2021-11-15 1:00:55

#21【世界5大長寿地域ブルーゾーン】Is it Possible to Take Over Longevity?

Haitai everyone.
長寿県として有名(だった?)な沖縄は、2000年代初頭にアメリカの探検家であり作家のダン・ビュイトナー氏が発起人となり、ナショナル・ジオグラフィックやアメリカ国立老化研究所と協力し確率された『Blue Zones』のひとつでもあります。
Blue Zoneの人々の生活は食生活・ライフスタイルなど様々な側面で共通点があり、長生きの秘訣のヒントになることがたくさん。

Okinawa Prefecture is known for the long life expectancy of its people, and known worldwide as one of the “blue zones”, the areas where people live exceptionally long lives. It has a subtropical marine climate, a small annual difference in temperatures, is warm year-round, and easy to work in. Surrounded by the beautiful ocean and rich nature, it’s environmentally a very blessed place. In other words, a warm climate and a rich natural environment are factors that support longevity. Also, people’s “healthy eating habits” and “mindset” are said to be the secrets of longevity in the Okinawa Prefecture. Before you visit Okinawa, let’s find out about “healthy eating habits” and “mindsets.” -Visit Okinawa Japan -
In this episode, we talked about the secret of people's lifestyle Blue Zone (Long lives area). Despite the fact we are grew up in this beautiful "healthy" island, our real diet  today has been changed.

This island unlocked the secret to long life—and knows how to get through tough times

The Okinawa Diet: Eating and Living to 100

Blue Zone Okinawa, the secret of longevity

“Down to Earth” with Zac Efron Episode 4 Sardinia


世界の長寿村ブルーゾーン - (5) 沖縄から学べること


#Okinawa #BlueZone #Sardinia #LomaLinda#Nicoya#Ikaria#Longevity#Diet#HealthyDiet#Vegan#Vegitarian#Netflix#DowntoEarthwithZacEfron#Podcast#Spotify#Radio#Bilingual#English#Japanese#OkinawanDialect#沖縄#ブルーゾーン#長寿#長寿ランキング#食生活#健康#世界5大長寿地域#ロマリンダ#サルディーニャ#ニコヤ半島#大宜味村#バイリンガル#うちなーぐち#ポッドキャスト#スポティファイ


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What's up guys, this is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami. In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan, Japanese and English.
In the early 2000s, Dan Boettner embarked on a mission to determine what specific aspects of lifestyle and environment help humans live longer.
He teamed up with National Geographic and the National Institute of Aging on his quest, and through research, they were able to identify five areas with the highest percentage of centenarians.
Known as the Blue Zones, these areas also have low rates of chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Boettner and his team of anthropologists, epidemiologists, and researchers traveled to these particular areas to study the lifestyle characteristics of the people who lived in these Blue Zones.
From there, the Blue Zones diet became of interest to help people outside of these locations practice that way of life.
Here's everything you need to know about the Blue Zones, including diet recommendations and more.
What are five specific locations of the Blue Zones?
Sardinia, Italy
Okinawa, Japan
Loma Linda, California
Nicoya, Costa Rica
Ikaria, Greece
Those five countries.
And what habits contribute to the Blue Zone lifestyle?
Work every day
Life with purpose
Relax life
Good diet
Eat vegetables
Drink wine
Family first
What is the Blue Zone diet and how does it work?
Research suggests that a strong mechanism behind the longevity and reduction of chronic disease in Blue Zone people is the anti-inflammatory benefits of their dietary choices.
While these Central Asians aren't necessarily completely vegan, their diets do have a predominant focus on plants.
Thank you.
The basic knowledge of the Blue Zone diet is that people with chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer have a low chance of developing chronic diseases.
The term Blue Zone refers to the number of areas where healthy and long-lived people live.
This term may not be familiar in Japan, but it was first used in the early 2000s by an American explorer and writer, Dan Huettner.
Dan Huettner worked with National Geographic and the U.S. National Agricultural Research Institute to conduct a team-based study of the highest percentage of people over the age of 100 in five areas.
After that, Blue Zone diet was spread by people living outside of the Blue Zone area to use it as a reference for their lifestyle and health.
However, people born in the Chouju area have something in common with their diet.
Five areas known as the Blue Zone
Sardinia, Italy
America's Roma Linda
Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula
Greece's Ikaria Island
And as a lifestyle habit that is common to the Blue Zone lifestyle,
working hard every day, living a life worth living,
slow life,
8 minutes a day on an empty stomach,
eating mainly vegetarian food,
community network,
and the Blue Zone diet.
In a study published in 2018,
it was found that the low amount of manganese in the Blue Zone area and the relationship with Chouju
have an anti-inflammatory effect on their diet.
This means that although not all Chouju people over the age of 100 are vegan,
many of them eat plant-based food.
Eating a lot of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and high-oxidant protein fibers
reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and controls blood sugar levels.
In addition, healthy fats such as olive oil, which are often ingested in the Blue Zone area,
are rich in fatty acids and high-oxidant substances that are gentle on the heart.
I don't eat much red meat.
I eat fish about three times a week.
I tend not to eat too many sweets.
I forgot the name of the show, but Zac Efron was in a show.
I think he went to Italy.
Yeah, Italy, and then he was talking with the old guy, drinking wine together.
Then they were talking about other areas,
and I really didn't expect Okinawa was coming up, so I was so excited about it.
It's pretty cool.
Maybe in the future we can expect Zac Efron coming to Okinawa
if we still keep up with the Blue Zone diet.
But the situation has changed now.
Okinawa is included in the Blue Zone basically from a study,
but reality is our longevity ranking in Japan is getting lower and lower.
We used to be number one, but now per man is 36.
In 47 prefectures.
And then the ladies were 7.
That's not bad.
Yeah, still upper number, but it's getting worse.
I think we were number one when we were in elementary school or something in my memory,
but now nobody is talking about our longevity things.
Maybe we still keep up with the lifestyle,
which is relax, having people's community or the connection.
But for the diet-wise...
We have more options now.
Fast food.
You tell me about Okinawa has the most fast food restaurant in Japan.
So we brought up the article about the thing.
Unhealthy evidence.
Fast food.
Number one.
Hong Kong.
They eat Okayu in the morning, right?
I went to Hong Kong twice.
Then the early morning, they made line on a street,
and they trying to have Okayu in the morning with some spice.
I love Okayu.
Yeah, it's good for stomach.
There are a lot of buildings, and the buildings are old,
so there are no elevators.
So we have to walk a lot.
We are forced to exercise.
But I think it's in mainland too.
Like when I was in Okinawa, I don't really walk on the street.
But in Tokyo, I had no choice but walking.
In the city, it's normal thing.
Or ride a bike.
It's like doing...
Do something.
Yeah, do something.
Like gardening,
take a walk with a dog,
cooking, doing housework.
Like, even when you get older, you do something,
using your brain, your body.
Life with purpose.
It's like...
For us?
It's not like strong religious, but we have annual routine.
Like every time I go to my grandparents' house, I pray.
Pray to your ancestors.
To your sister.
Slow life.
Pray to God.
Pray to God.
Well, it's either God or some higher thing.
Huh? I'm doing everything.
You know, in Italy...
I don't know.
It's in California, right?
In Italy, we spend a lot of time in the mountains,
and there are a lot of sheep.
And we eat meat on special days.
People from Sardinia.
And in California, in America,
there are a lot of Christian believers.
And we follow the one-night fast every week.
And in Costa Rica, in the Nicoya Peninsula,
there are a lot of bishops who live their lives positively.
How do you define that?
It's a bit abstract.
Well, in Costa Rica, there are a lot of fruits.
In Icaria, there is a Mediterranean diet.
Olive oil, fruits, vegetables.
All kinds of grains and beans.
And 20% of the liver.
There are a lot of vegans.
In Costa Rica?
In Icaria.
Like us?
Like the younger generation in those four countries,
people think, maybe,
oh, we don't do this diet anymore.
But we used to have longevity.
Like Okinawa, right?
Maybe the food zone will be changed in the future.
Maybe the country has a lot of vegan people.
They have longevity number.
Vegan, but also having a slow life.
So I don't think it's hard to, you know,
be real in the city.
The more you're in the city,
you will find a vegan restaurant.
Like grocery stores, more options.
But stressful life though, in the city.
Stressful life is...
Like, I think,
they will happen to be a vegan.
But people in right now,
they choose to be a vegan for some different reason,
as a trend sometimes.
It's not for health.
It's for like...
It doesn't mean, you know,
Do you do this?
I sometimes don't eat at all.
I started to control like the amount of I eat.
Maybe five or six years ago.
Because I had...
How did it happen?
I had a problem with
when the blood sugar rises in my brain,
I like, I start doze off.
Not even a doze off, like...
I've never heard that before.
Like when I work the hardest at the block.
Even in front of my client.
It's like a school.
But I couldn't control myself.
That's funny.
I tried many ways to wake myself up.
Like putting the pencil...
On the hand.
On the hand.
Or I would do it myself.
I would drink water.
But it lasted for more than half a year.
Meeting is like...
If you work at the store,
you can't sleep.
But when it comes to the meeting, you don't move.
Just listen to it.
And it makes you sleep.
And especially, I was the youngest.
So I wasn't responsible for anything.
Nobody asked me to do what, you know, what.
I wasn't a very important person at that time.
So I didn't have a scene where I spoke at the meeting.
So I got sleepy more and more.
I even slept while standing up.
That's like a high skill.
I was driving every day.
In Tokyo.
Once I didn't remember how I get to my parking lot in an office building.
I was driving for 30 minutes while I was awake.
That's crazy.
Before that, I was asking my senpai.
Maybe I'm sick.
Like brain sick.
Because I knew I had that kind of illness.
But my senpai who had seen that symptom said,
Those people don't sleep like you do.
They fall asleep like they've lost their mind.
Those people who fall asleep suddenly.
I was really worried, but no one was taking care of me.
They said I was just being lazy.
So I thought, maybe that's true.
So after you started doing Hara Hachibunme, how did it go?
I didn't start Hara Hachibunme.
I didn't eat carbs at all.
At all?
Until dinner time.
Ah, okay.
That's why you start eating salad all the time.
I've always liked salad.
I thought it was my goal.
I didn't like it, but I thought I was going to be fired.
That's so funny story for me.
I was on a low-carb diet, so I did a lot of research.
I was able to weigh myself.
At the same time, I started kickboxing really hard.
After that, I couldn't sleep.
I thought it was proof that Minami was being lazy.
So your brain started to work properly.
After that, it was solved.
When I became a freelancer, I couldn't go to lunch with anyone.
Because there was no one to eat with.
I was so busy that I didn't even have time to go to lunch.
When I was on a low-carb diet, I would fall asleep if I put in a little sugar.
It was like a drug.
I was so scared that I couldn't eat.
I only went to lunch when I was invited.
But after 30 minutes, I was like, oh no.
That's funny.
Do you sleep at night?
That's also a problem.
I sleep, but I have an allergy.
There are a lot of times when I can't sleep.
So I even took a pill.
I tried to sleep with a pill.
I did a lot of things.
It's also related to stress.
Now I can control everything myself.
I know that if I don't put in sugar in the morning and lunch, I'll have an allergy.
So when I have a day off, I don't care.
I don't care if I sleep. I won't be scolded.
There's no one to scold me now.
You're trying to control eating carbs and sugar.
Now I'm the thinnest in my life.
I weigh like a middle school student.
She has a good result after all.
But I started living with my parents for a couple of months now.
I gained 1 kg yesterday.
It's dangerous.
Haruhachibume is good for working.
It makes your brain work clearly.
It has nothing to do with your personal experience.
If you eat too much, your productivity will definitely decrease.
If you have a good stomach.
You might have that.
If your blood sugar level doesn't go up at all, you might be able to do it.
But I don't know how high my blood sugar level is.
You don't feel like you're sleepy after when you eat?
Sometimes I get sleepy after eating Okinawan soba.
It's high in sugar.
But I've never been so sleepy that I can't work.
I'm sleepy when I get bored.
If it's not fun to do, I easily become sleepy.
Even at school and at work.
I don't enjoy meetings because I get sleepy.
I don't enjoy going to school because I get sleepy.
I used to draw.
When I'm really excited, I never become sleepy.
I agree with that.
You enjoy it.
Wait a minute.
If you've been doing it for 5 minutes, you'll be sensitive to your blood sugar level.
I've been eating more for the past few months.
When I'm not doing it, I feel the side effects of drugs when I eat.
I think it's just sharpened.
I agree with that.
I only eat meat 5 times a month.
You eat once a week.
I don't think I eat a lot of meat in my daily life.
I eat steak and grilled meat.
I eat only hot pot and champuru.
I don't need pork.
I want to put vegetables in it.
I put eggs in it.
Don't you put beef in it?
Sometimes I don't put it in.
There are many people who put spam in it.
I put it in when I put it in, but I don't put it in when I don't put it in.
It's easier for me.
Men like meat, don't they?
I think so.
I love steak.
I eat it once a week.
I eat salad for lunch a lot.
Usually I put chicken in it.
Don't you put chicken in it?
Sometimes I put it in tofu.
I don't feel full when I eat salad.
You don't need beans in it.
I want to eat chicken or bread.
I want to eat onigiri.
I love carbs.
It tastes like sugar.
Don't you?
I don't.
I feel like I'm eating sweets.
I feel like I'm eating sweets.
I feel like I'm eating sweets.
I agree.
Rice is delicious.
Rice doesn't have to be with something when I eat white rice.
Because it's a sweetness itself.
White rice alone is delicious.
When I eat white rice,
I think it's toxic.
I'm afraid of white rice.
Because it's delicious.
White rice is delicious.
But I also like brown rice.
Brown rice is delicious.
It's worth eating.
But you know what?
Every meal is pretty expensive.
Especially when I live in Tokyo by loan.
It's good to buy and cook.
If you live alone, it's expensive.
So I go to a salad shop every day.
But it costs a lot.
I don't care about the cost.
Because what we eat is what we are.
I don't care about that.
But one salad costs 1,500 yen.
Can you do that every day?
It's difficult.
Vegetables in Okinawa are more expensive than mainland.
I'm planning to make a salad by myself
when I start living by myself later.
But I'm going to spend a lot of money on it.
Bring me some vegetables.
You're right.
As I mentioned earlier,
I think Okinawa's poverty is related to food.
Fast food is cheap.
There are many kinds of food.
Not only McDonald's,
but also Sukiya and Yoshinoya.
And the food is like carbohydrates
rather than vegetables.
You'll be full.
Yes, I'll be full.
If I eat a lot of vegetables,
it will be cheaper.
So I think it will affect my health.
It's definitely related.
I think it's not only for Okinawans.
For young people,
like everyone,
it's so cheap.
Even if you go to a convenience store,
salad is expensive, but onigiri is cheap.
It's so accessible to get it.
It's like 100 yen.
You'll be full.
If you have money,
you can live a healthy life.
If you don't have money,
you'll have to feed your organs.
I think it's a social catastrophe.
When we talk about it,
I feel it's really unfair.
But we don't have a choice now.
We? Us?
I mean,
in this country of poverty.
It's the same in America.
In countries like that,
people tend to eat cheap food
and get unhealthy.
It happens a lot.
You can't farm in any country.
Like every meat
is a mass-producing issue.
People who become vegans
have different opinions.
I think it's the same in America.
It's not about protecting all animals.
In the south,
people are grateful
for the animals
raised in their land.
They eat vegetables.
It used to be like that.
But now,
in America and Australia,
there are a lot of places
where chickens,
cows and pigs
that were forced to be raised
are treated badly.
They are shipped as food.
That's why
fast food is cheap.
There's a reason
why it's cheap.
Well, it's expensive.
You have to feed them.
You have to.
I wanted to.
When I was little.
It's a dark topic
about the economy.
In school,
we were taught
that protein and fat
are necessary
for the human body.
But what we need to face
is like...
Why do we have to pay
100 yen for a hamburger?
I think it's related
to the government's
I don't think
schools can teach
It's like exposing
the truth.
in Okinawa,
in elementary school,
we were asked
to use organic food
for school lunch.
There were a lot of signatures.
I think it's great
that there are adults
who do that.
It's great.
It's something only adults can change.
Kids don't have a choice
but to eat
what's delicious
in front of them.
I think they choose
the taste,
but if you teach them
that healthy food
is delicious,
they live longer.
That's right.
When I was little,
there were only adults in my family.
We lived far from each other.
We didn't have sweets at home.
We didn't like sweets.
Fruits are wonderful.
That's great.
I thought that was good.
But as I got older,
I started to think
that sweets are my status.
So I started
to eat sweets.
I hope
there will be more families like that.
I don't know
what kind of sweets
we have at home.
I think the price of food will change.
But sweets are cheap.
It doesn't have anything to do with
economic level.
So next is
drinking wine.
I love white wine.
No, I made a mistake.
Red wine only.
Wine and tea.
Green tea.
Green tea?
I don't know.
It has to be green.
I love coffee, too.
There are several cups of coffee
in a day.
I see.
You shouldn't drink too much.
I don't think it has anything to do
with Okinawa.
A little alcohol
is good for your body.
A little?
On the other hand,
people who don't drink at all
and people who drink
one cup a day, which one is healthier?
People who don't drink.
I'm sure.
I see.
I don't know if it's because
it warms your body.
I see.
I don't know if it's because
it makes you excited.
Does it have anything to do with it?
It's like a mental thing.
People who don't drink
get sick even if they drink a little.
I see.
They get an allergy
to alcohol.
Some people get red easily.
I see.
Red wine is good
because it contains
grape polyphenols
and flavonoids.
I see.
Isn't it the same as drinking
grape juice with grape polyphenols?
Let's drink
grape juice with red wine.
People cannot
drink alcohol.
It's drink
grape juice.
I see.
Do you ferment wine
when you make it?
Yes, I do.
Don't you make grape juice?
Flavonoids and
isoflavones are different, right?
I was going to say soy milk.
Let's drink tea.
I see.
Next is faith.
We already talked about it.
Next is family.
Can I say something?
If you have a good relationship
with the family
connect with
many people
like grandchildren
or your children
you can stay young
and feel at ease.
I wonder
if there is anyone
who is over 100 years
and unhappy.
I wonder if there is.
People who are unhappy
are unhappy.
People who are over 100 years
are unhappy.
It's like
everything is weak.
those people
die at the age of 80.
They are lonely.
But they have a lot of family
so they are over 100 years old.
we get old
like more than 90 years
I think
we are in some kind of enlightenment already.
I think we can
live a perfect life.
People around you
die at the age of 80 or 70.
People around you
live a long life at the age of 90 or 100.
If you get old
you are at the top of the world.
It's like a Buddha.
It feels like that.
That's right.
97 years
this year.
I congratulated him.
One of
his goals
to have this Kajimaya celebration.
I think he lived
for that goal.
Even though he died.
there is something like that.
There is Beiju.
There is Kajimaya.
You can have a big party.
Because of COVID-19,
the party wasn't that big.
Like a wedding ceremony.
I think Kajimaya
will be something
you want to do.
I thought
in our generation
we possibly can live
more than 100 years easily.
Easier than this generation.
Like technology
or development
or medical treatment
gets better.
I asked my dad
is there any
upper level of Kajimaya?
We have to live longer.
We have to prepare
for the next Kajimaya celebration.
That's right.
Our goal is
to live longer.
That's right.
Don't you want that?
I understand what you are saying.
I think we can live longer.
If we have someone to celebrate.
Beiju, Kajimaya,
Animaya, Animaya.
We can make
something like that.
Speaking of family,
we talked about
women and men.
can live longer
if their husband dies.
But men
can live longer
if their wife dies.
Speaking of family
or network,
do you think
women are better
than men?
In terms of ability.
I looked up
the reasons for long life.
Women's hormones
suppress the effect of arteries.
They don't cause
heart disease.
They have a lot of fat.
They don't have a lot of basal metabolism.
They are good at making networks.
They are good at being careful
about their health.
Tell me about the fat part.
The fat part is
which is a male hormone,
has an effect on men's menopause.
It makes them act more actively.
But sometimes,
it leads to a lack of fat.
There are
a lot of bad traffic accidents
in men's kidneys.
But there are not a lot of them in women's kidneys.
I see.
It's not about
men's menopause.
It's about men not being
driven by
It's a difference in hormones.
Even my parents
think so.
Your mom
has a longer life?
My dad says that
if my mom dies,
I will die.
But I think
my mom has nothing to do with it.
She has
her friends
and her family relationship.
She has
her hobby.
She always takes care of her family.
Including her dad.
She communicates
with her kids.
She buys
for her mom.
I think
women like to chat.
And they are
laughing a lot more
than men.
With friends.
There are a lot of women
who laugh a lot.
In Okinawa.
They talk for hours.
I can't talk about people.
There are
a lot of people
who laugh.
But they eat.
They don't talk.
So it's obvious.
Even they bring
their friends.
It's good to make a community.
I remembered.
My dad
likes to chat too.
Between men.
Among men.
But men only talk about work
and politics.
That again?
I like to watch news.
I think I support Japan.
We are all responsible.
We talk.
But men don't laugh
about trivial things.
But women
private life
and relationships.
The level of enjoyment
is easy.
They laugh
when they say
they are happy.
I think so.
moms raise kids a lot.
Babysitters are good too.
Compared to dads.
they can
communicate well.
So dads who raise kids
and men who talk a lot
live longer.
I think.
That's possible.
Even gay people
live longer.
That's why.
It's good.
men and women
going to get better.
I think men
have pressure
to make money.
They get jealous.
Who is the boss?
Who is the senior?
What kind of job?
They don't want to
care about status.
But men's society
makes them do that.
I think so.
Women can
do both.
It's up to them.
if we don't have
men's society,
might change.
I agree.
I agree.
I think
there are many men
around me
who don't care about
Like hippies.
They might live longer.
they drink and smoke a lot.
they look happy.
Their body?
I don't know.
I see.
I don't know
about their genes.
I don't know
what kind of people
live longer.
maybe men should
care about
their testosterone.
Don't get testosterone
make you crazy.
you won't be involved in traffic accidents.
About food.
In Okinawa
and other regions,
people eat medicinal herbs.
I love
It's sticky.
I love soy.
I heard
you can maintain
a relationship.
I've never been in a relationship.
Me too.
Should I?
I don't need money for trading.
It's easy to understand money.
I don't want to be a single person.
I see.
I've seen so many trouble
from Moai.
Our parents' generation,
they give more than
10,000 yen at once.
I think there are some Moai
in Levo.
My relative's family
had a little trouble.
They were Moai
in their cousin's house.
It's easy to get involved.
They didn't pay
after they got money.
That's another issue.
Let's be careful.
I think we need
human drama
in our daily life.
I don't like drama.
my parents
my relatives
have trouble
because of money.
If they don't have
any trouble,
they will be bored.
That's what I think.
I love seeing people's drama
because I don't have drama
I think
human drama
is troublesome.
If it is
a serious drama,
it's not good for
our health.
I think it's better
to have
small things
to deal with it.
I think
it's more exciting.
It depends on people.
People want to have
small things.
I think it's better to have
a daily routine.
In a happy way.
Are you tired of drama?
I love watching them.
You don't want to be involved in it.
That's right.
It's hard.
That's it.
I enjoyed watching others' drama too much.
I want to tell you something.
There are so many.
Fruits are
apple, banana, berry, grape, orange,
papaya, pineapple, plum, watermelon.
Can I eat all vegetables?
Beets, chard,
colored green.
What is colored green?
Is it green peas?
Protein, chickpeas,
Eggs, fish,
anchovy, salmon, cod roe,
mackerel, tuna, sardine,
goat milk.
It's hard to get it.
What else?
Nuts, almond, cashew,
seed, chia seed,
hemp seed,
moment tofu,
barley, brown rice,
coffee, spice, oatmeal,
olive oil, quinoa, red wine,
tea, whole wheat.
That's it.
I love those except
I think it's popular these days.
It's good to have coffee.
I love quinoa.
It's delicious.
It's chewy.
I love salad
with cucumber and paprika
like dice.
Like lemon juice.
I also like hummus.
It's delicious.
Beans are amazing.
Beans and eggs
can be anything.
Tofu is made of beans.
It says, let's eat beans.
I love natto.
I love natto, too.
So much. I can eat natto every day.
I love it.
Miso soup is good for fermentation.
That's it.
So, we talked about
blue zone area
and their diet
and their lifestyle.
Okinawa used to be
number one longevity
Not country.
But it's getting worse.
So, we should get
number one again.
As a blue zone area.
We compared
the lifestyle between
some countries
and also
our life
with the
We can
with people.
We should have purpose with life.
And we can change
our diet.
And we
should have good communication
with family and all that things.
I hope
you will have
longest life.
And we are going to live
more than 100 years
With healthy brain.
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha.
Happy brain.
Ha ha.
That's all for today.
Bye bye.

