2023-06-26 49:02

#63【ものを捨てられないあなたへ】Time to Let Go?

Haitai, people. English below;



年に1回以上手に触れ、愛情を注げるモノの数は、150点程度に絞られます。また、人が保有するアイテム数は1人あたり平均1500点と言われていますが、そのうち趣味に関するものが全体の10%程度という割合です。-Toyo Keizai-



The word Milimalist is so over-used today yet some people seem really happy being surrounded by things they love as well. But when it comes to business and unhealthy relationships, you better say bye to them immediately!!!






Sunk-Cost Bias: Is It Time To Call It Quits?


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せーの What's up amazing people, this is YASASA
RADIO by Akane and Minami. In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in
Okinawan Japanese and English. はいたーい。
The sunk cost bias refers to the cognitive tendency of humans to find it difficult to
make rational judgments after having already invested time or money into something, which
becomes irretrievable, leaving them feeling unable to pull back later on. This is similar
to the もったいない mentality frequently used in Japanese expressions.
Sunk cost refers to costs that cannot be recovered even if steps such as discontinuation or abolition
of economic activity are implemented. It is a concept in economics known as sunk cost
and can be used as a factor in decisions to continue or terminate individual stock investments
or cooperate new project initiatives. For example, ignoring sunk cost is considered
rational when the material to base the decision to continue business is made, as there is a
risk of increasing losses if businesses continue based solely on the reluctance to let go of
money and time spent up to that point. For example, if someone starts an online game,
they may feel they cannot easily quit after spending so much time struggling to level
up and obtaining rare items, since they also built their own castle within a game. In relationships,
one may become too dependent to the point that they have reached their mental and financial
limits, but cannot leave. How do we face and let go of valuable aspects of daily life,
such as giving up the career or achievements built up over time, or letting go of a collection
they have amassed?
This is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
I think it is a very important question.
It is a very practical and easy answer to this question.
サンクコスト means どんな作を尽くしても回収できない費用を手放せない、どうしようみたいなことがサンクコストバイアス。
It sounds difficult if you think about as an investment or the money or business, but in our daily life, it's like I cannot throw my clothes away.
Yeah, or you can't quit your job since you kept working there for a long time.
You can't say goodbye to your partner because you're in a relationship for years.
I think many people are familiar with this bias.
I think we face this kind of bias every day.
Is there anything that you can't say no to an opportunity you've been given?
I don't know if the love level was the same as before, but we couldn't break up because of the years.
Then after he went back to America and then we broke up because it didn't work out and it was the time to make decisions for us.
The time you guys are staying in Okinawa?
No, I was in Japan and he was in America and then it didn't work out.
During that time, you couldn't break up with him, but so did he.
Yeah, well, that's about it.
It's like you're looking for an opportunity to break up with him.
When I was in Tokyo, I didn't like my job at the time because it was too busy, but I couldn't leave because I was worried about the money and I had some successful...
experience at that time, so I didn't want to leave, but I was trying to find a reason to leave.
I know the feeling, but what if you have like a billion yen, but do you think you thought it was hard to leave?
That's a big deal.
Because one of the issues we can't go forward is money, right?
So if you had a lot of money, would you let it go right away? I thought for a moment, but rich people don't really let it go, right?
There are rich people who are stingy, right?
That's true.
That means you're halfway rich.
But you know, there's a level to being rich, right?
For example, I think the rich people in Japan are about the same level as the real rich people in the world.
They seem to be stingy.
That's rude.
I think there are about 30 times more people in the south.
There are richer people in the Middle East.
But if you have that much money, do you live like a volunteer every day?
I think so.
But if you let it go, you can't let it go, can you?
You can't lower the quality of your life, can you?
I don't think so.
I don't think you can be homeless from tomorrow.
I don't think so.
It's hard to lower the quality of life you've raised once.
I don't think it's possible without a good purpose.
Being able to do something good is because you've been kept.
For example, people who grew up in a rich family may want to see the outside world and experience homelessness.
But being rich has a family background, right?
The sense of security there is completely different from those who grew up in poverty.
I think so.
Even if you have the same experience as me,
I feel like what you're doing is completely different.
It's like a rich person crying when he sees people below him.
It's like, I've learned a lot.
It's like that.
What are you talking about?
I'm not a collector.
I have things at home and work.
Long term?
Not long term.
If it's a long-distance relationship.
I understand.
For example,
A married couple
I think it's very difficult to
get divorced
when they have kids.
economic reasons
like that.
Also, the society.
I'm worried about that.
I talked to Minami earlier.
For example,
if it's a normal environment for foreigners to get divorced,
I don't think
If I'm not happy
I'll get divorced right away.
It's like that.
In Japan, it's kind of hard to do it.
Because of the culture.
I'm not just worried about myself,
I'm worried about the people around me.
I can't make my happiness come true.
I think Japanese people
what other people think
is also their sunk cost.
What they've accumulated.
And it is also
easy not to
break up.
Or leave their marriage.
Especially if they have kids.
Money plus financial issues.
If there was no money,
would everything be easier?
Even if you don't have money
and you have to exchange things,
you can rank them.
You know,
there's a certain
level of living.
For example,
it's usually decided
how much you can live
in each country.
For example,
100,000 yen.
Some people can live on 50,000 yen.
They already have a house.
If it's more than that,
you can forget
everything else.
You can forget the basics
and think freely.
If you do that,
it will be easier to live.
So do we still have extra money?
We don't
need it,
but people want it.
For spending money
to your hobbies
or relationships.
I don't know
if it's sunk cost
if you want to organize
your life,
I think it's easier
to forget about money.
It's a bit difficult,
but if you mix it up
with money,
it's a bit confusing.
I don't get it.
I don't like
having a house
with a lot of stuff.
In the first place.
It depends on the family.
Some people
Minami's house
has a lot of stuff.
I feel like
I understand
how many things
I can feel.
I'm not good at
staring at stuffed animals.
I don't like
having a lot of eyes.
I don't like it.
I don't mind drawing,
but if I have a lot of 3D objects,
everyone looks like an individual.
If you have a lot of 3D objects,
it looks creepy.
Like a lot of dolls on the bed.
That kind of person
is impossible.
I don't go home,
so I don't care what I have.
that kind of person
has a lot of people
watching over them,
so they might feel safe.
If you suddenly go to a 3D room,
it's uncomfortable.
I think everyone has a balance,
for a healthy person,
there should be
a moderate number of things.
Oh, wait.
You said something earlier,
Have you ever heard
the word number?
Robin Dunbar,
said that
people can't have a meaningful
relationship with more than 150 people.
At present,
there are more than 150 friends
on social media.
I think that
there are very few people
who have more than 150 friends
who contact each other
more than once a year.
The number of people
who touch each other
is limited to about 10%.
Also, the items that people have
are said to be
1500 points per person,
but among them,
10% of the hobbies are
about 10%.
I see.
even if you have
many relationships,
you can't
150 people.
You cannot build
a meaningful relationship
with more than 150 people.
You technically can,
if you have people,
but there is a limit.
If you have too many
then it might affect
your mental.
That's right.
I see many people
who contact each other
and want to build a relationship.
it's not about
the number of comments
on Instagram.
It's about
the number of conversations.
you just have to
divide it up.
But I think
it's also about
my own
I met a lot of people
in different places,
but I couldn't remember
all of them.
Also, my time
is limited,
so if I only follow this person,
I can't follow others.
I don't know
how many friends
I can have
without thinking about anything.
Including my family.
That's what I've been thinking
Let's say
150 people.
Do you think there are
150 people?
But if your family and relatives
have a meaningful relationship,
it's not good.
I don't need
that many people
except for my family.
20 people is good.
I think 300 people
are all friends,
but I've never thought
about a meaningful relationship.
A meaningful relationship
means as a friend
or business partner
or everything.
You need people
to work, right?
I have business
people, but I don't
hang out with them as friends.
There are people like that.
That's true.
when I think about it,
in various places,
like people who
always travel around
and move places,
they need to
get rid of stuff
to move.
They always have a new relationship
at a new place.
If it's 150 people,
then they have
they are good.
They are always
in good condition
doing some cost.
I think it's easy
to live like that.
or just
It's not a waste.
It's like that.
You always
let go.
For travelers,
they think
their home is
where they are.
I think that's good,
but if you don't have
a physical home,
you can't settle down.
For example,
if it's a very expensive trip,
like backpacking,
even if you stay
in a luxury hotel every day,
you will always think
your home is the best.
Like sleeping and sleeping.
Because you get used to it.
And you have
the stuff you want at home.
What does that mean?
I don't know.
The more you let go of your home,
the more you want
to be comfortable.
I think it's good
to get closer to
letting go of
what you have at home.
What are the benefits
of doing a sunk cost?
What will be unhealthy
if you have too much stuff?
It makes it difficult
to make a rational decision.
It's just a habit
of a human being.
It doesn't matter
if it's good or bad,
but it's just a habit.
I'm doing this
as far as I can imagine
in my life.
An extreme example is
a trash can.
You can't throw it away.
You can't even throw away the trash
you ate.
You can't even
throw away the trash
you ate.
You can't even
throw away the trash
you ate.
As a means of
making a decision of
how I should continue
this business,
it's more like
a business
than just everyday life.
Like, when you have your business,
you need time
to think about
you still need or what you need to get rid of to expand your business and money
and if you you know have a own your business and if you have own you know
physical stuff like office or the equipment or the people
it seems heavy if you don't have anything from the first and the 10th
I think there are too many equipment in the company
Why do you have to do this?
I think there are some things that have to do with security
Why do you have to rent an office in such a busy place?
I always think of various companies
Don't you need this kind of space?
I'm not good at places with a lot of documents
I don't go as far as a minimalist
I think it's a waste to wait for the elevator at the entrance and go up to the 30th floor
It's for the security
But it's a waste
It's a waste, but if they don't have them then it's gonna be dangerous
Well, it's a pain
I hate high-rise buildings
The more business you have, the more annoying it is
The bigger the company, the more annoying it is
That's what I mean by sunk cost bias
There's a sense of superiority, there's more money, there's a sense of satisfaction
But the things you have to have are getting bigger and bigger
It's getting more and more
People are becoming more materialistic
So you can't let go of things like you threw away something from your house
When I talk about my work, I have a few companies and venues I work with
But I think I have my capacity to deal with it
So I need to organize it at some date
For example, let's say I have 5
And when a new opportunity comes up, I'm like, okay, what should I do?
I think that's when these tips come in handy
If you have this sunk cost effect, this spirit of not giving up,
you're probably going to have sex again
But then your life balance is going to collapse
So you have to think about what you're going to throw away compared to what you have
You have to think about what you're going to throw away and what you're going to put in
If you don't work, you won't be able to expand and you won't be able to continue
You know what I'm talking about?
Wait, can you say that again?
For example, let's say you have 5 projects
And when a new opportunity comes up, you have to throw something away
Or you have to put something in and do something
You have to make a lot of decisions on your own
At that time, if you have this wasteful spirit, you're probably going to collapse
So you're going to trade that for health
In my personal experience, I took everything
I mean, every offer
Because I wanted to make money at that time
At that time, it was like that
Now I'm calm
And I calculate my working hours
So you don't just accept offers without thinking
You think about efficiency and other things
I think about it a lot
And the person in charge that I need to talk to every day
Or like each week
I will see their personality
Like how much pain he has
Or how simple they are
And I will see their clients too
Because over there, the clients control over my client
If it's a company like this
Even if it's the same task, it takes 3 days
If it's this person, it takes 3 minutes
It depends on the person
So I will stop
But if it's annoying, but if it has a name value
I will do it for 3 months
Because I want to get a name
But when I received the offer
I was able to judge
It's the easiest, but I will think about it
And I will do it
And after a few months
I will say
It was annoying
I won't say it was hard
But I don't like to
Say no
And then stop
I don't like that
I don't like it
So I think
The beginning is very important
When you sign the contract
How much
You look at it in detail
When I was young
I only looked at the number
How much I can get in a month
But more than that
The content of the job
I will look at it
And if I can do it fast
I won't say it
I think we are both equal
Can I go back to
The story of the person who can't be thrown away
The person who can't be thrown away
Is called a hoarder
What does it mean?
If you throw away
The things you collect
You will feel painful
But a lot of people say that
It appears on the news
And says
Something something
That means
If you have this
You can use it for something
But there is no such thing
I think there is
For example, this is a picture of someone's birthday, so I can't throw it away for memories.
I think everyone has that, but some people have too many of them.
If you think about it that way, I cannot delete all the pictures I have in my phone.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like that.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
I can't throw it away just because it's data.
Yeah, you're right.
But the weight of the computer doesn't change, but the weight of the things.
If you put too much data in it, it'll slow down.
So I think digital and analog are all the same.
You're right.
It's better to throw it away.
I think it's better to throw it away.
But I've been thinking about it a lot lately.
It's hard to throw it away.
I've been throwing one away lately.
I think I have more freedom.
Then I will pick one product for one category.
Because otherwise I'm going to be a collector.
I'm going to increase the number of radio microphones.
For example, earphones are a really good example.
There's a new one coming out every day.
The same goes for the iPhone.
There's a high-performance one coming out every time.
The new one is definitely better.
But if you buy that, you'll get more.
I thought, this is dangerous.
For example, a wired earphone.
This iPhone.
If it's wired, it's only this.
It's only this.
It's not wired.
It's like a bean.
It's only this.
There's another one called KOTUSENDO.
No, no.
There's not just one type of earphone.
I'll say the same thing.
The one you connect with a wire and the one you do with Bluetooth is completely different.
With KOTUSENDO, you can put it anywhere.
Even if you ride a bike.
So there are only these three categories in Miyabi.
You can't go beyond this.
But I don't need a red earphone.
I use it at all my meetings.
I always let everyone hear it.
At that place.
But you cannot do that in Tokyo.
So you have to have a high-performance one.
Because you're lame.
You don't know what's going on in an online meeting.
You're lame.
You suddenly mute yourself and the Wi-Fi goes down.
You say, I'm sorry, there's a network problem.
That's a lie.
So I took the example of earphones.
I have a personal job in Miyabi, so I may not be able to sympathize with you.
But if you're going to handle that kind of product from work, you're going to change five in a month.
But if that happens, you'll be a collector.
If you're going to give it away, you have no choice but to give it away.
That's what I thought.
There's a taste to it.
It depends on what kind.
That's his hobby.
For doing over 30, 40 years.
He wanted to have a mountain.
I mean, he wanted to live in a mountain, but he couldn't do it.
So he decided to bring things in their garden.
So the garden area is so huge.
It was like a forest.
He grew all the trees.
There were so many bonsai trees that there was no place to put them.
But one by one, he was taking care of them for more than years.
So it was like his children.
I asked him, what is your favorite ones?
And he answered, like, are you choosing your favorite ones when it comes to your children?
He asked me if I could choose my children.
I thought that kind of collection was interesting.
If it's a collection that's cool for Akane, is it okay to have too many of them?
He gave me something like a greenhouse target.
From the mayor.
It's like a green target.
That's right.
I think it's okay for anyone to collect nature.
Because the mountains are beautiful.
But I don't think I can do it.
I think it's a lot of effort to take care of the typhoon every day.
But it's his hobby.
It's a hobby, right?
When it becomes a hobby, it's a way of life.
Akane thinks of it as a job.
If you think about it, it's a completely different thing.
For example, if the mayor asks you to do it for 20 years, it's amazing.
I'm doing it because I like it.
It's like I'm breathing.
But I just heard about Akane's bonsai.
In the end, you can't throw away things.
You can't get out of love.
It's like that's a bad thing.
It's a completely different evaluation of what you have.
Some people might think it's cool to have a luxury car.
Akane likes nature, so she collects bonsai and talks a lot about rich people who made mountains.
I like that kind of thing.
I've come to the conclusion that I don't have to have things.
The problem I had earlier was that my boyfriend, who collects figure collections,
asked me what I should do if I didn't throw away things from my room.
I want you to throw it away because you think it's disgusting.
But this isn't a figure, it's like I said earlier.
If it's 100 bonsai, if it's a different story,
I said 1,500 people in the number I mentioned earlier.
Then you don't have to throw it away.
It's not good.
For example, there are girls who can't break up with guys who cheat on them.
People around you might think you should stop that relationship.
But if you think it's okay to be happy with that person, is that okay?
But in the end, it goes to psychological things.
It depends on their opinion.
There's nothing to measure whether you're truly happy or not.
Whatever you say is right and wrong.
It's a matter of opinion and values.
It's difficult.
For example, if you're happy with that person, that's fine.
But if you're not comfortable with that person,
you want to quit, but you can't,
this advice is more effective.
It's more effective.
For example, if you don't have a reason to continue a bad job,
or if you have something you should throw away but you can't,
or if you're in a bad relationship but you have feelings so you're together,
if you want to go for a new step, you should make the rules.
You need to make a decision.
You need to compare what is better for you.
That's what you need to do.
In the end, I think Minami just wants to be brainwashed by the minimalist boom.
I don't know if it's a proper disease,
but if you're sick, you should go to the mountains.
If it's painful to throw it away.
If it doesn't appear in the news, no one will know about it.
Nobody's going to judge you.
Minimalists are more common in the city.
There are people who used to live in the city and now they're minimalists.
But if you're an old lady who used to live in the city and didn't have anything,
you'd think, what's a minimalist?
If you live in a place that's packed with people and buildings and everything,
people need more space.
People need more time to organize in a more free life.
If you think like that, I think you'll get this sunk cost bias.
But if you live in a huge space with nothing or nobody,
I don't think you'll get to a situation where you need to make that decision.
So SNS is a problem for people who live in the modern world.
When there's too much stuff, too much information,
it's impossible to recover.
What was it?
No matter how hard you try, you can't recover the cost.
So I want to recover it.
It's a business, right?
If you have money, you have to bring it to the office.
It's easy to understand what's negative.
You can say it's a bad decision later.
I think it's an economic problem, the sunk cost bias.
Because we try to apply that to our daily lives,
our heads start to get confused.
We get confused.
Like the number of numbers you mentioned.
People are 150, but things are 1,500.
If you think about it, the difference in bonsai is 1,500.
It might not be that much.
There are people who are particular about their home environment.
Like making a comfortable place.
If you can love 1,500 points, you can have it, right?
But if you think about it, you don't have 1,500 points.
You don't have it no matter how you think about it.
So you just have to give up things you can't love?
And you don't have to keep doing meaningless things.
For example, you spent so much time, effort, leveled up, got a lot of items,
and even built your own castle in the game, so you can't quit now.
You have a reason for that.
You have a reason why you can't quit.
It's easier that way, so you keep doing it, right?
So you just give up and level up.
If you do meaningless things.
It's not a hobby.
Isn't the game a hobby?
But if you think you can't quit now, it doesn't mean you like it that much.
If you want to keep doing it, you keep doing it.
True, you don't ask for advice.
If you think you should quit, and a question comes up,
work, love, games,
as soon as that question comes up,
it's time to think about this.
It's like a cost-bias.
So it's not like this for everyone, it's different for everyone.
And I knew that minimalism is bullshit.
In the end, I think it's being manipulated by the brand.
Stop using the word minimalist.
Does it make sense?
You can name anything.
Like some kind of ideology.
You should know the proper one.
I think minimalism is an advertising campaign.
Yeah, that's right.
That's what's popular.
Why are there so many products for minimalism?
There are too many meaningless things already.
Minimalists want to be useful.
What do they want to be?
They want to keep living with the minimum amount of things.
What do they want to do?
They want to save money.
They want time.
They want to be useful.
They want to feel good.
If you have a lot of things, you get stressed.
For example, if you have 5 houses, you get stressed.
But you already have a trailer house with a bed, a toilet, and a kitchen.
The clothes are the same from the month to the day.
Everything is the same.
The shoes are the same.
You don't have to think about it.
It's clear.
But if you have 5 houses, do you feel like you're going to stay in this house next week?
I don't know because I'm not young.
Backpackers are the same.
Instead of thinking about it in a backpacker, I want to roll up my suitcase and go on a normal trip.
That's true.
This and this are combined and it's like this.
It's going to be hard to use it.
It's going to be stressful to keep it.
That's right.
If I want to buy something, I want to follow the desire to buy it.
I understand.
So you don't forget to keep your life clean and make yourself happy.
In the end, it's about balance.
That's right.
If you really want to be a minimalist, you shouldn't use the word minimalist.
It suddenly sounds cheap.
That's right.
A little more.
That's right.
If you realize it, you're a minimalist.
That's what it means.
It would be nice if someone told me.
If you go to the city, there are a lot of things.
But it can't be helped. There are too many things.
That's all.
Bye bye.

