2021-07-03 1:09:07

#13 【無宗教型スピリチュアルとは】What is SBNR?

無宗教型スピリチュアル層を指すSBNR(Spiritual But Not Religious)、全米で若者を中心に増えていると言われています。瞑想やマインドフルネスを通して心の豊かさを求める、多神教的な自然に感謝するといったアジア的な考え方もその一つ。



In this episode, we discussed what is important to chase one's happiness in this era. 

#sbnr #spiritualbutnotreligious #quantummechanics #spiritual #milenials #AgeofAir #AgeofAquarius #meditation #mindfullness #podcast #anchor #instagram #bilingual #englsih #japanese #okinawa #量子力学 #引き寄せの法則 #波動 #周波数 #バイリンガル #沖縄

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What's up amazing people, this is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and English.
What it means to be spiritual but not religious.
1 in 5 Americans reject organized religion but maintain some kind of faith.
2. Spiritual but not religious. SBNR, also known as spiritual but not affiliated, is a popular phrase and initialism used to self-identify a life stance of spirituality that doesn't regard organized religion as a sole or most venerable means of furthering spiritual growth.
About a quarter of U.S. adults, 27%, now say they think of themselves as spiritual but not religious, up 8 percentage points in 5 years, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted between April 25 and June 4 of this year.
This growth has been broad-based. It has occurred among men and women, whites, blacks, and Hispanics, people of many different ages and education levels, and among Republicans and Democrats. For instance, the share of whites who identify as spiritual but not religious has grown by 8 percentage points in the past 5 years.
That's it.
I couldn't keep my breath.
SBNR sounds cool.
It's like a song.
SBNR is...
Spiritual but not religious.
Literally means...
The English article said that
SBNR increased from 2012 to 2017.
That's so interesting.
I like it.
Religious. No.
but not religious.
It really fits me.
I think that's because you are Asian.
We can have certain things that we believe
but we don't really think it's a god.
some higher things that don't exist.
People are getting more interested in yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and so on.
That's why yoga and meditation are so popular in India, right?
Isn't it?
That's why yoga is included.
I didn't know that.
Me neither.
I don't know how to explain this word.
It's not like a new article is coming out.
I think this SBNR has been around for a long time in the U.S.
But in Japan, there was an article about 2020.
One of the articles says,
it's a start.
We also found another article that says
SBNR is doing...
She's popular in Netflix.
She's so famous.
I heard that she became popular in the U.S.
after appearing on Netflix.
I see.
I do the same.
It's not about whether it's necessary or not.
I think it's been around for a long time.
I think it's the same for choosing a partner.
I think it's more about the quality.
I don't think so.
More than quantity?
Or special.
Or clothes.
Like sustainable.
It's not about who made what.
It's more about the big parts.
Like stories.
Or feelings.
You can relate to them and understand them.
The second one is yoga.
Like meditation.
Or vegetarianism.
Like veganism.
Or touching nature.
Or singing.
Or being healthy.
Being healthy is everything.
I don't know.
I don't know if it's religious.
I think so.
I think so.
Or meditation.
I don't think I'm good at it.
I eat a lot.
I have a habit of eating a lot.
And I run on the highway a lot.
I can't do that.
It's good if you can't do that.
I'm conscious of concentrating on that moment.
I learned it from the instructor.
I felt it was really fun to do.
Because I usually didn't do it.
But I felt something really calm.
And I can concentrate on the things.
And I can see myself.
At first it was kind of like a game.
To do it.
But I asked you to do it.
Let's meditate here.
Then we did it.
With drinking alcohol.
At the beach.
It was so loud outside.
But then we really...
It was really calm.
It was fun.
But not only that.
I learned that there are many kinds of meditations.
Like eating.
There are many ways.
But when I can't sleep.
When my head is spinning 24-7.
When I'm busy at work.
I can't control my emotions.
I can't prioritize.
I say something that I don't want.
I don't want to say something I don't want to say.
Meditation is good.
It's like SBN.
I think so.
Spiritual but not religious.
You can do it.
Anybody is accepted to do it.
It's like exercise.
More mentally.
It's interesting.
I like this kind of topic.
I like this topic.
When we chose this topic.
There was another one.
We recorded it once.
The one we failed.
We were not satisfied.
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The Age of Error
How did you feel about it?
The first time I knew about
Age of Error
Age of Error
One of my boss
One of my bosses
Told me
The Age of Error
Is coming toward us
It might be good for you
Working as a freelancer
I was working as a freelancer already
I was working as a freelancer already
So I was like
I'm already in the Age of Error
I'm ready
I see
In front of the wind
In front of the wind
Things you can see
Real estate
It was worth it
But from now on
In my personal time
I'm going to work in a different way
I'm going
I agree
I agree
I'm happy
Age of Error
Keep up with Minami
You too, right?
Did you quit your job at that time?
Did you quit your job at that time?
I saw
I saw
In a magazine
It says like
The Age of Error
Will be starting
And blah blah blah
At the same time I quit my work
At the same time
At the same time
Then my life just changed
I quit my job and I started working as a freelancer
I quit my job and I started working as a freelancer
And I meet new people everyday
I even do English teacher
I even do English teacher
And fitness things
And radio things
It's totally different
From last year
What should I say?
The Age of Error
Another article says that
In this year
That's exactly what I'm doing
That's exactly what I'm doing
You should do you
You should do you
You should do you
In this year
In this year
In this year
In this year
In this year
It's the good age
I should live more
I should live more
In a borderless
In a borderless
In a borderless
Try to use card
Like 3 times
Like 3 times
Like 3 times
You have to pay
You have to pay
You have to pay
So I said, do you want to get off? And he said, yes.
He said, I don't even feel like working.
When I go to work from now on, I will definitely bring cash.
That's right.
You need a cash.
That was the era of the wind.
The era of the wind is going to last for 200 years from 2020.
While we're alive.
It means that we can only live in the era of the wind.
If you think about it simply.
That's right.
So you have no choice but to polish your nose.
It's up to you.
I think that's a better way to get on the wave.
From materialism to invisibility.
From materialism to invisibility.
I've been studying this kind of stuff.
Minami is so smart.
Wait, wait.
You're saying that to everyone.
Minami researches a lot.
She researches all the time.
She picks up all the articles.
Like a...
I don't do that much.
I don't research as much as a journalist.
I think I learned from Minami rather than going to school.
It's funny to make up knowledge.
There's a story about what you can see and what you can't see.
Why did you start researching?
I think it's better to start with that.
I was staying in Okinawa for 3 weeks.
You were there for 3 weeks.
In total, 20 days.
It's supposed to be 3 weeks or whatever.
I think it was after I started this podcast.
This podcast is something I really wanted to do.
Or something I feel like I am kind of missioned to doing this.
Also, the people I hang out with.
It's an environment where people with the same vibes gather.
It's getting better and better.
And because the podcasts overlap...
Also, I felt like I was floating.
Like half of gravity.
When I wake up in the morning, I'm still fluffy.
Like something going on with my body.
I feel weird, but I'm so happy.
He said it might be a wave thing.
I was like, what? Is this a wave?
I didn't have much knowledge, so I asked him if I could research it.
I went to the waves.
I think people who do yoga or spirituals know what I'm talking about.
But as I went deeper and deeper, I found quantum mechanics.
In Japanese, it's quantum mechanics.
I think it's like physics in space.
That's how I found it.
This is so interesting.
Things I've been felt made sense to me.
That was why it felt so weird.
Kind of like amazingly weird happiness.
You're weird.
You're weird.
Natural, happy, and natural high.
It's been a while since I've talked about what's going on.
I'm a scientist, so if I'm wrong, please find out for yourself.
You're weird.
I forgot to say this, but there are things you can see and things you can't see.
You can see the mic in front of you, the TV, and the bathroom.
We're in the bathroom.
We're recording in the bathroom today.
The best place ever.
It's relaxing.
That's what you can see.
Things you can't see are CO2, oxygen, radio waves, and Wi-Fi.
My dad doesn't believe in Wi-Fi.
I know. Some people don't believe in Wi-Fi.
I thought it was funny when I found out.
Wi-Fi is a lie.
It's funny.
So it's like that.
95% of the things you can't see are on Earth.
5% of the things you can't see are in the first place.
5% of the things you can see are Wi-Fi.
I can't see anything.
It's a fact that we can't see all the things that exist in the world.
That's true.
So you don't know why you can make a phone call.
You know, but you can't make it.
I don't know at all.
Something you can't see is working behind your back.
That's why you can talk over the phone anywhere in the world.
Anyway, that's the story.
Things you can't see, such as air and wind, and human bodies.
Human bodies are made up of small cells.
I'm sure you've all learned that somewhere.
First of all, there's a human body.
There's a organ in it.
There's a cell in it.
There's a molecule in it.
There's an atom in it.
There's a nucleus in it.
And in that nucleus, there's something called an atom and a neutron.
There's something called an atom and a neutron.
I don't know how to say proton and neutron in English.
I'm sorry, but I can't say it.
It's difficult.
I'm not a scientist.
So there is a small, small, small version of cells.
It's a small something.
It's just our body.
You know what I mean, right?
There's a neutron and a neutron stuck together.
It's called an atomic nucleus.
It's like an atomic bomb.
The kanji is the same.
I don't know how much it's the same as the atomic bomb.
The fact that there's an atom in your body kind of makes sense, right?
There's an atomic nucleus in the air and the wind in front of you.
There's an atom and a neutron.
They're all floating in the air.
That's why we're all the same?
Yeah, we're all the same.
I'm the same with water, fire, air, poop, pee, everything.
Everything is the same.
Everything consisted by the same small thing.
It's so small.
It's so small that I don't know.
So there's a neutron and a neutron.
The neutron is the so-called consciousness that controls humans.
The atom is the consciousness.
Depending on the group, it decides what to do, what to do, what to eat.
There are about 8.2 billion of those little things in the body.
Oh, my God.
I don't care about that.
I just said a big premise.
You don't have to remember it.
It's just a bunch of little things.
It kind of makes sense.
You learned it in science class back in junior high, right?
There was a wave that Akane mentioned earlier.
There are high and low waves.
You can tell the balance between neutrons and neutrons by the number of waves.
They say it's better to have high waves.
Positive energy.
I think there's a way to make it higher.
It's a different story.
There are two types of human consciousness.
One is pre-consciousness.
The other is pre-consciousness.
Pre-consciousness is less than 10%.
Less than 10%.
Let's say it's about 10%.
It's not a lot.
Pre-consciousness is about 90%.
Pre-consciousness is conscious.
Pre-consciousness is conscious?
Pre-consciousness is essential.
Oh, yeah.
Consciousness that is not conscious.
Pre-consciousness seems to work to keep your body safe.
Humans are social animals.
Babies have a lot of pre-consciousness.
As you grow up, you learn how to survive the society.
That's how you focus on your pre-consciousness more.
The more you grow up, the more you have to think about what to do in 5 minutes depending on your pre-consciousness.
For example, if you are a woman, then women should act like this.
You have to follow the stereotype.
You have to be conscious of what you really want.
As you said, pre-consciousness is essential.
To put it simply, if you follow your pre-consciousness and decide what to do, your vibration will go up.
I often say that vibration is expensive.
But I've experienced a lot of positive things and positive people.
That's why I heard that word.
Minami looked it up.
If you have a positive person, a positive person will come to you.
You often say that everyone laughs because Akane is laughing.
It is said that the wave produces a frequency.
If Akane is happy, the happy frequency jumps out of Akane's body and actually comes out.
Does it mean that something small is coming out of Akane's body?
It is said that something small becomes a wave and comes out.
It is said that a person who meets the same wave height and a person who gets along well with each other will come to you.
At first glance, it seems that this person will get along well with you.
There are people who don't get along at all.
For example, there are people who live next door to the apartment and don't get along at all.
It is said that people who live next door to the apartment and people who live next door to the apartment don't get along at all.
That's why we hang out a lot.
That may be the case.
We have the same wave things probably.
Everyone may keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves, but they are all spreading out of your body.
This is not a delusional story of Minami.
It is said that it is better to raise the frequency because it is something that really comes out.
It is said that you can meet a better life and a better connection.
I did an Instagram live with a few people.
I did it with positive people and energetic people.
I also listened to them.
From people who don't usually talk or hang out at all, I suddenly got a message saying,
It was good that you were doing more Instagram live.
I got energy.
I thought they probably had the same wave.
I was waiting in the middle of Instagram live and spreading all around the world.
It is easier to understand such a digital SNS tool.
You are far away, and your feed comes out a lot, but only what you care about stops.
It's not a coincidence.
If you move your heart faithfully to what you want, it will appear in front of you.
It's work by old algorithm.
It's similar to that.
You said that you should follow your instincts.
It is said that the more you follow, the better it is, but how do you follow it?
If you say, I have work, you have to do this at 9 o'clock.
If you live with such instinct for 24 hours, the real society will be inappropriate.
Even if you take a break from a meeting, you will be happy at that time,
but you are in the society, so if you do that 100%, you will have to live in a village.
It's like a community.
Let's talk about it.
On a rainy day.
I said that I wanted to live without a sense of responsibility.
You want to be a baby.
Minami said, then society will be inappropriate.
I thought it was true.
I talked about what to do.
I think Minami is working now.
How about Akane?
Yami is controlling time and freedom.
Of course, I have decided what time to do it, but if I don't want to do it, I just skip it.
It's like, how many hours later do I think?
At that time, I throw myself into the future.
I will suffer later.
If you work at a company and have to go home at 5 p.m.,
I think it's difficult, but if you think about what it's like to move according to your subconsciousness outside of work,
I think you will get used to it.
Even if you are a social creature.
I think I will be stress-free.
Be honest with yourself.
Instinct of observation.
There is a saying that if you increase your intuition, the frequency will increase.
There is also a saying, what is intuition?
For example, there are times when you want to eat something and you think it's bad.
That's intuition.
You don't have to eat because it's lunchtime.
There are times when you just want this.
That's probably the intuition of the mind.
The important thing is when you feel it,
For example, if you want to eat a banana,
When you decide to eat a banana,
When the wave goes up, the frequency increases.
It seems that if you make up your mind and take action immediately, a very good wave will come out.
If you train to do what comes to mind immediately and take action immediately,
It seems that the frequency will go up.
I want to go pee.
Then go to the restroom.
You can say it easily.
I want to eat McDonald's.
And just get McDonald's.
Even if you are on a diet.
That may be the case.
For example, there are times when you want to talk to this person.
But for example, when you want to talk to Norman,
But Norman is working now.
You just skip everything and contact him for the time being.
I think it's also about intuition.
Just try it as much as you can before you think too much.
As I said on the phone,
If you do too much, you may be hated.
As I said, balance.
It's a social thing.
That may be the case.
I want to try new things.
New shop, new menu.
Let's order.
If it doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter.
Just go with the flow.
I just did it because I wanted to do it now.
It seems easier to live that way.
Ignore what this person thinks.
Try various things.
A fitness teacher once said,
If you eat this, you'll get fat.
I know.
I looked it up a lot.
It seems that if you eat it because you want to eat it,
You can lose weight.
So if you want to eat it, eat it.
Instead, exercise or do other things.
I learned that way.
Then the rice is very delicious.
I know.
It's not guilty.
What I'm trying to do now is
I think I can lose weight no matter what I eat.
While eating McDonald's,
Oh my god, this is so healthy.
It's not healthy, but if I eat it, I may lose weight.
So when I go to the company or in front of various people,
People who talk about calories.
If I eat this, I'll get fat.
Ignore it.
Don't talk about it.
You'll get a bad feeling, so don't talk about it.
I know that.
If you want to eat it,
Something like that.
It's not lose, but you gotta gain weight.
You're trying to make it right.
Even though you want to lose weight.
Don't think about such a stupid thing.
This is something you want to eat.
Then you're gonna eat it.
Then embrace yourself eating something you want.
Then appreciate what you have.
That's a good story.
I may die tomorrow.
If I eat what I want to eat.
I think so.
What are you talking about?
I want to be positive and happy all the time.
Negative things.
I accept it and make it positive.
But I avoid negative things.
I know that.
For example, someone is complaining at the company.
But you don't have to be there.
You don't have to be there.
I don't need that information.
I don't get anything from there.
That's one example.
Your positivity.
Your positivity.
Thank you.
I like you.
I think positivity is not just a word.
It's a wave outside of your body.
It's going around you.
You may think it's a lie.
But there are a lot of data.
It all makes sense.
You should search it on the internet.
Because you have amazing Google.
We have amazing Google.
The law of attraction.
The law of attraction.
It's all the same.
What you think becomes reality.
It was popular about 10 years ago.
Most of people don't succeed to get what they want.
It's the same as many self-development books.
If you don't fully understand the original logic,
even if you follow how to,
you can't achieve anything.
That's one of the reasons I search, I think.
Minami is originally logical.
When I tell her what to do,
she just says,
that's it.
But Minami tells me what to do.
You will search the reason in a logical way.
It makes more sense.
For me as well.
You will search while understanding.
You will understand more.
You will check more.
Even if you do it right,
you will have to do it again in a month or a year.
You haven't learned anything.
Minami's skin.
She talked about medicine.
It's getting worse.
The story of the midwife and the midwife.
It's related to the disease.
She did an experiment.
On her body.
I'm on.
I'm under.
But the midwife and the midwife,
how should I imagine it?
Let's say they are two beautiful circles.
When they are in a really good condition.
If the circle is in a bad condition,
it becomes a disease.
You have to keep the balance.
The midwife and the midwife.
It's the balance of your body.
Outside, nature, the sea.
It's important.
Keeping a neutral balance
leads to good health.
If it gets out of balance, you catch a cold.
You get sick.
Is it related to the Earth?
It seems so.
It's all related.
The virus we are talking about now.
All over the Earth.
A certain virus.
It's funny.
A certain virus.
A certain virus.
The world is in a wave of chaos.
The midwife and the midwife are in a mess.
A new virus is born.
Something like that.
It's related to the skin.
It's related to atopy.
Atopy is a very recent disease.
It's been around 30 years.
Atopy means bizarre in Greek.
You are all bizarre.
It's a strange disease.
There's no way to cure it.
I see.
It's been like this since I was in kindergarten.
I went to dermatologist.
I went to Western medicine.
I went to a dark doctor.
A dark doctor?
Chinese doctors don't wake up in the dark.
I went to a person who puts a hand on the back and sends a key.
I went to a person who stitches.
I went to a person who puts a key in a small sugar cube.
It's not a medicine.
It's just sugar.
There was an acupuncturist.
There was a person who put a key in a sugar cube.
He told me to take a pill a day.
I did a lot of things.
What about normal medicine?
I did everything.
Now I take a normal medicine.
But the result hasn't been cured.
I talk to dermatologist on the premise that the disease won't be cured.
It's the same as having an allergy.
I talk about how to get along.
If you think about it, it gets dark.
That's why it's dark.
But it doesn't matter if the disease is over.
The doctor gave me a list of things I can't eat.
It's all including junk food, of course.
But including milk, cheese, meat, everything.
In short, it's a thing.
Vegetables and fish.
Don't eat anything else.
You can eat what you want.
I was very annoyed with that.
I stopped eating from a certain point on.
I was stressed out because I was satisfied with my mental balance.
You can't eat what you want to eat.
So I decided to eat everything on the premise that it would get worse.
I was drinking Frappuccino from Starbucks the next week.
If you don't bother anyone, it's not good to eat.
Because your body is experimenting.
It's not a deadly disease.
Well, that's another story.
Yami said, being logical, trying to search everything, evidence.
It's related to that.
I've been doing a lot of invisible treatment.
If everything doesn't go well, I can't believe it even if I want to.
I had a different way of feeling about my body.
After that, I went back to Tokyo and my skin was very calm.
I didn't do anything.
So I thought that my skin might have been reborn due to the high frequency of death.
I thought I might be able to fix it.
It's getting worse again.
So my way of thinking about my skin.
Even if I think about it in my happiness-oriented way,
I've been thinking about how it might change the itch on the surface of my body.
I think it's the same with dermatitis.
Depression is also a mental illness.
How do you fix it with medicine?
I think there's a lot of western medicine for pills.
Western medicine is about fighting diseases.
Western medicine is more about maintaining your body.
In terms of physics,
In the first place, diseases and ailments are just giving you a signal that the balance between the body's nutrients and neutrinos is disturbed.
That's why it's a signal to get ready for the disease.
Of course, if you take pills or IVs, you'll get better.
If you're in a hurry, you'll have to do that.
The way to fix it is to make your life better.
You have to face your own way of thinking.
Whether you're moving intuitively or whether you're surrounded by people you really want to be around.
It's going to affect your health a lot.
Speaking of which,
I stopped taking pills when I had my period.
Oh, really?
I'm trying to.
There are times when my period is bad on the first or second day.
I'm trying not to take pills.
And then,
MUTCHAN is an aroma blender.
He made me something like this cream.
I applied it and spent it.
He's fixing this soft tissue.
It's a balance.
Speaking of the mental part,
When I'm tired,
I dare to go to the sea, mountains, and nature.
If you take time to heal physically,
HAPPY ENERGY comes back again.
It makes me feel positive.
That's what I did.
That's good.
You have to check it with your own body.
Oh, yeah.
As I said a moment ago,
The law of attraction and the relationship of frequency
You have to get used to it.
I'm on my way to embody this thing.
From the moment you wake up in the morning,
For example, when you wake up, you're happy.
When the sun comes back, you're like, wow.
Or when you drink coffee in the morning.
From the moment you wake up, the wave comes out.
As I said,
The moment you wake up in the morning,
Write a diary of the good things you said yesterday.
For example, if it's tomorrow morning,
I recorded Akane and Lady yesterday.
It was so much fun.
Akane, thank you.
I made a list of about 10 things like that.
Thank you to everyone.
Thank you.
And when I started that day,
There's a high wave coming out from the beginning.
Something good happens that day.
Let's do it.
Let's do it.
Of course, there are times when I'm in a bad mood.
I can't help it.
If you do something positive,
If you do it in the morning, it will affect that day.
So it's better to do it in the morning than at night.
Somebody said.
That's cool.
I'm not good at getting up in the morning.
So it's best to sleep until you wake up naturally.
And that's it, isn't it?
Meditation that can be done.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's true.
When everyone tries it,
It's really good.
I like eating meditation.
Meditation is...
Each ingredient in the dish.
Focus on it and eat it.
Don't eat with your phone in one hand.
Don't do it while you're working.
It doesn't have to be about 10 minutes.
Just focus on the food.
It's good to be grateful.
Sounds delicious.
It looks delicious.
But the more you eat, the more grateful you are.
After I talked about it with you,
I just realized that the spiritual and the logical things are all the same.
You don't have to divide both of them.
Some people don't believe in speaking.
Some people only believe in logic.
But in the end, it's all the same.
I thought it was the same.
It's just a preconception, isn't it?
You gotta search it if you want it out.
So, how should I put it?
People say I'm logical,
but they also say I'm a realist.
But I'm a super super realist.
I ended up being spiritual.
You know what I mean?
If you go deep into the truth, it's all about the soul at the end.
You reach the soul and the universe.
I think that's what true realism is.
You're just a normal realist.
Why do you think I'm normal?
You're an extreme realist.
I don't know who made the word spiritual,
but it's a sacred thing.
That's why people say I'm a logical person.
And there are cults in the world.
That's why people think I'm weird.
But in the first place, it's close to the origin of humanity.
I think that's what true realism is.
It depends on whether you know it or not.
The essence of everything.
That may be true.
The world is overflowing with strange information.
But it's the age of the wind.
Let's be the wind.
Let's be the wind.
That's funny.
We talked about spiritual but not realist.
Not religious.
So we talked about the article of spiritual but not religious.
Then we picked up the article about the age of error.
Age of error.
Wait, age of error?
It's the era of the era.
What did we talk about?
Age of error.
So we talked about the spiritual but not religious article.
And then the age of error.
The era of the wind.
We talked about the era of the wind.
The experience.
What we experienced in this few months.
And the research from Minami.
About quantum mechanics.
quantum mechanics.
We talked about quantum mechanics.
We finished up with how to increase the wave.
And how to expand the subconscious.
How to make use of it.
We talked about that.
That was so interesting topic today.
There are a lot of things we couldn't cover.
If you are interested, you can find a lot of videos about quantum mechanics on YouTube.
Of course there are a lot of suspicious people.
But there are a lot of videos from university professors.
If you watch those videos, it does make sense more.
Of what I said.
I want to live a happy and fun life.
So if I am conscious of that, I feel like it comes back to me.
Then let's praise the people who are listening to the radio today.
Not praise.
By expressing gratitude and feelings.
Expressing a very high wave.
Then I will try to express a high wave from YASASA radio.
Thank you for listening to YASASA radio even though you are busy.
Thank you.
I really really appreciate it.
I really really appreciate it.
I think there are a lot of people who are listening to the radio because they are friends of Minami and Kane.
There are people who are listening to the radio because they are friends of Minami and Kane.
I don't know where they are from, but I got a message from a person from Hawaii the other day.
I was happy.
I think everyone is listening to the radio because they are friends of Minami and Kane.
I am very grateful.
This is not a coincidence.
It was decided.
What you are going to hear today.
It's just fun and happy to think like that.
Minami and Kane are having fun.
I want you to have fun, too.
I wish you all happiness.
It's important to thank people.
Of course it's important to say thank you to Kane.
It's important to praise yourself for having so much appreciation for Kane.
Thank yourself.
I think there are a lot of people who are good at saying thank you or apologizing to people.
If you still think you don't have a sense of justice,
I think it's important to praise yourself for having so much appreciation and sensitivity.
I think it's great that you were born.
It's a miracle to be born.
It's a miracle to be alive today.
Embrace yourself.
Thank you for your hard work today.
Thank you for listening to the radio.
I look forward to working with you in the future.
I hope everyone will be happy, positive and healthy.
I want to do a healing radio so that only interesting people can listen to it.

