1. Carpe Diem Seize the day
  2. #08 Looking back October
2023-11-14 05:11

#08 Looking back October

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I would like to look back my October. 1. Still busy at work. 2. Started taking contract bridge class. 3.Started to face my future career, seriously. 4.Still low on monthly running milage.



Hi, I'm Koba Yasu. This is Carpe Diem Seize the day. I'll be mapping my thoughts in daily life.
Today's episode is my monthly update. I like to look back my October.
There are four topics. One, I unfortunately still busy at work.
Two, I started taking contract breach class.
Three, I also started to face my future career seriously.
Four, still little on my monthly running mileage.
One, still busy at work. I unfortunately still busy at work.
In October as well, especially before the deadline for reporting to client.
Sometimes I had to work until midnight, which I did not appreciate at all.
Although in such situation, I shifted from night hours to morning hours in my work time couple of times.
And it replaced my working pace. I think it's worked.
So I like to try in November as well.
I still have tennis on my right ear from September.
I think it comes from stress and the lack of sleep. I'm hoping that the prescription drug will work.
Two, I started taking contract breach class.
There are so many rules to learn.
And I feel that the contract breach is not only the game.
But it's like making conversation with the partner with new language,
especially making bits at the beginning of the game.
Three, started to face my future career seriously.
In September, I was asked to think my future career.
And I had to have a one-on-one meeting with my boss.
It went okay at that time, but it gave me a chance to start to think about how I'd like to be in my 50s and 60s seriously.
Four, about my running pace.
I still low on monthly running mileage.
October, I run about 17 miles this month.
Almost same as in August.
Maybe this pace might be the right pace for my current lifestyle.
Today, I shared my monthly updates.
Four topics.
One, I was still busy at work in October.
Two, I started taking contract breach class.
And it's like learning a new language rather than playing the game.
Three, I started to face my future career seriously.
Four, I'm still low on monthly running mileage.
But I also started to think that this pace might be the right pace for my current lifestyle.
Thanks for listening.
See you next time.

