Sansoo country Episode 5 Episode 5: The size of the field In this country, there is a rule so that there is no conflict in the battle for the field. It was that it matches the previous year's harvest and the next year's the size of the field would be decided. Moreover, the size of the field must be square so that it is easy to check.
Sansoo Country Episode 4 Episode 4: River Flooding Another problem arose. After heavy rain, the river seems to flood. Wahru in front of an overflowing river cast the spell "Bun-no,bun-no...", the water in the river keeps decreasing. Now they don't have to worry about floods anymore.
Sansoo Country Episode 3 Episode 3: Not enough tree branch Something troubling happened. They ran out of mountain tree branch. In front of the remaining tree branch, Ka-keru said, "Bai-no,bai-no ..." When he cast the spell, tree branch increased more and more. This is that they no longer have any problems with tree branch.
Sansoo Country Episode 2 Episode 2: Friends One day, Ka-keru appears in front of them. From the power of Ka-keru, it doubles or triples what happened. One day, Wahru appears in front of the three of them. From the power of Wahru, it is to reduce what happened by one-half, one-third. The four of them became friends.
Sansoo Country Episode 1 Episode 1: Tass and Hik Once upon a time, Tass and Hik lived. Every day, Tass went to the mountains to get branch, and Hik went to the river to do laundry. From the power of Tass, it is to add. He adds branch more and more. From the power of Hik, it is to eliminate what she doesn't need from her life. She eliminates stains from clothes.
Long Dream full story 0:00 [Episode 1] Boring Everyday 0:31 [Episode 2] Nostalgic youth 0:57 [Episode 3] Battle of Sekigahara 1:25 [Episode 4] Humiliation of Kanossa 1:50 [Episode 5] Battle of Red Cliff 2:20 [Episode 6] Little Match Girl 2:52 [Episode 7] Son Goku 3:26 [Episode 8] The French Revolution 3:51 [Episode 9] As usual 4:19 [Episode 10] Memories 4:41 [Episode 11] Death
Long Dream Episode 11 [Episode 11] Death After covering Masao's face with a white cloth, the doctor said, "It's time to die." "But he looked so happy at the end of his life, like he was dreaming a long dream." A photo of Akiko, who died 10 years ago, was smiling on the desk.
Long Dream Episode 10 [Episode 10] Memories Certainly there was a pot of leftover curry from yesterday in front of him. He hugged Akiko for the first time in decades without thinking that it was all right. Memories of Akiko ran through Masao's mind like a revolving lantern. Something like a white veil came down on Masao.
Long Dream Episode 9 [Episode 9] As usual When Masao woke up it was his home. Yes, what about Akiko? going to the kitchen. Akiko was there as usual. Masao said, "Oh, I'm glad. Were you okay for seven days?" When asked, Akiko said, "What are you talking about? There's no way that yesterday's today will change."
Long Dream Episode 8 [Episode 8] The French Revolution When Masao woke up, it was the Palace of Versailles in France. Commoners' dissatisfaction reaches its peak had reached Masao escapes from the palace, but is caught on the way and put to the guillotine. There was already at the guillotine his wife, Marie Antoinette. It was Akiko, goodbye Akiko.
運転しながら頭の中を垂れ流し ※音質わるいです🙇🏼♀️
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