2023-03-04 23:45

【Ask Us】歯軋りのしすぎ問題 I'm loosing my teeth






原因は顎ではなく脳にあり? 歯ぎしりが起こる原因と対策を学ぶ

可愛いと潰して破壊したくなる!? キュートアグレッションとは一体何なのか。

What Is Cute Aggression, and Do I Have It?

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Hey, what's up wonderful people? This is Akane radio. In this radio, I'm gonna
Listen to Minami's 悩み today. Thank you for having me. Thank you for coming to my radio
In many episodes, I've shared with my eczema. Yes about skin condition
I think I've been in
With relationship with grinding teeth or Gnash. I don't know how to say in English. Yeah
When did you like find out you have a hageshiri?
I think the first time I'm
Aware was
From my mom
Your mom?
How old were you?
After I think
Maybe in
I come home and sleep in the same room
So you didn't know
When you were a kid
It's unconscious
You should take a video of you
When you sleep
I was not that
Interested in
Whether I'm doing grinding teeth or not
It's not a big deal
Because I don't feel anything when I wake up
It doesn't hurt, right?
Some people
Realize by
But I don't have any problem
And then
When I was
26 or something
I had a roommate
One room
Two people in one room
Kind of roommate
He was grinding teeth
Every night
One day I woke up
What the fuck is this sound?
The first time
I experienced hearing
Grinding teeth
I thought it was a bad sound
Do you understand?
I've never heard of grinding teeth
Really? It's scary
So when I saw it on YouTube
It was really scary
So I've never heard of it
It's like the door of a wooden house in Nagasaki
is creaking
I think it depends on the person
At that time
This is grinding teeth
I thought
I was doing it
So I thought it was bad
That roommate
Didn't seem to have any trouble
So I thought it was okay
I was doing it
You guys didn't care
I mean he didn't care
He didn't care
I didn't care
I was just only happy
When you guys were sleeping
I'm so sensitive of sound
When I go to sleep
Grinding teeth is
I need someone
Sleeping with me
Or close to me
And telling me
You did it so hard last night
Or you didn't do it last night
How to check it
Other thing
You can check by yourself
Whether you're doing
Is looking in the mirror
Your tongue
I have this sometimes
Thank you
I thought
It was lack of water
When you open your mouth
The upper part
There is a protrusion
I don't know
There is
Like this
Like a spine
I don't know
Is normal
I don't know
I can't see it
I want to see it
There is a sequel
I'm doing it
But it doesn't hurt
I just leave it
You know I
Got puppy
I'm holding him
Playing with him
I start realizing
I'm grinding teeth
In the daytime
I've noticed this
My habit
When I see the babies
Something cute
My mom
Grinding teeth
I thought everyone was doing it
When I see cute babies
I thought
I'm not doing it everyday
My teeth will be gone
It's too tight
I asked my partner
You are doing it
Because he is too cute
It's like
The cutest animal in the world
You've seen
It doesn't matter
When I see my nephew
I'm holding him
I noticed
I don't see them everyday
It wasn't a big deal
I need to take care of him everyday
And I start realizing it's not good for me
Then I start searching
What the fuck is this
And I found the name
Of this
It's cute aggression
Cute aggression
Cute aggression
Cute aggression
When I see something cute
For example, babies
Some people say it's cute
Some people say it's cute
Like this
It's the same
But it's too cute
I want to do it
I want to balance it
That's why
I don't want to be aggressive
My teeth will be stuck
It's small
And I can break it
It's cute
You can't make it strong
You can't make it strong
I get it
I can't
I can't
I can't
That's so sweet
It's not sweet
I was relieved to know the name
I asked everyone
I asked everyone
I asked everyone
I asked everyone
I asked everyone
I asked everyone
When I think it's cute
When I think it's cute
I put it on my cat
I put it on my cat
And kiss it
I think that's what Akane is
I think that's what Akane is
Instead of being aggressive
It's my way to deal with cute things
It's my way to deal with cute things
Like Aya touching a earplug
Like Aya touching a earplug
Aya is the one touching her earplug
She's touching her ear so hard that she can't push it hard.
Wait, so she's touching her ear when she sees something cute?
It doesn't matter if it's cute.
She touches her ear every single moment.
But I think when she sees cute things, her face will be pushed hard.
And then she pushes her ear so hard.
Let's try it.
And then her ear shape changes.
It's true.
I have to ask her.
I was just talking to my friend.
She's touching her ear.
I got it. Everyone has different symptoms.
It's good that you know that.
I had a weird headache a week ago.
I slept on it because it wasn't like a regular migraine.
When I woke up in the morning, it wasn't cured.
But my brain felt like it was hurting inside.
My central nervous system was hurting.
I had a feeling that something was wrong.
I was touching my teeth every day.
And the enamel layer on the surface of my teeth was pushing my teeth hard.
Did your teeth get smaller?
It was definitely my chin.
My right gills were bulging.
It's called Botox.
I went to the dentist in a hurry because of my jaw joint injury.
I told him that it hurt.
He said that I had a very characteristic jaw joint injury.
I guess there are a lot of people like that.
There are.
There should be a lot of people like that.
I told him that I had to make a mouthpiece to stop the pain.
I didn't think that would be a fundamental problem.
I was touching my teeth every day.
I told him that I had to do some daily training.
So I kept opening my mouth.
He said I was like a fool.
But since then, he hasn't done it much at night.
It's been about two weeks now.
That's good.
I'm scared because I'm too conscious.
If my teeth are gone, I can't eat steak.
My teeth are very shaven.
The second layer of my teeth has come out.
The next time I went to the dentist, I was told that I was a fool.
I thought it was dangerous.
It was so scary.
When I go out in the daytime, my teeth are far away.
I think it's because you're eating too much.
When I tighten my teeth, it's where the edge of my teeth meet.
It's like this.
When I'm out of strength, my front teeth are usually covered.
The upper teeth.
When you tighten your teeth, your front teeth look like this?
Does that mean your front teeth are a little shaggy?
The front teeth are neutral.
What do you mean?
It's like a cover on your lower teeth, right?
It's straight.
It's like this.
No, no, no.
Some people who go out at night do it sideways.
It looks like it hurts.
It looks like it's going to be a close-up.
Do you have a close-up?
Does it hurt when you eat ice cream with a close-up?
Maybe it hurts.
Doesn't everyone feel pain?
I don't feel pain.
Does that mean you can eat ice cream with a close-up?
Then maybe it's better to have a close-up.
But I think I have joint pain, too.
That's weird.
That's the cause.
My jaw is weird.
I thought everyone had a weird jaw.
I'm surprised.
You're the only one who has a weird jaw.
You're the only one who has a weird jaw.
You're the only one who has a weird jaw.
My left jaw is leaning to the left.
If I open my mouth while pushing my left jaw,
I can't write.
That's the correct position.
I think so.
But the head is sensitive.
Eyes, mouth, neck, etc.
After doing PC, my head hurts a lot.
It's because of my posture.
I understand.
My head hurts because my neck is stiff, my throat is dry, and my neck is bent.
If I improve that, I think I'll get better.
Most people.
Desk work is also a problem.
And I was told that I didn't have enough breath.
Deep breath?
Yes, deep breath.
Most people don't have enough breath to breathe.
So I push where my head hurts and take a deep breath.
I do it several times.
But I want to get better soon, so I drink a lot of water.
That's right. When you're in a hurry.
There's a point on both sides of your neck.
Both sides of the neck bone.
I hold my head for 10 seconds and release it.
Then I stop my blood flow and let it flow.
It's good for constipation.
My mom is taking a head spa lesson these days.
It's a practice for that, so I remember everything.
That's great.
I did nose angel recently.
How was it?
My head got smaller.
Everyone does it, right?
I was surprised.
I have a hard head.
I have a lot of waste.
Even children.
Children who spend a lot of time looking at their phones and screens have an expansion of the head.
It's like swelling.
I found it when I walk with my dog.
Oh, okay.
It doesn't matter.
I've only been told that my scalp is hard.
I want to soften it.
It's my job.
Minami uses three times as much miso as a normal person.
I do.
You read a lot.
That's why I have a lot of teeth.
I don't think about anything now.
I want to do five things at the same time.
That's important.
I take a lot of breaks.
I can't do it all of a sudden.
I go to bed all of a sudden.
Sometimes I sleep on the bed, not on the sofa.
It doesn't matter if it's an office.
It's better to buy a high chair.
It's better to spend money on a chair than a table.
That's right.
I recently bought a new desk.
I couldn't get my feet on the wall.
The chair is an IKEA chair.
I think it's because of this that I developed a toothache.
It's important.
It's really important.
For example, if I drink a lot, I'll do it.
When I sleep in the morning, I won't do it when I'm drowsy.
I need an observer every day.
Yeah, but at least you...
Sometimes maybe it hurts, but it just happens when you go to sleep.
It's harder for people who sleep with you.
That's true.
I'm sorry.
I'm the type of person who can't sleep because of my snoring.
Oh, I see.
I can't sleep with you.
When I was in college, I went on a business trip with my junior.
She complained that she couldn't sleep because of my snoring.
It was really loud.
It's because of my snoring.
I was really scared to sleep with other people.
That's all.
I realized what I was not good at, so I couldn't sleep with other people.
I couldn't show my snoring to other people.
It's stressful.
That's true.
I don't think about it.
You don't think about it, but you don't want to lose your teeth, so you do it.
In the end, it is said that thinking about stress is the cause of all diseases.
That's right.
It's all.
In short, it's stress.
Who created stress?
Who was the first one?
Can I talk about stress?
It's not that I don't want to have stress.
Stress is a burden that a person needs to live.
For example, I have to get up in the morning, feed my child, feed my father, take him for a walk.
It's all like stress.
For example, I have to wear clothes and go out.
For example, I can do that without thinking about anything.
In a sense, stress includes the tasks you have to do to live.
Stress management.
If the quality or quantity of stress is too much, everyone thinks that stress means evil.
Basically, without stress, humans lose the meaning of life.
For example, make-up.
We move every day for something.
So it's like, what?
Stress isn't evil.
If it's not too much.
So if you say that stress is the cause of any disease, everyone thinks it will be solved.
Even doctors.
But what kind of stress?
Where is it bad and what should be reduced?
So stress is probably diverse.
There are about 100 kinds.
There may be good stress.
Or there are people who have the property to turn stress into something good.
There are.
It's a matter of interpretation.
But I don't want to get sick anymore.
Me neither.
I've never been so invincible.
It's true.
But everyone is like that.
Even if everyone is like that, if you can live to 100 years old, it's okay.
So if you ask an 80 or 90-year-old woman if she had a disease when she was 30 years old,
you don't have to worry about it.
That's right. It depends on the situation.
Thank you for listening to my worries.
Good luck on your worries.
First of all, I overcome not to grind my teeth when I touch my puppy.
But then I realized I started biting my lip.
Move and all.
So my lip is going to be wrinkled.
I wanted to think about another direction.
Good luck.
Thank you.

