1. earlyのつぶやき
  2. earlyの一人1on1〜この3ヶ月を..
2024-03-30 30:04



Hi, this is Koe-Nikki.
Today, it's been a while since I've been filming at night.
I usually film during the day, but my family is quiet, so I'm filming secretly.
That's why my voice is a little hoarse.
At the end of March, there is a company that celebrates the end of the year.
So today, I'm going to look back on these three months since the start of the year.
How was it for you guys?
I'm looking back on my calendar right now.
And on the way, I'm going to look back on my so-called compact diary, which I haven't been able to attach recently.
I'm going to look back on these three months, but I don't know where my book is, so I'm looking for it by hand.
Is it behind me?
It's not there. Oh, I found it.
It was on the floor.
So, looking back on January, I was the first to burn out.
There was an earthquake, a big earthquake.
Well, in January, I was pretty sick.
It was a little painful that the rhythm of survival collapsed.
This time, I was the first to have a corona earthquake.
I had an earthquake, and then my family had an earthquake.
I couldn't move at all in about half of January.
In the beginning of the year, I studied something.
I digested something like Google's security or something.
February. February was February.
I feel like it's been a long time since I had planned it.
I thought things would go smoothly in January because of the coronavirus, but it didn't go that way.
On the contrary, I felt that I couldn't do what I wanted to do, even though there was no such thing.
In February, I was most moved by Audrey's All Night Nippon in Tokyo Dome.
It was priceless.
But after that, I hustled on February 1st.
I didn't write anything on February 1st.
I sang a song at a live performance in front of people.
A commemorative live performance.
Something like that.
In January, February, and March, I felt like February was the earliest.
There are days when there aren't many.
Well, there are a few because it's the year of the owl.
And now, March.
In March, I was busy in February.
I had a lot of things to announce.
It was around the beginning of March.
I was wondering if I could afford it.
It's a bad habit to stuff it in again in the second half.
I wonder if it's a bad habit.
When I'm asked to do something, I'm happy to do it.
But as a result, I'm really glad I bought it.
I was motivated to do something.
That was really good.
I think I was able to get good results.
I think I can move on to the next one.
I have a lot of respect for people who invite me like this and try to liven up the community.
If I have the opportunity to launch it myself, I would like to do it.
I've done it before, but even if I can't do it, I'd like to contribute if I can support it.
So, after all, I think that there is a limit to what can be done silently alone.
I wonder if it can't be helped if I do it in my house.
On the other hand, as someone said the other day, input is important to fill in what you've used up.
I wonder if there is such a place.
What was really good today was that I went to the dentist.
I had a tooth that I treated a long time ago.
If you look at it, there was a back of the so-called silver tooth.
I thought it would be necessary to peel it off and treat it for several weeks.
The bacteria was a little bad, and the stuff that covered it was inflated.
As a result, it was said that the back of the tooth hurts depending on the bite, so I had it adjusted.
I feel like it still hurts a little, but it seems like it hurts more when the resistance is weakened.
By the way, it's been three years since I had a proper examination.
The dentist removed the tartar from the tooth.
As a result, it seems that it was good because nothing else was said.
I feel like I'm definitely looking back at the cavities again.
The dentist himself took a look.
After that, I got all the tartar removed, whether it was the assistant or the dentist.
Half a year later... Oh, I see. I want to make a plan in half a year.
How can I do that? I want to make it a routine.
Oh, I was just looking at the calendar.
I'm going to the dentist at the end of March.
Triangle... September?
It's a little hard to go all the time, so it's the last book in September.
What is it? Saturday, September 28th.
I don't think it's going to be very good.
What should I do?
Well, it's okay.
Is October 1st okay?
Let's do October 5th.
It says October 5th is the worst.
Okay, then...
Let's make a reservation a week in advance.
Make a reservation on the 28th.
Make a reservation.
All right.
I'm glad I turned around for this.
It's like that.
The rest is...
It's a future plan that can't be turned around.
I'm not good at making plans for a break.
It's Golden Week.
Should I take a break?
Golden Week.
If I take a break once,
10 consecutive weeks.
I don't think I'll get a penalty even if I take a break.
I want to take a break.
Should I take a break?
But it can't be helped if I just take a break.
But that's it.
Children have school and kindergarten.
While taking a break...
That's right.
Like last year, I went to Tsukuba Rinrin Road by bicycle alone.
I'd like to make some time and try it.
Actually, I'd like to take a walk by bicycle tonight.
But it's really one-pattern.
It's a one-pattern that only does that.
I want to go.
But if I go now,
It's just a sauna.
But I guess it can't be helped.
I'm tired of riding a bicycle.
Well, I'm not tired of it.
I see.
It's Golden Week.
Should I go to a gym or something?
That's it.
New Year's goal.
Become an engineer.
It was to play.
Are you playing?
Can you say you're playing?
Well, play.
There is a play.
I wonder if there is a play.
The calendar is full of plans.
But there are places where I want to do it.
And the results are overflowing.
But what about that?
If I get angry, I'll do that.
If I'm in trouble, I'll do that.
It's impossible not to try to do everything perfectly.
It's not a snack, but...
I wonder if I can do it.
By the way, shoes.
Rain boots.
What are you wearing?
I've been wearing Rain Boots that I bought from Workman.
Well, the size is...
I don't have that much variation.
My feet are a little big.
The width is long.
I don't think there are many Rain Boots.
Last time, trekking shoes.
Waterproof trekking shoes.
Trekking shoes.
It looks like this is good.
What is it?
There's yellow, too.
If I buy it anyway,
Isn't it good?
Oh, this is really good.
It just happened to come out.
I set the theme color to yellow.
Are you recommending this to me?
I think yellow is practical.
This is really good.
What brand is it?
I don't know.
I don't know if it's a good brand.
Trekking shoes have a pretty uniform design.
It's like protecting your feet.
But I think this yellow is really good.
I want waterproof.
I've been wondering about this for a long time.
If you buy shoes at Rakuten,
I don't think there are many sizes.
I think there are only about 28 sizes.
I think there are quite a few on Amazon.
Size, size.
There are only 28 sizes.
Well, it's okay.
It can't be helped if it's not 28.
I want to choose a smaller size.
It says it's a little big.
But I think 28 is a little small.
I want to find out.
What kind of shoes are you wearing?
Trekking shoes.
Something like this.
Last time,
Natsumugu from Dongle FM said that it was interesting to have a podcast where the story unfolds.
I'd like to try it out.
What is your goal in life?
I don't know if it's been a month or a year.
I feel like I'm getting rich.
To be honest,
I don't know if it's a bug.
What I want to say is that there is a bonus.
It's a so-called small business.
It's twice a year.
To tell you a cold story,
I'm very grateful for the bonus I got.
It's a few days worth of investment.
So this is what the famous Toma Piketty said.
I don't know if it's something like that.
Last year,
To be honest, there was only one company that had a bonus.
I was really excited about the bonus system at the company I work for now.
To be honest,
I'm very satisfied with my usual salary.
I thought I'd use it as a bonus.
Last year, I bought a bicycle that I wanted for a long time.
What was it?
It's a Brompton.
I bought a Brompton, which is famous for its high-end origami bicycle.
The yellow one was really good, but there was no yellow one.
It's blue.
As I bought a Brompton, I didn't think I'd use it this time either.
But when I started buying things,
I thought,
I can't reproduce my desire to buy things.
This gold one is good.
What I want to say is,
It's not waterproof, it's waterproof.
I said it before.
Water leaks.
That's what happened.
I had to fix the room.
It's going to cost a lot of money again.
I'm pretty excited.
Let's look it up.
But I don't know if there's any room for improvement.
I'm sure the bath when this is reformed...
I might stay there for the rest of my life.
As long as I don't move.
I wish I had a bath that could stretch my legs.
At one point, my family moved to a place like Tawaman.
At that time, it was a big bath that could stretch my legs.
I'm a little big.
I don't want the current bath at all.
But I don't think there's an average adult bath that can stretch your legs.
In the first place, it's great that there's a bathtub.
I can say that, but...
People who have a lot of money...
There seems to be a wooden bath at home.
It's going to cost a lot of money.
I've been looking at Twitter because it's been a long time.
I'll set the last day and the last day to the last day and the last day to the last day.
But it's interesting.
That kind of content.
But it's really...
It's annoying.
Like the famous photo.
Well, how will I live in the future?
I think I'm a little tired.
It's because I'm talking slowly.
Should I go to bed?
Should I go to bed?
I'll take a little walk at the end.
I had a good time, but...
Well, yeah.
It was great that my teeth were okay.
So today...
I'm going to fish.
Oh, I see.
I went to the bookstore, but I didn't want any books.
I wanted a book by Ikegaya.
But what is it?
What do I want to be when I say I want to be an engineer?
I want to be an engineer.
I want to be able to move things by myself.
I want to make it.
But after all...
It's impossible to do anything by yourself.
It's impossible, but...
I can collaborate.
I have the power.
Oh, what is it?
I was talking...
I thought...
There are no perfect people.
When I talked to him before...
When he said that at that time...
I wonder if it was such a conversation.
I sometimes think that.
After all...
Well, it's a conversation with myself.
Even when I talk to people.
I have to do something about the shortfall.
It seems that the shortfall boom is coming.
I want to be able to express what I want to express.
I want to be able to express my strength.
I wonder if he's doing something all the time.
It would be amazing if he was doing it.
He's not doing it.
It's good.
After all...
You're getting bored on the way.
Well, whatever.
Yes, so...
It's just right.
It was Arlie's one-on-one.
Oh, isn't it good?
Arlie's one-on-one.
One-on-one is about 30 minutes.
Let's make the title one-on-one.
Arlie's one-on-one.
Oh, isn't it good?
Let's start with one-on-one style.
One-on-one is about 30 minutes.
Recently, one-on-one is about 30 minutes.
To sum up...
Looking back at the past three months.
Looking back at the past three months of this year.
That's the theme I've been working on.
I wonder if I can do it.
Well, I don't think it's red.
Can I say green?
I don't know.
I don't know if there are people who will appreciate it.
But if people accept it, it may be a truth.
Oh, the discovery of the world is over.
Is it over?

