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【🐦X】@hironan_bo (中の人…ボー氏) #ヒロなん
https://suzuri.jp/fuji_hiron #suzuri
スピーカー 1
9月2日 おはようございます。藤原ヒロです。 Good morning. I am Hiro Fujiwara.
藤原ヒロのなんなんやろ。この番組は夫のボー氏、友達のしーさんとの雑談系ポッドキャスト番組です。 This program is a podcast program with my husband's husband, my friend's son.
今回はかなり遡って、6月13日に収録した雑談です。 This podcast was recorded on June 13th.
とても雑な知識で、適当に心理テストをしているという、いつ配信してもいいやーっていう内容だったので、うっかり3ヶ月ぐらい経ってしまいました。 It was a very rough knowledge, and I was doing a psychological test at random, so it was about 3 months ago.
適当でもいいから、自分も心理テストやってみようかなという方は、今すぐA4の用紙と鉛筆をご用意ください。 If you want to do a psychological test, please prepare an A4 paper and a pencil right now.
絵を描いてくださいっていうやつやったじゃないですか。 I did a drawing test, didn't I?
心理テスト? Psychological test?
そう、あれちょっとね、触れるの忘れてたなって思って。 Yeah, I forgot to touch it.
そやそや。 Yeah.
あれ、後語りで結果喋りますわって言ったけど、私の記憶が曖昧すぎて、いろいろ間違ってたというか、描いてもらうものもただの気を描いてくださいじゃなくて、身のなる気を描いてくださいっていうテストをやったらしくて、ちょっと違うから、今日改めてやってみてもいいですか? Can I try it again today?
やってみたい。 I want to try it.
で、これ一応ね、なんか、あんまりにもふわっとしてる情報、私の中であんまりにもふわっとしてたんで、一回ネットで調べたんですよ、これ何のテストやったっけなって思って。 So, this is just a piece of information that was too vague for me, so I looked it up on the internet. What kind of test was this?
で、やっぱ、もちろん心理テスト、ちゃんとしたその心理学の現場で使われるような臨床的なテストらしいんですけど、 Well, of course, it's a psychological test, a clinical test that is used on the spot,
なんかね、私がそのテレビとかどっかのこう記事とかで簡単な情報として仕入れたやつなんで、大元がHTPテストっていうものか、なんかバウムテストっていうものなのかどっちかわかんないなって思う。 I don't know if it's a HTP test or a Baum test.
そういうなんかね、心理学の方向で調べていくと、むやみやたらにそれこそやって、素人判断はどうのみたいな感じはあるんですけど、それをめちゃくちゃもっとライトな感じでやりますね。 I mean, if you look at it from a psychological point of view, it's like you're just going to do it without thinking, and you're not going to make an amateur judgment.
これは一応そのね、HTPテストっていう方向を遊びとしてやるっていう回にします。 I'm going to do this as a play.
これは家と樹木と人物を書いてもらうことで、深層心理を調べるっていう性格検査らしいんですよ。 This is a personality test where you ask people to draw a house, a tree, and a person.
この間は、木と家を書いてくださいってざっくり言ったんですけど、そうじゃなくて、それこそA4の紙一枚に、本当は鉛筆で全部、家も樹木も人物も一枚の絵の中に書いてくださいっていうテストらしいですね。 I said, please draw a tree and a house the other day, but it's not like that, it's a piece of A4 paper with a pencil. Please draw a house, a tree, and a person in one picture.
スピーカー 3
なるほどな。 I see.
スピーカー 1
なので、本当は鉛筆がいいけど、私今手元に鉛筆がない。 So, actually, a pencil is good, but I don't have a pencil in my hand right now.
鉛筆あります。 I have a pencil.
あります?じゃあ鉛筆で書いてください。ボー氏にはボールペンで書いてもらいます。 Do you have a pencil? Then please write with a pencil. You can use a ballpoint pen for the hat.
スピーカー 3
スピーカー 2
You're writing it separately?
スピーカー 1
The SHTP test is a method of writing a person's name on a piece of paper.
So what I'm going to do now is the SHTP test.
So it's not an HTP test, it's an SHTP test.
I'll correct it.
As a point of caution,
people who are not confident in their drawings may be confused,
so it's better to draw a picture that you've worked hard on than a picture that you're good at.
Please draw a picture that you've worked hard on.
スピーカー 3
Please draw a picture that you've worked hard on.
スピーカー 1
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
So it's not about being realistic,
it's about drawing a person or a house or a tree in your heart.
スピーカー 3
Is there no more restriction on the number of breaths?
スピーカー 1
I think so.
I think so.
This is amazing.
I'm looking at it randomly,
so there's a great possibility that it's wrong.
This time,
This time,
I'm going to draw a house, a tree, and a person on a piece of paper.
スピーカー 2
You don't have to do that.
スピーカー 1
If it's random...
スピーカー 2
If you don't know, you don't have to do it.
スピーカー 1
Let's do it.
スピーカー 3
Let's do it.
スピーカー 1
Let's do it.
スピーカー 3
Let's do it randomly.
スピーカー 2
If you don't know...
スピーカー 1
Let's do it randomly.
スピーカー 2
What's the result?
スピーカー 1
In order, please draw a house first.
Please draw a house now.
スピーカー 3
Yes, I'll draw a house.
スピーカー 1
スピーカー 3
Sideways? Vertically?
スピーカー 1
You can draw it however you like.
Yes, please draw it however you like.
スピーカー 3
I'll do my best.
スピーカー 1
Please draw it as hard as you can.
スピーカー 2
スピーカー 1
For the house, please draw a chimney, too.
スピーカー 3
スピーカー 1
You're so fast.
スピーカー 3
I'm done.
スピーカー 1
Are you done?
Next, please draw a tree.
スピーカー 3
スピーカー 2
Anything is fine.
スピーカー 1
A tree is a tree with a trunk, but...
Can I draw a tree without a trunk?
スピーカー 3
It's difficult.
スピーカー 1
As a concept...
I'm not sure about the result.
スピーカー 2
Anything is fine.
スピーカー 3
Doesn't it look like an important point?
スピーカー 1
As long as I see the result...
I don't think I need to draw a tree.
If I don't have a tree, I don't need to draw a tree.
スピーカー 3
I think it's better to have a tree.
スピーカー 1
As a result...
スピーカー 3
I got the result.
スピーカー 1
スピーカー 3
The chaos of the hat is amazing.
It looks like chaos.
It looks like chaos.
スピーカー 1
It's really chaos right now.
Lastly, I'd like you to draw a person.
Please draw a whole body, not a human being.
It's difficult.
スピーカー 3
What do you mean?
It's difficult.
スピーカー 1
It's not a human being.
It's not a drawing of a person.
It's a drawing of a person.
スピーカー 2
Isn't it the same?
スピーカー 1
There's a big difference in expression.
スピーカー 3
Maybe I should draw clothes, too.
スピーカー 1
It's up to you.
スピーカー 2
I should draw a face, too.
スピーカー 1
You can draw a face.
スピーカー 3
I'm done.
スピーカー 1
スピーカー 3
Can you take a picture of it and share it on LINE?
I sent it.
スピーカー 1
You balance the whole paper, right?
You put it on the screen.
スピーカー 3
That's right.
スピーカー 1
If you're listening to this,
If you want to try it,
Please pause for a moment.
I think it would be nice to draw a picture.
スピーカー 2
In order, draw a house.
Draw a tree.
スピーカー 1
Draw a tree.
スピーカー 2
スピーカー 1
I'm going to tell you the result now.
Please pause for a moment.
So, the result.
It may not be accurate.
I'll tell you what I think.
スピーカー 1
First of all,
Let's look at the size and pressure of the whole picture.
This is...
I drew a lot of paper.
The pressure is solid.
I think Mr. C is like that.
That's right.
The pressure is solid.
スピーカー 3
That's right.
I drew a lot of paper.
スピーカー 1
This is...
It is stable because it can control the mind,
It seems to be in a slightly introverted state.
I don't know why it's introverted.
Even though it's stable.
If you draw a lot of paper, but the pressure is weak,
スピーカー 3
It seems to be in a state where it is forced to act energetically.
I didn't think of the option of not drawing a lot of paper.
スピーカー 1
The hat is partially drawn now.
スピーカー 2
It's about this.
スピーカー 1
It's very tilted.
It's about half the height of the paper.
スピーカー 2
I was going to draw it in a square.
スピーカー 1
Draw it in a square?
That's right.
スピーカー 3
I see.
スピーカー 2
I was going to draw it in a square.
スピーカー 1
I'm using A4 paper vertically,
I drew it while thinking about making it a square.
I think the hat has a smaller picture overall.
The picture is small and the pressure is strong.
It's a ballpoint pen.
I don't think the pressure is that weak.
This is also in a slightly introverted state that can control itself and is stable.
I think the person who drew this is wrong.
Then it's just a random person.
People who draw a lot of paper are not extroverted.
It's strange that it's exactly the same.
スピーカー 3
That's true.
スピーカー 1
That's a little random, too.
I'm sorry.
Please look for it.
Please look for it.
Does it make sense to ask?
I guess the smaller the picture, the more introverted you are.
If the picture is small overall and the pressure is weak,
it seems to be in a weak state of mind.
Also, is there a place where the picture is cut?
It means that there is an unsolved problem or conflict in the pattern shown in the picture.
スピーカー 1
But the two are not so cut off.
It's not on the screen?
The top of the tree is cut off.
スピーカー 3
I see.
スピーカー 1
Both are neatly settled, so it's probably okay.
スピーカー 2
What if the tree is cut off?
スピーカー 1
I think it's a story about the pattern that the tree and the house symbolize.
I think it's all.
Please listen to half of the story.
Does it make sense to do it?
Well, well, well.
First, about the house.
The size of the house represents the value of the family to you.
If the house is small for God, you think you don't need a family.
If the house is big, the value of the family is high, and you prioritize your family over your job.
The size of the house is amazing.
スピーカー 3
It's like a tree house.
スピーカー 1
I see.
What is this?
What did you imagine when you drew the hat?
I thought it would be a tree house if it was a house and a tree.
I'm scared.
スピーカー 3
It's like a birdcage.
スピーカー 1
I'm sorry.
So you were really going to draw a tree as the main character.
スピーカー 2
The size of the house.
If it was just a house, I'd draw a house.
スピーカー 1
If it was just a house, it would have been bigger?
スピーカー 2
If the house was the main character.
スピーカー 1
C's house is pretty big, isn't it?
スピーカー 3
That's right.
スピーカー 1
It's a pretty big house.
I think this is the size of the house I would draw.
If I were to draw a house, a tree, and a person, this is the size of the house I would draw.
I drew it with the feeling of a house I want to live in.
I think I'll definitely draw it like that.
That's right.
I want to see it.
Tree house sounds fun.
スピーカー 3
As a result of C, the value of the family is very high.
スピーカー 1
It's about windows and doors.
The more windows and doors there are, the more human relationships there are.
スピーカー 2
There are a lot of windows.
スピーカー 3
There are a lot of windows.
スピーカー 1
I want to incorporate light into the windows.
It's very active in human relationships.
The house has no windows and only one door, so it's very closed.
スピーカー 2
But isn't the role different?
スピーカー 1
For example, when the windows are completely closed.
Let's go to the one that's open.
It's open.
When it's completely closed, I don't want to be stepped on by others more than necessary.
It's not that bad.
The second floor is okay.
When there's a curtain on the window.
It's hanging.
It's not closed, but it's hanging.
I want to have a relationship with someone, but I don't want to show my true feelings.
スピーカー 2
It's hanging.
スピーカー 1
It's like a person from Kyoto.
スピーカー 3
It's hanging.
スピーカー 1
I'm holding it with a ribbon.
But from the perspective of wanting to live in a house like this, I think I understand it.
Psychologically, that's what happens.
So it's an element that can be placed on the window.
Chimneys show affection from others.
The higher the chimney, the higher the demand for others.
The height?
Yes, the height.
スピーカー 2
It's a similar height.
If it's a chimney like a bathhouse.
スピーカー 1
It's really high.
Is there anyone who writes such a house?
It's like you're asking for a lot.
Is there smoke coming out?
This is...
スピーカー 2
C-san, it's coming out.
スピーカー 1
C-san, it's coming out.
スピーカー 3
It's coming out a lot.
スピーカー 1
I know it's dark.
スピーカー 2
Is there a hole in the top of the chimney?
Tree leaves?
スピーカー 1
Is it a hole in the chimney?
I don't know because the perspective is messed up.
It's not coming out.
スピーカー 3
This means that if there's smoke coming out, it's asking for affection.
スピーカー 1
Three of them are coming out.
But it's not asking for a hat at all.
It's not coming out.
スピーカー 3
You're right.
スピーカー 1
You're right.
Next, trees.
As you can see from the picture of the tree,
this is an unconscious self-portrait.
If the whole tree is big,
I think both of you will enter the big one.
It's rich inside.
The thickness of the trunk shows the stability of the interior.
スピーカー 1
The picture with a solid root has a more stable interior.
Both of you are probably...
スピーカー 3
It's a pretty solid picture, isn't it?
スピーカー 1
スピーカー 2
I don't think it's enough to support the house.
スピーカー 3
It's pretty solid, isn't it?
スピーカー 1
The tree of the hat.
It's enough to support the house.
Next, leaves.
Leaves indicate the relationship between oneself and others.
The more leaves there are, the more sensitive people they are.
But the tree is very soft.
スピーカー 3
It's very soft.
スピーカー 1
It looks like a lot of leaves,
but the way the hat is drawn is really good.
スピーカー 2
It's like an afro.
スピーカー 3
It's all leaves, isn't it?
スピーカー 2
It's all leaves.
スピーカー 1
Then it's a relationship, isn't it?
スピーカー 3
I think it's a relationship.
スピーカー 1
Next, flowers and fruits.
You can draw flowers, too.
Flowers indicate the opposite sex.
Fruits indicate children.
The more flowers there are, the more interested they are.
If you don't have to draw a hat, you don't have to draw a hat at all.
I'm not interested.
Mr. Hoshii has a lot of flowers, so he's very interested.
スピーカー 2
I only know the image of cherry blossoms.
スピーカー 1
Is that so?
I have a flower of a tree in my garden.
That's a small tree.
I only have the image of a big tree.
I have a flower of a big tree.
スピーカー 2
Like cedar?
スピーカー 1
Cedar also has a flower.
I don't know.
It comes out from there.
If this tree is a dead tree,
Some people draw dead trees.
It's like winter.
スピーカー 3
This person feels inferiority and powerlessness.
スピーカー 1
Some people draw broken branches and trunks.
If there is a hole in the tree,
スピーカー 3
If there is a hole in the tree, it means there is a trauma.
スピーカー 1
In that sense, the two are quite stable.
スピーカー 3
If you were good at drawing, you might have drawn Uro.
Uro is difficult.
スピーカー 1
You can tell if the tree is drawn in the center of the paper or on the right or left.
C is on the right.
If you draw on the right side of the paper,
You are unconsciously trying to dominate the other person.
スピーカー 1
The hat is...
スピーカー 2
It's above.
スピーカー 1
It's not above.
スピーカー 3
It's in the middle.
It's drawn more to the left than in the middle.
スピーカー 1
It's not in the middle.
It's a little to the left.
It is said that there is a tendency to escape from reality internally and externally.
Internally and externally?
It is said that there is a tendency to escape from reality internally and externally.
If the tree is drawn in the center of the paper,
It is said to be mentally stable.
There are so many elements.
What you can tell from a person is...
It is said that it shows the self-image and feelings for others that you are aware of.
The picture of a person to God...
Are they both small?
スピーカー 3
It's small.
スピーカー 2
There is a house.
スピーカー 3
It's small.
スピーカー 1
Compared to the house...
In proportion to the house...
スピーカー 3
It's like this.
スピーカー 1
It's realistic.
It might be a little big.
スピーカー 3
It was difficult for people.
スピーカー 1
Both people are drawing people in proportion to the size of the house.
スピーカー 3
That's right.
スピーカー 2
Is it realistic?
スピーカー 1
It's realistic.
If the picture of a person to God is big,
It is said that it has confidence in itself, is active, and has a firm self-assertion.
On the contrary, if it is small, it has no confidence and has low self-assertion.
This area is a little realistic.
スピーカー 3
I matched the size.
スピーカー 2
Mine is smaller.
スピーカー 1
Overall, it's small.
Isn't the hat too big for the size of the house?
スピーカー 2
That's true.
スピーカー 1
For the size of the house...
I can't draw the size of this house.
When the person is running or waving his hand...
Is Mr. C waving his hand?
He is waving his hand.
When he is waving his hand, he is full of energy.
I am very satisfied.
He is full of energy.
On the contrary, when he is injured or sick,
It is said that he feels that you are also having a problem with that area.
The hat is a little...
The person is climbing the house.
スピーカー 3
This is cute.
スピーカー 1
It's cute.
スピーカー 2
I'm just looking far away.
スピーカー 3
He is looking far away.
スピーカー 1
He is really looking far away.
It's a tree house.
スピーカー 3
It's like someone is coming from over there.
スピーカー 1
This is a self-portrait that he is aware of.
スピーカー 3
It's cute.
スピーカー 1
He is aware that he is looking far away.
スピーカー 1
It's a tree house.
There are other elements in the picture.
If there is a thorn in the picture,
Both of them don't have thorns.
This is feminine.
It seems to depend on people.
Both of them don't have thorns.
And a bird.
Both of them don't have a bird.
In the case of a bird, it seems that it has hope in a cheerful mood.
I thought I could draw a bird.
スピーカー 2
Even though you weren't told?
スピーカー 1
Even though I wasn't told.
If there is a bird here, I think it will be a good balance.
It's like a painting.
It's like a painting.
When I think of the sky, I want to draw a bird.
スピーカー 3
In my work, I often draw birds in the sky.
スピーカー 1
I think I can draw a bird.
When there is an empty bird,
It seems to have a sense of loss and helplessness.
Isn't it amazing to draw an empty bird?
スピーカー 2
Because it's a tree.
スピーカー 3
I think I can draw a bird on a tree.
I think I can draw a bird on a tree.
スピーカー 1
I think so, too.
スピーカー 2
Don't you have a river?
スピーカー 1
Is the river a different theme?
I don't have a river here.
I saw a test to add a lake.
It's a different test.
It's a psychological depiction.
There is, but it's not in this explanation.
If you draw a beehive,
It seems to have a goodwill to others.
It seems to expect goodwill from others.
The treehouse is not a beehive.
スピーカー 2
No, no, no.
スピーカー 3
I'm a beehive.
スピーカー 1
The birdhouse and the beehive are different.
That's right.
If you draw a small insect,
スピーカー 3
You two don't have one, do you?
スピーカー 1
The birdhouse is dependent and immature.
It seems to be self-sustaining.
スピーカー 3
I see.
スピーカー 1
I don't think it's in my mind.
It's a small insect.
You don't have a mountain, do you?
スピーカー 3
No, I don't.
スピーカー 1
If you draw a mountain, you can't leave your parents.
You two don't draw the sun, do you?
スピーカー 3
No, I don't.
スピーカー 1
For example, if there is a sun on the right and a shadow on the left,
It seems to be the result of trying to understand yourself and take a step forward.
スピーカー 1
Conversely, if there is a sun on the left and a shadow on the right,
It seems to be in a state full of motivation.
And clouds and rain.
You two don't have clouds or rain, do you?
スピーカー 3
No, I don't.
I should have drawn clouds.
スピーカー 1
But I'm glad I didn't draw clouds.
スピーカー 3
Is it negative?
スピーカー 1
When clouds and rain are drawn, it seems to be doing a hidden job.
スピーカー 2
I see.
So it's not just what you're told.
スピーカー 1
It means to draw a picture that includes it.
That's right.
But I don't think I'll draw it on my own.
スピーカー 3
I don't think I'll draw it on my own.
スピーカー 1
Even if you say something so simple as a topic,
I don't think you'll want to draw it.
スピーカー 2
I'm already wearing a hat.
スピーカー 1
It was so small that I couldn't tell.
Is that a hat?
スピーカー 2
A black hat.
スピーカー 3
I thought it was an Iwaguri.
I thought it was an Iwaguri.
スピーカー 2
I have a cane in my hand.
スピーカー 3
Is that a cane?
スピーカー 1
I thought it was something.
I think it's an element that you want to draw on your own.
スピーカー 2
I was going to do this.
スピーカー 3
I was told to draw as hard as I could.
If I had more time, I might have drawn more.
I might have started drawing laundry.
スピーカー 1
The story is gradually being created.
When you're surrounded by flowers, butterflies, insects, and insects,
When you're surrounded by flowers, butterflies, insects, and insects,
In this case, you want to be pampered.
This is scary.
A black frame.
If you draw a black frame on the picture,
It seems to have a desire to commit suicide.
It's like a house.
It's like a house.
When there's a cloudy sky and fog.
I think it's hard to draw this.
スピーカー 3
The fog is quite difficult to draw.
スピーカー 1
This is a sad and painful feeling that the relationship with the outside world is not going well.
Each person has a different style of drawing.
The state of being drawn.
Including the pressure of drawing.
Each house, tree, and person.
If you look at each of them more psychologically,
There are a lot of elements that you can understand.
I think there was something about whether or not to draw the ground.
There's a lot of information about that.
I'll leave it at that for this time.
スピーカー 3
It was interesting.
スピーカー 2
Please let me know if you can understand it.
スピーカー 1
I think it's best to go to a clinic with a clinical psychologist and do it properly.
スピーカー 2
Including the family.
スピーカー 1
It's probably easy to introduce it on TV.
It's rough, but it's roughly like this.
スピーカー 3
I'd like to do it with my husband.
スピーカー 1
Please do it.
スピーカー 2
Do you know?
スピーカー 1
I don't know.
スピーカー 3
I don't think I know.
スピーカー 1
It's easy to understand.
When I asked you to draw a house, a tree, and a person,
I didn't know how big the house was.
The house is really small.
スピーカー 2
I thought I'd just have to know that.
スピーカー 3
Is it a treehouse?
スピーカー 1
Chimney and smoke.
That's right.
You came up with the idea of a treehouse.
スピーカー 3
Is it a house you admire?
スピーカー 2
I wouldn't say I admire it.
If it's a set, I think so.
スピーカー 1
If it's a set, I don't think so.
Both of you were very convincing.
スピーカー 3
スピーカー 1
I understand.
スピーカー 2
I understand very well.
Maybe you have a desire to climb.
スピーカー 1
Maybe I have a desire to climb.
To a high place?
I want to climb a high place.
スピーカー 2
That's what kids do, right?
スピーカー 1
For me, going down the mountain is more fun.
It's only hard to climb.
But it's more fun to climb, right?
スピーカー 2
It's more fun to climb, right?
It's more fun to climb, right?
It's more fun to climb, right?
スピーカー 1
It's more fun to climb, right?
Even if you go hiking,
it's not about the scenery.
Didn't you talk about your desire to climb?
スピーカー 2
Didn't you talk about your desire to climb?
I guess so.
スピーカー 1
It's not about the scenery.
How about you, Ms. C?
スピーカー 3
I want to climb.
スピーカー 1
I want to climb.
Both of you want to climb.
The picture you drew is definitely a picture of a high hill.
That's right. It's a picture of a hill.
スピーカー 2
It's like Switzerland.
スピーカー 3
It's a picture of a hill.
スピーカー 1
I definitely drew a picture of a flat land.
スピーカー 2
I drew a picture of a tree.
スピーカー 1
It's amazing, isn't it?
The situation is amazing.
スピーカー 2
I think you're the one who's climbing the most.
I'm climbing to the top of the roof.
スピーカー 3
That's right.
スピーカー 1
That's strange.
Why do you want to climb so much?
スピーカー 3
I want to climb when I was a little kid.
スピーカー 1
You're treating me like a little kid.
スピーカー 3
Do you remember when there was a girl who went missing?
Do you remember when a professional volunteer came and rescued her?
スピーカー 1
It was a girl.
スピーカー 3
Was it a boy?
A boy?
It was a boy.
A professional volunteer said,
The child will climb higher and higher.
You can find her there.
スピーカー 1
When I went up there, she was there.
I see.
スピーカー 3
I feel like I remember something.
How many did you do?
スピーカー 1
I think it became a big news.
スピーカー 2
I see.
スピーカー 1
That's right.
The boy's heart...
スピーカー 3
It's instinct.
スピーカー 2
I remember.
It was Mr. Hayashi.
Mr. Zelish.
スピーカー 1
That's right, Mr. Zelish.
スピーカー 2
It was a topic with Mr. Zelish.
I've climbed Mt. Atago, but the scenery wasn't very good.
I didn't care about that.
スピーカー 3
What do you mean by the scenery?
Do you mean the scenery at the top?
スピーカー 2
That's right.
It's not a place with a good view.
It's not a place where you can look down on the town.
Mr. Atago said,
I didn't care about that.
I was satisfied with just climbing to the top.
That's the difference.
It's not because the scenery is good.
スピーカー 1
There are people who say that the scenery is the best when climbing is a topic like what is good about climbing.
It's not there.
I think I'm looking forward to it.
I feel like I want you to blame me for the scenery.
I'm not happy with climbing in the first place.
But in order to see the scenery,
I'm not interested in climbing to the point where I think I don't need this scenery.
But it's fun to go down.
スピーカー 3
Because you can go home?
スピーカー 1
Because I can go home.
スピーカー 2
It's fun to go down.
スピーカー 1
Once you know the whole picture of the road you've come down,
you can finally enjoy the scenery around you.
スピーカー 3
It's completely different.
スピーカー 2
Because you don't have an adventurous spirit.
スピーカー 1
After knowing everything,
スピーカー 2
You feel relieved.
スピーカー 1
I feel relieved.
I'm looking forward to seeing the scenery again and raising the resolution.
スピーカー 3
I see.
スピーカー 1
It's not amazing to see a scenery you don't know.
スピーカー 3
It's fun to know it once, but it's more fun to see it again and raise the resolution.
スピーカー 2
When I went to Dubrovnik,
There's a mountain next to the city.
It's like a cable car.
It's not a gondola, but it's a cable car.
You can go to the top of it.
There were a lot of people riding it.
There's also a hiking trail.
It's a mountain where you can climb even if you walk.
It's a tourist attraction.
There's a sea, a mountain, and a town.
It's a tourist attraction, so everyone gets on the cable car.
It's about an hour away.
It's a low mountain, so I thought I'd take a walk and climb it.
I was going on a hiking trip, but I was wearing hiking shoes.
I was wearing trekking shoes, so I thought I'd take a walk and climb it.
There was no one there.
I'm the only one.
スピーカー 1
I don't think so.
スピーカー 2
It's like a gravel road.
I thought it would be hard to go there in sneakers or sandals.
There was no one there.
スピーカー 1
Did you have fun?
スピーカー 2
It was fun.
I came all the way here, and I was wondering why I had to ride a gondola.
I came all the way here, but I thought it would be a waste if I didn't climb with my feet.
It was fun to walk along the way.
It was fun to climb along the way.
When I got home, I walked down the mountain.
There were a lot of people up there, and they were waiting for the cable car.
スピーカー 1
Do you think you should climb it if you're a tourist attraction?
スピーカー 3
I've been to Dubrovnik.
スピーカー 1
I had a completely different way of spending my time.
スピーカー 2
Can't you climb a mountain?
スピーカー 3
I ate and drank.
スピーカー 2
I've been there a lot.
I've been there three or four times.
スピーカー 3
I ate and drank at a restaurant with a nice view.
スピーカー 2
Is that in the old town?
It's in the old town.
It's like a theme park.
スピーカー 3
It's like a real Disneyland.
スピーカー 2
It's like a stone city.
I don't know what you're talking about, but it's like Dejima in Nagasaki.
It's like a city in contact with the sea.
スピーカー 1
It's like a pig in Kurenai.
スピーカー 3
It's like a model for Ghibli.
スピーカー 1
It's like a port town.
スピーカー 2
It's like a port town.
スピーカー 3
I haven't eaten anything in there.
スピーカー 1
On the contrary, I think they're both on a journey to see what they're going to do.
For me, I don't feel like I'm eating.
スピーカー 2
But I did drink at night.
スピーカー 3
I went to the next city where the drama Game of Thrones was filmed.
スピーカー 2
I think it's a part of the scene.
I think it's coming out.
スピーカー 1
It's like a fortress city.
スピーカー 2
But I climbed a mountain.
スピーカー 1
I like to climb.
I can't choose.
スピーカー 2
It's written on the map.
スピーカー 1
I can't choose.
スピーカー 2
I like to climb the stairs among the three of us.
Don't you know there was a cable car?
I don't know.
スピーカー 1
Oh, really?
スピーカー 3
Is it new?
I think I've been there before Game of Thrones.
スピーカー 2
I don't think so.
It was about 10 years ago.
スピーカー 3
It's been more than 10 years.
スピーカー 2
It's been 15 years.
スピーカー 1
Don't you even remember there was a mountain?
There was definitely a mountain.
スピーカー 3
There was a mountain as a view.
スピーカー 2
I didn't want to go up.
スピーカー 3
You didn't?
スピーカー 2
I think I was able to do it later.
There was a cable car at the entrance of the city.
It was close to the city.
スピーカー 1
Didn't you think of climbing if there was no cable car?
スピーカー 2
I was in the same room as the hotel where I stayed.
I was told by an Australian that I had climbed a mountain.
So I decided to go.
スピーカー 3
Me too.
スピーカー 2
I thought I'd give it a try.
スピーカー 1
I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me.
スピーカー 2
But I saw the map and there was a mountain trail.
I thought I could do it.
Oh, really?
I couldn't find the entrance to the mountain trail, so I couldn't go at first.
スピーカー 1
The sensor sensitivity was also high.
There was something you could climb.
スピーカー 2
If I couldn't climb it, I'd climb it.
スピーカー 1
I don't think it's a mental improvement.
I don't think so.
スピーカー 3
I don't think it's a mental goal.
スピーカー 1
It's just fun to climb.
スピーカー 2
I don't think it's possible for three people to climb.
I was alone.
スピーカー 1
You had to be careful.
スピーカー 3
You weren't alone, were you?
It was just the two of us.
The shoes weren't trekking shoes.
The shoes were like sandals.
スピーカー 2
You can't do that.
スピーカー 1
Even if you know, you can't do that.
スピーカー 3
But I want to climb a mountain.
It's impossible for a while.
It's impossible for a while, but I want to climb it.
So when I get back, I'd love to.
スピーカー 1
By all means.
スピーカー 3
First of all, from Daimonji.
スピーカー 1
From Daimonji.
スピーカー 3
See you later.
スピーカー 2
It's hard to say.
スピーカー 1
Isn't there Takamatsu?
スピーカー 3
There seems to be a lot of mountains that are easy to climb.
スピーカー 1
There are a lot, aren't there?
スピーカー 2
Yashima is the same.
You can climb it.
スピーカー 3
Yashima is...
I can climb it, but...
Is there a mountain trail?
I've seen people climbing along the car road.
While walking on the sidewalk.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
But it's near the road.
But it looks like there's a hiking trail.
スピーカー 2
It's about as far as I got off the horse.
スピーカー 3
I got off the horse.
スピーカー 2
Yoshitsune in Minamoto.
スピーカー 1
That's right.
スピーカー 2
You can climb it.
スピーカー 3
There are a lot of mountains that look just right.
I want to go there soon.
スピーカー 1
This is a behind-the-scenes story.
The picture that Mr. C and Mr. Boshi drew this time
will be uploaded and linked in the summary section.
If you want me to try this psychological test next time,
or if you have a request for a topic,
please feel free to let me know.
Messages to Hirona are always welcome.
I receive them in the message form, comments on the listen,
or in the message column X,
so please see the summary column for details.
I hope you have a good time this week.
Thank you for listening to the end.