1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 前からYouTuberになりたかった?
2022-05-07 10:01



welcome to Kevin's English room podcast hello so um mm-hmm the episode just
before yes last mm-hmm one more challenge mm-hmm and we answered to the
question right yes and actually there are two questions one was the grammatical
English question and the other was the osumeno band oh right right hard rock
k not a little city to take it to the see this was the second question so we
just let's just quickly sure sure sure sure sure
talk to you look yeah yeah if you have any favorite rock band hard rock band hard rock yeah I don't know any hard rock band hard rock
yeah okay I don't listen to a hard rock actually hmm okay yeah hmm so you don't
have any I guess not do you um hard rock well hard rock I'm not a hard rock lover
I don't listen you know so many and I'm not professional at all yeah at all yeah
but um hard rock huh I like babymetal hard rock or not it's the real little
heavier than that I guess John row of its own yeah yeah yeah three girls yeah
yeah they're doing heavy metal yeah yeah yeah of them mm-hmm all like on you
this is a scene no he likes you this is a scene no bundle then on 1975 I think
you introduced that yeah it's not hard rock but kind of rock band mm-hmm like
yeah I don't actually me too I don't listen that much hard rock band yeah so
I'm not I'm not professional some of the ones that I've heard of AC/DC yeah when
I was in the US AC/DC was so big yeah very popular um uh kiss mm-hmm I guess
that's it oh really yeah mm-hmm or like Green Days ah yeah rock band rock band
yeah Green Days and Foo Fighters mm-hmm that was also very popular yeah yeah back
then mm-hmm maybe not too but um like I like um that's a Japanese hard rock band
called RC Succession mm-hmm I like them oh it's really hard rock I'm not sure he
will like this band but well it's really obviously famous band yeah you already
know about okay mm-hmm so that was it all right yeah yeah we didn't we didn't
answer this question yeah right yeah yeah okay so now the uh can I sure yeah
yeah go ahead so it's from not Chico San Rochka San thank you okay thank you
yeah oh sorry this is Mon desu mmm yeah top to the yo to suit your e no kei are no
minasan desu ga yeah my channel Kevin kunwa
kodomo no koro furikaita toki ni ima no gojishin no sugata o sozo suru koto wa
dekimasu ka mukashi kara hito mani tatsu no ga tokui dattari
bunshuu ni show like bigになるって書いていたりはたまた到底今の仕事に
good question yeah good question do you for me no never never I I still am not
looking to be an influencer or like a social media guy yeah like I that's that
was not really what I wanted to do like it just turned out to be this way sure
that was how my career kind of it was kind of like a go with the flow kind of
thing you know we found an opportunity we went for it and we we kept it going and
it ended up like this so it wasn't that I wanted to be you know I it's not that I
wanted to have be my own like you know I didn't want to be a not that I didn't
want to just it's just it yeah I never had any strong desire of being a like a
tech talker a youtuber yeah a social media person personality and I still
don't yeah right so when I was young I didn't think that this was gonna happen
at all but I guess looking back and in high school I was in the drama club
right so I guess I was in the performing side like you know yeah
yeah I guess I was but the only reason I went for the drama club was I first of
all I didn't want to go join a un dobe because I heard that the un dobe in
Japan was really strict and yeah yeah I didn't want to do that so I went for the
bunka K yeah and I and I around the end of middle school in the u.s. and I did
like a play like a school play thing where everybody has to do it and I kind
of enjoyed it so I was like no I guess I go for that yeah yeah that's how it
started so no I never thought I was gonna be you know doing things like this
mm-hmm I didn't think I was gonna be doing this like four years ago yeah yeah
sure four or five years ago I didn't think this was gonna happen right yeah
school what about you oh it's like really similar to you I always wanted to
be a professional football player mm-hmm so in that you know in that way I wanted
to be in front of people sure if you wanted you have eyes yeah a lot of and
you know you play football and good play and crowd will you know happy you know
well if you interpret as and same as the same but and after that after the
University I wanted to be a you know musician singer I perform in front of
people and people like enjoy that you know music and yeah that was my dream
when that is my dream still mm-hmm so that that's it yeah but I've never think
of a sort of any like this yeah yeah and I know same to you I've never wanted I
mean I never had a strong desire to become a youtuber influencer yeah I'm
not you know I'm interested in in that part yeah you know I'm rather like into
like doing things in front of people or like making connection with people or
like have real conversation like this like actual face-to-face digital right
yeah yeah so that's what I like so yeah yeah yeah very understandable yeah yeah
so I've never imagined that I'm creating videos and putting video content on on
YouTube which is which are you know edited and yeah no I've never imagined
yeah yeah yeah but um he can't mean I'll go on this talk I'm also there about
well in that case no I wasn't he can't mean I'll go sound uh-huh I was play
around shouting and you know be a got you got you what that kiss got you yeah
say the high things so I love those but oh yeah but you know this is a little
different from that true yeah sure I guess you were more of a
leader kind of yeah like alpha I like that yeah do you like being a leader if
they want to be if they want me to do so be okay okay I don't want to be like
like for somebody or like say order something to it to somebody I don't I'm
really not uncomfortable uncomfortable with those situation being a dictator
hmm but um if they trust me and if they like choose me then I would be so happy
that I that I can serve them uh-huh I see yeah I see well it makes sense yeah
all right thanks for sitting guys thank you bye bye

