1. Carpe Diem Seize the day
  2. #06 Remembering Joan
2023-10-07 05:57

#06 Remembering Joan

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Two years ago, of today, Oct 7, one of the most important person went to heaven.  She is Joan Beesley, one of the best friends of my mother, and also my mother in the U.S. Without her, I would't be as I am right now. I will be talking about 1.how she helped to change my life, and 2.“nothing is more important as timing” as I recall the last time to see her.

Hi, I'm Koba Yasu. This is Carpe Diem Seize the day. I'll be remembering my thoughts in daily life.
Two years ago of today, October 7, one of the most important person went to heaven.
She's Joan Beasley, one of the best friends of my mother and also my mother in the US.
Without her, I wouldn't be as I am right now. I will be talking about 1. How she helped to change my life and 2. Nothing is more important as timing, as I recall the last time I had to see her.
It all started in 1961 in Japan when my mother was looking for someone to teach her English
in her hometown. At that time, Joan was with her family whose husband was stationed in Japan as a
as a naval officer. Joan and mother became friends and their friendship continued even after Joan gave birth to their twins and went back to the US.
1. How she helped to change my life. In the 1990s, when I started to think of going to off-campus study
in the US, Joan helped me in many ways and even her children which is now my best friends
helped me to take campus tour. This support led me to start my student life in the US.
My off-campus study in the US brought me confidence in IT and English and I was able to
pursue a career as an IT engineer. During my college life in the US, she was really my mother.
She came to homecoming day so that I would not feel lonely. She took me back to her house during the
holiday season and treated me like her family. Family dinner at Thanksgiving and Christmas
with her mother and children has been one of the most important memories. She also has a good sense
of design. Her house always decorated with seasonal things with unified color coordination.
Her cottage on the lake, it was a yellow based design and color and I really loved that.
2. Nothing is more important as timing. After the off-campus study, I wasn't able to come to see her that often
but every time I come to the US, I drop by her house and saw her. 2018 was the last time to see her.
After that, due to the pandemic, we were not able to move freely and I couldn't see after that.
Through this experience, I felt that nothing is more important as timing. Today, I talk about
memory of my important person, Joanne Beasley, who went to heaven today of two years ago. She
is a good friend of my mother and she is my second mother. I also appreciate that their friendship
continues to the next generation with their children, Brian, Brenda, and Chuck.
Hoping that Joanne is looking how we are doing from above. Thanks for listening. See you next time.

