Megumi’s Daily Japanese Adventures【日本語Podcast】

Megumi’s Daily Japanese Adventures【日本語Podcast】

Megumi. 46 Episodes

Japanese teacher MC Megumi will talk about my daily life.
I will talk about my daily discoveries and topics in my daily life. I will also introduce some of the places I have traveled to in Japan that I recommend.
I would like people who are studying Japanese to listen to it for listening practice.
●Message to Megumi/Transcript
日本語の先生・MC Megumiの日常生活を話します。毎日の生活の中での発見やトピックスについて短く話します。私が旅行した日本のおすすめの場所も紹介します。日本語を勉強している人にリスニングの練習に聞いてほしいです。
お寿司・たこ焼き・すき焼き、家で楽しむ日本食体験!Sushi, Takoyaki, Sukiyaki: Enjoying the Japanese Cuisine Experience at Home!

お寿司・たこ焼き・すき焼き、家で楽しむ日本食体験!Sushi, Takoyaki, Sukiyaki: Enjoying the Japanese Cuisine Experience at Home!

Feb 20, 2025 08:59 Megumi.

Sushi, Takoyaki, Sukiyaki: Enjoying Japanese Cuisine at Home!In this episode, we welcome a family of friends from abroad who visited my home and experienced the joy of making Japanese cuisine together. We enjoyed sushi, takoyaki, and sukiyaki, immersing ourselves in the charm of Japanese home cooking. As we share the delights of cultural exchange and the joy of experiencing local life, we look back on a fun and memorable time. Stay tuned!Please submit transcripts, messages, and episode requests through my website.

日本のお正月の過ごし方と新年の目標How to spend new year's in japan and new year goals.

日本のお正月の過ごし方と新年の目標How to spend new year's in japan and new year goals.

Jan 17, 2025 08:43 Megumi.

日本のお正月の過ごし方と新年の目標 How to spend new year's in Japan and new year goals. Learn about how to spend new year's in Japan and new year goals. I share my personal experiences from the year-end and new year's period and introduce traditional Japanese customs such as new year's cards and osechi cuisine. Transcript Photos Learn Japanese with Megumi :short sweet grammar on YouTube

日本旅行と温泉の楽しみ方。四文字熟語とともにHow to Enjoy Traveling in Japan and Onsen: Introduced in My Lessons, Along with Four-Character Idioms

日本旅行と温泉の楽しみ方。四文字熟語とともにHow to Enjoy Traveling in Japan and Onsen: Introduced in My Lessons, Along with Four-Character Idioms

Dec 27, 2024 11:03 Megumi.

日本旅行と温泉の楽しみ方。四文字熟語とともにHow to Enjoy Traveling in Japan and Onsen: Introduced in My Lessons, Along with Four-Character Idioms A Year in Review, Travel Qualifications and Hot Springs Trip, and Introduction to My Japanese Classes. You can also learn useful phrases for traveling in Japan. I use many four-character idioms in my talk. Transcript #japantravel #learnjapanese

私のおすすめ!高知の魅力満載!足摺岬と仁淀川の絶景 "My Recommendation! Discovering the Charms of Kochi! The Stunning Views of Ashizuri Cape and Niyodo River"

私のおすすめ!高知の魅力満載!足摺岬と仁淀川の絶景 "My Recommendation! Discovering the Charms of Kochi! The Stunning Views of Ashizuri Cape and Niyodo River"

Nov 27, 2024 13:27 Megumi.

In this episode, we explore the breathtaking spots of Kochi, including Ashizuri Cape and Niyodo River. Enjoy the beautiful nature, hot springs, and local cuisine. Transcript,Photos,messege to Megumi

Upcoming Episode Teaser - Discovering the Charms of Kochi in a 3-Day Adventure!Day3

Upcoming Episode Teaser - Discovering the Charms of Kochi in a 3-Day Adventure!Day3

Nov 26, 2024 01:00 Megumi.

3-day trip to Kochi: The final day takes you to Matsuyama City in Ehime Prefecture. Don’t miss the highlights on the last day.

Upcoming Episode Teaser - Discovering the Charms of Kochi in a 3-Day Adventure!Day2

Upcoming Episode Teaser - Discovering the Charms of Kochi in a 3-Day Adventure!Day2

Nov 25, 2024 01:24 Megumi.

🎙️ Discovering the Charms of Kochi in a 3-Day Adventure! -Day2 Coming soon! This teaser introduces the highlights of my journey. For the full adventure, tune in to my podcast! #Podcast #Kochi #JapanTravel

Upcoming Episode Teaser - Discovering the Charms of Kochi in a 3-Day Adventure!Day1

Upcoming Episode Teaser - Discovering the Charms of Kochi in a 3-Day Adventure!Day1

Nov 24, 2024 01:00 Megumi.

🎙️ Discovering the Charms of Kochi in a 3-Day Adventure! -Day1 Coming soon! This teaser introduces the highlights of my journey. For the full adventure, tune in to my podcast! #Podcast #Kochi #JapanTravel

なぜあなたはそれをそこで食べますか⁉私が驚いた食事の現場。Why do you eat it there⁉ I was surprised, the eating scene.

なぜあなたはそれをそこで食べますか⁉私が驚いた食事の現場。Why do you eat it there⁉ I was surprised, the eating scene.

Oct 31, 2024 10:46 Megumi.

なぜあなたはそれをそこで食べますか⁉私が驚いた食事の現場。Why do you eat it there⁉ I was surprised, the eating scene. Recently, I saw a scene of eating and drinking in the food section of a department store or on a train. Is that good? Not good? Why not? Why do you eat it here? I was really surprised by the scene. Does it depend on one's way of thinking or culture? Transcript,Photos,messege to Megumi DkLUXoLWMoc6UoU0c9dC

大忙しの8-9月、先週・明後日・翌週?いろいろな日にちの言い方。Very busy August-September, last week, next day, next week? Various ways to say the date.

大忙しの8-9月、先週・明後日・翌週?いろいろな日にちの言い方。Very busy August-September, last week, next day, next week? Various ways to say the date.

Sep 30, 2024 13:55 Megumi.

I am talking about my experience with Japanese funerals and busy August-September episodes. Introduces various ways of saying the date. There are also quizzes like listening comprehension questions. sensyu/ last week先週, yokujitsu/next day翌日, raisyu/next week来週? Various ways to say the date. ☺I look forward to your message/episode requests. 大忙しの8-9月、いろいろな日にちの言い方を紹介しています。 Transcript,Photos,messege to Megumi

まちがえたら大丈夫じゃない!便利な言葉「大丈夫」の使い方 If you make a mistake, it's not okay! How to use the useful word “Daijoubu”.

まちがえたら大丈夫じゃない!便利な言葉「大丈夫」の使い方 If you make a mistake, it's not okay! How to use the useful word “Daijoubu”.

Aug 24, 2024 09:46 Megumi.

間違えたら大丈夫じゃない! 便利な言葉「大丈夫」の使い方 If you make a mistake, it's not okay! How to use the useful word “Daijoubu”. The word “Daijoubu” is easy to remember and use. But if used incorrectly, it can mean the opposite. How to answer using “Daijoubu.” I talk about my usage with examples. 覚えやすくて使いやすい「大丈夫」という言葉。 でも使い方を間違えると逆の意味になる。「大丈夫」を使った答え方。例と一緒に私の使い方を話しています。 Transcript Megumi's Daily Japanese Adventures - YouTube

米沢牛に山形そば、お米にお酒 とってもおいしい山形へ。Yonezawa beef, Yamagata soba, rice, sake, and super delicious, go on a trip to Yamagata Prefecture!

米沢牛に山形そば、お米にお酒 とってもおいしい山形へ。Yonezawa beef, Yamagata soba, rice, sake, and super delicious, go on a trip to Yamagata Prefecture!

Jul 25, 2024 12:27 Megumi.

Yonezawa beef, Yamagata soba, rice, sake, and super delicious, go on a trip to Yamagata Prefecture! 米沢牛に山形そば、お米にお酒、とってもおいしい山形へ。 I introduce my trip to Yamagata, where there are many delicious foods. Please also look at the photos. Transcript Photos message to Megumi

しまなみ海道の旅。たっぷり、どっさり副詞とともに。Shimanami Kaido Travel and plenty of adverbs

しまなみ海道の旅。たっぷり、どっさり副詞とともに。Shimanami Kaido Travel and plenty of adverbs

Jun 24, 2024 11:44 Megumi.

Shimanami Kaido Travel and plenty of adverbs. しまなみ海道の旅。たっぷり、どっさり副詞とともに。 A story about a trip along the Seto Inland Sea Shimanami Kaido. I speak with many adverbs. I put many pictures of very beautiful scenery and sea. Please listen to the story while looking at the pictures. For transcripts and adverb explanations, many photos, and messages to me, please visit my homepage.

食事の「食べ残し」と「持ち帰り」Leftovers and takeaways when eating in Japan

食事の「食べ残し」と「持ち帰り」Leftovers and takeaways when eating in Japan

May 24, 2024 10:43 Megumi.

Leftovers and takeaways when eating in Japan. I would like to share my experience and thoughts on "leftovers" and "take-out" of meals in Japan. I hope you will find it useful when you eat in Japan. Transcript, photos, message to Megumi. Instagram: megumi.class 日本での食事の「食べ残し」と「持ち帰り」に考え方ついて私の経験と共に話しています。日本旅行で食事をするときの参考にしてもらえると嬉しいです。

大型手荷物に遭遇、新幹線のルールEncountering large baggage, Shinkansen rules

大型手荷物に遭遇、新幹線のルールEncountering large baggage, Shinkansen rules

Apr 20, 2024 09:54 Megumi.

大型手荷物に遭遇、新幹線のルール Encountering large baggage, Shinkansen rules My experience with large baggage on the Shinkansen. I talk about the luggage racks and rules of the Shinkansen that tourists use when traveling to Japan. I think it will be helpful for you to come to Japan and take the Shinkansen. 私が新幹線の中で経験した、大きな手荷物の話。 観光客が日本旅行する時に利用する新幹線の荷物棚やルールについて話しています。あなたが日本に来て新幹線に乗るための参考になると思います。 Transcript, photos, message to Megumi. Instagram: megumi.class

自然災害への私の備えMy Preparedness for Natural Disasters

自然災害への私の備えMy Preparedness for Natural Disasters

Mar 10, 2024 11:58 Megumi.

自然災害への私の備えMy Preparedness for Natural Disasters I received a question from a listener, "I would like to live in Japan, but I am worried about natural disasters. What measures are you taking?" In response to this question Based on my past experiences, I will discuss my disaster prevention measures that anyone can take. Transcript Please feel free to send me a message or a request here.

 山口県の旅② 萩・秋芳洞、そして...Yamaguchi Prefecture②Hagi, Akiyoshido, and …

山口県の旅② 萩・秋芳洞、そして...Yamaguchi Prefecture②Hagi, Akiyoshido, and …

Feb 1, 2024 08:48 Megumi.

山口県の旅② 萩・秋芳洞、そして... Yamaguchi Prefecture②Hagi, Akiyoshido, and … 前回から続く山口県の旅。今回は絶景スポットを紹介します。 Continuing from the last issue, a trip to Yamaguchi Prefecture. This time, I will introduce some spots with spectacular views. Transcript/Photo To request an episode, please use the Contact me on the website. Instagram megumi.class

山口県の旅① 念願の温泉旅館へ。Trip to Yamaguchi prefecture① to my long-awaited hot spring inn.

山口県の旅① 念願の温泉旅館へ。Trip to Yamaguchi prefecture① to my long-awaited hot spring inn.

Jan 21, 2024 08:37 Megumi.

I have been wanting to visit a hot spring inn in Yamaguchi Prefecture for a long time. Here are some delicious meals and sightseeing spots in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Photos and Transcript are on the Website. ずーっと前から行ってみたかった山口県の温泉旅館にいってきました。 山口県の美味しい食事と観光スポットを紹介しています。

2023年のまとめ。実は、今日は... Let’s wrap up 2023 Actually, today...

2023年のまとめ。実は、今日は... Let’s wrap up 2023 Actually, today...

Dec 27, 2023 11:04 Megumi.

Let’s wrap up 2023 Actually, today... With thanks for 2023. An update and happy report. Actually, what is today? Please check my WEBSITE for Transcript and photos. Please feel free to send me a message or comment. 2023年のまとめ。 実は、今日は・・・? 2023年の感謝をこめて。

夜のジョギング、私の痛い事件。Jogging at night, my painful incident.

夜のジョギング、私の痛い事件。Jogging at night, my painful incident.

Nov 6, 2023 07:47 Megumi.

夜のジョギング、私の痛い事件。 最近、夜の写真を撮るためにジョギングを始めたのですが、大転倒した笑う話をご紹介します。 病院でよく使う言葉が出てきます。 Jogging at night, my painful incident. I recently started jogging to take night pictures and here's a funny story about falling and hurting myself. I use the language we speak in the hospital. Transcript

茨城~福島を新発見!秋の温泉旅行 New Discovery of Ibaraki~Fukushima! Autumn Onsen (hot spring) Trip

茨城~福島を新発見!秋の温泉旅行 New Discovery of Ibaraki~Fukushima! Autumn Onsen (hot spring) Trip

Oct 10, 2023 09:43 Megumi.

茨城~福島を新発見!秋の温泉旅行 久しぶりの旅シリーズ。茨城県から福島県に行ってきました。 今までとはちょっと違う、新しい発見がある旅でした。 楽しかった1泊2日の出来事をお話しています。 New Discovery of Ibaraki~Fukushima! Autumn Onsen (hot spring) Trip It's been a while since I've shared a series of travel episodes with you. I went to Fukushima Prefecture from Ibaraki Prefecture. It was a trip with new discoveries, a bit different from the past. I am telling you about the events of our fun-filled 2 days and 1 night. For transcripts, episode requests, and messages to Megumi, please contact the Website.



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いせさきFM&ラヂオななみ共同制作ラジオ番組(FM76.9&FM77.3) ・「いせたまボイス」佐波伊勢崎地域のヒトの声をお届け!(ゲストコーナー) ・中村泉の三味線・民謡ラジオ(毎週火曜日18:30) LISTENポッドキャスト: ※文字でもご覧いただけます。

ニイナの日本語部屋(Niina’s Japanese Room)

ニイナの日本語部屋(Niina’s Japanese Room)

We will introduce Japanese culture and chat in Japanese! If you are studying Japanese or just like Japan, please listen to us! ◎◎Instagram →ninajapaneseroom






先週起こったことを振り返る 私の日記帳


