1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. YouTubeで勉強するvs本で勉強..
2022-09-27 14:03



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
All right.
Your hair is very straight today.
Because I wore a cap.
That makes it this straight?
Isn't that straight?
Compared to other days where...
Yeah, I understand that.
Messy one.
It's so different.
You didn't use like a blow dryer or nothing like that.
You just wore a cap.
And that's it.
If I dry it carefully, I can make it more straight even, I guess.
When you wake up, it's all curly, right?
I took shower this morning and then I blow as usual.
Is that...
How curly is that?
Medium curly?
So when you wear a cap, did you have to like straighten it and then wear it?
No, just boom.
And then it's straight like that.
But I tried to have them all like backside to...
Within the cap.
Maybe that's why maybe.
But yeah.
You look really good with that hairstyle.
Yeah, for real.
Like being able to do this.
That looks really good on you, man.
Oh, okay.
That's my personal favorite.
Oh, thank you.
Your hairstyle.
Oh, thank you.
Also, the weather today, it's not humid at all.
It's dry.
I see.
So that's why my hair can be like this.
I see.
If it's like rainy day or like humid day, they can keep themselves like this.
I see.
I see.
It just...
Look, it seems like you just got a new set of hairstyles.
Like a new set of hair.
So strict.
New set of hair.
Like an implant or something.
A new hair implant.
That's so different.
Changed everything.
No, it's just maybe the weather is the most...
I see.
I see.
How's your hair?
So you say you had a mistake on your...
Right here.
It's still...
You can still see it popping out.
But it's getting better and better.
It's getting longer and longer.
So it's heavier.
So it's...
...falling down.
Not a big deal.
It's okay.
So there's a message from Yasu-san.
All right.
I'm going to read it.
So it's from Yasu-san.
All right.
"I'm going to read it.
I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
"I'm going to read it."
So, I'm actually one of the people that believes that kanji, if you can read it, it's good
So, I'm with the child here.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But overall, what do you think about this?
"Oya ga benkyou shite iru sugata wo miruto jibun mo ganbarou to iu shigeki wo ukeru deshou
ka?" is, you know, the main question.
I've, I don't remember seeing my parents study.
Well, I know that they're doing something.
Like they have their own, like my dad has their own workspace.
I don't know what they're doing, but just, he's on the computer.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, that, they're doing something, but I don't know.
I've never been told that they're studying or nothing like that.
Yeah, I've never acknowledged them.
Have you?
I have.
And my dad is still, and my parents are still studying and learning still.
So when I go back to my parents' house, my dad came back from, you know, the office work,
he's the real work, and then have dinner together.
And he go out for like McDonald's or cafes to study and he will come back like late night.
And that's what he does every day.
That's great, right?
Is he enjoying the learning?
He is enjoying.
Is he aiming for something or what?
The sole purpose is to learn or?
He loves learning himself and kind of train himself and to be better human beings, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Is the main purpose, I guess.
But also he has to do that, set out some, you know, for example, like, Chūshōki Yoshin
Danshi, Shikaku, or like some thing.
I see.
I don't know.
I think from the one, so that's something they've been doing for since I was zero-year-old
I think it's at least effective to me.
And I kind of think that, oh, learning must be fun.
It's something I got from them as a message.
I see.
I don't know what's going to be waiting, you know, after learning things, but the process
itself must be fun.
And something I don't know will be waiting for me after that is something I got from
It's not like instant motivations, but that, you know, makes me some attitude to learning
And I think that's positive, at least to me.
Me too.
I think that's very positive.
Yeah, yeah.
And I guess it's not only about studying, but I know your dad was a kind of guy who
has like entrepreneur spirit, right?
And I guess he has been trying to, you know, making things, you know, try to think about
new businesses.
And I guess you've got some messages from your dad that that must be fun.
That's true.
That must be something is waiting after you do that.
And that's why you got that soul too.
That's true.
It's inherited, I guess.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
See, children are much wiser than we actually thinking.
They see everything carefully and they, you know, sense so many things.
So yeah, maybe that's not something instant effect, but for longer term build up, you
know, inner side.
I guess that's really, really important.
Have your parents ever told you to study?
Have your dad ever told you to start some businesses?
Yeah, but we do, right?
It's much more like powerful than you just say it.
And force to do something to your children, but just showing, you know, parents are also
doing this.
Yeah, something unknown is waiting after that.
How about like, have your parents ever told you to do your homework?
Yeah, yeah, yes.
Like because I was the guy who didn't do shukudai until the very last day.
So my mom was always, "shukudai yatta no?
shite yaru kare daijoubu."
That happened to me.
Yeah, yeah.
But during, so even at that time where you procrastinated your homework, you were an
active like you...
Motivated to learn new things.
I was, yeah, I love learning new things, but doing homeworks are a little different.
It's something that you yourself, it has to be something that you are interested in.
Yeah, yeah, true, true.
Not forced to learn chemistry or forced to learn like geography or not.
So it's just a procrastinator for you.
So after I graduated from university, I even more like into learning new things is because
of my parents, I guess.
How do you learn new things?
Do you learn it?
For me, it's videos.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What's, how do you learn new things?
I watch videos, I read books, I practice things, for example, like playing pianos or like more
physical things, practice or sometimes go to the schools.
Do you ask other professionals?
Yeah, like professional teachers maybe attend to the class.
I see.
But mainly, you know, knowledge things are from books and videos.
Which one's easier for you?
Name, books, videos?
If you only think about the knowledge things, videos are much easier.
Yeah, because you can have visuals and things at the same time.
What's good about books then?
It's more careful.
Books are careful.
When they write things, they carefully choose some sentences.
I see.
So more carefully written, I guess, carefully made.
I see, I see.
Yeah, I guess.
There's going to be less times where you misread a message from the author versus YouTube videos.
It's one quick, hatsugen might mislead you to some idea, whereas books, it's more carefully
read, written.
Yeah, especially like live classes, teacher has to say live and, you know, instant things,
It's not something you deeply think for like six months and say it.
So there's more room for errors.
But, yeah, but I agree with that.
Videos are so efficient and I watch so many videos.
And I need some knowledge.
What are some of the things that you're interested in learning right now?
Now for a long time, like pianos, like music theories, how to play instruments and everything
like that.
But beside that, hudo-san actually.
How to use your money and stuff like that.
That's one.
And also actually I'm thinking to move to the new city.
How can I, yeah, those hudo-san, chintai things.
How can I save money?
How can I be better at those?
It's just tips.
It's not learning.
It's just collecting all the tips to me.
Yeah, yeah, all right, okay.
Thanks for listening guys.
Thank you.
Bye bye.
[ Silence ]

