2022-05-08 54:38

#36【制脳権とは?市民が兵器になるSNS時代の戦争】Not Everything You See May Be Real

Haitai amazing people! English below:





Pandemic, Ukraine Invasion, or whatever the so much bigger scale topics sometimes overwhelm our minds. In Japanese term 制脳権 (Control-Brains), has been picked up these days that suppress the human brain intensified. Exposes people to shocking information, distorts their judgment, perception, and cognition, and sometimes affects their behavior.
So could one of us be human weapon of during war in social media era unintentionally? 



SNS時代の戦争、「制脳権」争いが激化 市民が「兵器」になる恐れ

「人間も“兵器”になり得る」第6の戦場“制脳権”とは? フェイクニュース蔓延に専門家が危機感

The big idea: can social media change the course of war?

Teaching Media Literacy and Current Events: War in Ukraine

iYASASA Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/iyasasa_radio/

What's up, beautiful people? Welcome to IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we're going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and English.
The use of social media is active in Russia's invasion of Ukraine,
maybe one of us in the midst of an information warfare unintentionally.
Unintentional civilians, including general social media users other than the parties concerned,
who simply like the videos they care about and spread the message, have become weapons for information warfare.
In the field of battle in the social media era,
there is a widespread view that the sixth cognitive space is important in addition to land, sea, air, space, and cyber field.
There is a world that it is the air superiority that surpasses the sky,
but the battle over the brain superiority that surpasses the human brain has intensified.
It exposes people to shocking information, distorts their judgment, perception, and cognition, and sometimes affects their behavior.
There is an idea of nudge that unknowingly makes society choose desirable behavior without forcing or rewarding it.
It is usually used in a good sense, but there is also a method that stimulates consumer sentiment with information,
such as the sale period is three hours left, and it should be considered that it is also used in cognitive warfare.
In the Ukraine crisis, the media, government agencies, and experts are conducting fact checks to determine the facts and revealing a lot of this information.
However, in cognitive warfare, people's opinions, valid judgments, facts, and stories called narratives are also used, and they are difficult to check facts.
For example, the story that the citizens of both countries know that Russia and Ukraine originate from the same principality of Kiev has arousing emotions that are not normally conscious.
Against this background, Russian President Vladimir Putin insisted that modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia.
There is no definitive solution, and it is important to recognize that the general public is the target of cognitive warfare.
In the 2020 U.S. presidential election, some supporters of Mr. Trump claimed that voting by mail was electoral fraud and the Russian government-affiliated media spread it.
The response changes by understanding the historical problems, and problems tend to be used for propaganda.
In the Ukrainian invasion of Russia, the use of social media is active.
I think I am also under the influence of cognitive warfare.
There is a possibility that ordinary SNS users outside of the country of origin simply like the videos they are interested in and spread the message.
There is also a possibility that unintentional civilians are weapons of cognitive warfare.
In the area of combat in the SNS era, the 6th cognitive space is important in addition to land, space, space, cyber.
There is a word for a vacuum that suppresses the sky, but the fight to suppress the human brain has intensified.
It infuses people with shocking information, distorts their judgment, recognition, and cognition, and sometimes affects their actions.
There is a way of thinking that it is a nudge that unconsciously selects actions that are desirable for society without forcing or giving rewards.
It is usually used in a good way, but there is also a method of consumer psychology in the information that the sales period is three hours later, and it should be seen that it is also used in cognitive warfare.
In the Ukrainian crisis, the media and government agencies and experts have done a fact-check to verify the facts, revealing a lot of fake information.
However, in cognitive warfare, it is difficult to fact-check human opinions, values, and narratives that are mixed with facts and lies.
For example, the story that both Russia and Ukraine are the origin of the same Kiev Republic is a story that people in both countries always know, and emotions that they are not usually aware of are written.
In this background, Russian President Putin argued that modern Ukraine was completely made by Russia.
It is important to recognize that the general public is the target of cognitive warfare, not the decisive means of dealing with it.
In the U.S. presidential election in 2020, some of the Trump supporters voted against the election, and the Russian government-type media spread this.
Just before the recording, we ate scone.
We don't have any water in mouth.
I was talking, so my saliva came out.
Controlling people's mind. That's a strong word.
It's more like brainwashing, isn't it?
That's right.
So, what is Seinoken, first of all?
Seinoken is the power of the brain, the brain of the brain, the brain of the brain.
By the way.
Thank you.
In short, it means the power to control the brain.
Specifically, it changes people's perceptions and emotions while passing on useful information to us, and ultimately affects actions and public opinion.
This word was defined nearly 10 years ago in the Chinese military, but this idea has existed for a long time.
I wonder if the word Seinoken was made recently.
It's a compound word, so it doesn't come up in translation.
That's right.
During the war in the SNS era, in addition to land, sea, sky, space, cyber space, the sixth cognitive space was important.
The battle in the cognitive space around the right to control the sea, the right to control the sky, the right to control the brain of a person has intensified.
It's intensified.
That's right.
Since the development of SNS, the war in the so-called white country has begun.
Everyone is intensifying the percentage of brain control.
It's like being led in a certain direction while they don't intend to.
That's right.
That's why it's like unintentionally something.
I'm reading an article by an expert.
This is not brain control.
It seems that there is a method called nudge to unconsciously choose desirable actions for society instead of forcing or giving rewards in behavioral economics.
It's like people don't force people to do something, but people try to make people do it for some reasons.
I think a lot of people are familiar with it.
It's like...
It's familiar with the customer service industry.
It's like, this is limited.
It's like, this is going to be sold out tomorrow.
That's why the sale is over.
But when it becomes mass, I feel like it's performance.
It depends on the genre.
When it comes to wars and certain viruses, various opinions are divided, and when it comes to a scale where you don't know what is true anymore, countries and bigger things come to control the brain.
What is public opinion?
What is public opinion?
In the past days, there is public opinion survey.
Maybe the time we didn't have social media or Google.
At that time, public opinion survey was a popular opinion.
But now, everyone uses different tools, and what they see is different.
If you don't take a survey of 80% of the population, you can't say it's public opinion.
You mean we should take a survey of 100 million people, right?
It's impossible.
Maybe it's because we are a democratic country.
In Korea and China, when there was a certain virus, people were tracking who got infected and where they went.
But in Japan, it's difficult.
We don't know what everyone is doing, but we have to pretend to know, so we don't say it.
It's like, this is the trend.
For example, if it's Instagram, can you get statistics with hashtags?
You can.
With the number of hashtags.
It means people are interested.
That's public opinion.
Public opinion is probably the opinion of the world.
If it's a hashtag, we are able to see what majority of people are interested in.
We cannot see what majority of people are thinking.
I think so.
But if you look at all the posts and sentences on the hashtag, you can see the public opinion.
It's like, how many people are thinking about this?
But you know, there are anti-comments on Twitter and YouTube.
There are entertainers who use violent language from about 100 people.
In fact, there are only about 5 accounts.
They have a lot of accounts and are complaining.
I see.
So we don't even know the number of Ns.
There is a possibility that one or ten people are acting.
By the way, the reason why we picked up this Seinouken thing,
since the Ukraine invasion,
I've seen a lot of people posting on social media how they feel or how we act.
But I've seen that there are certain people who are really related to this invasion personally.
Like who?
The people from Ukraine?
But I don't have any friends.
Personally, I don't feel that way.
But when I go there, I see a lot of people posting how they feel sorry about it.
I don't think it's that bad.
But I've seen other people saying it's the first actual war since I was born.
Wait a minute.
The war never stopped since we were born.
It's happening in a lot of countries.
The media doesn't really care about it.
They're just pretending not to see it.
But when this invasion started,
they started to pay attention to which countries were at war.
Let's just say it's a European country.
When a white country is in a situation like this,
everyone is acting like it's their own business.
I don't know if it's because Japan is more like the US,
but I don't know if it's because they're being pulled by the US.
I don't know if it's because of the way the media works.
There were times when I was really worried about it.
But I think a lot of people pick up the Ukraine thing because it's always on the media.
There's a lot going on lately.
If you turn on the TV, it's always the same story.
It's always the same news on the internet.
I think that's why people are paying attention to it.
Maybe they don't even know what a fact check is.
What's the truth?
Maybe they don't even know that there are other wars, not just Ukraine.
Maybe that's why they think it's the first major war for them.
I think people have attention to it and it's going to be a good business.
I think there are two perspectives to see this invasion thing.
One is just doing the war is not a good thing.
Don't kill people.
Love and peace is one perspective.
I think all people have the same opinion about it.
Don't kill people.
Most people are like that.
I don't think anyone wants a war.
The other perspective is how it's going to have an impact for our country's economy.
Russia imports a lot of things from Japan.
It's a direct hit.
Gas prices are so high right now.
People are trying to buy cars.
The price went up by 500,000 at once.
The stock price is going up.
What's going to happen to wheat?
It's a critical issue.
In that sense, it's not about comparing it to the war.
It's about how much it affects our lives.
It's one of the issues.
I think it's normal that there are so many reports.
I was like, what is this?
But if you think about it, we have an issue with Russia and China.
So if you think about it, it's scary.
Something might happen.
That's how it is.
How to do a fact check.
And there is some information to see.
To see how transparent and how according to the solid data.
This is a general thing.
To see if there is proper data.
What else did you say, Minami?
I forgot.
I just did it.
There are a lot of facts that are often said in general.
But the current world situation is too different.
I don't think I can do a fact check anymore.
Putting that aside,
If it was normal everyday life,
In my way,
I try to find multiple resources.
Try to see if they use a certain number of data.
And the number of Ns.
And the whole article.
Like Japanese.
If it's not the writer's opinion.
Or the writer's opinion can be more objective.
I have to make a decision.
But Minami is also biased.
If I like his opinion, I will read his article.
I don't know.
I think we are very biased.
We like progressive thinking.
Like diversity.
Like everyone is equal.
Like protecting the earth.
Including those things.
It's not something we should aim for as a whole.
It's Minami's way of thinking.
It's definitely,
Just a small part of the world.
Just our opinion.
There are a lot of liberal people.
And a lot of people who are like that.
It's the same with going.
It's the same with celebrities.
If it's like that.
And if we are not sure.
It would be nice if we could.
But Minami can't say anything.
That's true.
That's the problem.
I don't know.
It depends on the information we post.
I mean the genre.
I think it's like this.
We have to do this.
It's dangerous to have sexual rights.
Sexual rights are everywhere.
It's the same with this.
People who watch the news have that possibility.
It's like that.
Like Akane said,
I can't stop you from posting your opinion.
I think it's okay.
If you want to do it.
If you like someone's opinion,
Including the news that the company is running,
If you just click it,
It's like spreading the word.
I think it's dangerous.
I see.
It was also in the election.
Even if it's from a government agency,
I don't know if it's a fact or not.
If you receive it right away,
and spread it together,
like repost, regram, retweet,
It's actually dangerous.
As I said in the video I just watched,
SNS is a weapon of the present.
It's like everyone has a weapon.
Even if you think you're doing a good thing,
You're lying.
It's a lie.
I think it's hard.
It's hard, but
First of all,
You should know that you have the right to perform.
We are not perfect.
So, like,
Try not to do something we can't do.
That's right.
Since this invasion started,
I really felt that
my ignorance
toward the history
about the Ukraine and Russia
or the other countries.
Of course,
I don't know everything.
But I thought I didn't know at all.
What I'm saying on the news
won't go back to history.
They have their opinion.
I think it's easier to understand
if you look at it
a little calmly.
It's totally different,
Okinawa War
We're in the middle of the war.
I've seen it from the point of view
of how much damage
the Japanese people
have suffered.
when I went to the Peace Memorial
with the military,
they told me
how much damage
the American people
have suffered.
since this is Okinawa,
of course, I'm focused on Okinawa,
but this is what I learned
as a military student.
When they told me that,
I heard
both sides' opinions.
There are both opinions
about war.
So, I felt that
I shouldn't say
which one is which.
when you have a base in Okinawa,
what do you think about it?
For example,
I grew up watching
only the Okinawa media.
Okinawa is the country
that has the biggest base burden
in Japan.
You can't sleep at night.
It's a crime against the American people.
It's a pitiful island.
if you see the bigger picture of it,
it's not just Okinawa.
they are
in Okinawa.
They are just doing their job.
You always need, like,
more than one opinion
for every single thing.
You have your opinion,
but you can't force
people to
I guess having to force someone
to think
and suppressive
I think it's dangerous
It's not just dangerous
There's other opinions too
With every single thing. Yeah
Not just war
You can say
For everything
and like
Corona too
When I discuss
some topics with
With some people
There's I always trying to do in my mind
not to get mixed up with the public
It's easy to think about in the eyes of the public
My opinion
I can say it pretty quickly
Things I've been hurt
Things that have been a nuisance
But public opinion
For example
What would I do if I was the prime minister?
What would I do if I was the president?
What would I do if I was the president?
Things I've been complaining about
from my point of view
When I'm in the position of a superior
When I think about it
There's a lot of times when I don't choose the same choices
When I look at things in a neutral way
When I'm mad at someone
If you are a teacher, CEO, and like any person who are in charge of yeah
in charge of a lot of people, you need to be careful, you need to know a lot of information
The more you know, the more you know your ignorance
That's why we don't mix it up
Even if it's just one poem, if you have like 4 poems, it's balanced
But in the last episode, we talked about
What was it?
People can't understand each other
Stop the fantasy of understanding each other
That's right
It's the same, isn't it?
We pick up a lot of articles and topics, but we always say the same thing at the end of the day
It's familiar to media literacy
Yeah, that's right
We talked about things we can't understand
I think that's important
So you think that watching the media and getting involved with people is connected?
I see
That's crazy
Or are we thinking the same thing?
Even if we pick the same topic, we might end up with the same conclusion
We're always thinking the same thing
You like yourself
But you can't mix it up
If you pretend to be like this, you're almost dead
I think it would be interesting if there was someone who had the opposite opinion
That's right
Someone who would debate
But you and I are different
Well, well, well
Like a peaceful debate
I see
I understand that you say the same thing on every topic
I see
Is that okay?
All of a sudden
What I want to say is
It's my first time
I haven't done this for 4 or 5 years
I'm taking a break
I'm happy
If you don't do it, you'll be bored
Work and holidays are a waste of time
I see
When you're working and your brain is all over the place
There are things you want to do together
And there are things you want to do because there's nothing to do
It's just a feeling
How do I say this?
I go to the make-up artist many times
If I'm working, I can't go
I see
If I wake up early in the morning and can't do anything
But if it's a day off, I can do it without thinking
So my brain is stopped
Good thing
I don't remember
I don't remember last year's Golden Week
Last year's Golden Week, Minami did her make-up
Last year, I was so socialized
But now, I'm so anti-social
I don't want to see any people
Literally, I don't want to see anybody
That's so funny
How do I say this?
I don't want to go for somewhere that a lot of people are in one place
I want to hang out with people I know
And I'm more comfortable being alone
It's the exact opposite of last year's Golden Week
There are many timings
It depends on my mood
Do you like to be alone?
I do
When I'm with a lot of people all the time
I didn't think so until now
I like to hang out with people anytime
I got sick last month
And I talked about last episode
My body said I need a rest
And I need my time
So I'm making my own time
I think it's important to organize my mind and body
I'm the type of person who doesn't notice it
In the middle?
I'm always up
Even when I'm not
That's what my job is like
When I'm in that environment
It's not that I'm trying to be social
But it's better to be anti-social sometimes
I think the south is trying to have balance
Is that so?
I feel like I want to socialize
When the Golden Week is over?
Before the Golden Week
I was so busy the week before
I was like
I didn't want to be bored but I didn't want to be busy
I didn't like it
So I was like
But I don't remember the moment I took a break
I don't remember what I did until yesterday
So I was like
It's a long break
And after 2 or 3 days
I don't remember what I did
I'm living in the moment
That's good
It's all about balance
That's right
So I remember what I did on Monday
I switch my brain
I'm going to Tokyo on Monday
That's good
I'm going to Tokyo
I think I'll come back
Will you come back?
Is it cold?
But the south is different when I come back from Tokyo and when I stay in Okinawa
Even just for a week?
It's hard to explain how
The mood?
When I go to Tokyo
I feel like I'm more excited
I feel like I'm rotating
I feel like this is this and that is that
When you are in Okinawa for a long time
You're going to be like
Yes, relax, slow
And cozy
I'm trying to take a balance
It's all about balance
When I'm in Tokyo
I walk so fast
When you walk fast in Okinawa
You stand out
Isn't there no one who walks so fast in Okinawa?
There's no one who walks
I don't walk that much
For example, when you live in Tokyo
You walk from station to station
You walk fast
Can't you walk to your house with the same pace?
Something like that
But I really want to walk fast
That's true
When I go to Tokyo
I feel like time changes
Like it becomes one minute
I feel like I can do this and that at this time
But in Okinawa
I feel like I'm enjoying the present
Does that mean you have the same workload?
Yes, probably
Isn't that amazing?
That means you're able to do both
Humans adapt to the environment
I think it's because there are trains in Tokyo
You're able to be aware of the time
That's true
I feel like I'm able to do both
There are so many good things about Tokyo
And Okinawa
I think it's because I have a lot of family and friends
Okinawa is 100%
But the one thing I can say I don't like about being in Okinawa
Is the shipping fee
It's so fucking expensive
When I buy any kind of thing
The shipping fee is expensive
Even if it says it's free
I hate that Okinawa is always paid
I think that's about it
And I like the food in Tokyo
There are a lot
There's a lot of choices
You like eating out in the south
I do. Don't you like eating out?
I do
But when I eat out, it's either Okinawa soba or Takosu
That's in Okinawa, right?
In Tokyo, there are so many options I can't decide
I follow people
I search for things like nails or something
But when it comes to food
I either follow people or go to a restaurant I like
You're not really interested in restaurants
I don't know
You're pretty open to everything
You're open to everything
How do I say this
I don't know
If it's Okinawa, there's not a lot of choices
I'm so lazy to search for everything
When it comes to traveling
I do a lot of research
But in my everyday life
In my everyday life
I don't do a lot
It doesn't matter
The restaurant
It can be any place
I order from a different menu
All of them are bad
Then I can't go
You can't go?
Then you can go to places other than the ones that are bad
There aren't a lot of places that are bad
You put out all the things that are good in your head
It's gross, right?
If I do this, I think I can make more money
That's good
I want to put this on
You can't customize
When I say, can you put bacon instead of egg
A lot of people react like, what the fuck
I don't like both Tokyo and Okinawa
That's true
That's about it
What are you talking about?
All the restaurants
When I say customize
I feel like it's special
When it comes to selling
It doesn't matter
As long as you know the price of the food
You don't have to ask about it
That's what I think
That's what you think?
I won't say it
I'll say it in about 20% of the restaurants
I'll only say it if I know it's possible
But if you don't say it first
You won't know it's possible
That's true
If you go to a restaurant that's like, okay
It's like, really?
That's where people react
I think I know
There are a lot of ways to say no
If you say no right away
If you don't have a reason but you can't
You won't be able to go
That's true
It might be people
People might be the base
That's true
When you buy cosmetics
There are a lot of people
I don't ask people
There are some places
You can only ask people
Like beauty salons
If that's the case
The brand you want
To be honest, there are a lot of brands
If you talk about it
You might think it's interesting
I see
That might be the case
But I don't know if I'll buy it
It was interesting
By the way
Today we talked about
What is it?
In any episodes
Say the same
Conclusion at the end
All the news
Or any kind of media
You can reach out
Basically on
How do you say it?
Basically on
I don't understand English
I doubt everything
I feel like I can reach it
Sometimes I want to accept it
You want to accept it
It's not news like this
Like we talked about today
For example
In Minamizu
The news that elementary school students
Received 1 million yen
Is 100% true
Am I wrong?
That kind of talk
Is true
For heartwarming news
I've never seen it with my own eyes
So don't worry
It's the same as Akane
What do you mean by
Negative news?
It's news related to
Bigger scale
Even if you ask people
They don't know the truth
You can doubt it
Like what they say on TV
Like I said earlier
This information
Is true or not
When Minami
Asked me
I said like
On the TV
People say
Same thing all the time
Like everyday
That's fine but
If it's too much
I feel like
They wanted something
There are major opinions
But suddenly
When the opposite opinion
Comes out
I wonder
Why this opinion came out
If it's temporary
It might disappear
But if it continues
I wonder
I'm not a person who
Doubts all the time
It's like
I did some research about media
About media literacy
I started to be careful
So people like me
Can be like that
If I know this kind of information
I have a right to know
Like the concept
Yeah, if I know the concept
It might be a trigger
I think
If I know this
Even if I can't
Come to a conclusion
I'm not relieved
But it's fine
If it's not my fault
That's how it is
After a certain virus
Conspiracy theories
And other things
Can be spread
It's a trend
That trend
Can be spread
For example
Not believing in TV
It's weird
So I want to be
So everyone
Enjoy the rest of Golden Week
It's not a holiday
But I think it's better to take a break
That's all for today

