2022-05-19 1:03:07

#37【沖縄本土復帰50周年を見た我々の想い】Why We Cannot Celebrate Okinawa's 50th Reversion Anniversary

Haitai human beings! English below:










The last 15th of May marked 50 years since Okinawa return to Japan from the US. And it was not an absolute "celebration" mood. Perspectives go back and forth when thinking about this from Okinawan and Japanese. So now it seems a Day of to think about economic/political issues, but isn't it supposed to be just a big party day? We are the generation who makes that happen.

#Okinawa#MilitaryBase#JapaneseGovernment#沖縄本土復帰50周年#沖縄本土復帰#辺野古基地問題#アメリカ世#ヤマト世#伝統芸能#平和#バイリンガル#英語#日本語#歴史#沖縄戦#Podcast#Spotify#Radio#Bilingual#Japanese #English


History of OKINAWA〜沖縄本土復帰50周年特集〜

沖縄復帰50年「お祝いにしてほしくない」 式典参加の県民、思い複雑 あいさつ淡々と

「祝う気半々」「復帰あってこそ」 県民の思いさまざま―沖縄復帰50年


Okinawa marks 50 years since reversion from U.S. rule as bases remain

In pictures: Okinawa's return to Japan, 50 years later

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What's up, amazing people! This is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and English.
50 years since Okinawa returned to Japan,
prefectural citizens who participate in ceremonies said they don't want to celebrate as anniversary.
In ceremony held in Ginowan city, people looked back the battle of Okinawa
and they represented the importance of non-violent peace from the experience of the war.
There were some participants who said I don't want them to be celebrated
because of the current situation of the U.S. military base problem, which is still the same.
Before the ceremony, one of the participants, Takae Onaga, 85, said
I'm not willing to celebrate.
I was happy that Okinawa was back in Japan,
but the U.S. military base problem is still a huge problem to us.
She wore black clothes since it is considered not as a celebration.
Kiyoko Oshiro, 82, the president of the Okinawa Women's Foundation, said
It is not definitely a celebration.
I want people who live outside of Ireland to know its absurdity for Okinawa.
The ceremony went on with simple greeting.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and the chairman of both houses of representatives
touched on the issue of the U.S. military bases,
but there was no particular reaction from the venue.
The Okinawa Hondo Fukki Memorial Ceremony was held in Ginoan City.
The participants looked back on the difficulties of the Okinawa War
and expressed the importance of peace through non-violence.
On the other hand, there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military base problem,
which is still the same.
There were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
but there were some participants who said
I don't want them to be celebrated because of the current situation of the U.S. military bases,
Can you briefly talk about the number of organizations that were excited there?
I don't know if it's obvious, but there was a group called Kyoku-U and a group called Henoko-Kichi-Hantai.
I don't know if their names are mixed up.
There was also a group called Keisatsu and Yajuuma.
It was amazing.
It was like a celebration.
It's true that there are a lot of things to celebrate like anniversaries.
It actually has a neutral meaning.
We can say for whatever it's been like a certain years, but in a nuance-wise, it's a celebration.
But there's nothing else to say, right?
But they definitely say something like a celebration in speeches.
There was a lot of news a month or two before the 50th anniversary.
It was like, we're going to celebrate our 50th anniversary.
I don't know what to think.
It was such a complex feeling.
How should I put it?
From my point of view, I should be very grateful to my parents, grandparents, and grandmothers.
I went to school and got a job.
I came back to Japan and my parents worked hard for 50 years.
So I'm grateful.
That's how I feel.
It's not like that.
Even though 50 years have passed, Okinawa is still being looked down upon.
The problem of poverty, including the problem of the base,
Kishida-san, and all the people in history are not my favorites.
I thought it was just a random thing.
Like, let's get it over with.
I don't know what to say.
Products for 50 years.
People trying to do some new business.
Because it's 50 years.
They showed me how it was 50 years ago.
After the war.
It was under American government and people, how they live.
I agree.
With regards to the battle of Okinawa, we have much opportunities to listen to their stories and history.
But after Okinawa returned to Japan, we don't really talk or listen about it.
From our parents' generation.
They sometimes tell me it was a time when the dollar changed to the yen.
Not as a deep narrative.
I think they should talk about it more.
The people living at that time have no choice but to live according to that.
Because it's America, they live as America.
Because it's Japan, they live as Japan.
I feel like Okinawans have always lived according to that.
I don't know if it was difficult or not.
But I feel like it's because of that.
I've heard that from people in the past.
I think it's the same at the resident level.
But for 27 years, we are under America.
But it could possibly be longer than 27 years if somebody didn't do anything.
It could be shorter, too.
It's all like that because it's over.
But at that time...
There may be people who are allergic to people who are against the base because it's now.
In the past, there were tens of thousands of people who were against it.
I don't think people in the south are used to this.
I think I have an allergy to it, too.
I feel like I'm doing something.
Maybe it's because we don't know the background.
We don't care.
We didn't have that bad situation or that bad quality of life we live since we were born.
I think the people in the south didn't experience a life where they couldn't reach a normal life unless they stood up for themselves.
The most amateur generation.
I think the people in the south are doing it, too.
They're doing it in a calm way.
It's just that they didn't say it in the drama.
In the end, when you think about the old days of Okinawa and the base, you get really passionate.
Even if you talk to Akane, it's like, I can't stop talking.
I see.
I can't imagine how passionate you were when you thought about the atmosphere of the whole island.
I'm doing it, so everyone is doing it.
Everyone is doing it, so other people are doing it, too.
I think we're going to connect.
If someone close to you is exercising, you'll do it, right?
I think it's going to be more emotional the closer we get to things like the collapse of the dollar, the riots, and the U.S. military incident.
Yeah, that's right.
There are a lot of perspectives, so I can't say anything.
I think it would be nice if there was a place to talk about various perspectives.
Everyone says soft comments, but everyone in Okinawa is kind and wants to get along.
I think everyone is basically like that.
It's hard for me to say what I think, whether it's the base or the mainland or Okinawa.
What should I do if I'm scared? What should I do if they think I'm weird?
I can only talk to people I know.
If it's an environment like that, the protesters will look like crazy people.
It takes a lot of bias.
Me neither.
I'm very ignorant.
It's just the way it is.
It's your choice to be passionate about it or not, but you should know both opinions.
I think it's better to learn both opinions.
It's not enough in the school, learning.
I mean, they didn't teach us.
Yeah, they didn't teach us anything.
We have 70% of military bases in Okinawa.
Do you know that?
Yeah, I know.
It doesn't matter if you know or not, but I feel something from learning about it.
They don't want to say anything to Okinawa.
They don't want to say anything bad about Okinawa.
I wonder if that's the case.
As I said before, when I was little, I always went through Futama base to go to school because my mom had a base pass.
Protester always be at the gate.
Even I'm Okinawan and Japanese, but they try to reach to our car and they say like,
キチハンタイ、キチハンタイ to me.
But I feel like it's not my problem.
It's their problem, but why are you getting close to me?
When I was in elementary school.
Even when I was running in the base, the base was big and beautiful.
And I enjoyed the food court.
I know.
That's normal.
But I feel something weird.
I didn't know that at all.
It's just a trend.
I wonder if it's fun to do this when I was a kid.
I didn't have to know at that time, but at an early stage, I wondered why they were here every day and what they wanted to say.
It's a shame that we can't do that.
There are a lot of people from the station in Okinawa.
Sometimes it looks like a mess.
There are a lot of people.
It's like they're screaming.
I don't support anyone.
But when I see people who are against the base, I think,
Oh, you're against the base.
My personal opinion is that the U.S. military base is absolutely necessary for Japan now.
Why do you think that?
I think it's okay to be against it.
When I said that, people around Henoko said,
Surprisingly, the residents are three stars.
Surprisingly, people in Okinawa are four stars.
I think it's stupid.
That's right.
Because they pay money.
No matter how much compensation money people around you have,
Even though it's a poor island in the first place,
If you give them money, it'll heal their hatred, right?
Because living is more important.
I think it's a media that makes it look like the actual local people's insight is ugly.
When I said, let's move to the mainland,
The people in the mainland said,
We don't want to.
I think it was around the time of Hatoyama.
We don't want to, but let's move to Okinawa.
When I said, yay, everyone came to visit,
There's history of Okinawa dark.
Because it's one of our countries.
Why do you always separate Okinawa?
I don't know what you're talking about.
The U.S. military base is part of Japan.
It's the issue we need to think about as Japanese people in Okinawa.
It's been a long time ago.
It's been a long time ago since the Japanese invasion.
That's right.
There's a lot of confusion.
That's right.
But when I look at the places that have been converted,
I think it was this big.
It's huge.
Shintoshin, too.
It's changed totally.
In a good way.
So even if it's going to be converted,
it has to be a project that benefits the people of Okinawa.
If it doesn't, it's over.
For example, for the 50th anniversary,
Okinawa is still at the lowest level of poverty.
I think it was the annual income of the people of Okinawa.
It's like, I'm going to raise a few million yen.
I agree with what you told me earlier.
It's not a system where only people with military status can get money.
There's a lot of debt in Okinawa, so the people of Okinawa
think that Japan should pay.
Should pay what?
For people who don't have military status,
as a citizen,
the salary is low,
so I'd be happy if there was a fee for the fact that the opportunity is decreasing.
You're trying to get money again.
That's right.
People of Okinawa try to get money right away.
I don't think people of Okinawa were raised in such an environment.
Of course, after the war,
Japan abandoned Okinawa for about 5 years.
They actually abandoned Okinawa.
After that, they built more bases in Okinawa.
In that sense, I don't know how much money should be paid,
but I don't feel grateful for what I got.
It's annoying, but tourism has developed so much,
and entertainment has increased a lot.
I think it's because there were people who worked hard,
but I don't know how long I'll be supported.
I don't want to be independent for the rest of my life.
I want to get money while complaining about the base.
I want to get money by hiring more people.
Do you have money to earn by yourself?
If you depend on others,
it's the same for humans,
but when you become a country, you can't get out of the mud.
I think it's the same for people who celebrate their 50th anniversary.
There are a lot of anti-Japanese comments
about people who criticize the 50th anniversary.
I'm a Okinawan citizen.
I've never been in trouble because I have a base.
I agree with that.
I think I'm a very stupid person.
I miss you.
I don't know why Okinawans have a base.
The world is in a state of emergency,
but we have to think more as a country.
I think they're telling us to move to the mainland because we're thinking as a country.
There are a lot of things I don't understand.
I'm sad about a lot of things.
Do you feel sad?
That makes sense.
I feel like we don't have any choice.
As individuals or as Okinawans?
As Okinawans.
You always have a lot of power.
Do we have any power to control anything like that?
It's so huge.
But if we know the things we can do as individuals,
I want to know if there's anything we can do.
I think, to me, as an individual,
everyone should increase their capital,
meaning make money.
It doesn't matter industry.
Without depending on any government.
Government or yourself.
Your family's self.
Our generation can work freely wherever we go.
I think it's important to have a lot of capital.
It's connected to child education.
As an individual.
No military?
As long as there's a military,
I'm not saying we should get rid of it.
It's a question of proportion.
It's not a question of white or black against white.
There are a lot of bases.
We have a lot of bases.
If we take this out of the base,
there's a plan to divide it.
I don't think anyone in the country wants that.
It's a problem if you don't want it.
We're always next to everyone who thinks they don't want it.
I think we got some advantage from American culture.
It's not the same problem.
I don't want to get rid of them in a soft way.
I can get along with anyone in the south.
I don't want to leave my personal opinion.
I thought it would be a good opportunity to organize what I think as a Japanese and as an Okinawan.
I get a little bit passionate about this kind of topic.
I don't judge.
I feel like I'm learning from you some opinions.
I'm not against it.
I absorbed a lot of things because it's been 50 years.
If I knew a little bit more, I would have done something different 50 years from now.
I think a lot of people are listening to this now.
Every day we don't really think about it.
But I feel like it's a good opportunity.
I'm going to talk about the celebration of the 50th anniversary.
But before that, I'm really annoyed by the Japanese government.
I feel like it's irresponsible.
Japanese politicians finish everything they consider popular.
They don't even think about it once.
But I feel like we lost the war.
What will happen to Korea?
What will happen to Japan?
Japan is a country that won the war.
But you don't want to control them, do you?
I don't want to control them.
But Japan lost the war.
So Japan is like an American servant.
I don't know. I'm going to talk about the Japanese next.
I don't know.
I think there are a lot of things that are wrong.
Politicians are also wrong.
Politicians who don't even have an election system.
Politicians who don't even have an election system.
Since the end of the war,
Japan's constitution...
I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
I think it was made by the G.H.Q. for about three weeks.
It hasn't changed yet.
It's pretty rare to see a country where the law hasn't changed this much.
The world has become like this.
It seems like they're trying to change a lot of things.
What will happen if it changes?
I think the G.H.Q. this time will expand the scope of the Self-Defense Forces.
I think so.
I don't know in detail.
Thanks to the recent world war,
even Finland joined NATO.
I don't know what kind of conclusion this will come to.
I think all countries are trying to build their own constitution.
They're doing what they can.
I don't want to say this,
but I don't want to become an age where I have to be conscious of national defense and politics.
During the coronavirus, I was focused on other things, like my own time.
Now that the war is over, I'm thinking about how to protect my country.
When it comes to Okinawa,
it's not the time to be opposed to foreign policy.
Let's build a lot of bases in Okinawa.
Let's protect America.
I don't know. It's a little dark.
It's fun to fantasize about it.
I'm sorry it's getting hot.
We don't have to be afraid of this political discussion.
I want to exchange opinions with other people.
I feel like I need to learn more to have my strong opinion.
Me too.
When I go to a new place or environment, I feel like I don't know anything.
I can go to a lot of places.
It's a place that excites me in a good way.
It's important to have an attitude like,
I don't know anything. Please tell me.
When you talk with other people about this sensitive issue,
you should respect their opinions.
I always feel like that.
Then you can communicate.
I was thinking about what a discussion is.
Good discussion can only be true with two people at least.
I can't have a discussion with myself.
I can't.
I can do it, but it doesn't make sense.
I was wondering what a good discussion is.
We need to have a common understanding.
No matter how you end the conversation,
you should say thank you.
It's not about winning or losing.
Even if you are frustrated,
it's great that you can say,
I had a good conversation today.
No matter what you say.
But if you think about how many people can do that,
you can't say, can you do that?
You can say, I think I can do that.
Then you will understand.
I think you should teach them how to do it in school.
How to have a conversation.
Minami still doesn't know how to have a conversation.
I can see he gets upset.
I can see it in his face.
He's a little grumpy.
I don't think that's good.
As a new, open-eyed person.
When I get old.
I'm scared.
I'm scared to think about what to do when I get old.
I don't know.
I don't hate people.
I'm still 30.
When I become 40 years old.
What should I do when I get scared?
I feel like I get stronger when I have a strong opinion.
But I don't want to have a strong opinion.
I want to be a person who can ask questions to others.
I want to be a person who can ask questions to others.
I want to be a person who can ask questions to others.
Why don't you just act?
I'm not good at acting.
I'm not good at acting.
What if?
I will tell you to stop.
And you're going to stop.
Correct me in a decent person way.
What are you worried about?
I think about it sometimes.
I want to be like him.
But when we talk.
My dad is the same.
My dad is the same.
He thinks he is the most correct person.
You know?
He is the boss in a family.
He doesn't listen to anyone in a family.
Because he thinks he is the right one.
You should stop thinking like that.
From a politician to an elementary school student.
I think everyone can be wrong.
No matter how we research or study.
We have experience.
We will have the wrong.
You can be wrong anytime.
And you can be right anytime too.
In that topic.
Recently I worked with younger people.
But they have different perspectives.
And sometimes they are more mature.
I feel like everyone is a teacher.
Even if you are younger.
Even if you have a different gender.
Even if you are older or younger.
Even if you are a kid or an elementary school student.
I think everyone is different.
If you have different perspectives.
If you listen to everyone.
I feel like it's more reasonable.
So it's better not to judge.
It's like love is blind.
I see.
If you judge people by their side, you will be biased.
I understand.
It doesn't matter if you are a parent or a high school student.
It's better to be mixed up.
I think so too.
But it's good.
If you work with younger people.
If it's a wedding, everyone is different.
I used to work with older people.
I had a lot to learn from them.
I had to listen to what other people said.
I had a lot to learn from them.
I had to teach younger people.
I had a lot of situations like that.
Recently, I work with management.
But everyone is more...
For example, they talk about trends.
But you are the one who is late.
Even if I plan an event,
I am always late.
I don't think I am always right.
When I am right, I tell everyone.
Teachers are amazing.
If you are right, you tell everyone.
I think they are very confident.
No matter what kind of person Akane is,
she thinks of Akane as a teacher.
I think teachers think of children as teachers too.
That's right.
If you think like that now,
you are a very good grandchild.
My mom is like that.
It's like...
In my 20s,
I had a lot of juniors in society.
All of them were younger than me.
Suddenly, younger people...
They are not my subordinates, but...
Now that I am graduating,
my way of speaking,
my way of thinking...
Sometimes, I feel like I am doing it from above.
I think it's not good.
Let's talk about that.
I don't think it's bad.
I have been doing this all my life,
so I don't feel uncomfortable.
I don't feel like I have to forgive everything.
I don't feel like I have to scold them.
I feel like I am still looking for a good way to show them.
I think so too.
I don't get angry at my younger siblings.
If you get angry, you will feel bad.
I don't like to get angry at myself,
but I don't want to get angry at others.
I don't want to get angry at my juniors,
or younger people.
But even if I don't get angry,
I think I am out of control.
I think I lack management skills.
It's difficult.
It's difficult.
Even if you are a super manager,
you need to find a balance.
You need to find a balance.
If you are in an organization
that doesn't have a standard of evaluation,
you will be judged differently.
You will be judged differently.
It's difficult.
I don't know.
We went to some...
Was that a music event?
It's a talk show.
A bit of a talk show.
Okinawan famous singers,
and actresses,
got together on the same event.
They talked about how
they wanted to be in Okinawa after 50 years.
And they performed some time.
I enjoyed it.
Earlier we talked about
more of a political stuff.
About this 50...
50 years.
About this 50 years.
I think it was a good thing
to celebrate this 50 years.
I think it was a good thing
to be Okinawans.
This sense of unity.
Singing, dancing,
the atmosphere,
I don't know,
but we were like, let's go!
This sense of unity was the best.
You can put aside all the issues
when you sing or dance together.
You don't care about the problem.
You can put it aside.
So we had to overcome together.
So we fit in this history.
That's why our character became like that.
We can accept anything.
We can change and modify to our style.
What Takako-san?
I forgot her name.
Misako Koja's friend.
Takako Senaha-san.
She's like 90 years old.
She's one of the famous
Okinawan traditional actress.
She talked about 50 years ago in Okinawa
and what the difficulties were
to come to this point.
She was talking about some problems,
but most likely she explained it like
it was just it is.
We had to...
We had to get used to it.
That's what she said to me.
When you get older,
you don't feel so many things.
It was hard, but Okinawans did their best
and we can see that now.
I think our grandma or parent generation
experienced the ultimate
difficult situation in their life.
Like they work to live,
they work to eat.
They live to live.
Because they were pushed to the extreme,
there were difficulties.
There was nothing we could do.
We just had to do it.
What disease did you get after eating?
I don't know.
What was it?
You keep saying Malaria.
That's what I heard.
When you experience a lot of things,
you don't know what it is.
It's important to be with people.
You have to share the place.
You have to enjoy it.
She used Okinawan language the whole time
and I couldn't understand fully.
It made me feel like I need to
study and figure out
the Okinawan language more.
Because it's our language.
It's kind of similar to Hokkien topic before,
but in front of the 90 years old women,
they're going to be not here soon.
Even in the 70s and 60s,
we couldn't do that kind of talk.
Because there were people from different generations.
That's what I thought.
There's also entertainment and folk music.
There's also Shima Kutuba.
There's a lot of rappers and western music.
There's a lot of modifications.
But the original Okinawan culture
has been going on even after the war.
So I thought it would be better
to take it more seriously.
The language and the music are inappropriate.
So the entertainment in Okinawa,
including the entertainment of ordinary people,
I think it's very popular.
Various actors and singers are always popular
compared to mainland people.
Especially in Okinawa, it's very special.
Okinawa is a place where
all kinds of cultures are mixed together.
That's how Okinawa was born.
Okinawa has always been updated.
It's Okinawa-like,
but it's not always the same.
I want to raise Okinawa like that.
When the war is over,
and it's a difficult time,
I want to face it more.
I want to study more.
I want to face it more.
How can I say this?
There are many people in our generation
who haven't been to school since elementary school.
Some of them can't read or write.
Their children are our parents.
They wanted to go to the mainland,
but they couldn't.
We have everything now.
If you look at it step by step,
we have the power to see more information.
We have the power to think about education.
When I think about it,
I feel like I have to raise the level of education.
But if you look at the past 50 years,
you can see that I'm a gifted generation.
I don't have any kids,
but I think the future of the children is really good.
There is only hope.
The children will be like super saiyans.
They will become super saiyans.
I think that's good.
Thank you very much.
In this moment,
I feel that there is a culture of tolerance,
ignorance, and indifference in Okinawa.
We need to fix it,
but I also feel that by fixing it,
the Okinawa-ness will be halved.
What is the Okinawa-ness that ignorance creates?
Is that so?
Minami also uses that word.
Nankurunaisa is a word used by people who have a lot of experience.
That's right.
If you don't have experience,
you can say anything.
You just don't know anything.
There are 10 ways to say Nankurunaisa.
I don't know how to say it.
I won't go as far as ignorance.
Basically, all humans are ignorant.
We need to know that we are ignorant.
Like Akane said,
that's how the Okinawa-ness will be lost.
Minami thinks that any child
can become what they want to be.
That excitement,
and what you think in your head,
will become real.
And that hope,
if you have that hope,
you can become anything,
no matter who you are.
You don't have to think about
what you are,
or what you are like.
You just have to show the possibility.
That's right.
It'll never end.
I'm sure everyone has their own thoughts,
but I hope you enjoy your life,
and learn a lot.
And next month is IREI's birthday.
It'll be a season to think about Okinawa.
To be honest,
being in Okinawa,
I'm so in love.
Being in Okinawa, you know?
It's not like,
I'm from Okinawa,
but the older I get,
the more I feel like I'm Okinawan.
I'm so happy.
I think about this sometimes,
but in the end,
there's a lot of land,
and a lot of people,
but Okinawa?
Is there something you can't see?
I don't know.
You don't know?
I don't know.
It's like a dragon.
It's like Okinawa.
I don't know.
Maybe Okinawa comes from the word Okinawa.
Maybe it does.
When I hear Okinawa on a plane,
I get excited.
I know.
You know?
And when I go to Taiwan,
I'm bound.
Isn't it cool?
I don't know, but
how do I say this?
It's like your love.
I'm going to put it all together,
but it's like the sadness,
the fun,
the happiness,
from being happy to being sad,
it's all packed into love.
I feel like being in Okinawa,
I'm always a main character
of this world.
It sounds very selfish, but
some people say Okinawa is
a center of the world,
and I really feel like that.
You were born and raised in this country,
so I think it's best to think that way.
No matter where you were born,
you were born in Okinawa,
so I think it's best to live in Okinawa
as a center of the world.
It's a beautiful location,
and everything is very unique.
Okinawa is so attractive.
Let's become humans like Okinawa.
What the fuck?
We won't be loved.
But we already are.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It was full of love at the end,
but it's true that
Okinawa is full of all the emotions
that we have.
That's why we're called Iyasasa Radio.
Every time you say Okinawa
and Iyasasa Radio,
happiness explodes.
You can be happy even if you're not from Okinawa.
Because we're the one.
We only have one planet.
That's all for today.

