2023-11-14 1:02:47

#68【守るのは家より墓!?】What Protects Okinawan Spirit is How to Take Care of Ancestors

Haitai people! *English follows






In Okinawa, where the culture of ancestor veneration is deeply rooted, it is said that even after the end of the Pacific War, particularly during the Battle of Okinawa in 1945, there were few who did not emphasize the importance of rebuilding graves before one's own home. -Mainichi Shimbun-

We still not losing to worshiping ancestors, yet the reality is it will need human resources (good-bond family) and a sufficient amount of money to do it in the right way. The more we relinquish ancestor land, the more lands belong to the people outside of Okinawa. If that leads to a raised local economic level then sounds happy but what makes okinawa okinawa at the end yo?

<Related episode 関連エピソード>

#34【トートーメー(位牌)継承とは?】Traditional Practice of Ancestor Worship in Okinawa


変わる沖縄のお墓事情 「らしさ」は失われるのか

沖縄戦で一家全滅 持ち主不明の土地は2699筆

沖縄離島買収 法整備の限界浮き彫り 取引規制、険しい道のり

Chinese woman's 'purchase' of uninhabited Okinawa island causes stir

Hawaii governor vows to protect locals from outside buyers seeking real estate opportunities in Maui

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せーの! What's up amazing people? This is YASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and English.
はいたーい! ぐすーよーちゅーがなびら。
いっぺーむさるはなし。 英語と沖縄口座に。
In Okinawa, where ancestor worship cultures is deeply rooted,
it was not uncommon for people to say even after the Battle of Okinawa 1945,
near the end of the Pacific War, rebuild the graves before rebuilding the house.
This shows how much importance was placed on the graves.
Due to the absence of the temple-pair system,
it is characteristic of Okinawa to have many individual graves,
built on privately-owned land.
And it is not uncommon to see graves randomly appearing
in corners of bustling city streets rather than within the temple grounds.
However, because these are individual graves,
if there is no successor to manage the grave due to relocation or other circumstances,
they quickly fall into disrepair and become abandoned graves.
According to a visual inspection conducted in Naha City in 2002,
out of the approximately 17,000 graves in the city,
it was estimated that 408, 2.4% were abandoned graves.
There were also 740, 4.3% vacant graves,
believed to have been left unattended after relocation or burial site relocation.
Although no large-scale surveys have been conducted since then,
city officials state that the number has surely increased by now.
In Okinawa, where the culture of ancestral worship is strong,
even after the end of the Pacific War, in 1945,
there were not many people who said,
we want to rebuild the graves before the house.
That's how much we have cherished the graves.
Due to the absence of the temple-pair system,
it is characteristic of Okinawa to have many individual graves,
built on privately-owned land.
However, it is not uncommon to see graves suddenly appearing.
Due to the absence of the temple-pair system,
it is characteristic of Okinawa to have many individual graves,
built on privately-owned land.
According to a visual inspection conducted in Naha City in 2002,
out of the approximately 17,000 graves in the city,
it was estimated that 408, 2.4% were abandoned graves.
In addition, there were 740 Akibaka graves,
which were seen to have been abandoned
after the remoulding and grave closing of the remains.
After that, a large-scale survey was not carried out,
but the city officials said that it should be increasing more now.
It seems that the temple-pair system exists on the mainland,
and instead of relying on a specific community to hold the funeral,
it provides financial support to the community by providing offerings and so on.
In other words, there is a place for everyone to donate money.
It's the same as a temple.
Financially, and just clean, and doing CME things, and take care of it.
And especially Okinawan tomb, it's pretty big.
You know, the size is the same as small house.
I heard that there are many Amekobaka and Hafubaka.
In the middle of housing, in the middle of Kadena base, in the middle of nowhere, you know.
Like in the mountain.
Near the ocean.
So, you know, some investigators count by their eyes,
like how many tombs in Okinawa.
Do you know why the Okinawan tombs are so big?
If you compare with the tombs in mainland.
I don't know. I know the meaning of their shape,
but I don't know why this has to be this big.
From the article.
Yeah, I respect that, you know, the shape, you know, represent like a women's uterus and vagina thing.
And I love it, but it doesn't have to be that big, right?
Maybe, you know, the worship for the birth is reflected the size.
Oh, I just found the article why it's so big.
And also, we always do Shimi and Jūrukunichi things with all the families.
So, it has to be, the space has to be big so people can fit everyone.
So, it's like a small house.
And we, the Okinawan people cherish their traditional things for like worship ancestors through the tombs.
That's why they want to take care of the space.
And also, if the space is big, it fits with the big family.
I also, you know, heard of why the Okinawan tomb is located in the middle of nowhere.
Like in the mountain or somewhere.
It's like because of the Fuso thing.
Like they need the wind to blow the dead body.
Forget it.
But I think it's because of the weather too.
We have like rainy season, typhoon season, so it has to be concrete.
And we need a roof to cover the under.
So that's why we have that.
Like the structure of the tomb is like that.
And also it should be big too, you know.
For having people around.
And also like fight with typhoon things, I guess.
Makes sense.
But like, can you imagine that you are gonna be in that big, big Okinawan style tomb when you die?
Like 2070 or 80 or something.
I think it's cool.
Because even after die, people can come together and have party in front of me after I die.
I like that.
But because of the space problems, I think it will be changed.
Yeah, space problem also and too much to take care of the tomb.
It costs money.
It needs the strong bond among the family member.
But if, you know, if they don't get along, but they still need it.
And that cause fight too.
I think it's similar to the Butsudan problems too.
Like we talked about previous episode about Butsudan Keisho problem in Okinawa.
It's same as Ohaka Keisho.
One of my high school friends does put their grandma or grandpa to the shugo eitai kuyo shite.
Eitai kuyo, I don't know how to say in English.
Like quitting the altar thing and putting some buddhism temple and organized by in that temple.
By obo-san?
Yeah, I think it depends on their shuha.
Like Okinawan traditional religion, like worship ancestor, is connecting with buddhism?
I think...
Buddhism, right? Like a monk always come to...
Yes, ancestor worship is not a religion.
It's a...
How do you call it?
I forgot, but it's not a religion.
So I think it's a part of that culture.
I've heard about Ryukyu Shinto too.
The way of god.
But I think Okinawa is similar to Ohaka Keisho.
Okinawa is strong, but you have to do this.
I think we should think about that.
Because I know that good location has always tombs near the ocean.
Near the ocean.
I was looking for the wedding venue for my clients.
And they came from Hong Kong and they couldn't decide where they want to have wedding.
So it's always good location with tombs area.
But I told them it's very usual in Okinawa.
But for people from overseas...
Looks like a bad luck?
But we don't have enough space.
My ancestor's tombs are near the ocean.
Maybe, I don't know.
Good location for ancestor.
So they always can see the ocean.
If I'm dead, I would like to be buried near the ocean.
But Ohaka Keisho is for people who are still alive.
Like we talked earlier.
We can imagine after we die, this location might be good.
But this is for people who are still alive.
So they still can think about their ancestor who already died.
But dead people, I think they don't care anymore.
That's the point though.
We don't know how we're gonna feel after dead.
But I don't wanna see my kids, my grandkids fighting over my tombs.
I don't want them to do that.
So I'm okay with doing...
Scatter my ashes in the ocean.
It's like a western style.
Having a tomb or ancestor's something, some object.
It's really good to know our identity came from.
Like where I came from.
How do you feel about sitting next to Shiranai people in some same place?
Like Eitaikuyo place?
I don't feel good about it.
I don't wanna...
You're not alive.
But still, if I'm ashes, I don't wanna be mixed with other ashes.
If you're ashes, ashes is like a thousand million powder.
So you can be everywhere.
I wonder if it's okay if they scatter my ashes in the sky.
But in Eitaikuyo, ashes are not in there.
You can put ashes into the tsubo.
The tsubo next to Shiranai people's tsubo, right?
Ah, yes.
It's like a...
Maybe you can pay money and put your family room.
Yeah, I like that.
I just don't wanna be like random people forever.
Isn't it like a...
We can't choose the neighborhood even now.
That's the same thing, no?
We don't even know where your soul at.
But if you're dead, you can do anything.
You don't know until you die.
Even if you die, there's no way to tell your family.
It's for my family, not about me.
If they feel comfortable about doing that, maybe that's okay.
But I think it's gonna be like that in the future anyways.
Like system things.
Like a UFO catcher.
Well, that kind of system will be brought.
But now, you just die normally.
But if you watch a lot of sci-fi movies, you can leave only your consciousness in the data.
That's cool.
Yeah, if that happens, neighbors will be curious.
Is that like a projector of a dead mother?
And you can see her talking like this?
Projector screen.
But that's AI, right?
That's not her.
No, it's not AI.
The AI remembers her soul or the way she thinks.
Imagine you put your brain into some kind of data and put it in the CD and listen to them.
It's not like AI controlling your mom's identity and talk through.
I don't know what it is, but...
But I want that.
If Akane died at 30, you put her consciousness into the CD.
But I want that machine when my parents die or my husband die.
So I can talk with them even after their death.
But how do you accept their death?
I do accept, but I sometimes miss them, so I want to talk.
How about they saying that they want to talk every day?
I'm busy.
I'm busy for my life.
They never overcome.
It's not just projectors.
For example, if you put that person into a humanoid robot, it becomes that person.
It's like a temple.
That's true.
Haunted by dead people?
Haunted by dead people's spirit.
That's so scary though.
The machine we saw on the YouTube.
It's a machine.
They will bring their tsubo and picture and everything just during that time.
But other ashes and everything is the same place.
I think it's the ghost.
I don't know about the spirits and ghosts, but they probably are so complicated.
And frustrating about it, I guess.
I came here to meet my dad, but somebody's dad is next to me.
And somebody's mom is next to me.
It's a haunted place.
How about you think it's not haunted, but it's protected by dead people?
Still scary.
But that's why we put the shugo bochi thing at the temple, right?
Because there is like a nun people.
They do pray.
If they do decent care of dead people, then it's not going to be scary by haunted.
It's just the way you think.
I feel comfortable about Okinawan style tomb because we have private space.
And if it's next to somebody's tomb, but we still have our space.
So my ancestor spirits walk around in this area.
I can see that.
I mean I can't see that, but I feel that way.
So it's my family's second home.
It's my family's second home, things like that.
But if we destroy those customs, then probably we don't have any private space.
So it's like a crowded subway in Tokyo style.
For me, in my mind, it's kind of like that.
But it's going to be like that anyways.
Rich people still have their private tombs.
Like Mexican gang.
They have like a...
You mean like they are going to be arrogant?
Yeah, yeah.
You know that Mexican gang, like drug dealer?
They are rich and they have like a hotel, castle style their tomb.
So their family come and have ceremony.
With security.
I think that's cool.
You need to be rich and you need to kill people.
Because dead people can't fly.
Yeah, technically, maybe they can fly.
They can be anything, but we can't be anything.
We are just human.
So that's how I think.
I agree on that, you know, having a big space tomb.
It's good for everybody.
I mean it's good for every family.
But for people not related to those families, don't give a shit.
Like my hometown neighborhood was fully sato-kiri patake when I was like 10.
But now it's all housing.
And that's sad.
I mean that's like really progressive.
And have, you know, economic level maybe raised.
If we lose all the nature, like we have...
It's gonna be like...
I don't know.
It's gonna be the end of the earth.
I mean end of the Okinawan too.
So we need to stop doing that.
But apparently, you know, the big company, the government don't want to stop making a new thing.
You know, like every time I see like a US base here.
They have so much green in their land.
But, you know, right after they gave us to back the land.
Always Okinawan people are like a people in mainland trying to build iyon.
And sanye.
Or like a universal studio or a casino.
Something like that.
It's like...
It's great to, you know, make money from it.
But, you know, if you keep doing it, then what's gonna happen?
Like, you know, just in a concrete jungle.
Like recently I watched a YouTube of the...
What was it?
Shiawase no kuni.
We already invite my friends from Bhutan and we talked about it.
But I watched the video of the Bhutan again.
And their land is 80% is forest.
And then if they cut trees, they need to...
Ten trees.
That's the rule of the country.
And also they are not allowed to use noyaku.
And all the education and medical fee is free for kokumin.
That's why the happiness level is the highest in the world.
So, like, we need a balance for everything.
Like, they are not like a senshinkoku like us, but they still have like human life there.
You know.
But when I go to Nago or Nanjo-shi, I feel sad.
That's why.
I can do more and more things that I didn't have.
I like to go to a new shop, but I feel like it's already started.
Here too.
It's not mine, but I feel like I'm going to die.
And also, like, I always feel like the land of the owner should be from the Okinawan people.
So they can rent land to like overseas or mainland people.
That's how we should earn money.
And we should have right and, you know, to use our land.
But right now, it's not going to be even Japanese land anymore, like Chinese or the people from overseas.
I was, you know, talking to some of American friends before and they are saying like,
seeing Okinawa is like seeing like 50 years ago of Hawaii.
And now it's all, you know, the mainland states, right?
And it's all developed.
Well, a small island is full of nature, but it's become a perfect tourist destination.
And it's not like the locals in Hawaii have a lot of money.
It's not like that.
There are a lot of people who come from outside, and there are a lot of people who have moved.
The apartment in Chatan is the same price as Tokyo.
How we live in my hometown.
It's the poorest.
We need to get out of our hometown because of that.
That's stupid.
I'm not saying like people from mainland or people from overseas are evil.
But it's important to have the land by local.
Like, you know, I've watched a TV show lately.
It's called Yellowstone.
And it's like, you know, it's like,
I've watched a TV show lately.
It's called Yellowstone.
It's a story about the people, like white people having the biggest land in Montana.
Like versus like a big company trying to build like an airport.
Tourist office.
And versus Native Americans.
And Native Americans and the white, the land owner wants to protect the land.
Means like keep as it is.
I watched too many videos of Montana, and I thought that Okinawa was taken over by the Japanese, so I got sad.
But wait, there are also Native Americans, and they live in an area called Iriuchi, which is protected for Native Americans.
Native American life.
But originally, Iriuchi is a special place for Native Americans, but originally it was all their land.
But then, as we just talked about, the white people came to take it.
Yes, yes.
I was scared of a lot of things when I used to live there.
I guess it's the same with Gaza now.
Living there...
At that point, we have to be materialistic.
I thought that land was very important.
Even if you think about the grave, if you have money and can take care of it, you can have the biggest tomb.
It doesn't matter what the tourists think.
The house rent is going up and up, and locals can't afford.
And locals even can't have their house, not even a tomb.
Everybody will be homeless at the end of this story.
Maybe we should start living at the tomb.
We should put a tent on the tomb and make a grave every day.
That's why it's big.
As long as the toilet and bathroom are there, I can do that with AC.
That's right.
But it's really like that.
If it's like this, it's homeless.
It wasn't a story about being homeless.
We are at Kokusai street and there are many people and many buildings.
But I don't feel like it's Okinawan scenery.
It's like somebody made this city.
We grew up in Okinawa.
Even when we were very young, it was mostly developed.
The housing, the road, and everything was almost convenient.
And I think the kids here...
We stopped making 7-Eleven already.
They did?
7-Eleven has increased too much in Okinawa.
7-Eleven is everywhere.
Stop making money through 7-Eleven.
How about Family Mart and Lawson?
It's Okinawan company, so it's okay.
It's 7-Eleven Okinawa, I think.
But you know, it's not Okinawan company.
Family Mart Okinawa branch.
It's Family Mart.
I was wrong.
Stop making convenience store too much.
We should stop convenient life anymore.
If we stop building the convenience store, it's still convenient.
We have so many vending machines.
So many small stores open 24 hours.
And also, I went to Zamami Island.
Only the shopping district is open in the island.
So the stuff at the store is so expensive.
But it's still an island store.
That's how we should do.
It's like a Chinen Shoten style, right?
It was like that.
Shinnazoroe is better at the convenience store.
But we should still have more shopping districts like that.
Shopping district.
You know, there are so many shopping districts in the mainland.
But there is no Okinawa in the first place.
I mean, there is a part of Okinawa, but it's not fully active.
And all the signage was taken away.
There are too many resort hotels.
That's right.
I have so many things to say about this.
Yeah, I agree.
Everyday life, they always think at some point.
When I see buildings, new buildings is constructed and also destroyed.
And new buildings from overseas or mainland Japan.
Again and again and again.
Near the ocean. Destroy corals.
And we lose land.
And then rent will be high.
And another 7-Eleven.
And 7-Eleven.
There are so many 7-Eleven.
In the last 2 or 3 years, there are so many 7-Eleven.
There are so many.
Even if it's not 7-Eleven.
7-Eleven company.
They have a lot of land in Okinawa.
You can buy it.
Let's build a grave at 7-Eleven.
If you want to build a grave, you have to buy back the land.
And there will be damage.
If the 7-Eleven is built and the land around it goes up, you can't buy it back.
For example, if you say, let's solve this problem.
A lot of rich people will come.
But those people will buy it back.
In short, it's over.
It's dead.
I don't have land.
I can say my opinion.
I don't know who I'm talking to.
I think so.
I want more big park in Naha.
Parking lot is so expensive, you know.
There's no parking lot.
No, I want park.
Not parking lot.
Like the green park.
In the middle of city.
Oneyama Park.
Like that.
Park, more trees, right?
It doesn't matter.
But if there are so many asphalts, the trees will suffer.
Do you know that there are no more creatures?
Like pigeons and cicadas.
I was talking about my American cousin.
For example, if a person who has never been to America is listening to this.
Even if you go to New York or LA, it's a big city.
If you go to a rural residential area, you will be surprised because it's so big.
But I think that's better.
Like 7-Eleven.
I feel mentally healthy.
For example, there is a place that is open 24 hours no matter what.
It's convenient and safe.
If you think about the anxiety when you die, I think it's better not to have it.
Just shopping once a week.
There is no such convenient world.
Everyone should rest.
Go shopping at the right time.
Go to a bright time.
Sleep at night.
Such a life is forced to be done.
But there are too many places that are open 24 hours, including drinks.
There is a lot of electricity everywhere.
The clock inside the body is going crazy.
Everyone gets depressed.
Get depressed.
In Japan, it's too convenient.
I feel like there are more mental anxiety factors.
It's too convenient.
Do you know what I mean?
When this is gone, I get nervous and say, let's go on a trip abroad.
Human power is getting weaker.
If you live as if you don't have it.
It's like a race that can't survive.
The toilet is super clean.
It's because this life is kept.
This convenience.
If it's gone, is it okay?
Even if it's gone, do you have to do something about it?
Even in this convenience, you can live while thinking that you can do something about it even if it's gone.
If it's gone, what should I do?
It's completely different.
But I don't think it's completely gone.
I feel like it's going to be gone.
While I'm alive.
It's just a urban legend.
I've watched many videos about urban legends.
They always say that in 2025, in July, a disaster will happen in the world.
It's like a cycle of the sun.
There's a time when the light gets stronger.
That's when disasters happen.
It's July 2025.
At that time, Japan is also affected.
We can't take measures against it.
It's like a real survival.
It's really dangerous.
Leave the grave alone.
I think so, too.
I feel like this hurdle is going to rise.
I agree.
In Okinawa, for everyone?
If you make too much money, you can give money to someone.
Let's share it with everyone.
It's a co-operative system.
I feel like there was an area like that in the Middle East.
If you do that, I don't think everyone will come.
They won't come, but the old people will hate it.
That's true.
Even though they worked hard to make money.
Ordinary people don't go that far.
That's true.
I think it's a good thing to make money.
But in the end, it's just a matter of how to use it.
For example, what kind of people are worshiped as successful people depends on the era.
For example, like Donald Trump, who has a lot of money and is smart.
I think it depends on whether the rich are cool or not.
I recently thought that it would be better not to be progressive in a bad way.
I saw this farm drama.
For example, I think it's a good idea to update your values.
For example, the way you think about marriage.
I think it's a good idea to update your gender.
If a woman can be more free.
But you have to have a conservative way of thinking about the graves you've been protecting and the lives you've inherited.
I don't think it's a good idea to be progressive in a bad way.
As a human being.
As a human being.
Even now, technology has developed so much that everyone talks about AI.
What is convenient, this is convenient, efficiency, life, cost, 10 o'clock, etc.
It's good, but...
But in the future, I think we will have the same brain.
For example, with this chip, the chip will be in everybody's brain.
So they can calculate and design and everything.
We have the same skills.
I think it's going to happen in the future.
At the creative level, for example, everyone can sing well.
Everyone can calculate, everyone can design, everyone can speak well, everyone can present well.
So the difference will be your mind.
And the atmosphere of wanting to be with that person.
So I think in the future, people can make money at the same level.
I feel like everyone's skills will improve.
But if you can put it into the microchip, into our brain, then we can make a very smart robot.
Then we don't even have to work.
In that era.
Don't we need humans?
We don't need them, but they were born as humans.
In order to make a difference, I feel like it's more valuable to have something like humanity than anyone else.
I understand.
If you can use technology well, then you can do something that only humans can do.
But it's still happening.
I don't know.
I understand.
Even now, for example, Hama Sushi.
It's a cheap sushi that you can grab with a machine.
It's good, but when the future that Akane said comes, the sushi that humans made will be more expensive.
That's right.
For example, instead of a grave of technology, a primitive grave should be more valuable.
I feel like the world will become like that while Akane is alive because the speed of AI is fast.
Akane is talking about an era where money has no value.
Capitalism is over.
If it wasn't for that, humanity would be the most inhuman.
That's right.
If we are not chosen as humans, we can't get a job, we can't make money, and we can't live a good life.
People who live only on intelligence will become weak.
People who live with more heart will become stronger.
I don't know if this has anything to do with the grave.
If the present era is a time when people go around, it will be a time of humanity.
But that's what it is now.
I think it will be like that.
I feel like I'm going to go around people.
Because we just talked about it.
Because we are humans.
We are talking about it now, but there are a lot of people who don't think so.
Then Minami is at the level of humanity.
I think it's worth it.
But even if you have this kind of humanity now, you can't make money.
That's right.
That's what I just came up with.
As I said several times, the values ​​of humanity and the next era are the same.
After all, we need to have a conservative perspective all the time.
It's not about old values.
I think it's better to look at the values ​​of people in the past.
Not new ideas.
If people cherish the things, we should focus on it.
Because technology will be in a state of chaos anyway.
It's going to be a singularity.
In Katakana, singularity comes.
It doesn't matter what you wear.
It's better to have your inner peace for the time being.
I think it's better to walk in the streets of Okinawa while thinking that this is not a city for humans to walk in.
That's right.
Because it's fun.
I think so.
What kind of generation...
From the story of the grave...
But it's connected.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately.
How to use the land.
I think Okinawa is sad right now.
And I'm worried about the future.
The land has been bought so much.
I want to say this at the end.
I said Nago and Nanjo.
You can definitely come to Henoko.
I think there is a possibility that it will be like Chatan again.
If that happens, there will be no northern nature.
I thought.
Only the mountains of the military training ground may remain.
What do you do when nature disappears?
I think so.
I can't breathe.
But in a sense, to polish this humanity...
From the time of the Japanese colonial era...
We had to touch insects and mud.
We should look at the behavior of animals.
We should look at everything.
We should look at the place where fish die.
We should look at the place where the table is clean.
We should look at anything.
Because there is a background that is too convenient to understand.
Recently, people can get information from Google and everything.
But they haven't experienced things.
It's just the imagination through the video and photos.
That's why the way they say their opinion is so shallow.
There are business people like SDGs.
There are people like that.
If you look at the people on the scene,
If you look at the people who are really working hard,
People like that don't use the word SDGs.
I can understand the pain.
I think it's not the internet.
If you don't look at it, you can't understand it at all.
That's true.
That's what I thought.
But in a sense, there is the internet, so you can look at it.
Yes, it spreads quickly.
But you have to look at it and listen.
If you don't look at it, you won't understand anything.
That's right.
There are so many things I want to say.
I don't know what to say.
I understand.
I can't stop talking about this.
Let's think about the good old days again.
What kind of world would you like if you died?
How we think.
Live the way you love.
Plus, I always get to the same conclusion.
If you want to protect where you're at,
Then we need to make money.
Because the most important thing is how to use them.
You can use them for protection too.
I want everyone to think like that and look at the city.
That's right.
If you go on a trip, you'll notice a lot of things.
I think it's more natural to go to the countryside.
If you go on a trip to the countryside, it's like a mountain.
It's like America.
It's so heavy.
Okinawa is too small and there's too much stuff in it.
You can get a lot of tourism resources from the sea.
So you might be looking at the wrong direction.
But the reality is that a lot of land has already been taken.
I don't know.
You next?
I'm not saying you next.
It's the name of the subscription service.
It's you next.
Yeah, that's it.
That's all for today.
Bye bye.

