Move a podcast
Podcasts hosted on external services can be moved (imported) into LISTEN. There are two steps to the import function.
(1) Click the icon in the upper right corner of the top page screen,
(2) Select "Dashboard".
Click next to the name of the podcast channel you wish to move to LISTEN and select "Move Podcast to LISTEN".
Switching the podcast's distributor to LISTEN
Select “Switch podcast source from an external distribution service to LISTEN.”
If your selection changes to "This podcast has already been transferred to LISTEN. is displayed, the switch of the podcast source is complete.
This process is to switch the podcast channel's owner to LISTEN. Therefore, the audio files of the episodes will not be copied. If you wish to switch the settings in LISTEN while keeping the original files at the old distributor site, please follow this procedure.
Importing all episodes into LISTEN
Select "Import all episodes into LISTEN. (Please note that this process can take a very long time.)
Once all episodes have been migrated, you will no longer see " Move podcasts to LISTEN" on your dashboard.
*This process imports all episodes hosted on external services into LISTEN. All audio and image files for the episodes will be hosted in LISTEN.