2025-02-11 1:18:45

#89【🇯🇵少子化で絶滅する最初の国】Japan's Last Child in 696 Years

Haitai People,

Professor Toru Yoshikawa from Tohoku University has made a shocking prediction that if the declining birthrate continues, Japan will have only one child born in 696 years. His research suggests that if Japan's birthrate remains at its current level (around 1.26), the number of children will continue to decline, eventually leading to their disappearance.

So, we are going to be endangered species.




() Shocking Prediction: Only One Child in Japan 696 Years from Now!? 衝撃の予測:696年後の日本に子供1人!?

() The Start of Newborn Life 新生児の人生のスタート

() Childhood Memories Revived by Childbirth 出産によって蘇った幼少期の記憶

() Okinawan Tradition: About Anma Kutuu 沖縄の伝統:アンマークートゥーについて

() The Financial Burden of Child Rearing 子育ての経済的負担について

() Balancing Work and Parenting 仕事と育児の両立について

() Changing Perspectives on Marriage and Childbirth 結婚・出産に対する価値観の変化

() Differences in Child-Rearing Environments Between Cities and Rural Areas 都市部と地方の子育て環境の違い

() Examining Japan's Paternity Leave Issues 日本の父親の育休問題を考える

() How Motherhood Changed My Values 母になって変わった価値観

() Social Media and Changes in Human Relationships SNSと人間関係の変化

() Daycare Situations and the Dilemma of Working Mothers 保育園事情と働く母親のジレンマ

() Current State and Challenges of Childcare Support Systems 子育て支援制度の現状と課題

() The Role of Local Communities in Child Rearing 地域社会における子育ての役割

() What Lies Ahead for Japan? これからの日本はどうなる?



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#DecliningBirthrate #JapansFuture #PopulationDecline #696YearsLater #Parenting #WorkLifeBalance #ChildcareIssues #ParentalLeave #GenderEquality #SocialAwareness #MarriageAndParenting #DiverseLifestyles #TohokuUniversity #ToruYoshikawa #Podcast#少子化 #日本の未来 #出生率低下 #人口減少 #696年後 #子育て #育児と仕事 #ワークライフバランス #育休問題 #家事育児分担 #社会意識改革 #結婚と出産 #多様な生き方 #東北大学 #吉川徹 #ポッドキャスト



せーの What's up, amazing people? This is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and English.
はいたいはいたい。ぐすーよーちゅーがなびら。IYASASA RADIOのアカネーとミナミにやいびん。このレディオでぐすーよーんかい。イエーイごとウチナーグチさんに。いっぺーむするはなし。つづきやんりち。うむとーいびん。
Professor Toru Yoshikawa from Tohoku University has made a shocking prediction that if the declining birth rate continues, Japan will have only one child born in 696 years.
His research suggests that if Japan's birth rate remains at its current level, around 1.26, the number of children will continue to decline, eventually leading to their disappearance.
Long time no podcasting.
It's been a while.
And according to this article, there is possibly that there is no Japanese on the earth, but Akane just gave birth a new Japanese person.
In November.
Last November.
It's been a few months we had podcast last time.
It's been more than 6 months.
I was on vacation after giving birth.
New mom life.
How's being mom so far?
It's been busy.
Lack of sleep.
As usual moms.
But my baby is very healthy and she's bigger than like normal size than other kids.
So it's been good.
And my husband is supportive.
So I appreciate it.
Yeah, that's very important.
Yeah, that's a big thing.
There is someone support you and your parents.
My life changed suddenly.
But in a good way.
Like I always imagine mom's mom life like while I was pregnant.
But after the giving birth, it's like changing the world.
いろんなunexpected thingsもあるし。
So like it's very surprising but after giving birth a week later my mom came to my house.
And after she left and at night I dreamed of like when I was zero year old to like three years old.
Like you as a baby.
とかをRemind of my childhoodを急に今まで全く見たことのない記憶がいっぱい蘇ってきて。
Like through your daughter to your mom.
When I talk to my baby I say something my mom used to say.
It just came up to you naturally.
In my case ではある。
You actually remember somehow but you don't remember.
But you know through seeing your daughter the memory will come up as a predictor or something like you can copy what your mom did to you.
How to babysit or how I had babysittedみたいな感じ。
It's kind of hard to explain.
After you told me about あんまーくーとぅー I googled it.
But it doesn't...
Not in Yonabaruなのか。
Like mom energy beats evils.
Some kind.
My baby is at my parent's house now.
アカネがjust one babyプラスしましたので
日本で今までで一番less baby
I think it's not in Okinawaっていう感じもするけど。
Okinawa is one of the highest birth rate prefecture in Japan.
これはjust for your information.
あれさ、one man, one woman produce one kid
じゃあmore than two kids
Like my parents, they have like five or six siblings
Like currently Japan except a lot of immigrants
A lot of people from overseas and something
I think after 690 years later
I think Japan Japanese doesn't look like Japanese anymore
How do you like identify Japanese?
Like people who are born in Japan can't be Japanese?
Or just DNA wise?
Or how do you define as Japanese?
I think this article talking about DNA wise Japanese
それじゃないとit doesn't make sense
I think it depends on nationality
I think it's like people who live in Japan and giving birth ratesだと思うけど
Even if you are from like different countries
If you give birth in Japan and it counts as Japan's birth rate I guess
I don't know
じゃないとit doesn't make senseじゃん
じゃあlike you know what I mentioned
Like after 600 years ago Japanese are not DNA wise Japanese
その一人how does he she looks likeって感じじゃん
Mix of everything face
でもin Japan I feel like if you do like DNA検査
Many Japanese people is like 100 Japanese
Compared to other countries
Because of our immigrant history
Or this theory can be wrong
If the Japanese government will accept more and more immigrants
I did DNA検査
I'm 100% Japanese
No doubt
But did you expect somehow like your mix of something
Yeah I expected like few of Philippinesとか
I'm 100% Japanese
Like most of Ryukyuan people
Came from like East Asia
I'm 100% Ryukyuan people
And my husband was mixed of
Like a lot of things because he's half
Half Japaneseで
Mix of a lot of things
Yeah yeah yeah
So his nationality is Japan but
His DNA is not like
Pure Japanese
So my baby will be mix of
Those things
Maybe like 70% Japanese
Yeah yeah
I'm kinda proud of being Japanese 100%
Because it's going to be rare case right?
Only one DNA nationalityじゃないか
You know in the future
If there is no distinguished 100% Japanese
Like current American people
There is no American DNAじゃん
We're going to be just Asian?
Maybe yeah
So why is the birth rate decline
Unstoppable in Japan?
1. 経済的負担の大きさ
I don't think so
She doesn't think so
Why is that?
Like when I ask people
Do you want to have a kid?
Do you want to get married?
And some people say
I'm not ready yet
For both men and women
For both men and women, especially men.
I think they feel more responsible for raising kids and support family to earn money.
But in this era, women also make money.
And sometimes they both need to work and they need to raise kids together.
That's the world we live in now.
If you think about when your kids go to university until 20 years, maybe you need a lot of money.
But when they are just born, you will have many support from different countries.
It's like you just don't know.
Yeah, you just don't know.
When you have kids, even you didn't plan, but you need to raise a kid without money.
It might not be enough, but you gotta do it.
You gotta do it even if you don't have enough money.
But economically, if you have a lot of money, you feel secure and you have more choices.
That's for sure.
But if you drink milk and change your last name, you can live.
Even if you are just born.
And also, medical expenses are free.
Right now, you can get 15,000 yen per person.
So if you add a little bit to your life, I think you can raise kids.
It sounds similar to when men say they are not ready to get married.
They just want to escape from the reality.
I think like that.
Or they are just using the excuse for, you know, just money.
Yeah, I think so too.
I think it's better to say that.
Like, you don't have to raise kids now.
Yeah, we have to react like, oh, okay, that's okay.
You know, nothing further question.
Maybe it's a good answer to avoid that.
Like, you don't have enough money to be satisfied.
Yeah, that's true.
But if you are a man, maybe you can say that kind of thing.
But if you are a woman, you have a time limit to give birth.
I mean, with a healthy body.
If you are over 35, there are a lot of risks.
And you can't buy that with money.
So timing is important.
But Lily Collins just gave birth through desegregation, right?
Yeah, that's true.
Celebrity is a little different.
Yeah, there are different options.
Huge amount of money can save your age issue.
How do you give birth?
You and...
Okay, if a man and woman couple wants to have a child,
but they don't, they want to use a surrogate mom,
they will make their embryo.
They will make their embryo and give birth to a surrogate mom.
I'm sorry, did I say surrogate mom?
No, it's not surrogate mom.
They will give birth to a surrogate mom.
So a surrogate mom will give birth?
If she's older, that's a good option.
She's not even old.
Is that so?
She's like our age.
The news says there is a lot of judgment toward that couple.
I thought it would be hard for celebrities too.
I thought they would have to make it public.
That's true.
How do I say this?
Even though they use a surrogate mom,
even though they use a surrogate mom,
it's not like they should use a surrogate mom
or they should be allowed to use a surrogate mom.
It's not like that.
That's true.
But giving birth after pregnancy
is a huge burden.
It takes a lot of time.
There are a lot of things that can be saved.
There are a lot of things that can be saved.
There are a lot of things that can be saved.
So depending on the job and the way of thinking,
I think a surrogate mom is good.
Only that person can have the experience of giving birth.
Only that person can have the experience of giving birth.
I think it's completely different
whether you do it or not.
I think it's completely different.
It's like humans have changed.
I'm not the same person anymore
I'm not the same person anymore
after giving birth experience.
I think so.
I think so.
Humans are born fundamentally.
Humans are born fundamentally.
If you don't have that experience, you're not born.
If your parents didn't let you be born,
or if they didn't have the experience,
or if you didn't have the experience,
you're just born.
Even though I heard a lot about it,
even though I heard a lot about it,
born and not born are completely different.
even though I heard a lot about it,
It's different from having the experience.
It's different from having the experience.
I ran a lot of tests like that,
Especially Jintsu.
Especially Jintsu.
It's your like personal experience, right?
Everyone is different, right?
The timing of giving birth to a child is what's happening here, right?
I think it also affects the child's upbringing after that.
Well, that's right. If you, you know, have a chance to.
Only, though.
That's right. If you can, just do it.
If you can't, if you have the money, just do it.
If you don't have the money, you can ask anyone, even your parents.
It's the first time I feel my boobs are that important to feed.
I wonder why I was born.
You found your first role.
Yeah, I feel that way a lot.
Your biological features make sense.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. As a mom.
That's funny.
When I heard about Akane, I thought of Okinawa's Kameko Obaka.
That's true.
Okay, next.
It's difficult to balance work and child care, especially for women.
Long working hours and shortage of daycare facility make it difficult, especially for women, to balance child care and work.
How is it?
Is there anything else?
It just started, but I'm feeling it's hard to make balance.
But you will, anyways.
You gotta do it.
You gotta do it before you think about it.
But I think it's not an issue for, like, as a parent.
I feel like it's also an excuse.
It's similar to the previous one.
Everything is difficult to balance.
And, you know, the number of daycare facility teachers,
the number of daycare facility teachers,
the number of daycare facility teachers,
it's a problem in Japan.
If you look at it, it's about 7 teachers per person.
Yeah, yeah.
It could get worse.
There have been accidents in the past few years.
I feel bad for the teachers.
But still, you can find a good daycare facility.
With few kids and many teachers.
I also chose a small daycare facility.
Because my baby is still young.
To be in a daycare facility.
But I also need to work.
It's difficult, but I think it will work out.
But especially for the woman who works at the office job,
needs to take a train to go to the office.
It's very difficult.
We live in a car society.
We still have flexible working hours.
We still have flexible working hours.
It's good.
Well, I can't say that.
Isn't this the first one?
Marriage and childbirth values change.
Due to the change in values,
more people choose not to get married or have children.
More people choose not to get married or have children.
More people choose not to get married or have children.
More people choose not to get married or have children.
Due to shifting social values.
In short,
even if you don't get married or have children,
your life will be fulfilling.
That's true.
Yeah, it's true.
It's your choice.
I think so.
It's your choice.
It's your choice.
It's your choice.
It's your choice.
But you want kids, right?
This is...
As a human being...
This is a very conservative thought.
This is a very conservative thought.
The purpose of human life
is to reproduce.
I think that's why
it's a make-sense age.
Okinawan families
look at the whole flow of life.
We know from our great-grandparents.
We have our own kids.
Our parents are our grandchildren.
Our great-grandparents are our great-grandchildren.
We look at those relationships.
We look at those relationships.
It's normal to flow.
It's normal to flow.
As long as you can follow the flow.
In our case,
we have a big family.
We always be with
babies and
and raising kids together.
We feel like it's normal
to have that kind of life.
in someone's
case who don't have
many siblings
and who don't
have communication with kids
it's kind of hard to imagine
having kids in their life.
But you said earlier
the biggest economic burden.
I'm a financially
comfortable person right now.
And that's one of the reasons
why I can think about it.
I was working
to be able to do it
even if I was alone.
I know
it sounds like an excuse,
but it might be true.
Especially, I'm a woman.
I totally understand
men's opinion, but
as a woman,
I've seen a lot of
women who wants to
get divorced, but they can't
because they're not financially
I've seen that a lot.
If you want to have
it's a bit off topic, but
if you want to have kids,
what should you do?
I'm in middle school,
so I think
I can raise
my kids
I think
it depends on the person.
You can imagine
when you have kids already.
in Okinawa,
I've been around
since I was a college student.
I've had kids
from the next generation.
It's because I've seen it.
It's also because
the old ladies died.
It's like,
the generation will be changed.
I can see it.
If my parents
think that I'm
becoming an old lady,
if I can
follow the trend,
even if I'm not born,
I can follow the trend
by helping.
So I don't really
question it.
But talking about Okinawa,
it's a bit too special.
In Tokyo,
if Minami earns a lot
and has about
50 subordinates,
it's a bit hard to imagine.
If she earns a lot,
it's a bit
hard to imagine.
You are responsible
for a lot of things in your work.
You don't have time
to think about your future
with kids.
Work can be addiction.
Having a high self-esteem
is also good.
It's different for everyone.
It's different for everyone.
Say it again.
There are people
who don't think about anything
and just have kids
because it's normal.
There are people
who unexpectedly have kids.
There are people
who get married
and have kids.
No matter what the order is,
if you have kids,
you have tasks
every day.
You already have a purpose
in your life.
You raise this person.
It's unstoppable.
No matter what the order is,
by having kids,
you have a sense of
starting your mission
as a human being.
People who suddenly have kids
can make them grow.
People who were waiting for kids
might feel like
it's a good start.
when you are born,
you become your own self.
I think it's a great feeling.
It's like you were born
as a human being.
It's something
only you can experience.
It's like an explosion.
It's like,
you raise this person.
It's difficult to explain,
but it's not something
you can think about.
It's like you were born as a human being.
According to the people
who said that,
you are ready to have kids
than now.
So I thought
you have a great
maternal instinct.
Some people are like,
why now?
But wait,
it doesn't matter.
when you have a baby,
marriage or partnership
makes more sense.
I'm really glad
to have a partner.
Maybe some people don't think so,
but without this person,
you can't have a baby.
It's difficult to raise a baby
by yourself.
So I'm glad
I got married.
That's what I thought.
to have a partner
and to have experienced
to love and be loved someone
is the first step.
What do you think, Yumi?
The first step is
I think so.
I agree.
At first,
it's like you get married
because you love each other.
But when you have a baby,
you can do something together.
It makes more sense
to get married.
It depends on
and country.
That's what I think.
about the rate of birth,
I think
people don't want
to get married.
The more you get married,
the more
you get to know
your partner.
I think the way you meet
has changed.
Because there are
so many ways to meet,
when you hear
horrible things
from people around you,
it's like
lack of
potential trust
to strangers.
It's like
I sometimes
that my neighbor is
serial killer.
Do you understand?
I think for some couples,
being single is more easier.
I think so.
If your partner is a bad guy.
Oh, in a couple?
If your husband is a bad guy,
it's better to live alone.
if you have a husband,
you don't have to
get married.
the more you want to get married, the more you hate it.
The rate of divorce
is half
of the current rate.
like family
has no value
for everyone.
become more independent.
If the woman is independent
financially, mentally,
physically, then you don't need a partner.
Or they have enough
time to find a new partner.
And they're raising kids by
I can't imagine being single
whole life.
Maybe it's boring.
You are
born as
a person who
has a healthy
romance relationship.
I'm trying to
have a healthy
relationship with anyone.
Is it fun to live alone?
It depends on your hobby.
The more you
go to the city,
the more hobbies you have.
You can
your hobbies.
If there are
a lot of single persons
like them,
you don't feel lonely.
Single persons support each other.
That's the new
That's true.
It's not a monogamy.
It's not polyamory.
Even if you don't love each other,
you support each other.
If you have some
you feel fulfilled.
It's good to have
a balance until you die.
Until you die,
you have the same hobbies.
That's true.
I just don't want to be
I understand.
Let's continue.
Does Japan have
anti-dementia measures?
The government has
introduced various anti-dementia measures,
but that alone
is not enough
I didn't say number 4.
I thought I already said it.
By the way,
number 4 was
local population decline and
urban concentration
as we talked.
I just wanted to read it.
That's true.
Local and urban are different.
If you don't want to get married,
you should go city area.
If you don't want to get married,
you can be single.
You can earn money,
you can have more business chance,
and you have more opportunity to meet people
who are interested in same things.
So you should be in
Tokyo or any city area.
No pressure.
I think so.
There is urban concentration,
but now,
Tokyo is like one-stop-concentration.
I want people to leave Tokyo
and move to
Osaka, Kyoto, and Fukuoka.
I want people to
get excited
and to see more urban areas
like Okinawa,
which are not urban areas.
When everyone is separated,
you can meet
more people
I think so.
I think people don't have time
to meet people,
new people don't have energy,
don't have good communication.
That's what I think.
What do you think?
I think so.
Salary is low,
and we don't have many days off.
That's right.
There are problems in Japan.
I don't know if it's working.
In other countries,
for example,
in France and Sweden,
there are many child support programs,
and the birth rate is relatively high.
However, the birth rate in Japan is still
not enough, especially for working women
and single mothers.
That's what I heard.
It depends on the local government,
That's right.
medical expenses are free,
and the childcare
is expensive
for one parent.
When I see that,
I think
it's better
for one parent
to earn a little
than two parents.
If two parents
don't earn much,
and a single mother
earns a lot,
the economic level is definitely higher.
I think it's difficult
to make such a decision.
I see.
What should we do?
I have a suggestion.
We should increase
the economic support.
We should reduce the burden
on education.
Akane's baby is still a baby.
If we talk about
high school students,
there may be a big burden.
I don't know.
and dads
are also
having a hard time
getting childcare.
It's not a stigma,
but the eyes around
Japanese men
can be really
Like an old-school mind.
If you are born
at zero months,
dad needs to be at home as well.
Almost everyone can't be at home.
There were a few people around,
but other than that,
there are many people
who take two or three days off.
I wake up at 3 a.m.
I do it day and night.
The mom is going to be crazy.
I think
I will be like
I think it will happen to anyone.
Even in the hospital,
I take a questionnaire
several times,
and sometimes I think
I will be like Akane.
But I feel like
the questionnaire
will lead me to the right answer.
So I think it's meaningless.
The questionnaire itself.
There are also house visits,
but everyone prepares for those visits.
So it's meaningless.
It's meaningless.
who does the visit?
The actor does the visit.
Like, how are you doing now?
If you live in Naha city,
you can get
50,000 yen.
15,000 yen.
50000 yen.
50,000 yen.
if the
if you do Akachan Homo.
That's right.
Naha citizens.
About the story of
a male child,
according to the article
in 2020,
the percentage of
child labor
in Sweden is
43% for males
and 56% for females.
It's about half.
In the US,
37.92% for males
and 62.1% for females.
In Japan,
15.4% for males
and 84.6% for females.
for females,
the burden of
child labor is very high.
For females,
women needs to do breastfeeding
you will be in hospital
after giving birth
for a week.
So, you will be
like, you have
more sacrifice
to raise kids.
That's why
it's natural
to have such a percentage.
That's why
women need to join
more child labor
than you think.
That's what I think.
For example,
in my case, I do
breastfeeding and milk.
But I ask my dad
to bathe me.
And I ask my dad to bathe me at night.
I try to
do half of what he does.
I ask him to do
what he doesn't do.
That way,
I think my dad will
feel more maternal love.
I think
he will feel more responsibility.
He will feel like he is
his own child.
When I was a kid,
I was
0 years old.
If I didn't do that,
I would have
suddenly grown up.
Especially my dad.
When I go to work,
I only see him in the morning and night.
He changes his face every day.
He grows up so fast.
I think it's a waste
if I don't do it.
It depends on how much
love you have for your child.
But I think it's a waste.
Work is important,
but raising a child
is also important.
Raising a child.
When a woman
is pregnant,
the baby
explodes little by little.
The baby
is born with the feeling
of death,
and the baby explodes.
But men
can be
They don't have
enough time to be with the kids.
After the baby is born,
the baby
by itself.
in Japan,
there are a lot of people
who say they can't
accept the baby
at work.
I don't think it's a matter of
the gender of the couple.
I think it's a matter of
the company.
For example,
if it's a man,
it's like this.
If your boss
is old style,
it's hard to get
a job
for men.
But if your boss
is young,
it's like a new style.
So it's easier to get
a job.
Or if the husband
or the man
wants to get promoted
or in the company
has a very competitive
I don't think
you can get a job.
If you're under
pressure to get a job,
you can't get a job.
That's true.
If you're an islander,
I don't think it's a good idea.
But if you're
a city-minded person,
you can't get a job
for a day.
But isn't it good
if your wife works?
It's not about
how much money you have.
I think it's a matter of pride
as a man.
I think
it's good
if your wife is satisfied.
I used to
work a lot
and I really
like to work,
but after giving birth,
I want to spend more time with my baby
and I feel like
I don't want to work anymore.
I just want to concentrate
on raising kids.
But I need to work
for making money.
I don't have much passion anymore.
I feel like
I'm working for my life.
That's how I feel now.
But eventually,
if my kids
get older,
then if she has
her life without me,
I think
that work life will come alive.
That's only
my opinion.
Do you know what I mean?
You can think for yourself
and go to school.
When I have time,
I don't want to
end up raising kids.
Continuing to work
will affect my career.
I feel like
I should take it easy.
But I don't want to
make my kids lonely.
This is
a struggle
for women
all over the world.
it's impossible
no matter what you do.
It's not easy.
This might be a bad example.
You need to balance
your life.
You need to balance
whether you can
convince yourself
or not.
But if you stay at home
all day,
you feel more like
you want to go out,
you want to engage with more people,
you want to start working.
It's important to have
time to talk to adults.
I've been doing that with my kids.
Language is different.
Communication is different.
The brain is different.
I just talked about
raising kids.
what Japan can do
is to strengthen
support measures for
marriage and childbirth,
to stabilize young people,
and to expand housing.
It's not only Japan.
It's all over the world.
I feel like
there are a lot of people
who are struggling.
Cabbage costs about 1000 yen.
When things get expensive
and I need to spend money,
I think
I should earn money.
I'm not good at saving.
I'm not good at saving money,
like doing
Like cut the budget.
I'm not really good at it.
I'm so tired of it.
When I have to use
my money,
suddenly I start thinking
how to make money more.
About poikatsu,
it's not going to be
saving your life.
It can be your
If you do it,
it might be easier.
poikatsu is not a card,
it's an app.
If you have a smartphone,
for example,
if you only go to Famima,
if you run out of money
you can use it
once in a while.
It's not going to be
saving your life,
it's just a bonus.
Someone asked me how many times
I make cards.
I don't make them.
That's a serious question.
I think it's better to make them.
I just don't want to
hold cards all the time.
I want it to be simple.
I might be losing money,
but I don't want to do it.
You're not losing money.
You're not making anything.
You just need to do
what you can do.
That's all.
We have to use our brain.
If you work normally,
you're not going to lose money.
That's true.
to make work more efficient,
people are using AI.
You are so good at making things more efficient.
You work efficiently.
It might be better than average,
but there are stronger people on top.
I think it's a little more efficient,
in order to make it more efficient,
you need to give instructions to AI,
you're using your brain.
If you're stupid,
you can't make it more efficient.
You're studying,
so you need answers
and clues
to make it more efficient.
You need to study.
You need quality of time.
It's not like
you can do it with one hand.
That's what I think.
It's hard to
communicate with AI
with just one person.
It's a lot of work.
You need to get used to it
with a smartphone.
Social consciousness reform.
Reduce social pressure
on marriage and childbirth.
Respect diverse ways of life.
It's a very boring conclusion.
It's not a conclusion,
but one of
what Japan needs
to survive.
It's one of the things
Japan needs to survive.
It's like recognizing diversity.
As a Japanese
want to get involved,
not get involved, but want to check
what other people
You need to
reflect on yourself.
Start worrying about
what other people think.
Don't take the wrong path.
Don't do weird things.
We all need to
think about it.
It's like
being criticized
or being scolded.
your peers
or colleagues
will tell you
what you should do
what you think.
It depends on people.
Some people like
being different from others.
In Japan, there are
few people like that.
There are many people
who want to be special.
Many people want to be special.
Some people
are already
out of the world.
I can't say about others,
but there are people like that.
They are giving up.
They can't be
a civil servant or a manager.
But I think most people are like that.
It's hard to live.
If you do a weird job,
it's a proper job.
If you get married and give birth,
it's very risky.
it doesn't matter.
You should respect diversity.
Did you hear that?
You should respect diversity.
it's like the example of
going to the gym.
It's not like
even though you are a man,
you go to the gym.
For example,
there is a strange thing
about Japanese people.
When you say
you go to the gym,
some people are like
what do you mean?
It's like
too high context
between the conversation.
It's like
everyone is making
people who are
different from others
or people who stand out
look at you
in a different way.
Everyone is doing that.
it's like
class 1, class 3
or women
are like
for example,
people in Tokyo
for example,
when you get married,
you are going to have a baby, right?
what is your future plan?
Some people asked me that.
If you say you want to get married
and have a baby,
it's negative.
I don't like that.
that is the reality.
I think it's hard to live like that.
People who say that
are mean.
If you think about
the benefits of marriage,
I think
you are born because
of your mom.
That's true.
If I am the manager
and I go to the gym,
it's super hard work.
Or if I am a man
and both men and women
are the same age,
it's hard work for both.
But if I want to get married and have a baby,
which one should I choose?
It's a difficult question.
If we have the same quality
or specs.
That's true.
let's go back to the past.
Make the society
the people embrace
who raise kids,
who are born.
Let's make a society
where people who give birth
can be worshipped more.
It's hard to say God.
By giving birth.
I became a Kamehameha.
People who give birth to kids
get 0.5 points.
You are more experienced person.
That's true.
there is no point.
It depends on the breed.
There are
business women.
If so,
people who have experience of giving birth
can be an advisor.
I think so.
There are
limited jobs.
if we talk about the birth rate,
it's a difficult question.
I think
we should
make a society
where people can
fall in love
with each other.
That's my first thought.
I'm going back
to the past.
I agree.
I want you to tell us
what will happen
if you fall in love,
and what will happen
if you don't.
You don't have a chance
to learn from others.
Love is selfish.
Love may be selfish,
but marriage and giving birth
have many examples.
There are many things
you don't know until you find out.
I think only people
who are motivated
will fall in love.
I agree.
In the past,
people said
the opposite.
people who are happy
and loving
are more likely
to fall in love.
People who have
many children
are more likely
to fall in love.
It's all because of the internet.
Quit social media.
How's that?
Boycott all the social media.
It happened in Australia.
In the US,
TikTok was banned for a moment.
It ended in a day.
I think
people should
control the internet
and look at people.
I'm glad
I have children
because I can
take care of people.
I can take care of
people and children
who are born
look cute.
looks cute.
I think
people around you
will change.
People who have children
or people who are pregnant
will know
what kind of voice
and face they want.
I think
that's a big advantage.
there are people who have children.
In Japan,
there might not be many.
But there are children and adults.
how do I say this?
Once you have a child,
your uncle or aunt
will definitely
look at you.
How many months?
What kind of milk and milk do you have?
It makes me happy
to have a conversation like that.
People's children
will remember their children.
I understand.
I think it's great
to be able to experience that
rather than
I understand.
In society,
everyone is raised
by adults.
The more opportunities
there are,
the more
you want to have a child.
I think that's common.
It's not just family support.
There is support
from the whole world.
Like, let me carry you.
I want you to
carry me.
I think
some people
like that,
and some people don't.
I think
it's good
to have a child.
Some people think
they don't need a child.
That's true.
Children like children.
They like babies.
They're not maternal.
That's strange.
I see.
It's like a mother's feeling.
I'm happy
to have someone younger than me.
Because I'm a child.
I see.
Is it similar to
being happy to have a younger sibling?
I think so.
But when you're in
middle school or high school,
you don't feel that way.
Well, some people might feel that way.
When you're an adult,
you feel that way.
That's strange.
It's not just for girls,
but also for boys.
Is it instinctive?
I think so.
I think it's cute
and I want a baby.
But society
does a lot of things
and I don't feel that way anymore.
I understand.
It's annoying and noisy.
It's annoying.
It's annoying.
It's annoying.
in a society with order,
for example,
it's stressful to get on a plane.
I think that
thinks too much.
For a child,
it doesn't matter
if their parents
have money or not.
If they're a little older,
I think it's better
to be wealthy.
But I think it's better
to spend time
with them
than with their parents.
I think so.
In terms of the economy,
there may be
a lot of partners,
but I think
children don't expect
that much
from their parents.
Like you said,
not ready to have a kid.
That's what I thought.
That's right.
I think
young people are
focused on the internet
and the city.
It's not an area
where you want to raise
a child.
It's not
but it's just
not visible.
I wonder
what will happen
in a few years.
There are too many
things to worry about.
I don't think
it's necessary.
I have a lot of energy
when I give birth.
I had more energy
last year than this year.
I thought I had more energy
before that,
but I thought
it would be better
to give birth earlier.
I thought it would be
harder next year.
I don't think it's necessary.
Even if you don't have a partner,
if you want to give birth,
do it.
That's right.
There are many
illegal ways
to do it.
I'll come back to that later.
If you're caught
in an incident
on the internet,
the news will spread
and people will think
you're scary.
There will be nothing
around you.
You'll be alone
on the internet.
I think
you should
social media
and go back to
real life.
How many
people can you name
who live
in your area?
No one knows.
That's right.
Everyone knew that in the past.
Old people around you
will notice if you die.
That's not the case now.
That's right.
You have to think
about your family.
You don't know what to do.
Quit social media.
Quit social media.
Thank you.
Quit social media
and go outside.
Not outside.
It depends on
what you want to do.
Some people don't need that life.
That's right.
In the beginning of this episode,
I said
the meaning of life
for humans is
we don't need humans
to reproduce.
That's why
the theory doesn't work.
I wonder
what the meaning of life
for humans is.
If that's the case,
I don't want to evolve
that much.
I think
reproduction is the goal.
I don't know the meaning
of life for humans.
It's the same now.
Hundreds of years later,
it might be different.
If the goal changes,
everyone will be like aliens
attacking other planets.
In the end,
it depends on
your body and mind.
Is it healthy?
Is it fun?
There must be something
you feel with your crotch.
When it's gone,
you enjoy it
only with your brain.
I think
something has changed.
That's right.
It's 300 years later.
In a different episode,
in Germany,
a German CG company
this artificial womb
where everyone
can have a baby.
If you don't have a baby,
you can experience
the pain of giving birth.
That's a service.
No one
has a baby yet.
When you watch
a video of a baby,
you might think
people in the past
were like animals.
I still think so.
We live in a digital age
with computers and cell phones.
When you give birth,
everything is analog.
You feel like you're back.
You feel like you're back.
You feel like you're back
in any era.
But when it comes to
the artificial womb,
you can't go back.
If you had a baby,
it would be like a movie.
It's hard to give birth.
we talked about 696 years later.
We are
supposed to be dead.
700 years old.
Minami and Akane's descendants
are still alive,
they might not be
They might be
What does it mean?
Only old people
live in this island.
Or no people.
More animals.
If this land
is inhabited by humans,
other people
might live here.
The theory of the article
is about what Japanese people
It was a sensational article,
but I didn't feel like
I had to worry about it.
Do African people come here?
I mean,
there are Americans,
Koreans, Chinese,
but 600 years later,
are they that old?
I don't know.
There is a possibility.
Maybe 300 years later,
there will be a nuclear explosion,
and the population will be
only one country.
100 million people.
Then it will be space.
Only rich people
like Elon Musk
will go to Mars first.
They might call themselves
In the south,
we all are earthers.
We will be earthlings.
I don't know.
It doesn't matter what we do.
As long as someone
gives birth to a child.
It doesn't matter what we do.
As long as it's a human.
The one who gives birth to a child
will be great.
Because this person
gave birth to us,
we are connected.
If we go to space,
we will be the last earthling.
10,000 years later.
Can we go there mentally?
Why mentally?
One earthling.
But there are other earthlings in space.
I see.
It's like moving to another continent.
Earthlings want to
engage with something.
There is something
engaging with technology.
Like an advantage of
It looks like a real person.
Not a machine.
Like a human.
I see.
There is a race of robots.
That's true.
It's like a sci-fi movie.
If we can
have a genetic function,
we can be like that.
You know what I mean?
Can we do that?
You can get married with artificial
We can make it from
an old person's DNA.
But it's not
an old person's DNA.
It's like half.
Then we are not earthlings anymore.
So weird.
Then we are aliens.
Half Okinawa and half aliens.
Or like half Arthur and half
We don't need to live in that era.
We can live now.
It's good now.
Now is not bad.
If you look at the future too much,
now is good.
If you listen to the story of
one earthling,
you will be relieved just by
looking at people on the street.
Love for people has been born.
There are still people.
You can meet someone.
That's right.
if we think about
the future of humanity,
you still have chance
to be with people
and produce people.
You may realize
how precious it is.
In your busy life,
you may have this kind of
thought for a moment.
That's all for today.

