2024-06-19 44:11

#86【人工子宮で少子化対策】Artificial Womb will save Japan’s Birth rate problem

Haitai amazing people,
Do we need artificial womb to produce children in the future? And why Japanese people are not willing to get marry, is it not only in Japan?
【Chapters チャプター】
() -Intro
() -【ENG】Baby in a Pod: What is EctoLife, the world’s 'first artificial womb facility'?
() - 【日本語】未来の出産はこうなる?「人工子宮」施設構想の“リアルな動画”の衝撃
() - How is it gonna be real 完璧にカスタマイ可能な子供
() - Is it gonna be like asking for surrogate mom ?親になる気持ちは代理母に頼むようなもの?
() - California is one of the most kind states for asking surrogate mom カリフォルニア州が世界で一番代理出産に優しい
() - Future in kid's school convo will be like 未来の子供たちはどんな世界に
() - Research in Japan, Marriage rates and birth rates are completely linked 日本では婚姻数と出生数は比例する
() - How gay couple make baby in Japan ゲイの人たちはどうやって子供作る
() - Current society is not kind for people having kids どんな人達にとっても日本での子育ては大変
() - Why people don't wanna get marry なんでみんな結婚したがらない?
() - If government support raising kids then won't be neccesary to get marry そもそも子育てにおけるお金問題が解消されれば婚姻数は関係なくない?
() - Regardless of the method, isn't it better to have more children born やり方はどうであれ子供はたくさん生まれるほうがいいのでは
() - Sex education influenced birth rate? 性教育も大事
() - Adult even need sex (birth) education 大人にも性(妊活)教育が必要
() - Future predict of us 結局人口子宮は実現するか?Bye!

出生数最低、背景に未婚化 専門家「思い切った対策をしない限り…」
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Hashem Al-Ghalihi、ベルリンを拠点とする生物工学者が、再生可能エネルギーで動く人工子宮施設ECTOLIFEのコンセプトを紹介しています。このエピソードでは、人工子宮について話されています。人工子宮を使用すると、赤ちゃんの出産が安全になるかもしれません。また、代理母を利用することも安全な方法の一つです。人工子宮の登場により、男性も出産が可能となり、性別に関わらず子供をもつことができる未来が描かれています。日本の出生率問題と同性カップルの出産方法についての議論が行われています。結婚カップルの子供の減少や結婚に対する考え方の変化についての議論を行っています。結婚についての考え方は今は少しずつ変わっていると感じられています。人々が自由に将来のことを考え、子どもを持つことについて積極的な意識を持つようになれば、人口減少や将来の問題に対して解決策を見つけることができるかもしれません。人々が幸せならば、愛に満ちた社会になる可能性があります。しかし、日本の性教育は十分でないため、子供を持てない人も多いです。結婚の数を増やす必要があるが、法律や制度の変更が難しい場合は、個人の活動を支援することで人々が子供を持てるようにする必要があります。また、社会全体も子供に対して関心を持つ必要があります。Web 2.0やSNSの登場以降、子供を持つことの利点について知りたいという人々の意見があります。

せーの What's up, amazing people? This is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we're going to talk about random topics in Okinawan, Japanese and English.
はいたい! ぐすーよーちゅーがなびら。イヤササレディオのアカネとミナミやいびん。
Hashem Al-Ghalihi, a biotechnologist based in Berlin, has introduced ECTOLIFE, a concept for an artificial womb facility powered by renewable energy.
This CGI visualization has garnered significant media attention.
Although a facility doesn't exist yet, it claims to potentially birth up to 30,000 babies annually in a control infection-free environment.
The growth pods in ECTOLIFE are connected to bioreactors that supply nutrients and oxygen and remove waste which is recycled.
The facility operates on clean energy from solar and wind power.
Each fetus is monitored for vital signs with data accessible via a smartphone app
and parents can feel fetal movements using a haptic suit.
The concept is controversial, especially the ELITE package which uses CRISPR-Cas9 for genetic modification of
embryos, allowing customization of traits and correction of genetic disorders.
Al-Ghalihi claims ECTOLIFE offers a safe, pain-free birthing method and could address population decline in countries like Japan, Bulgaria, and South Korea.
Hachem Al-Ghalihi, a biotechnologist, science communicator, and videographer based in Berlin, has introduced ECTOLIFE, a concept for an artificial womb facility.
This CGI visualization has garnered significant media attention.
Although a facility doesn't exist yet, it claims to potentially birth up to 30,000 babies annually in a control infection-free environment.
The artificial womb is connected to two bio-actors.
The first one supplies nutrients and oxygen to the fetus via artificial uterus,
and the other one absorbs waste from the fetus.
The waste is recycled and used as nutrients.
The artificial womb is a biological incubator.
The facility operates with clean renewable energy from solar and wind power,
so there is no need to worry about power outages.
The facility is equipped with a monitor that measures heart rate, temperature, blood pressure,
breathing rate, oxygen saturation, etc., and reports abnormalities in the fetus.
The fetus is displayed in real-time, and this data can be transferred to a smartphone app.
Parents can view the fetus growth in the public area.
In addition, if you use a wireless haptic suit connected to the growth pod,
you can even feel the movement of the fetus.
When the fetus has grown sufficiently, press the button to complete the birth.
The ECTOLIFE concept has many advantages from a biological point of view,
but the ELITE package is also one of them.
The ELITE package uses the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tool
and operates the gene in all stages of transplantation to the artificial womb.
Not only can you customize the color of the baby's eyes, hair, skin,
physical strength, height, and IQ,
but you can even modify the genetic texture.
With this package, you can create a healthy and intelligent person at will.
According to Algaeri,
ECTOLIFE provides a stress-free birth in a safe and pain-free way,
and in the long run, the conjunctivitis of miscarriages,
infertility, and miscarriages will be in the past.
And it will be a solution for countries that are suffering from serious population decline
such as Japan, Bulgaria, and Korea.
Isn't it crazy?
You can create your ideal person.
That's so crazy.
So even a Japanese couple can make a white, blue-eyed baby?
I feel like when the child grows up, they will have a lot of questions.
Why am I born like this?
That's right.
It's the same for newborns,
but the way they are made is amazing, isn't it?
They release the waste matter on their own,
put nutrients in it, and when you press the button, the birth is complete.
That's crazy.
Even for having a baby, it's so difficult.
It's like a miracle.
Even if the mom tries to be healthy,
we can't control the baby, right?
Then how come it happened?
It's amazing.
Giving birth without the mom's body
sounds safer to the baby and safer to the mom.
So it might be the solution to birth late.
But if we control the baby,
it might be safer.
I don't know about ethics,
but I think it's definitely safer.
It doesn't depend on how mom is eating,
how mom is dieting,
or how she lives.
It doesn't matter.
I watched on Netflix
and in that movie,
the scientist
will raise the baby in some machine
and then it combines with animal.
It's like a hybrid.
It's never been in the stomach,
but the person who made it thinks it's a mom.
I was wondering if that kind of era would come.
Human and animal baby.
They call it a hybrid.
Isn't that a movie about a goat and a sheep?
It's a movie about a deer.
It's a drama.
It's a fantasy.
It's not a real story,
but according to this article,
eventually, I can imagine that.
Theoretically, we can make clones.
Clones became a hot topic when I was a student.
We can make them,
but we can't implement them.
If we go that far,
humans will die like gods.
The clone baby or this artificial baby?
I think they are far more
healthier than us.
How do you say mushiba in English?
It depends on the mom's diet
when they have the baby inside.
You can make a baby without a mushiba.
While the baby is growing,
the mom can move freely
and check the baby on her smartphone.
That's how the baby is born.
But it affects the mom's affection.
It's not easy.
It costs a lot of money and it's not easy.
Is there anything that
something can't solve in a scientific way
when the baby grows up in the womb?
Sometimes the baby can hear sounds
and have memories.
Connection with the mom.
Memory of the machine.
Memory of the researcher
who came to see the baby.
It's possible.
Using this artificial embryo
can affect the mom's affection.
In my opinion.
It's not easy,
so what do you think when you have a baby
outside of your body?
It's the same as using a surrogate mom.
Gay people using a surrogate mom.
Some straight couples cannot have a baby easily
so they use a surrogate mom.
I think it's the same.
I think it's the same as a parent.
But if you have a surrogate mom
it means that she became a mother
and gave birth to the baby.
I think so.
People who are looking for a surrogate mom
are having a hard time.
It costs money and takes time
and stress.
If this technology
really happens, those people will be very happy about it.
It's like uncontrolled things.
Body problems.
They have ability or social status
that they can have a few kids.
Then why not?
And then what kind of people
apply for this service?
It's in California.
It's in California.
That makes sense.
That makes sense.
Even having a baby
is taking time.
If the timing or motivation
is not good, you can't get pregnant.
Some people get pregnant easily.
They can't concentrate on their career 100% when they want to have a baby.
Some people.
After 10 months of pregnancy
they can't leave the house for a month.
Without their body, they need time to take a rest.
If you think like that,
you can't go back to normal for 2 years.
You know, is it also
the things about like a woman is now
how can I say?
A lot of women are in charge for the company
and the most important role in the society is like
those women kind of need to think
like former men.
It's like a man's point of view.
It's like a man's point of view.
It's like a man's point of view.
It's like a man's point of view.
It's like a man's point of view.
It's like a man's point of view.
If you can have an artificial uterus
equal men can have a birth.
If you want to have a baby.
You can do anything.
I don't have an act of having a baby.
I don't have an act of having a baby.
The ones you mentioned earlier are the ones that are raised outside.
The ones you mentioned earlier are the ones that are raised outside.
It's impossible to have an artificial uterus.
It's impossible.
Men can't give birth.
I don't know about 100 years later.
avoid give the birth from their body yeah sounds like yeah there if we you
know worry about the surrogate mom
I don't know much about the surrogate mom's situation, but
given a birth definitely have their like affection to the baby even they're
separated like even the ears goes they always think about the baby
If you think about it, the machine is easier to do with no affection, and it's definitely mixed with their DNA, so it's like they're similar, and the child is also curious about who gave birth.
Rather than that, the lab is more like a mother, but what if if I were you know we were kids in a hundred years later
and all my classmates from that lab, then I don't care, right?
You're from the lab too, right?
Which lab?
And the mother and father are that person, right?
It's likely to be like that, right?
But that's kind of human...
I don't know...
It's a little scary logically.
So I think it won't happen.
People will stop having sex, right?
Huh? Will that happen too?
It's likely to happen.
Won't it be like sex is sex?
I wonder if it will.
But Japan is already sexless.
Japan is, right?
It's a no-sex country.
You don't even have to do it.
If you want to raise a child, you have to do it.
If you don't even have to do that...
Everyone is like a friendship marriage.
You can get used to it.
But if you think about raising kids with a partner,
it's including romantic feelings too.
So even if you become sexless,
Japanese couples are likely to get along even if they are sexless.
There are a lot of people who are divorced now.
But isn't the reason for being sexless because they are busy with work?
That's true.
It's because there is less physical contact.
So there is no romantic way.
It depends on the person.
So it's a world where you can become a couple and have kids without having sex?
But there are people who become a couple because they want to have kids.
So there is no such thing as a couple.
So I did some research about Japan.
I don't know if I should say this.
It's a bit of a digression.
What's interesting is that
basically in Japan,
the number of marriages and births are completely linked.
In other words, if the number of marriages decreases,
the number of births automatically decreases.
According to the columnist Arakawa's own article,
the number of births and marriages,
even if there is a divorce after one marriage,
1.56 children will be born.
Conversely, if the number of marriages decreases by one,
1.56 births will disappear.
On the other hand, there is a debate whether the number of children born by people is different or not.
There seems to be a back story to that, so I will skip it now.
If one marriage occurs,
73% give birth to the first child,
57% give birth to the second child,
and 26% give birth to the third child.
At least in the last 15 years, this trend has been invalid.
In other words, in order to increase the number of births,
unless we increase the number of people getting married,
it is absolutely impossible.
The statistics are also clear,
but for some reason, there is a community that is trying to ignore this matter.
It's his article, so it's a bit personal.
It totally makes sense for me though.
Because in Japan, it's really hard to have babies without marriage.
Financially, there is also the influence of the law.
So if the government gives the money to all the moms who give birth,
then it's going to change?
So if the society is trying to be a single mom,
this theory will be changed?
The number of marriages and births are linked.
Everyone is married, so let's give birth to one.
It seems that there is data that says we should give birth.
But if you want to be a single mom, you will be, right?
But it's not about that much economic power.
That's true.
Also, no chance to get a child.
But in the end, this is also...
If the government helps people to have a child without marriage,
being a single mom or a single dad,
But Japan said that marriage is not equal.
So Japanese people still care about the marriage system to have a kid.
So now, the current situation for gay people, how do they have babies?
Like, usually?
Usually, so the female gay, the lesbian couple,
try to find the sperm donor from the sperm bank or from friends.
It's legal, right?
It's legal.
But it costs money.
If you use the sperm bank, then it will cost money.
But if you ask your friends, it's the same as having sex.
Or, hey, give me your sperm after you jerk off.
It costs zero.
But it's a bit risky.
It depends on the guy who you're asking for.
I don't know about the gay guys in Japan.
There is no way.
You can ask for other couple to give a birth for them.
But it's almost impossible in Japan, right?
So the mother-in-law is illegal.
Is there such a system in Japan?
I've never heard of it.
Except for asking someone personally?
Even if you ask someone personally...
You need to go to the hospital, right?
Even if you ask someone personally,
the gay person will be their mom anyways.
In terms of terms?
If you don't say you're going to adopt, it's impossible.
Because the gay marriage is illegal in Japan.
So how a gay couple will adopt the kids?
No way.
Either guy can adopt as a single parent.
But adopting the kids as a single parent is almost impossible.
Because of Japanese law.
Maybe you can apply for a Sato-oya program.
But it's not adoption.
There is no...
Adoption is probably...
It's not legal in Japan, right?
I think it's legal for couples.
So single parents are not allowed to have adopted child.
In the orphanage.
Of course, if you don't need to go through the association or something.
If you have different way, like so many connections.
I think it's possible to adopt someone's child.
But in terms of law,
For example, gay couples or straight couples.
They can't have kids, so what's the next option?
I don't think there are many options in Japan.
I see.
So rich gays in California or...
Power couples or straight couples.
There are ways to be a single parent.
But in Japan, it's not like that.
First of all,
Being a single mom is also hard.
Getting married is also hard.
And how is gay marriage going to be easier?
Everything is hard.
But if it's going to be easier,
I think it's going to be easier for children.
Because America was developed already, right?
Yeah, it's like chicken and egg.
It's about chicken and egg.
To increase the number of marriage couples.
To give them more kids.
Or to increase the number of married couples.
The article I just read,
There are people who are against this theory.
Because they are married, they have more kids.
If we don't all agree on this,
First of all, we can't get more support for marriage.
On the other hand, we have to link it with children.
But the number of married couples who want kids is also decreasing.
In Japan.
Isn't that a financial problem?
Isn't it?
But, well...
In 1970, the number of married couples was over 1 million per year.
But since 2011, the number of married couples has decreased to 600,000 per year.
In 2020, the number of married couples was reduced by 12.3% per year.
In 2023, the number of married couples was reduced to 470,000 per year.
In Japan, the number of married couples was reduced to 500,000 for the first time since the war.
On the other hand, the total number of children of married couples has decreased from 2.2 million in 1970 to 1.9 million in 2011.
In Japan, the number of children of unmarried couples is decreasing.
At least one of the main causes of the decline is unmarried couples.
I think it's a problem that they are not married.
It's the same story as before.
After all, there are a lot of people who are not married.
Some people hold marriage parties.
They do a lot of things, but it's quite difficult.
Because they can't figure out whether they should get married or not.
Or they are just focusing on themselves now.
Or getting married is kind of a pain in the ass for them.
Because 50% of the married couples get divorced.
It doesn't make sense.
It's a pain in the ass.
I think it's because there are too many people having fun.
Does that mean it's easier for one person to have fun?
I think so.
I think it's okay if one person can have fun and belong to a good community.
If one person can have a good life and a good career,
I think it's okay if one person can have fun and belong to a good community.
And also, they don't need a baby.
I mean, kids don't have to get married.
I think so.
If you want a baby, you can get married.
In the end, it's like...
It's linked.
Or even if you have a baby on your own,
you can get a lot of guarantees.
For example, until you are 3 years old, all the medical expenses are free.
The nursing home is free.
You don't have to wait in line.
You can have a lot of staff in the nursing home.
You can live in peace.
You don't have to worry about your ID.
I think it will change.
You just talked about how to deal with marriage.
In the end, even if you are a single mom,
if you have the support of a society where you can raise your child in peace,
I think this marriage theory will change.
It's a Japanese culture now.
Even if you are not married, you have a fixed idea of what it means.
If you don't have that...
I think if people have time to take a rest and think in a good way,
I think people tend to have kids more.
I think there are a lot of people in the world who are too busy to think about their children.
Or they don't have the will to leave their DNA.
There are people like that.
Strong people definitely want to have kids.
It also affects each family.
As an Okinawan family, I know everyone.
My cousin's kids or my cousins' cousins' cousins.
I feel like family is like a big something.
So much big community.
I think so.
My dad and mom were only siblings.
We lived in the city as a family.
I have a lot of friends who are single and have fun.
If you go to an environment where you can't see family tree,
I don't think you can feel like you are one big family.
Do you understand what I mean?
As long as you are happy.
As long as you are happy.
You feel like you are alone from the beginning.
You don't feel like there are a lot of relatives around you.
You don't feel like it's a hassle.
You don't have to make more friends.
Then you have to think a lot about the future.
You are going to get bored after the children go out of your home.
I told some of my friends that they are not really willing to get married.
It's like, how are you going to take care of yourself when you are dying?
It's the same as what Akane said.
Because I...
Do you want to make more money?
Or maybe you don't want to live a long life in the first place.
I mean, if you are going to die at the age of 90,
it's going to be hard for you to have a partner or grandchild.
So you are going to have grandchildren.
But if you are going to die at the age of 50, you don't want that.
I don't want that.
Or maybe you don't want to live a long life.
What's wrong with everyone?
Or maybe you don't want to live a long life,
but you want to live until the age of 80.
So you don't want to be taken care of.
But if you are going to die at the age of 80,
you don't want to be taken care of.
So you don't feel lonely?
You don't have to feel lonely.
I see.
I don't think about the future.
I think about the future.
If this is generated, it will be like that.
If you think about the future,
you will have to think about the same-sex marriage.
If you think about the future,
you will have to think about the same-sex marriage.
I think it's a little bit of a thought.
Because there are parents who have a son and a daughter.
And then there are the children.
And then there is the family tree.
It's a time when technology is evolving.
So it's difficult.
But when will the machines we talked about
be realized?
Technically, it's possible.
Technically, it's possible.
But theoretically...
But in the future, Japan will become a substitute mother.
But in the future, Japan will become a substitute mother.
I think it will change again around that time.
I think it will change again around that time.
But we just keep on discussing about
how to have kids.
how to have kids.
I don't want to stick to the old human way.
I don't want to stick to the old human way.
If things can't be solved,
we have no choice but to do something new.
We have to study how to be loved.
We have to study how to be loved.
If that comes down to the common people,
if it becomes a society full of love,
there might be a whole new world.
There might be a whole new peaceful world.
There might be a whole new peaceful world.
As long as people are happy.
As long as people are happy.
They don't care about how they do it.
They don't care about how they do it.
It's a time of birth.
It's a time of birth.
But Japanese people will die someday.
They will die soon.
Japanese people will die soon.
Yes, yes.
But I wonder if the sex education is solid.
If there are of them who can't have kids.
Japanese sexuality education is not solid.
It's not that solid,
but the reason why they don't have the best sex education
that's the biggest reason.
Ah yes, that was also one reason.
It's a culture where you want to be happy, and you want to have more family and farm.
It's a culture where you need people.
But they are shy.
But they don't wear condoms.
I don't know about that, but...
They're missing the basics, right?
Yeah, yeah.
They're a very big-breasted people, but...
It's different from sex.
In terms of culture.
I think that's also a difference between countries.
It's difficult.
Avoiding unwanted pregnancy is important for sex education, of course.
But if you think about increasing the number of children,
it's a problem of how the government and society will follow parents after they grow up.
So it's a different perspective.
I think so, too.
Sex education is important, but you have to take care of them after they're born.
But I think adult sex education is also important.
That's true.
You don't have to learn what to do when you're pregnant.
Everyone is doing their own research.
If you had known that earlier, you might not have been able to get pregnant.
You might have gotten pregnant earlier.
You might have thought about getting married earlier.
There's a saying that you can get pregnant if you're over 35 years old.
But I don't think many people understand that.
It depends on the percentage.
Like, it's not necessarily for you.
The majority of people think it's not really good for the woman's body.
But it is good.
It has the meaning of controlling the amount of male given birth.
So there's a meaning of preparation.
So there's a meaning of controlling the birth rate.
So there's a meaning of preparation.
I think there are still a lot of people who don't want to have children just because they have had a lot of sex.
If you don't have children and don't get married,
both men and women in society will lose interest in that,
and they will go back to a society where they can't be kind to children.
It's the end of the world.
I hope the government will stop worrying about 5-year-olds and elementary school students.
There are a lot of old-age homes in Okinawa these days,
so I hope they can increase the number of children.
It's huge.
It's huge.
If the number of people getting married is linked to the number of childbirths,
we have to do it.
We have to increase it.
I don't think it's necessary to get married.
If it's difficult to change the current law and system,
it's faster to increase the number of people getting married.
But if you can change that,
you don't have to increase the number of people getting married.
If you have kids or financial help,
you can just do your personal activities.
That's right.
Also, they don't care about their own problems.
That's right.
They don't care about the society.
They just want to know the benefits of having kids.
That's right.
They are filled with difficult things.
It's actually difficult.
I think it's okay to end your DNA here, but I don't know.
I think so.
Is it okay not to leave scars in this world?
Nail marks.
Your own descendants.
There are many people who don't need it.
For example, if the era you live in is difficult,
you don't want to experience this,
so you don't want to have kids.
There are opinions like that.
I think you have to raise your descendants in a good way.
It would be nice if Okinawa could do that.
Well, it already does.
It would be more like a children's island.
They don't care about financial problems.
They still produce kids.
But it's like Africa.
You can't live like that.
You have to be financially independent.
You have to educate yourself.
It's great to have a lot of kids,
but you have to support your mom and family.
There are many things you can do.
I don't have one answer.
Someday machines will be able to produce kids.
That day will come.
I want to live up to that point.
I want to see it.
It's scary, though.
I wonder how long it will take.
Do you think kids will be able to do it when they grow up?
I don't think so.
It seems difficult.
I think there will be people who will attack the development of life ethics.
I think there will be people who will attack it by force.
There will be people who will destroy it.
It's hard to make weird people.
I think it's good to be able to do it.
It's better than growing up on an empty stomach.
It's not.
It's a political pressure to create people like this.
Like a psychopath.
Create people who will be the leaders of the war.
I'm sure there will be people like that.
That's why it's difficult.
From the beginning, we have to educate people about life ethics.
It's like creating a soldier.
It's like creating an army.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
There are many dimensions.
It's a parallel world.

