2022-07-09 55:58

#43【美白至上主義の国でも焼かせて?】Perception of Asian Beauty Standard

Haitai beautiful people! English below;






Despite getting tanned is gorge in Western countries, having white pale skin is considered as a beautiful one in Asian countries. We all need to respect people's preferences by knowing overdoing anything can be dangerous to your health condition.



The Truth About Asian Beauty Standards


Beauty biases on weight and skin tone persist in Southeast Asia

Why Do East Asians Want Pale Skin? It Has Nothing to Do with Western Beauty Standards


日焼けに関する5つの真実 「健康的な日焼け」はあり得ない?

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What's up, beautiful people? This is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami. In this
radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and
Quoting whiteness to beauty is perpetuated all across the Asian continent, especially
in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Indian beauty standards. A lot of this
pressure comes from mothers and other family members, says Niki Kana, associate
professor of sociology at the University of Vermont and author of Whiter. Asian
American woman on skin color and colorism. She explains that women are repeatedly
told the light near white skin is beautiful and that they need lighter skin
to attract the mate and succeed in life. History tells us that the desire for the
pale skin has always existed in Asian culture. In ancient China, for instance, pale
skin indicated elite status while dark skin meant you farmed or labored long
hours in the sun. This desire eventually led to skin whitening that has grown into
the multi-billion dollar global industry in Asia today. Popular brands like
L'Oreal, Nivea, and Lancome are major names in a business selling skin whitening
soaps and creams that promise clean and pure results. I know when I walk into my
local Indian market, I'm going to easily find whitening creams and soaps lining
store shelves, but it's much more than that, says Kana, who grew up with a white
mother and South Asian father. She notes women will go to the extremes of
undergoing whitening laser treatments, take whitening pills, and even use whitening
face covers or face skinnies to protect the skin. Skin whitening is a massive
industry that preys on the insecurities of people of color, especially women, she
says. Regardless of which standards, we are trying to adhere to comparing
ourselves to an idealized, often unrealistic image can be demanding to our
self-esteem, especially when most of us can never measure up. After being confused
all my life trying to fit into two different beauty standards, I'm finally
completely happy with my medium brown skin and medium-sized brown eyes. Kana
considers all beauty standards, not just Asian beauty standards, toxic and unhealthy
for women. Across Asia, many women go to great lengths to lighten their skin, even
going so far as to apply chemicals to their skin, like mercury or bleach, she
says. And in the West, many women risk cancer by exposing their skin to harmful
UV rays to get that sun-kissed look, while others nearly starve themselves to fit
unrealistic beauty standards that tell them that they should be thin. To
understand why people make the beauty choices they do requires a nuanced
understanding of history, culture, and sociological issues that influence them.
For some of the protagonists in my book, If I Had Your Face, there are few
opportunities for socioeconomic movement in an incredibly competitive society,
she explains. So some women choose plastic surgery to better their prospects
for a better life. Instead of criticizing the way we look, Kana encouraged us
instead to look at the history of these beauty standards and ask ourselves who
we're really benefiting when we perpetuate them. The cosmetic companies
and clinics making money off our insecurity or the media that tries to sell us an
idealized version of beauty that doesn't really exist.
She also says that we should focus on the history of our society and culture,
which is the background in which women make the choice to have plastic surgery.
She also says that we should focus on the history of our society and culture,
which is the background in which women make the choice to have plastic surgery.
Let's talk about beauty.
I'm so hot.
We turn off the AC.
Okay, so summer has come.
And I'm kind of a bit crazy about getting tanned.
Not crazy.
You were working at your telos, right?
When did you start liking getting tanned?
That's a good question.
I have eczema.
The first time I wore shorts was when I was in college.
I couldn't take them off.
That was when I was in college.
I was so scared to take them off because of the scars from my atopy.
The eczema?
No one cared about it, but I did.
I never showed it to Nikko.
You've been wearing jeans?
Yeah, skinny jeans.
Long, everything.
After I became a university student, I could choose whatever I wanted to wear.
I always liked fashion.
But you were wearing skirts as a uniform when you were in high school, right?
I couldn't say no to wearing skirts.
I didn't have any hatred to wearing a skirt, but in high school, I always wore long socks.
So, you know, I just show my knee.
Oh, yeah.
I couldn't see my feet.
I was scared of the bar.
Because it's not a knee.
I was so jealous of people who didn't care about it.
Even my arms.
When I was 21, I went to San Francisco.
There were two Spanish best friends.
I got along with them.
I got along with them.
I'm still friends with a girl from Barcelona.
In elementary school, there's nothing to do with a high school student.
There's only drinking or partying.
Let's go to Union Square to have sunlight.
I was like, what does that mean?
Union Square is in the middle of downtown.
It's not as big as New York, but it's small.
Union Square.
It's getting smaller and smaller.
So, I was like, okay, let's go.
I took out my extra clothes.
We were just staring at the sun.
I thought it was a game.
But they were shining.
They were smiling a lot.
It's not bad to think of them as stereotypical Spanish people.
They have a good meaning.
At that time,
Minami was told not to grill meat.
Because it's bad for your skin.
I was alone at that time.
I was like, if I grill meat, will I be as bright as them?
It's cool.
Even your personality changes.
It's cute, and I looked like an adult.
I thought I'd try it.
We grilled legs together at Union Square.
I was like, let's go.
I see.
It's painful.
It's itchy.
I was like, what am I going there for?
I haven't been feeling well since I went to the beach.
I got sunburned, and I thought it wasn't good at that time.
But there was a restriction on eating and the sun.
I was irritated.
At that time, there were Spaniards.
I got sunburned and came back to Okinawa.
I wore shorts for the first time in Okinawa.
I was like, what should I do?
My legs are dirty.
My mom was like, you should get sunburned.
She said my legs were more beautiful than before.
I see.
I was like, I knew it.
I thought everyone was fooling me.
But when you get sunburned, you get covered, right?
I don't know if it's because my skin got a little thicker.
I had a lot of pores.
In principle, it opens up when it's warm.
It's covered well.
I don't know if it's because of stress.
At that time, I was like, it's because of the color of the wheat.
Before that, I liked sunburned skin.
If I say I like it, I don't know about my own body.
I'm surrounded by noisy mothers.
I don't have much confidence in my voice.
I was worried that my skin would be damaged again.
I couldn't take the balance.
Which is good? To get tan or to hide?
Like the gloves I wear when I drive.
I hate it.
I was told to put it on.
I was like, what is this?
After that, I was able to set my own standards.
Thank you for your long speech.
How about you?
In my case...
You have tan skin.
Born with tan skin.
I had a complex when I was little.
It's not a complex.
In some articles, it's like...
This whitening consciousness is often inherited from parents.
When I was in the gym,
my mom always tried to cover all my body with the sunblock.
It was like, it's a sin to get tan.
But I got really tan.
Right away.
Your skin is already done.
I got really tan and black.
Since I was a kid.
I couldn't peel my skin off.
My dad is really tan.
It's already inherited.
He's from Iejima.
I grew up and I dated with an American guy.
And they always tell me like, I like your skin.
They were white.
They always told me I had good tan.
They told me I had good tan.
I got a new tan.
And then...
My fashion was exposed.
Until now, it was better to be white.
But it was a pain to be white.
I couldn't be white.
I couldn't be white, so I gave up.
Then I accepted my body type.
Like when Minami was in San Francisco.
When I was in New York.
Winter was long.
Summer season was short.
It got a little hot.
Everyone went to the beach right away.
Everyone got naked and went to the beach.
Getting tan.
Everyone did their best to get tan.
In a nutshell.
After I did that, I got really tan.
The standard with everyone.
The speed.
Something like that.
It's not just about tan.
I have bigger arms than regular Japanese.
I have muscles.
I still have them.
It's not popular by Japanese guys.
But every American I hang out with.
They always make a compliment.
Like you have a good muscle.
Do you work out?
I was like, is that a compliment?
Thank you.
It was a compliment.
From their perspective.
But it can be rude.
In Japanese terms.
But I also think it's good to be thin.
I think that's good too.
So even if I'm complimented.
I can accept 99% of it.
But 1% is still a little distorted.
If I'm complimented by someone I like.
I don't care if it's fat or skinny.
I don't care.
But I have a body that I want to be.
If they compliment me this much.
I wonder if it's okay.
I think it's a good opportunity.
They compliment my insecurities.
I think it's a good step to like it.
I think it's good to hang out with Americans.
I don't know.
For example.
In Japanese terms of cuteness.
I don't know if I should say it.
I'm skinny and pale.
But in America.
I have a big butt.
And my lips are thick.
You can tell that I'm aiming for something different.
So in any country.
But now.
Plastic surgery.
Plastic surgery is too short.
It's easy to control colors.
If it's like this.
It's easy to get black.
But it's hard to get white.
What did you say?
They use whitening face cover.
For face skin.
I can't read it.
To protect the skin.
You're serious.
To get white.
When I went to Philippines.
There is a papaya soap.
Which makes you whiter.
It's very popular.
If you use it with hand soap.
Your hands will be very white.
I did it.
But if it's soap.
It's from nature.
So it's like that.
You just take a color check.
But if you go to that country.
It's easy to find out.
What their ideal type is.
When I went to Korea.
There was a ban on plastic surgery.
On the train.
It's interesting.
Everyone is watching.
Asian people
want white skin.
they look elite.
What did you say?
Black skin is
the body under the sun.
Like a blue walker.
I thought so.
Asian people like
white skin.
I don't know.
It reminds me of American history.
Not so much.
But I thought
Asian people have that.
People with tan skin
and people with white skin
are different.
Opposite things
happen in the US.
The more you get tanned.
You look richer.
Bronze skin
is richer in California.
Celebrities get tanned.
Pale white skin
is okay.
They look weak.
Like emo.
I don't know.
I understand
they want to get tanned skin
because they are
sometimes too pale
or in the sun.
You get really pale.
It depends on the skin color.
We are yellow.
We can get tanned
by skin color.
Like my sister.
It's so white.
obsessed with white skin.
Like white pale skin.
It has
for decades.
It's not new.
Black Lives Matter
the diversity movement
In English
it's whitening.
I looked it up.
I don't think it's
a different story.
White skin
in Japanese
doesn't mean
white people.
When we use
yellow as a standard
it means whiter or darker.
there are Asian Americans
so I don't know
what the problem is.
It doesn't make sense to me.
Because I know the
context of Japanese
Beautiful white.
Some said like
the Asian
wants to be whiter because they have
an admirer for white people.
Is that so?
If you look at the article
I think it started
from a long time ago.
it was like that
since the old king era.
It's not
a comparison with other races
but with the same race.
And among them
the workers and the elite
have different skin colors.
what was it?
White skin
means white skin.
There's a saying.
Something like that.
Beautiful people
have white skin.
That's a strong concept.
But when I was in Tokyo
working as a wedding planner
they tend to like white skin.
when I went to Okinawa
they made fun of me
saying I was black.
Like I was a burnt bread.
A burnt bread?
But I think
the standard is too different
between me and their skin.
The back of my hand
is whiter than my arm.
Ah, I get it.
The tone is too different.
But I take it
as a compliment.
Yeah, I think
it's good to decide what you like.
I think it's good to be black.
That's my standard.
If I'm told I'm white,
I'll be shocked.
That's funny.
That's not what I'm aiming for.
When I be tanned
I mean not too crazy
but in a healthy way.
Healthy way.
So if people say
after a year
my legs will be white.
They won't be white.
They won't be white.
You are originally white.
I mean lighter.
I'm a normal color.
Normal color?
I'm average.
My sister is really white.
But I think
I have my father's DNA.
I'm originally yellow.
I've been outside for a long time.
My arm is black.
The part I don't show
is white.
That's why I wanted to be white.
I hid my skin.
Maybe that's the reason.
You know
bathing in the sun
is healthy
or dangerous.
when I go to the beach
I get really energetic
when I'm in the sun.
But when I see this
bathing in the sun
is dangerous.
It's because
are secreted.
And the sun
also helps
vitamin D.
So it's good?
Yeah, it's a good thing.
It's better than
not getting any sun.
people who go out
every day
if they get a little sun
it won't be
a bad thing.
But people who
stay inside for days
it's dangerous
if they go out
all of a sudden.
It's according to
Harvard University Medical
but we don't go out.
Forbes does.
there's pros and cons
put your capital to be
whiter or going out
for tanning.
you need to know
what your race is.
it has a different skin condition.
There are people who
are prone to skin cancer.
In the US
one person per hour
has skin cancer
and lost his life.
Is it because tanning is
I think tanning has been popular
in the US for a long time.
It just happened.
Or white people
for example
white people
admire tanning
and tan
and get skin cancer.
That's true.
So they are
more exposed to the sun than us.
They are more stimulated.
It's like a burn.
That's true.
I think
you need to know
your skin condition
and know
what your skin condition is.
It's like alcohol.
There are people
who don't know
what their skin condition is.
I understand.
It's like, are you okay?
I think it's better
to calm your skin
it's the same as
washing your face
every day
and taking care of your skin.
I get a lot of
that I'm going to
get tanned
especially my family.
I get that a lot.
I see.
But I don't see people
who have dull eyes.
Do they have bad eyesight?
I think so.
Their eyes...
But they look cute.
I know.
I often hear
that people who do marine sports
need to wear sunglasses
or else they get skin cancer.
That's true.
They spend too much time
in the sun.
I've never heard
this vocabulary
about melanoma.
It's a disease
that causes
black spots
on the soles of your feet.
It's a disease
that causes black spots
on the soles of your feet.
If you get sunburn
from the age of 15
to the age of 20
you risk getting sunburned
more than 5 times.
You should avoid
getting sunburned.
That's too much.
But some people
get sunburned.
Maybe they don't really
care about their skin.
I think so.
It's important to have
a balance.
By the way,
we talked about
the white skin tone.
But in Asian beauty world
eyes and chin
What was it?
Asian people
look up to double eyelids.
But Asian people
look up to double eyelids
because they have big eyes
and clear double eyelids.
Double eyelids surgery
started in the 19th century
and was popular
in Taiwan and Mongolia.
The reason why
people look up to double eyelids
is because of the actors
in Hollywood movies.
It's because of the media
that the big Asian actors
look up to double eyelids.
Do you understand?
Double eyelids?
In terms of this double eyelids thing,
I think I have
I am exactly this one.
What do you mean?
My face.
I have it.
I tell you what.
When I live in Tokyo
or when I'm in Tokyo,
I only like Japanese
thin faces.
Female faces.
That's all.
When you're in the countryside.
Everyone wants to be like that.
I'm not saying I want to be
that woman.
But I think
I'm totally cool.
I think I should be more
Big eyes
look childish
my eyes
are not
double eyelids
I look up to
big eyes.
The other way around?
It also
we wear makeup
very strongly.
Asian people tend to use
eyelash extensions.
I think
it's because of this
double eyelid culture.
when I went to the US
they really don't
take time to
wear makeup around eyes.
They take
care of their skin.
and stuff like that.
They spend a lot of time on that.
Japanese people
tend to
wear a lot of
makeup around their eyes.
I think so.
Some people have
a cheaper size of their
actual eyes.
it's the same with filters.
Like around the
center of the eye.
There are a lot of
plastic surgery students in Tokyo.
You cut here?
Can you see
the triangle
in the center of the eye?
Why do you cut here?
I cut a little bit
inside the eye
to make it wider.
I see.
I was shocked when I found out.
it depends on their preference.
But they have a lot of people
that have that
Like, is everyone like this?
It's not like everyone is doing it, but
it's cute.
It's just funny.
It's like, wow.
But in the media
they use this idea
and everyone likes it.
they aim for this
and the trend moves forward.
From there, they do plastic surgery
and fashion.
It's a culture of
getting closer to what you don't have.
It's so difficult
in this era we have so much
options to change
our body and face.
And it's getting less dangerous.
Like a cat man.
Wait, wait.
He, she has
a special
mental status.
it's true.
There are so many
options now.
If you spend a little bit
you can do it.
the beauty standard
is increasing.
There are so many
It's true.
But in the end
if you like
who you are
it's the easiest
and most natural.
who you are
and are you trying
to be yourself?
I'm trying to be
even if you like
a curvy body
if you're too fat
you're not healthy.
I think you should
aim for a healthy body.
Like BMI
if it's healthy
it's good.
stop judging.
You don't need to judge.
That person is fat,
or skinny,
it's up to you.
If you do that
you'll like yourself
I don't know.
You don't have to
like your body 100%
but if you force yourself
to change everything
you'll feel like you're changing yourself.
liking or trends.
That's how
I feel.
If you like
a certain fashion
or celebrity
or type
I think it's good to change
while being yourself.
But changing everything
too much
and mentally
will feel
You'll get tired.
It's a self-fulfilling world.
As long as you're satisfied
it's good.
Is it the same
as a tattoo?
I think so.
Wait, one more.
America has the most
genitalia in the world.
It's known as the country of genitalia.
From 19 to 29 years old
one in three women has a plastic surgery.
According to the
V.I.P. International Plastic Surgery Center
like double eyelids
chin surgery is also popular.
A small V-shaped chin
is ideal.
In surgery
the inside of the mouth is cut
and the bone is cut off.
In addition, surgery to raise the nose
is also common in Asia.
In order to spread the nose
in plastic surgery
the nose should be
high and sharp.
I see.
If you're happy with it
it's good.
If you say that
it's all true.
Today we're going to talk about it.
So the inside of the mouth
is cut off.
What about the buttocks?
Like Michael Jackson.
Michael Jackson?
I think there are many people
who have small buttocks.
If you go to Tokyo
you can see it.
Depending on the gender
you can see where they're touching.
You can see where they're touching.
To make it easier
you can see the nose and the eyes.
Can you see the lips?
The lips.
The feeling of the eyelids
when you close your eyes
the shape changes.
Sorry for looking at you like that.
This is
beautifully made.
It's weird.
There are a lot of women
who have small buttocks.
I want to see more.
There aren't many in Okinawa.
Okinawans are still afraid.
By the way,
the buttocks
and the lips
are major.
That's true.
Buttocks are sold at convenience stores.
That's why.
I think they're sold at convenience stores.
I think it's easier now.
it's hard to research
for people who do it for the first time.
are done in a hurry.
Hospitals are too busy.
They let people
who weren't designated do it.
I don't know
what changed.
After that,
I got a counseling from another person.
He said my skin was very dry.
I didn't notice it myself.
But I could tell
the difference.
I see.
Buttocks are sold at
convenience stores.
The purpose of it
is to reduce the face line.
Buttocks are used
to loosen the muscles
around the neck.
Buttocks are used to
loosen the muscles
around the neck.
I see.
For example,
when you tighten your teeth,
the muscle around the chin
will be loosened.
But for people who have big teeth,
the muscle will be loosened.
For people who have strong teeth,
the muscle will be loosened
because they bite hard
when they sleep.
I see.
When you tighten your teeth,
the muscle will be loosened.
I see.
I think some people
do buttocks at the dentist.
That's interesting.
When you become an old lady,
everyone should do it.
Old lady?
What do you mean?
When you get old.
I don't know.
I was told that
it's not early to do buttocks.
Do you start doing it when you're in middle age?
I don't think it's necessary
but it's normal.
For example,
when you put in a thread,
you should
hold it down
for 1 or 2 years.
So if you start early,
you should
hold it down for 2 years.
I see.
When you become an old lady,
you should hold it down
for 1 or 2 years.
So if you start early,
you should hold it down for 2 years.
So if you become an old lady,
you should hold it down
for 1 or 2 years.
How do you do it?
What I did was
I used a thread
that doesn't melt in your face.
I used a small needle
and put it
on the side of your face.
Around your face
when you smile.
Of course, it depends on the person.
Of course, it depends on the person.
You pull it.
I put a needle
from the top of my nose.
When I reach my lips
or my target area,
I put a thread there
and pull it out.
I pull it from the top of my nose
and design it.
I didn't look at it.
I think I put 6 yarns.
I think I put 6 yarns.
We can choose
the type of thread.
There's an expensive
for middle
40, 50
For old lady,
you get the top one.
I'm relatively young, so I thought it would be better to do a younger version than the old one.
Did it change after you tried it?
Normally, I recommend it to everyone.
You can tell if there's a part of me that has changed in a month or so.
Oh, I see.
After that, you can't tell.
That's interesting.
It's easier to do it if you ask the person who did it.
And I think everyone has their own way of doing it, but I think it's better to do it because it's so efficient.
If you're worried, it's better to do it.
I put in a little money and raised my face.
That way, I can be more motivated for the face care after that.
That's true.
It's Yami's logic.
I think it's better to be motivated than to do it over and over again.
It's mentally good.
Be careful not to overdo it.
When you do your plastic surgery, make sure to check your oral information.
I recommend that you talk to the person who did it at the same hospital as you.
What made you want to start doing it?
I wanted to make my face feel refreshed.
You've been thinking about it all along?
I see.
When I tell people about my worries, they say,
That's why you're cute.
That's why you're cute.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's what's attractive.
I've been thinking about it all along.
I've been thinking about it all along.
I've been thinking about it all along.
No, no, no.
The kind of things that you can do things...
The kind of things that you can do things...
I don't know if this is plastic surgery, or beauty,
I don't know if this is plastic surgery, or beauty,
or an exquisite line.
For me.
Don't you think it's not the same as what you used to say,
Don't you think it's not the same as what you used to say,
plastic surgery?
I've been thinking about it all along.
I kinda feeling like I designed my face.
Line. I don't...
I don't really...
I don't really know what I want to do.
I don't really know what I want to do.
I see.
I think you're the type of person
who looks at other people's faces.
If you do this,
you can tell
what you want to look like.
If you want to look like this,
you can do this.
If you want to look cool,
you can make this part smaller.
You can imagine what you want to look like.
Your life is always a transition.
You're always looking for something.
You're always looking for something.
But if you're always looking for something,
you can become like Minami.
you can become like Minami.
Anyway, I want to evolve every day.
Anyway, I want to evolve every day.
I don't just spend money.
I exercise, too.
I do a lot of things.
I study a lot.
I think about my head.
I think about my appearance.
Persuing their beauty...
Persuing their beauty...
I think people who pursue their beauty
are popular.
I want to be popular.
Isn't it like that?
I think people who pursue their beauty
are popular.
I think people who pursue their beauty
are popular.
It's the same with fashion.
It's the same with fashion.
I guess I have like a certain
I guess I have like a certain
of the best version
of my looking
in 30 years.
It's a long journey.
It's a long journey.
There's something I'm aiming for
There's something I'm aiming for
There's something I'm aiming for
I don't really
worry about what other people think.
I don't worry about what other people think.
I've already been looking at the future
I've already been looking at the future
and been improving day by day
and been improving day by day
I don't hiss and hiss
I don't hiss and hiss
She is interested in her self.
When I do my hair properly, I feel like I'm going out vibes.
That's why I do my makeup.
I don't do it when I'm at home.
I know that.
I'm aiming for a perfect makeup when I'm not wearing any makeup.
You have a very detailed category.
It depends on the occasion.
I think there is a difference between when I do my makeup and when I don't.
I don't want to take a break.
It's like a transformation.
I don't want to show up naked.
I want to show up naked.
When I do my makeup, I feel like I'm armed.
Please look forward to Minami in 30 years.
What did you say?
Minami in 30.5 years.
That's why.
We are 30 years old now.
I think we are in a very good condition.
30 is a little...
I feel like I'm in my 20s rather than my 10s.
I feel like I'm in my 40s rather than my 30s.
I feel like I'm in my 50s rather than my 40s.
I feel like I'm in my 50s rather than my 50s.
I think it's good to go to a place where you can live depending on your generation.
At that time, I was already wearing a back or a soba cup.
It's a new fashion.
Can you imagine when we become 80s?
And doing this?
Doing this?
Doing this.
If we are still alive.
A podcaster in her 80s.
That's good.
You look like you are laughing a lot.
The older I get, the more I laugh.
Do you understand?
Podcasters are laughing all the time.
Because of ridiculous things.
That's it.
What are we talking about?
We are talking about Asian beauty standard.
Do whatever you want.
It's your responsibility.
And it's your body.
Nobody cares about how you look.
And I don't.
But I know what you have done.
You know what you have done.
Anything else?
Do you have a message?
Everyone is aiming for what they want.
But you are beautiful now.
You are beautiful now.
That's all for today.
Bye bye.

