定です) ④Jeevan Kalanithi @ 5x15 - When Breath Becomes Air https://youtu.be/VOnO136CYIM Jeevan Kalanithi is a technologist, entrepreneur and younger brother of Paul Kalanithi, whose posthumous memoir 'When Breath Becomes Air' is shortlisted for the Wellcome Book Prize 2017. #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 📘私が音読の配信を始めるきっかけは #1の放送でお話しています。 継続して、緊張感は少しもちつつ、 配信のプレッシャー感じながら 英語に毎日触れるためです。 1人言のように話しています。 ふと我に返り、録音していることを 思い出し、等身大の私です。 事前準備なく衝動的に発信開始し、 #3の音読から、 事前に意味と単語調べるようにしました。 わたしにとったら、 少し継続のハードル上がったかもしれませんが、いい学びです📝 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#25 page 28 独り言メインです。3good things など
6/14 She was a phenom she took it upon herself to transform the kingdom school system, and she did. Suddenly there was a feeling in our high school. That's the two mountain ranges that founded the town so no longer defined the horizon: it was what lay beyond them. Senior year, my close friend Leo, our salutatorian and the poorest kid I knew, was advised by the school, guidance, counselor,' you're smart-you should join the army'. He told me about it afterward. "Fuck that" he said. "If you are going to Harvard, or Yale, or Stanford, then I am too. " I don't know if I was happier when I got into Stanford or when Leo l got into Yale. Summer past, and since Stanford began classes a month later than every other school, all of my friends scattered, leaving me behind. Most afternoons, I'd trek into the desert alone and nap and I think until my girlfriend, Abigail, got off her shift at Kingman's lone coffee shop. The desert offered a shortcut through the mountains, and down into town, and hiking was more fun than driving. Abigail was in her early 20s, a student at Scripps college who, wanting to avoid loans was taking a semester off to stockpile tuition money. ⭐️4週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定です) ④Jeevan Kalanithi @ 5x15 - When Breath Becomes Air https://youtu.be/VOnO136CYIM Jeevan Kalanithi is a technologist, entrepreneur and younger brother of Paul Kalanithi, whose posthumous memoir 'When Breath Becomes Air' is shortlisted for the Wellcome Book Prize 2017. #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 📘私が音読の配信を始めるきっかけは #1の放送でお話しています。 継続して、緊張感は少しもちつつ、 配信のプレッシャー感じながら 英語に毎日触れるためです。 1人言のように話しています。 ふと我に返り、録音していることを 思い出し、等身大の私です。 事前準備なく衝動的に発信開始し、 #3の音読から、 事前に意味と単語調べるようにしました。 わたしにとったら、 少し継続のハードル上がったかもしれませんが、いい学びです📝 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#24 page 27 まとまらず、とりあえず音読、配信継続中。特にないです。
6/13 pege27の要約(chatGPTに私の音読を音声入力して要約してもらいました。) The book "Brave New World" had a profound impact on my early beliefs and values. I wrote my college admissions essay based on this book, arguing that happiness shouldn't be the sole purpose of life. During my teenage years, I found comfort in reading Shakespeare's "Hamlet" repeatedly, as well as other romantic poems. These literary works accompanied me and my friends on thrilling adventures in high school, like sneaking out at night to serenade the cheerleading team captain beneath her window. We felt safer doing this because her father was a local minister. One night, when I was caught returning home at dawn, my worried mother questioned me about drugs without realizing that the most intoxicating thing in my life was the overwhelming volume of romantic poetry she had given me the week before. Books became my closest allies, offering diverse perspectives on the world. To ensure our education, my mother drove us over 100 miles to Las Vegas, the nearest major city, so we could take crucial exams such as the PSATs, SATs, and ACTs. She actively participated in the school board, rallied teachers, and advocated for the inclusion of AP classes in the curriculum. Both the SAT and ACT are used by students to demonstrate their academic abilities and are factors considered by colleges during the admissions process. AP stands for Advanced Placement. AP classes are high school courses in the United States that offer college-level curriculum and assessments. ⭐️4週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定です) ④Jeevan Kalanithi @ 5x15 - When Breath Becomes Air https://youtu.be/VOnO136CYIM Jeevan Kalanithi is a technologist, entrepreneur and younger brother of Paul Kalanithi, whose posthumous memoir 'When Breath Becomes Air' is shortlisted for the Wellcome Book Prize 2017. #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 📘私が音読の配信を始めるきっかけは #1の放送でお話しています。 継続して、緊張感は少しもちつつ、 配信のプレッシャー感じながら 英語に毎日触れるためです。 1人言のように話しています。 ふと我に返り、録音していることを 思い出し、等身大の私です。 事前準備なく衝動的に発信開始し、 #3の音読から、 事前に意味と単語調べるようにしました。 わたしにとったら、 少し継続のハードル上がったかもしれませんが、いい学びです📝 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
#23 page 26 本のタイトルが読めないまま。要約の文も音読しました。
6/12 今日読んだページの要約、これも音読しました。 During the night, my mother would sometimes cry when she was alone in her bed because she worried about the school system in Kingman and how it would affect her children's education. She hadn't read many books herself because she was busy raising us in a foreign country after getting married young and being trained as a physiologist in India. However, she was determined to make sure we didn't miss out. When I was just 10 years old, she gave me a book that had some adult content, which shocked me, but it also made me appreciate language more. We then started reading different types of books, like exciting adventures, mysterious stories, and well-known classics written by famous authors. As I grew older, I started choosing books from the list on my own, and my older brother, who was in college, would send me books he had read. Some of these books had a strong impact on me, while others didn't affect me as much. ⭐️4週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️ (1週間に1回、この本の著者のポールや妻のLucyに関する動画を紹介予定です) ④Jeevan Kalanithi @ 5x15 - When Breath Becomes Air https://youtu.be/VOnO136CYIM Jeevan Kalanithi is a technologist, entrepreneur and younger brother of Paul Kalanithi, whose posthumous memoir 'When Breath Becomes Air' is shortlisted for the Wellcome Book Prize 2017. #英語音読 #Whenbreathbecomesair #いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房 📕When breath becomes airの本📕 https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-02-9781784701994 When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B 📘わたしが去年医学英語検定に向けて学び、 今年から読書を習慣目標に、洋書も読み出すようになりました。 そして、この本では、以前学んだ単語にもたくさん出会えたこと、 医療現場と患者家族の苦悩もイメージができたこと、 それが完読につながりました。 この本を音読2回目で、 録音、発信を挑戦中です。 📘私が音読の配信を始めるきっかけは #1の放送でお話しています。 継続して、緊張感は少しもちつつ、 配信のプレッシャー感じながら 英語に毎日触れるためです。 1人言のように話しています。 ふと我に返り、録音していることを 思い出し、等身大の私です。 事前準備なく衝動的に発信開始し、 #3の音読から、 事前に意味と単語調べるようにしました。 わたしにとったら、 少し継続のハードル上がったかもしれませんが、いい学びです📝 さぁ、いつまで、継続できるか チャレンジ中です💪 【自己紹介】はご興味あれば、 プロフィール欄に記載しています。 よろしくお願いします🙇♀️ --- stand.fmでは、この放送にいいね・コメント・レター送信ができます。 https://stand.fm/channels/62d3519f1459d9dde088d99f
ブンゴウサーチ for Kids( https://bungo-search.com/juvenile )から、文学作品を朗読します。 【姉妹番組など】 https://lit.link/azekura 【LISTEN】https://listen.style/p/roudokusuruhito?jl9s8Nod
朗読 de ポッドキャスト
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オドリバ 〜ちょっと立ち止まって、仕事と暮らしのことを考える時間〜
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