2023-04-03 24:44

【Ask Us】うちなーぬご近所付き合い How do you get along with your neigbors



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What's up amazing people, this is Akane Radio. Today, the guest is Minami.
Hi, thank you for having me again.
Today, I have some issue with my apartment that I live in 日本語で言うとマンション。
And my neighbor probably upstairs.
How do you say upstairs.
So I talked to my 管理会社 before and they called them or whoever possibly be living upstairs.
Oh my god, that's a problem.
But you guys told me like during the midnight.
Yeah, like 3 or 4 in the morning.
4 in the morning and then some lady was screaming or yelling or crying.
And then you guys were freaked out.
Because before that we just thought it's just a noisy neighbor doing something in the whole day.
Like we assume maybe they're a YouTuber or like making porn or whatever that needs some physical action.
But is it usual to happen like in マンション?
Like this?
I've never like imagine like people are taking video of porn upstairs or like a neighbor.
Is it possible?
Is it like a rental office or something?
There is like a porn tuber.
Just by themselves, not like a company or something.
It's like they're working out in the middle of the night or something.
It's like a thumping sound.
But when we were living in Tokyo, we could hear it from upstairs or downstairs.
Yeah, we could hear it.
It was a wooden house we were living in.
When the truck came, the house was shaking.
And the person upstairs...
We could hear the sound of a bowling alley.
Then we were like, what is happening upstairs?
We thought it was the sound of some like furniture.
Like people were doing something, but it was a dog.
Then it became clear.
In that sense, I think it's good to go.
It's good to jump.
If you have a kid, it might be like that.
It's like it's very solid, but I thought I could hear the sound of the person upstairs.
It might be like that upstairs.
There aren't many people living next door.
But I thought I could hear the sound of the person upstairs.
I have a loud footstep sound.
When I'm not conscious, it's like a thumping sound.
So this is...
We could play music so loud.
Even my dad did.
I can jump and sing.
I can do anything.
Now, I'm the one who complains about my neighbor's sound.
But when I lived in Tokyo, I got Kujo.
Every apartment I lived.
Because I play music so loud.
But I was young at that time.
So I was like, huh?
It's my freedom to express myself.
I played music like that.
But now, I feel sorry for everyone.
The police called me once.
Really? What did you do?
I prepared a table at home.
I prepared two speakers.
I was like this.
The person upstairs couldn't do it by himself.
So I was like this.
Two policemen came to me.
They said, Kujo is coming.
But I still had a feeling.
If it was now, I could do it.
But if it was 1 or 2 years ago, I couldn't do it.
I didn't know.
You were like, this is easy.
You thought I couldn't hear?
Even if you could hear a little bit.
You didn't care?
I guess I had a bad personality.
I wasn't afraid at that time.
If I could hear the sound of the neighbor's house,
I could feel how close I was.
But I didn't like it.
That's right.
Even though all the military people live in the barracks,
they make a loud noise and play.
No one complains.
Even if they complain, it's normal to ask them to lower the volume.
But I didn't feel that atmosphere.
I agree.
It's like a stranger.
Like an enemy.
Don't you have a neighbor issue?
I have so many neighbor issues.
I'm living in the neighbor.
There are so many old people.
I heard there are a lot of old people in Naha.
Especially my apartment is owned by my mom's in-law.
She is the person who wants to accept any kind of people.
So she doesn't care.
She always has a heart to help people.
For example, my next door.
My parents live there.
We fight every day.
My parents are 80 years old and 50 years old.
We fight every day.
We are always at home.
Both of you?
My neighborhood.
They were like,
Oh my god, is this real?
They didn't try to hit me,
but they knocked on the door.
They said,
Don't mess with us.
I was so scared at first.
I was asking my husband,
We should call police or we should do something else.
But he was like,
We shouldn't do anything.
Because we were killed by them.
They are coming to my house and then...
Kill you?
Yeah, kill you.
I didn't do anything.
First of all, there is a sound problem.
When I park my car nearby,
they open the curtain and look at me.
Oh, from your house?
Yeah, they look at me and I get scared.
A taxi comes to my house,
runs to my house,
and gets inside.
If we are outside,
the taxi won't come out.
They don't want to face us.
I think that's how shy they are.
They are anti-social people.
There were foreigners living upstairs.
I was like, are there any foreigners around here?
I knocked on all the doors.
I was waiting in front of my house,
taking a walk with my dog.
I knocked on my house too.
I was like, you were here, right?
I don't know what they wanted to know,
but I was scared, so I let them in.
This person knocked on the door of the next door.
They were fighting a lot.
They were connected.
I was like, why are you coming here?
I was so angry.
I was scared.
That person was looking for some foreigners.
But this parent doesn't want to face anyone.
They were so loud.
The person who was taking a walk with the dog
thought that the child was being abused.
They were like, isn't there a child here?
They came in and said,
there isn't a single child here.
I was so angry.
You can hear all of that at home.
My mom-in-law came to that scene.
She was like, calm down.
There's no kids.
There are a lot of foreigners everywhere.
I think she has some mental problem.
Recently, her son passed away.
She was wandering around.
Recently, she has been bothering the people around her.
She asked them to take care of her.
She went to talk to them.
She said, if this continues,
she will have to call the police.
She said, you can call the police.
I was like, what?
In the end, I called the police once.
At that time,
they came to my car and asked,
are there any foreigners?
After that, they chased me to my car.
They ignored my car and drove off.
They chased me to my car.
You are good at that.
Don't you get nervous when you go to bed every night?
When I think I'm going to stay the night,
I try not to bother my family.
I try not to bother them.
I try not to meet them.
At the time.
At the moment.
I do that.
But at least you guys have, you know,
a small talk or greeting thing.
And your mom-in-law already introduced you guys to them.
So, I don't think it's scary.
You know, once you know that person's appearance,
you'll get some relief.
It's not a relief,
but once you know who that person is,
don't you feel a little calm?
Yeah, I do.
Even if that person is a really scary person,
when you hear that person's voice,
you don't really know who that person is.
It's different.
When you hear that person's voice,
you don't really know who that person is.
Because I don't know who that is.
I don't believe him.
That's scary.
You know, there's a well in front of my house.
There's an old lady who does that every day.
How many people are there?
There's a lot of people like that.
And she likes my husband.
And she always gives him some gifts.
She said it's so casual.
And she leaves a letter in the car.
She brings bread.
Bread and chips.
But she gave me the shuri-sekken.
That's a good one.
She spent a lot of money for us.
But she's always doing mizu-yari.
Every single day.
From in the morning to...
Until about the evening.
For hours.
Is it okay if you keep watering the plants?
I water the plants until they rot.
It's really noisy.
The well.
It's really noisy.
It's really noisy.
And you can see our veranda from there.
She wants to see my husband.
I guess.
That's what he told me.
But anyways.
And then...
It's a bit of a nuisance.
He wants to smoke.
But he can't go out.
There's stuff like that.
She always gives us gifts.
She's a good person if she greets us and talks to us.
But she does the same things over and over again.
But my mom-in-law always takes care of her.
She has a small talk with her every day.
Checking her health, I guess.
And then...
She checks her health at the public health center.
I don't think everyone has a local health insurance yet.
But she does a check-up like this.
And then she gets a check-up.
By the way.
Leaving aside the neighborhood issue.
Your mom-in-law is such a community activist.
She's amazing.
She's really amazing.
She's involved with everyone.
She's been living here for a long time.
From her parents' era.
But she takes care of everyone around her.
I don't think there are many people like that.
It's amazing.
There's an old lady named Ginoza who lives next door.
Her name is Yusa.
How old is she?
She's about 90 years old.
She said her cat ran away.
So she went to look for it.
Her cat's food was too heavy to carry.
So she went to buy it for her.
She took her to the hospital.
She takes care of everyone.
That's amazing.
She's like...
Was she living alone?
That old lady.
My grandpa and my mom.
And my parents.
They live very close.
Both of them.
My cousin lives next door.
We live about 5 minutes away from each other.
So even if we don't go out a lot,
we're like neighbors.
That's easy.
It's been like that for a long time.
In Naha,
there are old residential areas,
but there are a lot of new people coming in.
The old lady next door is in this state.
She needs this.
It's amazing that she knows.
It's amazing.
There's a house next door.
It's very close.
It's really blown out.
What do you call it?
It's an old house.
It's blown out,
but the middle is open?
There's a gap.
It's blown out.
Yeah, yeah.
Old people are living.
Old parents and children live there.
When typhoons come,
it's very dangerous for them.
My mom-in-law gave them a drive to go to some place.
Maybe a police station.
A place where they can escape.
I think it's okay in a normal house,
but it's dangerous in that house,
so I took them there.
From Akane's point of view,
that house is scary.
But she's a good person.
When I walk in front of her,
she always greets me.
Maybe it's because she's the wife of this house.
I think that's amazing.
She tries to understand everything every day.
For example, there's a new stray cat here.
She goes to resuscitate it.
Her house is her area.
She takes care of the whole area like her own house.
Yeah, that's right.
Sometimes kids come here.
From somewhere.
They're friendly.
That's nice.
On Halloween,
she decorates her house.
When the kids from the nursery come for a walk,
she puts them in a place where they can play.
She does that every year.
She lets them participate in that.
when Akane spends time with Marmin,
she becomes like Marmin.
That's nice.
I respect her.
She does it naturally.
She doesn't do it out of kindness,
but because she's close, she understands.
She helps.
It's normal.
If there's someone like that around,
it's easier to imagine.
Such a nice neighbor.
There must be a lot of people.
Because there are a lot of people,
you can block them.
Of course, you can't get close to them.
But those people,
for example, people with disabilities,
or people with mental illness,
they don't want to be like that.
you can say,
you're a bad person.
But instead,
you live as a friend,
and if something happens,
you talk to them.
You don't run away.
You talk to their house.
I think that's kind.
There's a lot to learn.
The apartment thing is a bit difficult.
Half of my apartment is people with disabilities.
It's difficult, but for now,
say hello.
To the kids,
three times the kindness of an adult.
The other day,
I left my keys in the car
when I went to pick them up.
My house keys.
In the car?
I was locked out.
When I got out,
I was like,
oh no.
But I knew the kids
who were running around
in the elevator.
I ran into their parents.
I thought they were nice people.
I rang the doorbell.
I stood up so I could see their faces.
I said,
can I open the door?
They said, it's okay.
If something happens again,
just let me know.
I think that's kind.
Like what happens
if your house collapses?
If you're physically close to people,
you have a shallow,
peaceful relationship.
It's really important
to have that kind of relationship.
So when you complain,
you get lost.
I see.
I don't want people to think
I'm a complainer.
But if I say,
I'm sorry,
it's hard.
I see.
I want to know how
everyone deals with it.
My problem
has been solved.
I can see my heart again.
I learned
how to say,
I can see my heart again.
I have a shallow,
peaceful relationship.
I see.
If you're in a hurry,
you can say hi.
If you're in a hurry,
you can say hi.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you.

