人間ってなんだろう 第1話
https://youtu.be/dgWqI5mAP0s 第1話:人間の楽園 あるところに,自分たちを,知性を持つ唯一の生物と,信じていた人間たちが,住んでいました. 彼らは,他の動物たちが,自分たちのために存在していると,思いこんでいました. でも,実は人間たちは,最も残酷な動物でした. 彼らは,地球を支配し,他の動物たちを搾取し,殺戮することでしか,満足できませんでした. 彼らは,自然を破壊することでしか,欲望を満たすことができず,自分たちが,神だと思いこんでいました. でも,本当に神様のような存在なら,こんな破滅的な行動をする,必要はないでしょう.
What is Human Episode 1
https://youtu.be/Xdndp6lgZSs Episode 1: Human Paradise There lived a group of humans who believed themselves to be the only living creatures with intelligence. They believed that other animals existed for them. But in fact, humans were the most cruel animals. They were only satisfied with dominating the earth, exploiting and killing other animals. They could only satisfy their desires by destroying nature, and they thought they were gods. But if they were really god-like beings, they would not need to act in such a destructive way.
Sansoo Country full story
https://youtu.be/gl_sTVzr_KE 0:00 Episode 1: Tass and Hik 0:29 Episode 2: Friends 0:53 Episode 3: Not enough tree branch 1:17 Episode 4: River Flooding 1:38 Episode 5: The size of the field 2:00 Episode 6: Troubled Circumstances 2:35 Episode 7: The Size of the Storehouse 2:59 Episode 8: Helper 3:38 Episode 9: Actually Brothers 4:07 Episode 10: Jogging Course 4:29 Episode 11: Rope Length 5:01 Episode 12: Favorite food 5:18 Episode 13: See You Someday
サンスー国 第13話
https://youtu.be/AOafDnS46Po 第13話:またいつか こうして,みんな,平和に暮らしましたとさ. ああ,言い忘れてましたが,この国の名前はサンスー国です. 周りには,コクゴ国,セイカツ国,他にも色々な国がありますが,その話は,またいつかしたいと思います.
Sansoo Country Episode 13
https://youtu.be/k4XxfxFmtLs Episode 13: See You Someday And so, everyone lived in peace. Oh, I forgot to mention that the name of this country is Sansoo. There are many other countries around Sansoo, such as Kokugo, Seikatsu, and so on, but I will tell you about them some other time.
サンスー国 第12話
https://youtu.be/GUdTQQnLp8k 第12話:好物は ところで,エンシューは,お菓子が好きです. エンシューの好物は,パイ生地とパイ生地の間に,パイナップルとりんごを,挟んだお菓子. そうです,みんな大好き "パイパイナップルアップルパイ♪" です.
Sansoo Country Episode 12
https://youtu.be/nO0TDdFc0I8 Episode 12: Favorite food By the way, Enshu likes sweets. His favorite pastry is a pie crust with pineapple and apple between the crusts. That's right, everyone loves "pie-pineapple-apple pie"
サンスー国 第11話
https://youtu.be/Cf_vJImTIQc 第11話:ロープの長さ ただ,ロープの長さが,問題です. たとえば,コースの長さが,一周500メートルと,決められたら,ロープの長さは? 皆が困っていると,エンシュー・リツ,と,名乗る人が現れました. エンシューは "サンテンイチヨン・・・" と,呪文を唱えると "解りました.ロープの長さは79.5775387メートルです." と,答えました.
Sansoo country Episode 11
https://youtu.be/oMOAKkO3BsY Episode 11: Rope Length The only problem is the length of the rope. For example, if the length of the course is set at 500 meters per lap, how long should the rope be? While everyone was puzzled, a man named Enshu Ritsu appeared. Enshu said, "Santen ichiyon..." And then, "I understand. The rope is 79.5775387 meters long." he replied.
サンスー国 第10話
https://youtu.be/6obl4CJ1r64 第10話:ジョギングコース この国では,健康のために,毎日,ジョギングしなければなりません. 走る距離は,年一回の,健康診断の結果によって,決まります. コースは,丸い形でなければなりません. 真ん中の棒から張った,ロープを一周させて作ります.
Sansoo Country Episode 10
https://youtu.be/FQU51iKudG8 Episode 10: Jogging Course In this country, you are required to jog every day for your health. The distance to be run is determined by the results of an annual physical examination. The course must be round. The course is made by looping a rope stretched from a pole in the middle of the course.
Sansoo Country Episode 9
https://youtu.be/b-t0DjRbGig Episode 9: Actually Brothers Hayhoe and Lippo said. " Actually, we at the Kong. We are brothers. We are glad we could be of service to you." People talk about other members of the Kong family, for example, Die Kong who dyes his hair green. Cue Kong's specialty is to give directions with a round face. We had a lot of fun talking about it.
Sansoo Country Episode 8
https://youtu.be/xIh8q92xVm8 Episode 8: A helper comes to the rescue If the size set by the government was 8,000 cubic meters or something, it would be 20 meters on each side, right off the bat. I understand, but it was difficult to calculate for 2000 cubic meters or so. While everyone was in trouble, a man named Lippo Kong appeared. He looks foreign again. Lippo says, "HITONIGOKU..." He says the incantation, "I see. It is 12.5992104 meters on each side. And then...answered.
Sansoo Country Episode 7
https://youtu.be/ZWNA98IeRiU Episode 7: The Size of the Storehouse In this country, there was a rule to prevent the size of warehouses from being disputed. The size of the storehouse for the following year was determined according to the previous year's harvest. Moreover, the storehouse had to be dice-shaped so that the size of the storehouse could be easily checked.
Sansoo Country Episode 6
https://youtu.be/VKtiOnwqM1Q Episode 6: Troubled Circumstances If the area decided by the government is 400 square meters, it will be 20 meters on a side. As you can see right away, it was a difficult calculation with 200 square meters. When everyone was in trouble, a person called himself Hayhoe Con apparently a foreigner. When Hayhoe cast the spell "Hitoyohitoyoni..." "Understood, it is 14.1421356 meters on one side." He replied.
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