2023-04-19 27:54

#58【遅刻して、長生きだ!】What's the point to be on time?

Haitai people, *English follow



具体的な約束をしなくて済むし、自分の気が向くままに行動できる魔法のコトバ(in Okinawa)。


遅刻する人の大半は楽観的で、非現実的である傾向にあります。と説明するのは、『Never Be Late Again』の著者、ダイアナ・デロンザー。私たちではありません。






Happy announcement. Study finds people who always be late tend to be happier and live longer, it reminds me of so many Okinawan folks.

Although you still need to distinguish kinds of event you might be allowed to be late or not, right?



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遅刻魔は成功する上に長生きする? 迷惑な人たちへの対処法とは

People who are always late tend to be happier and live longer, study finds

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せーの What's up amazing people, this is YASASA
RADIO by Akane and Minami. In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in
Okinawan Japanese and English. はいたーい。
Study says people who are always late will live longer. If you find yourself running late all the
time, here's something that will make you feel better about your tardiness. Not being able to
make it to your appointments on time or missing pick up and drop off times by just a few minutes
can actually be good for you. According to experts at Harvard Medical School, chronic lateness is
actually a positive indicator of how a person handles stress and can actually predict a longer
lifespan for that person. What the researchers found was people who are always running late are
less stressed because they don't allow things like deadlines or time crunches to cause unhealthy
stress. Unlike people who strive to always be on time, people who are always tardy don't allow the
minutes on a clock stress them out. So over time, these people actually have lower occurrences of
stress-related health issues and depression, lower blood pressure, fewer chances for a stroke, and
better cardiovascular health.
Lifestyle expert Southern Living analyzed various research results and found that being late and
long-term success have a strong correlation. In short, stress has a negative effect on our health.
People who are often late are less likely to have a stroke or a high blood pressure because they are
less likely to have stress than people who always try to do things on time.
Not only that, but latecomers seem to have a more positive impression of life and the world.
Many of them are optimistic that they can get to the meeting time while doing what they want to do.
Most people who are late tend to be optimistic and unrealistic.
Never Be Late Again, by Diana DeLonza.
We know from the latest research results that recovery from surgery or fighting illness can have a positive effect.
We are also surprised by the power of a positive attitude to health and life.
If we can see things more optimistically at an earlier stage, there is a high possibility that we can spend the next 15 to 40 years healthily.
In addition, it has been announced by various researchers that the rate of death is also declining.
Of course, it's not good to make the other person wait, but maybe it's okay to relax a little more.
I also allow myself to press the snooze button to some extent.
Always late.
I mean, every time I pick up you in front of your house, you never come out.
I'm so sorry.
When I say I'm coming, you say,
I left the house. I'll be home in 5 minutes.
You say that in front of my house.
You say that very often.
But she's not there.
I'm trying.
But I know you're not there.
Sometimes you say,
Hurry up.
I think you might not be watching anyway.
I think I'll forget.
That's right.
But I've been late since I was a kid.
Is that so?
Yeah, I've been late since I was a kid.
What kind of character was it?
I was late for high school, too.
I fell into the water.
The teacher told my parents.
I was late, so I picked up someone else.
I was late, so I picked up someone else.
I'm a late catcher.
I'm always so happy when I skip classes and meetings.
I'm always so happy when I skip classes and meetings.
If you're late at the beginning,
He's a bad guy who asks me to keep my ass in time.
If you're late at the beginning,
He's a bad guy who asks me to keep my ass in time.
It's a bad personality thing, so I'm like,
it got shorter, didn't it?
or like,
I'm on another call right now,
so I'm like,
let's skip it.
I'll mail it to you.
It's not that important,
so I think I can skip it,
but anyway,
the thing I hate the most in the world is
I'd be happy if everything was skipped.
Of course,
it's fine if it's about hobbies or playing,
but I don't like it.
If I think this is going to happen at this time,
I can't move freely.
You like to be free, don't you?
You don't like to be like...
You don't like the rules
that you have to follow,
I think I'm not good at it.
I think you're not good at it.
You are there, and out might be come.
But if you don't like my style,
let's never hang out.
I tend to make a lot of declarations.
If I don't have this kind of value,
I think I'll probably hate everyone.
I don't want to be angry,
and I don't want to be hated,
so I won't go.
When you go on a trip,
you don't plan anything, right?
You follow people, right?
I take a plane.
I take a plane, but...
I take a hotel.
I don't even plan to make a list.
When we went to Taiwan together,
Akane probably decided
that she wanted to go here,
but Minami was like
a person who follows everything.
She said everything was OK.
I'm grateful for that.
It's a different story
if you plan to be late.
Going on a trip is fun.
So you can be punctual sometimes.
If you're going to a store
where you can't make a reservation,
you're looking forward to it
to the point where you can
stand at the entrance 10 minutes before.
For work,
I have a schedule
but I can't decide the time.
If I don't make a reservation,
or if my friends allow me
to eat while I work,
I might not go.
Minami does both work and drinking
at the same time,
so I try not to do it now,
but I lose my mind
because of that.
It's annoying.
Why do you think Minami is late?
Is Minami late?
Minami is late
she is always late
for online meetings.
Sometimes she wakes up at night.
That's the worst.
In the past,
Minami was always out.
If it's a meeting
with a fixed time,
I try to make it in time,
but Minami is always busy.
She's like,
I'm busy.
She's like a excuse
for me to work.
Sometimes I'm late on purpose.
But other than that,
it's normal.
I can't make a plan
with my friends.
For example,
if I tell them
to go to Disneyland next month,
they won't go.
It's so future.
Or a month ahead.
If you go to Europe,
then I'm down.
If you join me,
like going to Disneyland,
you don't know what to do.
Tell me the day before.
Then I'm down.
I don't have a plan.
I can tell them to go today.
I want them to go
the day before.
But when you say that,
there are quite a few people
who think differently.
In Tokyo.
I was surprised.
if you have more things to do,
you have to
prioritize them.
That's the situation
I'm in now.
I'm down.
There are things I want to do
and things I don't want to do.
And things that are urgent.
If I don't put them in,
I don't know.
Like my schedule.
Or my body.
After doing this,
for example,
there are events the next day.
I can't focus on
the next day's event.
That's one thing.
when I'm late,
I try not to be late.
But I think I can't
calculate time sometimes.
If I go to
Monjayaki at 9,
maybe I start preparing
30 minutes before
because it takes 15 minutes
to get there.
But when I get ready,
I realize
I need to do more.
I need to do something more.
So it's over like 30 minutes.
There are things like that.
So I've never
When I have a meeting,
I don't really wait
in advance.
I'm a bad person.
I think
it's a waste of time.
I know.
I don't want to
drive 40 km per hour.
I know.
I want to drive 100 km per hour.
So you're good at rushing.
I rush.
When I rush to a meeting,
I get a lot of energy
and it goes well.
That's good.
If I'm lazy,
I wait,
my brain stops.
I know.
But when I'm in a hurry,
everything goes
Your adrenaline level
is higher.
Yes, my communication level
goes up.
I guess you're good at
under pressure
in a busy schedule.
Not being on time,
but in a short period
of time, you can keep up
and lift up your motivation.
But other people,
I mean punctual people,
are maybe good at
under pressure of making a schedule.
if you're going to
spend a lot of time on data,
you should quit being punctual.
I agree. I went to Harvard.
But you know,
Japanese people are super punctual.
I agree.
In the US,
I think Japanese people are
In Latin America,
they are so punctual.
I agree.
When I was in Tokyo,
everything was on time.
If you are late,
they don't accept.
That makes me so shocked.
You know,
I can't wait like 5 minutes.
I can't wait for you.
That kind of mindset.
It's about trust.
It's difficult.
It's a cultural difference.
Yours sounds like
natural chikokuma.
Minami is
If you set a time
to be punctual,
you can be punctual.
I don't feel it's worth it.
I don't feel it's worth it.
Of course, when I was a freshman,
there was nothing I could do.
Being punctual
was the easiest.
Except for natural chikokuma.
I couldn't do ADD.
I couldn't do that.
Minami could do that.
But gradually...
5 minutes ago,
or 10 minutes ago,
what would you do?
It's a waste of 10 minutes.
I feel like I lost a lot.
But I think people who do that
are bothering others.
That's what I think.
I cut ties with people like that.
You can go die alone.
We have different vibes.
I can't apologize from the bottom of my heart.
I'm sorry for
making you feel uncomfortable.
But we're not a good match.
That's how it is.
It's impossible.
No matter what you do, it's impossible.
That's why we're friends.
And when Minami
is waiting for me,
I don't really care about Minami in the car.
I don't want to be kept waiting
in front of Hachiko in Shibuya.
That's why sometimes I'm late on purpose.
I'm assuming you know
that I'm late.
I'm like, please go ahead.
Please forget about me.
And then,
you need to branding yourself
as Chikokuma.
You should
make it your style.
You don't always come,
but it's fun to be with you.
That's right.
One of my friends
running his own company,
he's the president.
But he's
a very young president.
And his clients
are big companies
older than him.
They're pretty old.
He said, I'm two hours late for a meeting.
I can't believe it.
It's already finished.
It's not that I'm late.
It's just that I didn't go.
But I'm doing well.
I thought you were a character.
It's like after follow.
And in Tokyo.
It's not because I'm in Okinawa.
In Tokyo,
you can cover
a lot of things.
For example,
I drink a lot.
I'm funny.
There's a lot.
But when I was young,
I didn't have anything.
I'm like Akane.
I'm a latecomer.
As long as it's not ADD, I'll do my best.
You're a latecomer.
I don't think I should quit in a year or two.
Even in the middle of the year,
I'm always on time.
I'll make it a trend.
But that's actually true.
From research.
What was I going to say?
I forgot.
There's a clock.
That's why it's so noisy.
It's just right to move
by looking at the movement of the sun.
It's morning.
Like a party invitation.
From noon until sunset.
I thought it would be nice to have a time group.
That's good.
Sunset depends on the person.
That's right.
I think it's like,
as long as it's bright.
I mean, time doesn't exist.
That's true.
It doesn't really exist.
We all decided it.
It's what humans made.
You don't have to protect it.
That's right.
But is there anything
that you can't miss?
Other than traveling.
Other than fun hobbies.
When I'm really punctual,
it's when I'm getting married.
I want you to do that.
It's so strict.
To myself and to others.
If it's work,
you don't get late,
I don't get late at work.
If everything is work,
it becomes work.
Customers, clients,
those who cause trouble,
I never get late.
When I get late,
my partner
doesn't like it.
Customers, too.
But if I get late,
I apologize from the bottom of my heart.
I don't do it on purpose.
I understand.
Like, I'm really sorry.
And what I've been thinking lately is
when I work with
some clients who are
extremely busy,
I have good match with them.
They are late
to reply,
or make quotes.
Sometimes I'm late,
but I'm so...
How do I say this?
I'm in trouble,
but I'm willing to forgive them.
You're not strict with yourself.
I understand myself.
I'm not doing this,
but I'm busy.
I want to say thank you
even though I'm busy.
That's why
my partner does that to me.
I've been thought
I'm busy lately.
When I ask questions,
many people say
I'm sorry,
but I don't feel that way.
busy branding
is quite effective.
I agree.
It brings people together.
It's like,
I'm taking their time.
I would be happy if
my partner does that to me.
That's right.
That way,
I can finish my work quickly.
the definition of busy
is everyone's subjective opinion.
When I'm working,
I sometimes feel like
I'm doing a lot of things.
I'm busy.
If you've never done this,
you're super busy.
But if you admit
you're busy,
you'll be busy.
You're not doing anything.
You don't like being busy.
You think it's lame.
That's why I say I'm free.
Even if you're busy.
Like, I'm not doing anything today.
Even if I work hard,
I forget.
It's like I'm accumulating my achievements.
If I increase
my satisfaction,
I'm not the person
I'm aiming for.
It's tiring.
I've done so much.
What should I do?
Yeah, I think so.
People often say
I worked hard today.
If you wake up in the morning
and eat breakfast,
you're great.
I'm alive today,
so I'm amazing.
But I think I'm doing
more work than
most people in the world.
I'm free.
That's funny.
But that's a way
of life where you can afford it.
in order to afford it,
that's probably
what I'm aiming for.
It's not the opposite.
I want to be in this mindset,
so I don't puncture my work.
there aren't many people
who can relax and work.
Sometimes there are.
I think it's just because
they want to do it.
If you're not sick or
mentally ill.
I think it's easier
if you have a relaxed image
because you're Okinawan.
If you think it's easy for
your partner in the future,
there's something
other than being late.
Being lazy is
a good result.
You can be flexible
about various things.
It's easier.
For example,
it's not punctual.
You're strict
about everything.
You're strict to your partner
and to yourself,
so your stress level goes up.
if you're kind to yourself,
you're kind to your partner.
You feel like the atmosphere
gets better.
Even if you're working or
hanging out together.
Some people decide
where to go
after drinking,
but they don't decide
where to go next.
They just go.
I think that's good.
If you're like that,
you can feel
peaceful and at peace.
I think so.
The trick is
not to think about
what happened a minute ago
or a minute later.
There's only now.
You might be dead tomorrow.
You might be alive.
You don't know.
I'm a little out of it,
but I think it's always strange.
There's this feeling
that I might die tomorrow
and that I'll survive
until I'm 100 years old.
like Harvard University
they think the same way.
If you focus on
the present,
you'll live a long life
and be happy.
They say it's hard to get sick
for 15 to 20 years.
15 to 40 years.
Isn't that crazy?
It's totally different.
And if you can only think about the present,
you don't have to worry about tomorrow.
For example,
if you have a big present tomorrow,
you'll forget.
If it's too big,
you won't forget.
But what I often think about
is that even if you have
a big present tomorrow,
for example,
before you go to bed,
you think about what to do
before you go to bed.
Even if you're worried about this moment,
you don't have to worry about tomorrow.
If you think about it calmly,
you'll understand.
That's why I quit.
There are people
who prepare a lot
for a meeting.
When the meeting starts,
there are people like,
what kind of meeting was it?
It's annoying.
What are you doing here?
Then stop it.
I hate meetings the most.
It's tough.
I don't care about
I don't care about punctuality.
But if you stumble
it's annoying.
I don't like it.
It's annoying.
It's good to
chat from the moment it's over,
but I don't need it.
I don't need it.
I'm a robot.
I want to talk to you.
For example,
when you come up with an idea
for the wedding,
you can talk about it in the open
as much as you want.
But when you have an agenda,
you get very irritated.
You want to leave the room as soon as possible.
I think young people
are fast to talk.
I agree.
I want to finish it as soon as possible.
Well, I wonder if this will resonate with the hearts of punctual people.
I don't know.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I wonder if they think I'm really lazy.
That kind of...
Well, it depends on the person.
But if you want to live a long life, you should quit punctual.
That's right.
If you want to live a long life.
We will continue to...
Don't be late.
Don't make plans.
Except for work.
Don't be too punctual.
So that everyone can live a long life.
That's all for today.
Bye bye.
I tried to say something, but I can't remember.

