
旅好き煩悩夫婦の道草食ってく。 This is 旅好き煩悩夫婦の道草食ってく。
この番組は旅と外遊びが大好き、 This program is a podcast where a couple who love traveling and playing outside
長野県に入住した夫婦が人生の緩み地をしながら感じたことを語る雑談形式のポッドキャストです。 and a couple who moved to Nagano prefecture talk about their life experiences.

番組パーソナリティのヒサポンとカナエです。 The host of the program is Hisa-pon and Kanae.
私たちは1月の27日から折りたたみ自転車で沖縄県を旅しています。 収録しているのは2月の22日になります。 We have been traveling to Okinawa prefecture on a folding bicycle since January 27th. It will be recorded on February 22nd.

もう2月ですね。 It's already February.
だいぶ出発してから3週間以上経ちましたね。 It's been more than 3 weeks since we left.

それで昨日私たちは宮古島から那覇に移動してきました。 So yesterday we moved from Miyakojima to Naha.

もう那覇ですか。 It's already Naha.

もう那覇ですよ。 It's already Naha.
昨日はお昼の飛行機だったのでね、宮古島でゲストハウス出発して、島の駅でサタパンビン。 We took a lunch plane yesterday, so we went to a guest house in Miyakojima and took the Satapambin at the station on the island.

サタパンビンって何ですか? What is Satapambin?
サタパンビンって何ですか? What is Satapambin?

サタアンダギのことをね、宮古島ではサタパンビンって言うらしいんですけど。 In Miyakojima, people call Sataandagi as Satapambin.

サタアンダギ自体が沖縄語だと思ってるんだけど、さらに宮古方言があるんだね。 I think Sataandagi itself is Okinawan, but there is also a Miyako dialect.
なんかよくわかんないんだけど、サタパンビンのサタっていうのはサトウのことらしいです。 I don't know what it is, but I heard that Sata of Satapambin is Sato.
揚げ物だっけ?揚琴が、確か。 Was it fried food? I think it was 揚琴.

サタパンビンって言うので、宮古島らしく塩味のサタパンビン、揚げたてのが。 In Miyakojima, people call Satapambin as Satapambin, which is fried food with salt.

宮古島というのは雪塩でございますね。 In Miyakojima, people call it snow salt.

島の駅、宮古で揚げたて1個100円で食べられたので。 In Miyakojima, people eat fried food for 100 yen.

サックサクだったね。 It was crispy.

美味しかった。 It was delicious.
揚げたて食べて、それから空港に移動して那覇に来ましたね。 After eating fried food, we moved to the airport and came to Naha.

宮古、あっという間でしたね。 Miyako, it was so fast.

あっという間でした。とうとう那覇まで来ちゃったよって感じだね。 It was so fast. We finally got to Naha.
そうだね。思えば夜殴りがだいぶ前になっちゃったね。 Yeah, it was a long time ago.

そうなんだよね。ここまであっという間だったよね。 It was so fast.

あっという間、もう那覇ですね。 It was already Naha.
まあ、那覇はお互い過去に来たことがあるんで。 Well, we've been to Naha before.
まあ、町の規模感とかはなんとなく知ってるつもりで来たんですけど。 Well, I thought I knew about the cityscape.

来てびっくりしたよね。 I was surprised when I came.

びっくりしたね。 I was surprised.
いや、都会。 It was a big city.

怖ってなりました。 I was scared.
いや、宮古島で石垣から来て都会だねって言ってたじゃん。 I heard that it was a big city from Ishigaki in Miyakojima.
全然かわいいもんだったね。 It was so cute.

うわ、家もある。うわ、天海一品ある。天海一品。 Wow, there are houses. Wow, there are a lot of houses. Wow, there are a lot of houses.
うわ、山でやるわって言ってたのが、もう鼻くそですね。 Wow, there are mountains. Wow, there are mountains. Wow, there are mountains.
町の規模でかすぎて聞いてる。 The size of the city was too big to hear.
気になって、空港で調べたら、那覇市の人口が33万人ぐらいなんですよ。 I checked at the airport and found out that the population of Naha is about 330,000.
でも、明らかに町のでかすが33万の規模じゃないんですよね。 But the size of the city is not the size of 330,000.
多分、那覇っていう商業人口が周辺人口があまりにも多すぎて、 There are too many people around Naha.
東京だったね。 By the way,
島単位で言うと石垣がだいたい5万人いないぐらい、約5万人、都が5万5千人。 there are less than 50,000 people in Ishigaki, and there are 55,000 people in Miyako.
でも、リゾートバイトとかの人いるから、多分6万ぐらいいるんじゃないかなって感じで。 But there are people who work at a resort, so I think there are about 60,000 people.
5番オーダーの島だったんですよね、今までが沖縄本島、128万人いるらしいです。 It was the 5th order island until now, and it seems that there are 1.28 million people in Okinawa.
那覇は33万人、まだ後ろに約100万人いますって感じですね。 Naha has 330,000 people, and there are still about 1 million people behind.
さすが本島だよね。 That's true.

家も最近の建物がいっぱいだしさ。 There are a lot of recent buildings in the house.
そうだね。全然沖縄感はないでしょ。 It doesn't feel like Okinawa at all.

大都会だね。 It's a big city.
デパートもあるし。 There is also a department store.
すごいね。ショッピングモールにモノレールが走り、駅直結で商業施設が立ち並び。 There are a lot of shopping malls, monorails running, and commercial facilities are lined up right next to the station.

高層マンションいっぱいあるからね。 There are a lot of high-rise apartment buildings.

高層マンションいっぱいあるもんね。 There are a lot of high-rise apartment buildings.
すごい。ちょっと。 Wow.
都会だったわ。 It was a big city.
涼やかなね。繁華街があって。 It was a bustling city.

村上そこらの地方都市なんかよりずっと都会だったね。 It was more like a city than a rural city.

びっくりした。 I was surprised.
すごいよね。観光大都市だよね。 It's amazing. It's a tourist city.

あとね、もう一個びっくりしたことがあるんですけどね。 I was surprised about another thing.

寒い。 It was cold.
寒かったね。 It was cold.
空港の荷物受取所までは暑すぎて、気持ち悪くなるくらい暑かったんですけど、 It was so hot that I felt sick.
そっからね、チェックインぐらいのね、空港のビルに入ったら寒い。 It was cold when I entered the check-in building.

風が冷たい。 The wind was cold.

外出たらクッソ寒い。 It was so cold when I went outside.
気温も都島とかよりも全然低いし、風も冷たかったね。 The temperature was lower than that of Miyakojima.

It was cold.

冷たいね。 It was cold.

で、昨日は多分ちょっと今日よりも気温が低かったから余計だったのかな。 I think the temperature was lower yesterday than today, so it was an extra temperature.

そうですね。 Yes.
で、あれだよね。内地の日本の本土の方も寒波が来てるから、それで余計寒いのかなっていうのもあるんだけど。 Well, the temperature in the mainland of Japan is also low, so I think that's why it's even colder.
でも今、ちなみに、あれなんですけど、今中の気温が、今リアルタイムで、えっとね、16℃、14℃。 By the way, the temperature inside is now 16℃, 14℃.
14℃。 It's cold.
14℃。寒い。 It's cold.

今ね、夜中の0時を回りました。 It was around midnight.

ちょうど0時を回りましたね。 It was just around midnight.
そう、で、石垣が今19℃あるらしいでした。 And the temperature in Ishigaki is now 19℃.

5度ちがう。 It's five degrees below zero?

5度違う。 It's five degrees below zero.

5度って結構違うね。 5℃って結構違うね。 5℃って結構違うね。 5℃って結構違うね。 It's quite different from here.

5℃で結構違うんで。 It's quite different from here.
そうなんです。実はね。 That is how warm it is.
それぐらい気温が違うっていうことを、同じ沖縄でもこんなに違うなってのをそう、 It is really different from Oklahoma temperature like this.

In Ishigaki prefecture, there was a person who was wearing a shimazori, but inside it was a kaimu.

Kaimu, everyone was wearing fashionable clothes.

There were a lot of cars passing by.

It's amazing, isn't it? There are a lot of shiny luxury cars running.

Everyone is turning without a turn signal.

It's scary, isn't it? It's really a traffic light for pedestrians.
When everyone is walking on the side of the road, they wait for us.
Of course, everyone is kind, but they don't turn on the turn signal.
I don't know if the car coming into this intersection will turn or go straight,
but for the time being, they are waiting for us.
A mysterious situation often occurs.

It's pretty rough driving, isn't it?

It feels like it's flying.
It's amazing, isn't it? Everyone is flying.
It's a city with a lot of traffic lights.

It's a city with a lot of traffic lights.

Yesterday, we stayed at a place called Guest House Umikaji.
It's a place called Umikaji because it's written as the wind of the sea.

It was pretty good.
The location is right in front of the prefectural office of Naha,
so it's right in front of the prefectural office of Monorail on Kokusai Street.
You can walk to the prefectural office and city hall.
It's really in the middle. It's the center.

It was convenient and beautiful.

Yes, it was beautiful.
And it was a cheap private room.

We stayed in a twin room,
but it was a private room with a double bed.
But it wasn't just a double bed.
There was a table and a chair.
There was a lot of space.
And the sharing space was better than anything else.

It was like a stylish co-working space.

Yes, it was a co-working space.
It was very spacious.
The second floor was the reception and sharing space.
The second floor was a shared space.

It was a small building.
The second floor was wide and open.

There was a seat.
There were two tables for six people.

There was a counter table.

There were two sofas.
There were a lot of things.
There was also a microwave and a toaster.
It wasn't for people who wanted to cook by themselves.

There was no stove.

There was no stove.
It was clean enough to buy a bento and eat it.
You can drink free tea or coffee.
It was very convenient and nice.
It was half the price, so please buy it.
Today, we left our luggage in a big backpack for 200 yen.

And they left it in the staff room.
We don't usually leave it there, so it's safe.

Also, we checked out at 10 p.m.
You can use the shared space until 3 p.m.

You can use it for 500 yen after 3 p.m.

It's a nice working space.


The atmosphere was bright and clean.
There were a lot of showers.

There were five shared spaces on the second floor.
Each floor has a private room, a dormitory, and a room.
Each floor has two shower rooms.

I think there were three.

No, there were two on the fifth floor.

Oh, I see.
For women, there is a timing diver in the bathroom.

It's in the ladies' room.

Only one.

It's not fair.

You can use it if it's open.

It's not fair.

I'm glad.

I see.

Today, we took a leisurely trip.

First, we went to the Okinawa Prefectural Museum.
How was it?

There was a lot of information.


As usual, when we go to the museum,
our stomachs get swollen and our heads get punched.
It's been a while since I've been to the museum, so I don't have any impression of it.

It's not just about the prefecture.
It's about Yaeyama, Miyako, and the islands we've been to.
It's an exhibition that covers all of them.

However, I had the impression that there were many exhibitions about the Ryukyu Kingdom.
They gave us recommendations on how to get around the Ryukyu Kingdom.
Looking at them, I could see how the Ryukyu Kingdom,
the former Okinawa Prefecture, was made.
In addition to that, there were exhibitions about culture, people, natural environment,
archaeology, art, and so on.
That's how the exhibition was organized.

Personally, I was wondering where to look at.

It's written in the order, but I was wondering where to look at.
It's in the order of 20 and 30.
There was a lot of information.

There was a lot of information.
I was told about the Kaizuka and the ruins,
so I didn't know much about it.
That's not my area of expertise.

That's right.
It's true that only a certain amount of information is transmitted,
whether it's a stone or a pottery.

It's important to know the history and the way people lived.

I think it's good to know that people have lived here for a long time.

Personally, I liked the video material the most.

That's right.
Actually, it's not in the recommended order,
but it's in the middle of the exhibition.
It's right in the middle of the main exhibition.
There is an exhibition that shows the location of the island
by projection mapping from the top of the screen.
The video material next to it shows the location of each island.
For example, Yaeyama Island, Yaeyama Island, Miyako Island, Okinawa,
Hokuto, Nambu, Hokubu, Chubu, Daito Island, etc.
Since it's a male island,

Amomiyo Island, Tokunoshima Island, etc.
There is a place where you can see the video material of Okinawa Island
plus the male island on your computer.
It was a good exhibition and video material
to understand the history of the island and what kind of island it will be in the future.

There are a lot of islands in the video,
and if you do this island with a touch panel,
the dialect of the island, the language of the island,
the grandfathers and grandmothers of the island
explain the culture of the island to you.

Katari is a local person,
so he speaks in dialect.

Yes, he speaks in dialect.

He speaks in Ryukyu dialect.

The words are completely different.
It was interesting to hear that.
Of course, there is a subtitle.

Yes, there is a subtitle in standard Japanese.

So I can understand it.
It's interesting to hear that there is a subtitle in standard Japanese.
The words of Okinawa are completely different.
Yes, they are different.
I came to Miyako from Yaeyama,
and I thought the words of Miyako were completely different,
but I felt that Yaeyama and Miyako were somewhat similar.
When I came to the main island of Okinawa,
I felt that Okinawa dialect was still familiar to me.

It was the Okinawa dialect that the locals imagined.


It was the Okinawa dialect of the main island of Okinawa.

When I went to Abame island,
I got closer to Kagoshima little by little,

but it was similar to the words of Okinawa.

but it was similar to the words of Okinawa.
There was also a document about dancing,
but it was like a mix of Kachahashi.


It was similar to Okinawa.

It was similar to Okinawa.

That's the end, isn't it?

There is a place called Tokararetto on the island,
which is famous for island lovers.
It's very difficult to go there.
There is also a place called Tokararetto,
which is only in Chonan.
But if you go there,
it's almost like the words of Kagoshima.
Yes, it's almost like the words of Kagoshima.
We don't know what to say,
but it's like the words of Kagoshima.
We don't know what to say,
but it's like the words of Kagoshima.

Daito-jima is a part of Okinawa,
but the people who developed it
were not from Okinawa,
but from Hachijo-jima.

In the Ryukyu period,
Ryukyu was an uninhabited island,
so people from Hachijo-jima
were living there.
They were living there.

They were developing it.

The words are similar to the standard language.
Yes, it's similar to the standard language.

You can understand it completely.
It was interesting just to hear those words.
It was interesting just to hear those words.

In Kuroshima,
Kuroshima is the only place
where people bring their fish to fish.
In Kuroshima,
the word for fish is called
but it's actually MIROKU in Kanji.
But it's actually called MIROKU in Japanese.
But it's actually MIROKU in Japanese.
I thought it was MIROKU-BOSATSU.
I forgot the name of the island,
but in the document,
in the old man's commentary,
he said it was MIROKU-BOSATSU.
he said it was MIROKU-BOSATSU.
he said it was MIROKU-BOSATSU.
I thought it was MIROKU-BOSATSU.
I thought it was MIROKU-BOSATSU.

I thought it was MIROKU-BOSATSU.

I heard that the Hikaten went there.
I heard that the Hikaten went there.
I think it was MIROKU-SAMA.
I think it was MIROKU-SAMA.
I think it was MIROKU-SAMA.
I think it was MIROKU-SAMA.

Also, in the exhibition,
there was an exhibition
called the Miracle of Life
at the Ryukyu Red House.
There were a lot of fossils.
There were a lot of fossils.

Like ammonites and dinosaurs.

The time was late,
so I could only see them.
But in the Ryukyu Cinema,
the Ryukyu Sekkaigan was not the only one.
But in the Ryukyu Cinema,
there were a lot of fossils
I was able to quickly learn that there are so many different types of sound.

Yes, it was very quick.

The reason why I was in such a hurry was because I had a schedule after that.
I see.

So I went to the regular concert of the 15th JSDF.
I don't think there are many people who go to the concert in the middle of the day.

Yesterday, I was riding my bicycle from Naha Airport to the city of Naha.
When I was running along the left side of the sea,
I saw a poster of the JSDF on the fence of the U.S. military base.
I saw it well.
I thought,
Oh, it's tomorrow.
I don't have any plans for tomorrow.
Can I go?
Besides, the weather doesn't seem to be very good.
It's a no-plan.
I asked if I was interested,
and they said,
Oh, if it's free, let's go.
So I contacted them.
I heard there were still tickets, so I went to get them.

It's free, but the tickets are distributed in advance.
So I can go to the local government office,
or to the local government office.
Do you know what a local government office is?
It's a local cooperative.
It's like a public office.
And it's distributed in the town's musical instruments store and music store.
So I went to a nearby musical instrument store and got the tickets.

It was good.

It was good.

You played a lot of songs you know.

Yes, a lot.

You listened to a lot of nostalgic songs.

Yes, songs I didn't know.
I don't know music at all,
but it's amazing how strong the music is.
It's amazing how it's organized.

J-Tiger is amazing.

I thought it was high-level.
There is a song called Kumabachi no Hikou, which I found on the Internet.
It's a song like RTA.
I knew the existence of that song,
but I was happy to hear it live for the first time.
You played it live in Marimba.
It was really fast.
I didn't know the movement of my arms.

You listened to a lot of songs.

I listened to a lot of songs by young boys and girls.

I listened to a lot of songs by young boys and girls.
It was fun.
The concert hall was a great place.

I think it's the biggest concert hall in Okinawa.
I think it's the biggest concert hall in Okinawa.

It was a great place.

You could listen to music for free.
I got a souvenir.
I got a coaster when I answered the questionnaire.
I got a coaster.

I went there because I heard about it yesterday.
I went there because I heard about it yesterday.

It was good.
It was good.
It was good.
It was good.
It was good.
It was good.

I think it's hard to go to J-Tiger concert on a trip.
It was good for me.

The questionnaire had no information about others.
Maybe I didn't have the answer.
Maybe I didn't have the answer.

We're in Yonabaru town which is Yonahara from Naha.
We're in Yonabaru town which is Yonahara from Naha.

Naha is on the south-west side, and Yonabaru is on the east side.

We're staying in a dormitory.
This is also a normal town.
It's very convenient.

There are three supermarkets that are open until 11 p.m.,
and next to them is the J.A. Farmers Market.
It's very close to everything.
You can even walk to the end of Reijima.

We're staying in a dormitory called Agai-hama.
Daiso is also open until 9.30 p.m.
Daiso is open until about 8 p.m.
It's amazing that it's open until 9.30 p.m.

Daiso is open until 9.30 p.m.
It's a big city.

I can't feel Okinawa at all.

I can't feel Okinawa at all.

It's not a concrete house at all.
The roof is also made of concrete.
There's a mattress and a roof.

It's a really triangular roof.
I wonder what the typhoon prevention plan is like.
I wonder what the typhoon prevention plan is like.

I wonder what the typhoon prevention plan is like.
We're staying in a dormitory called Yonabaru.
We don't have any plans for tomorrow.
We're going to make a plan from now on.

That's all for today.
Have a nice day, everyone.
The story of Okinawa will continue.