1. Voice Jouranal For English Learning
  2. #002 I've Started A Podcast
2025-01-06 01:08

#002 I've Started A Podcast

  • 全体的に私はスタッカートになりがち。一語一語区切りがち。
  • functional words をもっとずっと弱く発音して良い。content words は強く長く。
  • strategies の2回目のtはflap tになる。
  • 過去形より(アナウンスメントの)現在完了は強く発音する。
  • b, d, g で終わる単語は強く長く発音する。たとえば aloud。
  • recordingemllallowme 難しい
  • functional words は grace notesである。できるだけ速く弱く発音する。
I've been evaluating both my guitar practice and English study strategies and I've started a
podcast. Having said that, there will only be recordings of me reading my journal posts aloud.
For a while, I'd been reviewing my posts after writing them but I usually did it in batches
or just winged it. I believe recording them will allow me to go into greater detail.
Lesson is a podcast platform that recently became popular in Japan and the platform documentation
is available in English. It has a good reputation for automated AI transcription.
The transcript for my recording was generated in no time but the part where I meant to say
year-end came out sounding like ear-end. I need to practice the pronunciation of Y.

