1. 📘英語の音読と日本語で声日記
  2. #37 page 40 仕事の振り返りに..
2023-06-26 04:41

#37 page 40 仕事の振り返りに時間がかかり、配信は急いでしま

Great literary works provided their own sets of tools, compelling the reader to use that vocabulary. For my thesis, I studied the work of Walt Whitman, a poet who, a century be-fore, was possessed by the same questions that haunted me, who wanted to find a way to understand and describe what he termed "the Physiological-Spiritual Man." As I finished my thesis, I could only conclude that Whitman had had no better luck than the rest of us at building a coherent "physiological-spiritual" vocabulary, but at least the ways in which he'd failed were illuminating. I was also increasingly certain that I had little desire to continue in literary studies, whose main preoccupations had begun to strike me as overly political and averse to science. One of my thesis advisers remarked that finding a community for myself in the literary world would be difficult, because most English PhDs reacted to science, as he put it, "like apes to fire, with sheer terror." I wasn't sure where my life was headed. My thesis-
"Whitman and the Medicalization of Personality"-was well-received, but it was unorthodox, including as much history of psychiatry and neuroscience as literary criticism. It didn't quite fit in an English department. I didn't fit in an English department.

⭐️6週目 この本に関する今週の関連動画⭐️

⑥A Strange Relativity: Altered Time for Surgeon-Turned-Patient

#いま、希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房
📕When breath becomes airの本📕

When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B




一応予習で読んだんですけど、結構難しかったです。はい、今日もWhen Breath Becomes Air、ポール・カラネシさんの本で、40ページの2行目からになります。
Great literary works provided their own sets of tools, compelling the reader to use that vocabulary.
For my thesis, I studied the work of Walt Whitman, a poet who, a century before, was possessed by the same questions that haunted me, who wanted to find a way to understand and describe what he termed the physiological spiritual man.
As I finished my thesis, I could only conclude that Whitman had had no better luck than the rest of us at building a coherent physiological spiritual vocabulary, but at least the ways in which he felt were illuminating.
I was also increasingly certain that I had little desire to continue in literary studies, whose main preoccupations had begun to strike me as overly political and averse to science.
One of my thesis advisors remarked that finding a community for myself in the literary world would be difficult, because most English PhDs reacted to science, as he put it, like apes to fire with sheer terror.
However, I wasn't sure where my life was headed. My thesis, Whitman and the Medicalization of Personality, was well received, but it was unorthodox, including as much history of psychiatry and neuroscience as literary criticism.
It didn't quite fit in an English department. I didn't quite fit in an English department.
I wasn't sure where my life was headed.
I wasn't sure where my life was headed.
I didn't quite fit in an English department. I wasn't sure where my life was headed. I didn't quite fit in an English department.
I didn't quite fit in an English department. I didn't quite fit in an English department. I didn't quite fit in an English department.
It takes time, but I'll do my best tomorrow. Let's all do our best this week.

