2024-03-07 22:05

#79 特別編【こども(kids) Radio】Leo

Haitai everyone! *English below イヤササレディオ初のこどもゲスト『iYASASA kodomo Radio』を開催しました! 2組目は4つの習い事に塾、ゲームと大忙しのレオくん! 習い事はどれも好きだけど、塾だけは辞めたいという熱い想いを我々と、隣で見守ってくれたママにぶつけまくっていました🤣 「世の中は紙を無駄使いしている」という鋭いツッコミもあり、超合理的なスーパーキッズでした。 ※本エピソードは2024年3月3日に嘉手納町で開催された18歳の児童養護施設の卒園者を支える沖縄チャリティー音楽フェス「HAPPY SUNDAY」のイヤササレディオブースにて収録いたしました。 The second our Kodomo(kids) radio guest, Leo! We were so impressed how much you work for each activities afterschool. And passion for not wanting to go to Juku (after school school ). Thank you for coming to our show! *This episode was recorded at the Iyasasa Radio booth during the "HAPPY SUNDAY" Okinawa Charity Music Festival, held in Kadena Town on March 3, 2024, to support the graduates of children's care facilities who are 18 years old. #okinawa#kidsnarrative#bilingual#texas#schoollife#dream#沖縄#バイリンガル#帰国子女#夢#学校生活#アメリカ

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What's up, amazing people? This is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan, Japanese and English.
Today, we are recording IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami in a small tent in Okinawa.
This is our second guest.
Can you introduce yourself?
Hi, my name is Leo.
Thank you for coming.
Leon and Jackson were the first guests, but you guys are friends.
Where did you guys meet?
Actually, our moms met in Corpus, and then you invited them.
My mom invited them over, and then we became friends with that.
Moms are friends?
And then you guys became friends?
I saw you guys walking around in the park, and you guys looked like close friends.
How long have you guys known each other? You and your friends?
My mom is listening to us now.
She is cheating.
About 6 years?
About 6 years.
I think maybe 6 years.
6 years.
I think.
6 years probably.
So he also lived in Texas.
Then he came back to Okinawa.
How old were you when you came to Okinawa?
9 years old?
How old are you now?
So you only lived 2 years.
2 years, yes.
I see.
So you were in Okinawa before coming to Texas?
Because you are good at Japanese.
Before coming to Texas, I was in Okinawa.
Then I moved to Texas.
I lived there for 6 or 7 years.
Then I came back to Okinawa.
Okinawa, Texas.
I see.
Did you go to Okinawa for work?
Why are you asking about my parents?
I am just curious.
I think so.
You went to the army.
I see.
Do you feel comfortable speaking in English or Japanese?
So much better.
You have been speaking Japanese for a while, right?
Can you switch languages right away?
Do you speak Japanese at home?
I see.
Do you use both languages?
English when I am angry.
English when I am angry.
Do you use different languages depending on your parents?
I use different languages at school.
Do you go to a public school?
International school.
Do you need to speak English at school?
Not really.
There is no rule.
I see.
I think we are supposed to, but we just don't.
You are supposed to speak English at school.
But the whole class speaks Japanese.
So the teachers just give up.
Teachers have just given up.
What about the class?
Teachers speak English and Japanese.
Japanese and social studies class is Japanese class.
It is Japanese.
English, science, math is English.
So the teachers speak English in a way that is easier for them to speak?
I think it is divided into classes.
I see.
I don't really understand it.
Do you also do kanji at school?
Do you learn math and science in English?
I see.
Measurements, we usually do Japanese measurements.
Do you plan to go to another international school?
I plan to stay at the same school.
I see.
It is like an escalator.
Is school fun?
Yes, it is fun.
But sometimes I don't want to go.
You don't want to go when you don't feel like it?
When it is annoying.
Do you have homework?
International schools have homework.
Don't they have homework in the US?
I think they do.
Do they?
I think they finish school early.
I don't think so.
Don't they have summer homework?
They do.
I don't think so.
They don't.
Do they in Japan?
I see.
It is a Japanese style.
I think so.
Because it is an international school in Japan.
Which do you like, school in here or in Corpus?
I like Japanese international school.
But I like how American schools have very long breaks.
That's true.
They have long breaks.
And also they don't give homework on weekends.
They have more private time.
That's true.
Not private time, but my time.
Do you do something like after school?
Do you have lessons?
Yes, I do.
I do programming, chorus, karate, and then a tutor.
You have a lot of hobbies.
Wait, wait.
Tennis, programming, karate, and what was the other one?
What does that mean?
If you do one, you can finish it in a week.
That's right.
You can finish it in a week.
Aren't you busy?
I am busy.
You are busy, but you can do your best.
Maybe you want to take a break because you are too busy.
Yes, that's right.
You are a celebrity.
What do you do on your days off?
What kind of games do you play?
Everyone likes Fortnite.
You build houses.
You play Spider-Man games.
How about YouTube?
I watch TV.
Do you watch TV?
Not TV.
I watch Netflix.
I see.
Do you watch movies and TV shows?
Do you watch Japanese TV channels?
No, I don't.
You don't have to watch Japanese TV.
What kind of TV shows do you like?
English game shows.
Game shows.
Like game shows?
It's like a game where you have to find a cake.
If you find it, you get money.
It's a game show where you have to make a cake.
I see.
So you like games.
I also like cooking shows.
I see.
You said you make cakes.
You have so many hobbies.
Playing games and so on.
What do you like the most?
What is the most you like?
Wait a minute.
You like things other than your hobbies.
You like taking a break.
But you do your best in all of them.
You don't want to stop.
No, I don't.
You don't want to stop.
But you like games other than your hobbies.
You do your best.
I like learning.
You said you like karate and programming.
But you don't want to stop.
I want to stop studying.
She wants to stop studying.
She wants to stop studying.
Let me stop studying.
Let me stop studying.
She said no.
She said no.
You can't choose that.
That's terrible.
You pick four things.
I give you just one.
Still, that's too much.
That's one too much.
A parent-child quarrel has begun.
It has begun.
That's good.
But programming is a difficult thing to learn, isn't it?
Is it difficult?
Are you good at computers?
Not really.
But you do your best.
You do your best in all of them.
I only block games.
You like machines.
I see.
You like machines.
You like games, don't you?
Yes, I do.
Among club activities, I like tennis the most.
That's good.
How long have you been playing tennis?
About one year.
Two years.
About two years.
One and a half years.
One and a half years.
Do you have any new things you want to try?
No, I don't.
No, you don't.
You are too busy.
Yes, I am.
You are too busy studying and playing games.
You are too busy watching game shows.
You don't have much time.
You don't have homework either.
You don't have time for homework.
What do you want to do when you don't have to go to school?
I don't want to go to school.
I want to do club activities.
You want to do club activities only?
You want to do club activities only every day?
I don't need to go to school.
You really don't need to go to school.
You should quit school.
That's right.
You should quit school.
It's your duty as a parent.
It's on the radio, so please understand.
I don't need to go to school.
You should appeal now.
Many people are listening.
What do you hate about school?
It's annoying, it's a waste of time, it's a waste of paper,
it's a waste of space.
It's a waste of space.
There are buildings, but there are also wasteful buildings.
It's a waste to study there.
You are done at school.
In school, I learn what I know.
I see.
It's a waste of time to do the same thing over and over again in an unnecessary space while using paper.
Yes, it's a pain in the ass.
Parents, everyone, listen to me.
But if you're told many times that you know it's a waste of time, you'd think it's a waste of time.
No, I think he's smart.
You think it's a waste to do what you did before, but you can only say what you did before.
You can't forget.
It's a waste of paper.
You say a lot of things that are up-to-date.
You can write everything down on your computer.
So what if you turned everything into a computer? Do you want to go?
I don't want to go.
Do you still want to go?
I don't want to go.
I don't know if it's reasonable to go to a point where it's a waste of paper.
I've been using a lot of paper since I was in school.
Do you think it's a waste of time to live normally besides school?
Why are adults doing this?
Do you have anything you can remember?
Paper again?
No books?
Digital books are fine.
Read everything on Kindle.
It's similar to Minami's way of thinking.
I think it's a waste of paper, but I've never thought it was a waste of books.
Minami says a lot of things are a waste of paper.
You think that way.
I think it's similar.
But since I was so young, I can't think that paper is a waste of paper, printing is a waste of paper, and the space in the cram school is a waste of paper.
I feel a lot of waste of paper.
It's a waste of paper to print books and homework.
I changed my mind.
Books are important.
Books are important. I don't need cram school paper.
I don't need cram school paper, but I need books.
I need books.
I'm a paper ambassador.
Besides cram school and printing, don't you need anything else?
I can't think of anything right now.
I hate cram school so much that I can only think of paper.
My mom is next to me today, so I can appeal to her.
Do you hate cram school?
But I hated it when I was in elementary school.
I hated cram school when I was in elementary school.
I liked English cram school.
But I didn't hate it because I didn't know anything.
It was a place where I lost my confidence.
On the contrary, it was a place where you could build a sense of inferiority.
A question for your mom.
Did you have cram school when you were a kid?
My mom was born on a country island, so I didn't have cram school.
That's good.
You are so smart.
You are tired.
You didn't go to cram school, but you didn't let me go to cram school.
You didn't go to cram school, but you let him go to cram school.
Don't slack off.
My mom wanted me to go to cram school because I didn't go to cram school.
It's love.
What do you think?
She wanted me to go to cram school because I didn't go to cram school.
But why do you let him go to cram school?
That's right.
Do you have a reason?
Go ahead.
He said that he would teach me Japanese.
He already knows Japanese.
He will teach me Japanese.
He will also teach me Kanji.
He already knows Kanji.
He already knows Kanji, but he will teach me a lot of revisions.
I have to keep up with my school classes.
That's why I let him go to cram school.
I have no reason to let him go to cram school.
You guys always do this debating.
Yes, all the time.
That's amazing.
You guys are like mature kids.
You can express your feelings.
That's amazing.
I don't listen to them.
You don't listen to them.
You have similar points.
I listen to them a lot, including programming, Gassho dan, tennis and karate.
I hear everything.
I don't want to go to cram school.
I realize everything I learned because I have my mom.
It's a balance.
You like learning.
That's good.
You don't like cram school.
It's a good balance.
It's a good balance.
Is it?
I don't know.
How many times do I have to go to school to buy a game?
That's right.
That's a good deal.
That's right.
If you look at your mom's situation...
I go to school once a week.
I don't negotiate with her.
You can go to school once a week.
Is that so?
Give it up.
This parent and child will repeat this conversation every day.
They won't stop.
I see.
It's just fun to talk to them.
That's right.
It's time to tell them what you think.
They seem to get along well.
I've heard from your mom that you passed the kanji test.
I didn't know you passed the kanji test.
I've never passed it.
If you go to a Japanese school, you can't pass the kanji test.
I see.
I think it's difficult to pass the kanji test.
Only the best students can pass the kanji test.
I think it's amazing.
I'm not doing my best.
By the way, what grade did you pass the kanji test?
7th grade.
I'm still good at English.
I'm better at English.
Did you pass the kanji test?
Yes, I passed the kanji test.
That's amazing.
I passed the kanji test.
I passed the kanji test.
I passed the kanji test.
I passed the kanji test.
That's amazing.
You're a hard worker.
That's super logical.
What grade will you be in April?
6th grade.
What do you want to do in 6th grade?
I want to take the kanji test again.
You just passed the kanji test, but you want to take the kanji test again?
You've been saying you don't want to take the kanji test.
What do you want to study?
I don't want to take the kanji test.
I want to study math, addition, multiplication, Japanese, Hiragana, and grammar.
I want to study grammar.
I don't want to do everything I know.
But I'll do my best with the kanji test.
That's what she said.
That's amazing.
But overall...
What else do you want to do besides the kanji test?
I want to do karate.
I want to do tennis.
That's good.
I want to do both.
From next year, you'll focus on kanji, tennis, and karate.
And also, we want to say that at your age, you come into this situation.
I don't know how to say it.
There are a lot of people who listen to your podcast.
I think it's amazing that you can talk about your thoughts with your mom next to you.
Thank you.
We will continue to support you.
Thank you for coming.

