Hi, I am Koba / Yasu. I will be mumbling my thoughts in daily life.
#09 Looking back Nov/2023-Sep/2024
It’s been almost a year since my last podcast. How am I doing? That is today’s episode; 6 topics. 1. About my family issue, 2. About my physical issue, 3. Started to learn coaching, 4. Started journaling, 5. Continues to learn contract bridge, and 6. Making new friends through these activities.
#08 Looking back October
I would like to look back my October. 1. Still busy at work. 2. Started taking contract bridge class. 3.Started to face my future career, seriously. 4.Still low on monthly running milage.
#07 Looking_back_September
I would like to look back my September. There are four topics; 1. Busy at work at the end of September for troubleshooting. 2. Met one of my best friends. 3. Faced to think of my future career. 4. Still low on monthly running milage.
#06 Remembering Joan
Two years ago, of today, Oct 7, one of the most important person went to heaven. She is Joan Beesley, one of the best friends of my mother, and also my mother in the U.S. Without her, I would't be as I am right now. I will be talking about 1.how she helped to change my life, and 2.“nothing is more important as timing” as I recall the last time to see her.
#05 How to build language skill
Today’s podcast is about “how to build language skill”. There are three things. 1. Speech shadowing. 2. Try to listen news NOT with your native language, but with the language that you would like to develop. 3. Set language in your smartphone with the language that you would like to develop.
#04 Looking back August
I would like to look back my August. This is my updates, in a way. There are five topics; 1. Met one of my best friends and their famliy. 2. Achieved goals on business and private. 3. Started this podcast. 4. Went to trial lesson of contract bridge. 5. Decline of physical strength.
#02 Importance of having principle
In this episode, I would like to share 1.Importance of having principle and 2. What is my principle? “442: Live with Honor, Die with Dignity” https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1653647/?ref_=vp_close
#01 Introduction
In this first episode, I would like to Introduce myself and to share why I start this podcast.
@narumi のつぶやき
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ブロガーとして人気の2人が話すポッドキャスト番組です。最近話題のニュース、日常に役立つ面白ネタなどを話します。国内・海外のIT事情に興味ある人にオススメの内容になっています。 ・お便りは https://goo.gl/p38JVb まで ・詳しいリンクはこちら https://linktr.ee/dongurifm ・リスナーコミュニティ「裏ドングリ」は以下からどうぞ https://community.camp-fire.jp/projects/view/206637 https://donguri.fm/membership/join BGMと最後の締めの曲はフリーBGM・音楽素材「 http://musmus.main.jp 」より。
運転しながら頭の中を垂れ流し ※音質わるいです🙇🏼♀️
株式会社はてな創業者であり現在もITの第一線で働く近藤淳也が、京都の宿UNKNOWN KYOTOにやって来る「好きなことを仕事にしている人」を深堀りすることで、世の中の多様な仕事やキャリア、生き方・働き方を「リアルな実例」として紐解いていきます。 . 【ホスト:近藤淳也】 株式会社OND代表取締役社長、株式会社はてな取締役、UNKNOWN KYOTO支配人、NPO法人滋賀一周トレイル代表理事、トレイルランナー。 2001年に「はてなブログ」「はてなブックマーク」などを運営する株式会社はてなを創業、2011年にマザーズにて上場。その後2017年に株式会社ONDを設立し、現在もITの第一線で働く。 株式会社OND: https://ond-inc.com/ . 【UNKNOWN KYOTO】 築100年を超える元遊郭建築を改装し、仕事もできて暮らせる宿に。コワーキングやオフィスを併設することで、宿泊として来られる方と京都を拠点に働く方が交わる場所になっています。 1泊の観光目的の利用だけではなく、中長期滞在される方にも好評いただいています。 web: https://unknown.kyoto/ . こちらから本文を読んだりコメントが書けます! https://listen.style/p/unknownradio