2023-12-13 51:25

#69【テーマパーク建設で喜ぶのは誰?】The More Theme Parks, The More Revenue Goes to Somewhere Else.

Haitai people, *English below




"In the northern part of Okinawa, often considered the poorest region in Japan, we aim to create a catalyst for change, utilizing the unique features of that area, to bring smiles to diverse individuals, generate greater income opportunities, and create a place where people can work with pride. This, in turn, can lead to the development of various accommodations and other attraction facilities." - Mr. Takeshi Morioka -

I believe some were excited, some got sad after hearing the news of the new theme park "Junglia" in Okinawa 2025. Can they really make sustainable businesses that support local people's income despite our recent history that most commercial facilities's revenues go outside of Okinawa? Can they preserve the nature there no one touched ever before? Hope it will not be abandoned in the near future.


新テーマパーク「ジャングリア」会見で飛び出した「日本で最も貧しい沖縄の北部」発言 モヤモヤの正体を考えた


“素通りする町”に根差し「変化の起点」に 沖縄北部に大型テーマパーク『JUNGLIA』


Japan jungle theme park aims to draw tourists to Okinawa

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せーの What's up amazing people, this is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and English.
Marketing company Katana and Japan Entertainment have announced the schedule opening of the
Junglia Theme Park in northern Okinawa in 2025.
The project, led by Takeshi Morioka, who spearheaded the turnaround of Universal Studios Japan,
is based on the concept of power vacance.
The park, to be built on a 60-hectare former golf course, aims to provide exciting and luxurious experiences
that is not found in urban areas, with dozens of attractions, ziplines, and infinity spas planned.
Junglia targets mainly Japanese tourists and aims to contribute to the development of Japan's tourism industry.
It also focuses on establishing a sustainable business model and human resource development,
having secured approximately 70 billion yen in funding.
However, concerns have been raised about the potential impact of this theme park
on the economic development of the region, particularly regarding the poverty issues in northern Okinawa
and the concerns of local residents about changes in the area.
The project also touches on the provision of high-paying employment opportunities
while mentioning the structural issues in Okinawa and the importance of co-existence with nature.
Marketing company Katana and Japan Entertainment have announced the schedule opening of the Junglia Theme Park in northern Okinawa in 2025.
The park will be built on a 60-hectare former golf course,
with dozens of attractions, ziplines, and infinity spas planned.
The park will be built on a 60-hectare former golf course,
with dozens of attractions, ziplines, and infinity spas planned.
The park will be built on a 60-hectare former golf course,
with dozens of attractions, ziplines, and infinity spas planned.
The park will be built on a 60-hectare former golf course,
with dozens of attractions, ziplines, and infinity spas planned.
The park will be built on a 60-hectare former golf course,
with dozens of attractions, ziplines, and infinity spas planned.
The park will be built on a 60-hectare former golf course,
with dozens of attractions, ziplines, and infinity spas planned.
It's been rumors that there will be the Universal Studio in Okinawa.
And I was like, when it's gonna happen? And now it's happening.
I think Universal Studio in Okinawa version was also produced by this guy, I think.
Or not, but it canceled because of maybe the people in neighborhood didn't want that or the money issue.
So I didn't expect that this Janguria thing is also just an idea and it won't happen.
But I just saw the news and it's happening.
Janguria, right?
Did you see their commercial movie?
No, not yet.
You didn't see it?
It's like this.
It's kind of like luxury hotels, activities for rich people, I think.
Yeah, and Jurassic Park world view.
Just natural.
Is this theme park imitating somewhere else?
I think there is some ideas, you know, they take it from it.
It's like a movie.
It's like a 3D commercial movie, so it's not real.
But the image is like this.
I thought it was like Singapore.
It's like a jungle in the airport.
It's like a famous flower.
It's like the most advanced nature.
It's like a jungle for now.
I was reading the article about Japanese tourists.
This is for the inbound, right?
Yeah, I think so.
First of all, no one looks like a Japanese person.
I think it's going to be so expensive that the local can't afford it.
Yeah, I think so.
It's not like, I can't go there, so let's go here.
It's not that easy to get in, is it?
It's like looking from the outside.
I think I like Chinese and rich people.
There are many Chinese, Hong Kong and Korean people in Okinawa.
Like the place, I've never seen foreigners.
But there are.
It's like a place like this.
I think it's because the air bnb has developed so much that you can access it.
There are so many Okinawa tourist introduction Instagram accounts.
So it's so easy to find a local restaurant or nature.
The place that they can see a nice ocean.
It's increased, right?
I think it's increased a lot.
And most of the time, foreigners make it.
If it's a good place to eat, it's a good place to see the scenery.
That's good.
Did you get excited to hear this news?
At first, I was like, is it really happening?
It's a news, it's official now.
Because the area is wide, they're going to break down all the forest and nature.
They're going to build in the golf course.
So there may not be anything natural there.
I see.
But I think the area surrounded by the jungle will also probably be in danger.
Nature is destructive.
When people come, carbon dioxide and exhaust gas increase.
It's going to get dirty to some extent.
And it looks like it's going to be congested.
The road is narrow.
It's limited, so it looks like it's going to be difficult to get in.
The road is not congested properly, and the road has increased.
How about cleaning up the garbage properly?
It's better, but...
I wonder what the local people think.
I'd like to go to an attraction like that once in a while.
But I think it would be more fun to go to the waterfall than the fake one.
That's true.
I feel like staying at the hotel, spa, activities, and all that stuff.
It's good to have more tourists, but I think it depends on the financial situation.
When we had the summit in the north, it was amazing.
The big facilities are old.
People are always chasing something new.
Theme parks are the easiest to get around.
The company I'm working for is a person who is reviving the USJ.
I think the design is good.
That's true.
CEO Morioka said,
The poverty problem in the northern part of Okinawa,
the unemployment rate, the unemployment rate, and so on.
There are various issues.
Can we be the starting point of change that moves the problem of Okinawa to a solution?
The aim is to make this business the starting point of change and increase investment.
We noticed that the poverty problem in the northern part of Okinawa is particularly low,
which is the lowest level in the country.
Theme parks have the power to bring wealth to the community.
I thought it should be made for the recovery of the industry.
I have high expectations that it will be a theme park that will enrich the lives of not only tourists but also the local community.
I don't know if he actually said this,
or some writer rewrote this sentence,
but I think it's rude.
It's not rude, but it doesn't feel good.
It's like he wanted to have some reason to build this place,
to connect with locals.
I think he built this theme park because there is a land that he can build.
It's a business chance for him.
But he needs to address that it's going to be good for locals too.
It's like a politician thing.
It's a place with a lot of nature,
so there's no point in raising the level of living there.
You can live there.
Not even close to rich, like a bit more money, income.
Do they really ask for him?
I don't know.
I don't think so.
It's just a reason.
That's what I was most curious about.
Yes, yes, yes.
That's right.
No matter how far you go,
it's in the money of the president and the big companies,
so it doesn't feel good to make excuses like,
I really thought about the citizens.
I thought it would feel good if he said,
I can make this much money.
Yes, yes, yes.
That's right.
If you work near here, how much is the hourly wage?
In short, it's a story that ordinary people can understand.
It's like telling a dream.
It's all vague.
Specifically, it's 150,000 yen,
but is there a potential to make 300,000 yen?
Yes, yes, yes.
That's easier to understand.
How does anyone make money?
You're the one who can make the most money.
I really want you to make as much money as you can.
I'm not nagging people,
but it's like a city where the poorest people in Japan gather for a reason.
But if they're happy, then that's okay.
There may be people who don't want to be busy.
If the tourists come to the place near around
and they want to have lunch at the restaurants outside of the theme park
and they want to stay outside of the theme park
and they're going to get busy suddenly
and they need to take care of foreigners people
and they need to learn English or some languages
and then they don't have any time to day off
and they are tired of it and fuck off.
There is a possibility of that.
So, if they can afford this situation,
I think it's okay.
I think it's okay for young people,
but I don't think it's okay for the elderly.
I don't think it's okay.
I don't think it's okay.
I think the elderly are aware of their situation,
so they can't change the times.
I think they've been feeling this way for the past 50 or 60 years.
They can't change it, but when I think about it...
But there are a lot of people who immigrated from the North.
Yeah, because there's a lot of nature.
And it's in the countryside.
They're going to be happy, or I don't know.
I think they want to live in the countryside.
And plus beach, quiet.
Yeah, nobody.
So, you know, when I think about how to play
on the main Okinawa island,
it's like, I like being in the city,
but besides that, it needs to be a very countryside,
like nobody touched.
I think that's beautiful,
but maybe that's not enough to develop the economy.
If it's about money, you can't win.
But in the countryside, if you go a little bit,
you can touch nature,
but Okinawa is an island.
Leave Miyako and Ishigaki alone.
You have to be here.
That's right.
So now there's Naha in the south,
and it's natural that it's flourishing.
In the north,
people are trying to get to the south.
They're all looking for a chance.
If it becomes an area where people can live,
it's like a concrete jungle.
I think part of Yanbaru is a world heritage site.
This area has already been used as a golf course.
I think we should be welcome to have a new idea.
But theme park is another story.
It's even scary.
So about the nature,
What will happen to the problem of traffic jams?
How will the theme park protect the natural environment?
It's also important how much we can reduce the impact on the environment.
Traffic jams and noise caused by excessive traffic jams
and over-tourism that has a negative impact on the lives of residents
are becoming a problem around the world.
Also, the lack of information supply to the local area.
When I arrived in February this year,
there was an explanation meeting for the local residents,
but the details of the park were not made clear.
It's a big deal.
If the local people don't understand it,
it's difficult to develop and continue.
Operating companies have agreed to cooperate with the local people.
It also emphasizes that it can solve the poverty problem in Okinawa.
It is also said that it will strengthen the brand power as an international tourist destination.
If we are to promote these effectively,
I would like to propose that local businesses should be the focus of business development.
I think the one who wants to propose is Ryder.
So it's still quite mysterious.
That's right. It's just decided.
If this was done by a local person, it would be completely different.
It's completely different.
It's not discrimination, but it's because Okinawa is poor.
If Okinawans don't do something, it's meaningless.
That's right.
I don't think so.
But these people are also a great group.
For example, young people who are not their employees,
but those who have done business with them,
may be able to learn skills.
I think it's a very good opportunity.
So, for example, if Okinawans do business of the same scale,
it's still a long way to go.
Young people who have been influenced by this may do it.
So, in the end, in a good place in Tokyo,
in a good place abroad,
you have to learn serious marketing,
and experience construction business,
or the launch of a large facility.
If you want to do it, you can't do it.
It's difficult to access those opportunities, you know.
Because it's poor.
That's why it's going around again.
Because of the spiral of poverty.
Even if you are influenced by this and want to receive education,
first of all, you don't have money at home,
so you don't have to work in Okinawa.
Then you become desperate to live,
and you don't have time to encourage studying.
Poverty continues.
Many children are born.
They can't afford to pay for their education.
I want them to grow up happily.
There are a lot of children who are very humane,
but they don't have any business experience.
That's how we are now.
I think half of us are like that.
But, you know,
Okinawans get a lot of money after the reconstruction.
There was also a question about how to use it.
Okinawa is the 25th largest population in the country.
Okinawa Reconstruction Fund is the 1st largest population in the country.
The Okinawa Reconstruction Fund is flowing in,
but half of the companies that receive public education
that are operated and carried out are real companies,
and the private sector is still the largest in the country.
The Okinawa Reconstruction Fund is the 1st largest population in the country.
Half of the companies that receive public education
that are operated and carried out are real companies,
and the private sector is still the largest in the country.
So even if you get money,
you can't rely on other companies.
I think it's changing little by little.
We should improve our skills and quality together.
We should do it together.
We should order from local people as much as possible.
But for clients, the finished product is important,
so we should improve our skills.
We need kindness, patience, and the power to improve our skills together.
They want to do it,
but I always say we need to make money,
or we need to be independent by ourselves.
You don't need to make a company or something.
It's not a big thing. Just be independent.
But I believe that,
but I think most of them don't give a shit.
They just want to have fun.
They just want to make money.
I think that's the essence of a warm home.
So I don't agree with what you're saying.
I understand that they just want to live happily.
I would rather agree with that.
But in reality, Okinawa is so special.
There are so many things people want to do.
They want to go to the sea, to the forest.
They are surrounded by people who want to do anything but business.
I think that's not enough.
Okinawa doesn't have any immigrants,
so there is no independent area.
You can't just work as a Japanese.
It's difficult.
According to the research you search,
the tourism revenue in Okinawa has increased by 1.6 times in 10 years.
However, there is no increase in the domestic production of restaurants,
lodging companies, wholesalers, and wholesalers.
Also, according to a survey,
30% of people said that their lives will be enriched by tourism.
So we know it.
For example, the consumption of tourists,
lodging companies, international hotels,
hondochain hotels,
hondochain companies,
the consumption rate of food is less than 50%.
the sales rate of souvenirs is about 60%.
the main shopping place for foreign tourists,
hondochain drugstores and convenience stores.
As a result, the tourism revenue of Okinawa companies does not decrease.
This is funny.
It's similar.
The last time you complained about there are so many 7-Eleven in Okinawa.
But it's true that there aren't many local hotels.
Now it's mostly foreign companies and IKK hotels in Japan.
The number of hotels has increased.
There are more brands than before.
I think it's amazing.
I think Okinawa has become such a luxury hotel that it can attract people.
Like Harekura?
No, like Hoshinoya.
But every time I think about tourism,
people leave for 2 or 3 nights.
It's a compact trip.
I don't think it's a big loss.
But I think tourists are interested in local maid.
But they don't know how to find it.
They only have options that mainland Japan company made.
But good quality thing.
Good quality and good price when it comes to that.
But if we explain about it is like a local maid 100%
and the local people are operating.
And then you can enjoy local atmosphere with us.
I think they like it.
Even if it's expensive.
It's not like a traditional craft.
It's more like a grand luxury.
Local supermarket, local hotel, local restaurant.
How is it?
What about 3A?
Isn't 3A a Okinawan company?
Yes, it is.
Is it local?
Then you destroy JASCO.
Destroy all convenience stores.
Okinawan brand convenience store.
But we need the power of the mainland.
That's why I went to Tokyo.
They are helping people.
People with high intelligence.
I think they like Okinawa and they can do something.
Most of them think so.
So 3A and Okinawa are small.
I don't know.
It might be small thing.
I had clients from Hong Kong in November.
They wanted me to plan all their travel schedule too.
They want me to book a diving shop, rent a car,
after-party venue, other hotels, and so on.
They also want to know something about Okinawa.
So I introduced my friend's rental car, marine sports, and souvenirs.
They don't know about the quality because they haven't compared.
They trusted me so they chose those things.
And they enjoyed it.
And they went back to their country.
There are other options in Okinawa.
But I wanted to introduce this because I want to give it back to them.
I think they like that kind of attitude.
It depends on the person.
I know what you mean.
I think they just haven't met.
They are kind of proud to connect all the local people through me.
They even explained to their guests.
This is how it is.
They explained to me.
It depends on how to act.
I agree.
I admire you.
Thank you so much.
Construction industry.
I don't know if it's true.
But real estate and construction companies are very powerful in Okinawa.
The roads and infrastructure are very stable.
I remembered this in construction industry.
My brother has his own construction company.
But their client is a big company like E.ON or My Air.
So the main revenue is going to the mainland people probably.
But his company is very small.
Only local people.
And sometimes hire some guys who didn't go to school.
Don't have parents.
I don't know about big construction companies.
But there are a lot of small construction companies.
That's why they are local.
That's amazing.
Everything they do is local.
The local owners of small companies helped us.
From big companies and people from abroad.
They told us how to make money by creating a tag.
They told us to be careful.
I think they are already doing it.
I know it's easy to do it abroad.
But we want to make Okinawa popular with local people.
But we don't want to sell Okinawa cheaply.
We want to make Okinawa good quality.
We want to improve ourselves.
We want to improve our knowledge and health.
I think we can do it if we have the will to actively share knowledge from abroad.
So all we need is conversation.
Like now.
I agree.
When it comes to Okinawa,
especially for half-local people,
there are people who are too passionate.
They are scary.
I have something I really want to say.
There are too many themes in Okinawa.
I think there is always a possibility that I am wrong.
So it's not like,
Okinawa should be like this, not like that.
Maybe my idea is
I think it's important to listen to people with the premise that Okinawa should be like this.
When I heard the news about Jangriya,
I was like, fuck you.
But if you listen to it with that attitude, it doesn't mean anything.
I want to know how this business works with my research.
There are some things that don't come out.
I want to have that kind of attitude.
In the end, we are all human beings.
So if I say Okinawa,
I don't want to be a troublesome target.
I don't want to be like those people who have to be persuaded.
It doesn't make sense.
In my heart, I want my hometown to be like this.
But in reality, I have to make more money.
There is a real issue.
I don't know what to do about that.
But I want to be like this.
I want to be like this.
I want to be the head of the organization.
I don't care if it's a foreigner or a local person.
I want to talk about it.
I'm sure I'm talking about it.
I want to know how it is at different companies or different freelancers.
Like a wedding planner.
I can exchange conversations with other vendors.
They advise me.
I should do this, this.
For example,
I should have a schedule like this.
I should have an assistant like this.
I should work like this.
But there is always love for me from them.
I think there are a lot of my ways.
But everyone wants to improve themselves.
They give me love and advice.
So I'm going to do this.
I understand.
I will do my best.
I don't feel motivated when I do it for myself.
But when I do it for someone or for Okinawa,
I feel like my business will expand.
I feel like I will have more motivation and friends.
The team with a strong sense of purpose is very strong.
I will be the king of the wedding party.
Yeah, I'm going to be the king.
Of the Okinawa wedding party.
I want to say that we made this at home.
Akane is a freelancer.
But she is a representative of the company.
It's meaningful for Akane to do it at home.
It doesn't matter if everyone does it at home.
It's amazing.
But it sounds like a waste.
I want Akane to do it in Okinawa.
It's full of love.
I think everyone in the industry is trying to do it.
So when a huge company like this comes,
I don't want to fight, but I can't do it.
I'm not going to do something for this.
To protest or to make a statement like I don't want this.
This is what we need to do.
Like right now.
We're just thinking bigger and deeper.
I don't know how to respond to this.
I don't know how to approach this.
I don't know if this problem will be solved.
I don't think it's about money.
I think everyone should do it.
There is no difference in opinion.
Not everyone can think about those things.
Because they're busy to keep living.
I think it's good if people who can think about it can think about it.
But it's happening.
You said they're busy.
I think everyone should take a break.
That's right.
Do you think there are too few days off?
It's not a day off.
It's about what you're doing for what you want to be.
I think about that a lot.
When I was watching Naokiman on YouTube,
there was a person who was like a shaman in Africa.
There was a person who was like a shaman in Africa.
He was talking about how Japanese people were loved and loved.
Everyone was happy.
I think Japanese people should give up more.
It's not about giving up.
Let's finish today's to-do list.
Give yourself a real break.
There are a lot of people who focus on efficiency.
If you work hard for another hour, you can increase efficiency by 10%.
There are too many people who think like that.
Don't give up.
But having a lot of time to give up
is a real break.
You can be happy.
That's what he was talking about.
That's right.
Japanese people used to be able to give up.
They probably didn't have much to do.
It's too convenient.
Everyone is being so competitive.
They can be competitive.
If they win, they might get a better position or a better income.
It's easy to get over your capa.
It's an era.
There's everything all set already.
I can do it now, but I shouldn't do it now.
For my body and mind.
It's a switch.
Can't you do a planned power outage in the world?
I can't.
You can't?
You can't turn on the lights anywhere at this time of night.
Don't you all sleep?
I can sleep, but they want to make money.
You can't stop them.
You can do it in the countryside.
There's not much electricity in the countryside.
That's right.
To make the city people give up...
Japanese people obey big powers.
I don't have a lot of ability to act.
You took a lot of time off during the pandemic.
I took a break.
I was surprised that everyone's attitude towards remote work changed.
If you're promoted by a big power like this, everyone will do it.
I think there are a lot of people who think they've been saved.
When I make a statement, Japanese people feel guilty.
That's right.
There are a lot of pure people who say,
I'm going to take a break alone.
I forced everyone to take a break.
It's a little sad that it started with Corona.
It's also proof that you can do that.
That's right.
Do you use your feet as your fingers?
Right now?
I'm so good at using my foot finger.
To take a TV remote.
Change channel.
Taking something I drop off to the floor.
My toes are so soft.
I can move my toes really fast.
I can move faster.
My toes are so soft.
I should use my toes more.
Everyone uses their toes to support the ground when they walk.
At home, you can use your toes as a hand.
It's good for your body not to wear shoes.
At home?
It's good for your health that you don't have to wear shoes for a long time.
That's right.
Do you use your toes?
I don't use it much.
Like this?
I do.
You should pay more attention to your toes.
When I'm at work, I use my toes a lot to pet my dog.
You should do that to your cat.
It's efficient.
They don't discriminate their toes.
Everything feels good.
I don't want to step on them.
As long as it feels good, anything is fine.
So I can use my toes a lot.
I use my foot finger as a hand.
That's Minami's tip today.
I didn't expect you to think like that.
I always lift my leg when I'm in the car.
I know.
I lift my leg when I'm driving.
I always take off my shoes when I'm in the car.
I know.
I feel the brake and accelerator with my feet.
Do you do it barefoot?
That's a good idea.
When I sit in the passenger seat, I always put my feet on the dashboard.
It hurts.
I always do that.
When I sit in a chair, I always scratch my feet.
If it's a good place.
It's good to scratch your feet.
I think Minami thinks my feet are dirty.
When I'm barefoot, Minami licks my feet.
It tickles.
Because my tongue is too small.
It looks smelly.
After licking.
Minami eats his own poop.
Minami's feet are very beautiful.
I eat anything when I'm alone.
I even eat cigarettes on the street.
I have to clean up my poop right away.
I eat it.
It's delicious.
We talked a lot.
The problems of poverty and tourism in Okinawa can't be solved by research.
That's right.
I want to go to this place.
If you can do it, you have to accept it.
That's who we are.
I don't know what to say.
You just have to learn every day.
I'm going to use this opportunity to my business.
I want to entertain my clients.
And give it back to people in the north.
I hope I can do that.
That's all for today.

