1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 好きな事をやって皆から嫌われ..
2021-02-28 13:33


I'm trying something new in this episode to keep this podcast sustainable! There might or might not be an ad in the middle of this podcast.

welcome to Kevin Zing's room podcast
how ya doing?
isn't it hot here?
it's a little bit hot
what's wrong?
you good?
I'm good
you good? okay
so today I've got a message from 24k.in
thank you
hello, I always listen to your podcast
thank you
this is the ultimate question for you and Kevin
yeah I'm ready
do whatever you want, but get hated by everyone around you
you can't do anything you want, but get loved and respected by everyone around you
which one is better?
I'm rooting for you
it's a really hard question
thanks for the message by the way
yes, thank you
oh, it's a...
do whatever you want, but get hated by everyone around you
you can't do anything you want, but get loved and respected by everyone around you
I would probably choose the second one
you can't do anything you want, but get loved and respected by everyone around you
I think that's...
I would value connections with people
I think that's really a core thing to your mental health
having connections with other people
if I lose that, I feel like I would not be mentally healthy
yeah, what do you think?
actually, it's a really tough question
it's the ultimate question
yeah, me too
I think I'm gonna take the second one
well, actually, when I...
it's about when you die
when you finish your life
for me, it's a problem of me after I'm dead
you die
I die
I really want people to remember me after I'm dead
and think about me and hopefully thank me
so maybe I choose the second one
you know
you want to leave a legacy
but there are some legendary people that
who did everything he wanted while he was living
you know, in the environment that no one liked
no one supported
but he still pursued his passion
or the thing that he thought that was the truth
and after he died
and like 500 years later
we love him
worship him
you know, that can happen
you're satisfied with that outcome
that can be help
like other people
for children or grandchildren
I mean that
so if you were to choose the first one
which was you pursuing what you love
but having your surroundings like completely hate you
ultimately you'd be respected
would be the kind of the jokan for that
it's not something that I do everything I want
you know
just pursue what I think is worth for the future
like if I believe that like strongly
then I don't care about other people even if they don't trust me
don't disagree with me
but if I think that's right
I think that's a good way of living
that's tough but
but I think I choose the second one
hey guys Kevin here
sorry to cut you off in the middle of the episode
I'm trying something new to keep this episode sustainable
there might or might not be a 30 second or 60 second ad
right after this cut off announcement
so yeah I just wanted to inform you guys
so that you guys won't freak out
how much like
I do feel like when you choose the first one
and you're
you believe in yourself so much
that you don't really care about what other people think
but like you
I do I feel like I'm still looking for that one person who agrees with me
like I would
I would so crave for that
like I'm not sure if I can go on 50 years without breaking my heart
in a solo journey
you know I
I don't know if I can
if I have that much of a tough mentality
I'm not confident about that
so I would go with the second one
me too I really want someone who trusts me
but that's not gonna happen when you're alive
yeah it's only gonna happen after several decades after you die
are you gonna choose
like you can only feel happiness when you're alive so
I would go for
but if you believe that's one thing is worth in the true
your life is gonna be tough in that situation but
I kind of understand that way of
I do see the beauty
living to your true core value
belief right
that I understand
but do I value
but are you gonna
are you going to give up the short term
like short quote-unquote short term I mean like the whole life right
the short term validation
and the short term acceptance
and the short term emotional connections with other people
that would that would that would fulfill
that would make your life so joyful
and emotionally found and enjoyable
I just I don't I just don't have the tough mentality to live the first one
my answer would be the second one
all right
that was a great question by the way
that was a good question
what if you were like
your core belief was to like kill people
like you
you deep inside you feel like people are need to be killed
people who are not
cooperative in society
should be killed
what if that's your core belief
the more controversial it gets
the the more people
the more people that's gonna go away from you
when you're trying to live out scenario one of the question
I feel like it has to be a very controversial belief
like killing people
everyone's gonna hate you for you doing you following that belief right
if it's like a if it's in the gray zone kind of
some people are gonna be like oh hey I know that I understand that
and you're that doesn't fall into the scenario
if you're gonna if if it's
if you actually bring that scenario one to life
it's gonna be very
it's you're gonna have to be doing something that's very you know
taboo and very you know
hmm yeah
what I thought was just simply no one likes me
mm-hmm whatever I do
so if I
actually I was thinking of writing a novel or making music
or paint something
uh-huh so all right but people are gonna love you
people people are gonna like hate you for that
maybe maybe like do you know about
go and Picasso
the people around him hate
because of the characteristic right not because of what he was doing as a painter
but his personalities made him very difficult to love
like if you're an asshole that's that you're talking about like if you're an asshole
and then like pain itself weren't
like it was a stigma it was a social stigma
yeah like they hate that pains and nobody loved
oh really yeah okay told that he that
trash really yeah
so no my thought was
even you know I can't change my belief
so based on that even even what I do this
that's gonna be not gonna be changed
but what if nobody loved me
even I do this what I believe
was my first second first option
you see what I mean
well I don't actually I never want to kill somebody
so that's something I cannot actually imagine
right so that you know what I believe
won't be changed in this situation
like like for example I like football
playing football that's not gonna be changed
okay I understand what you're saying yeah yeah
okay I imagine that world that nobody loved football
ah okay I understand yeah
if it was a football it'll be like you believing that
football would be a form of
sports currently not accepted by society
but in the future will be yeah kind of scenario like
yeah everyone thinks that you're a dumbass for continuing to pursue your
profession of soccer right right like it
everybody told me that you have to banish all that
right the football right it doesn't make sense
yeah right to continue bullshit and yeah got it I understand
people will kill me if I play football
oh that's a tough question though
you're I guess you're still kind of a bit hesitant yeah
for my answer I would go with the scenario number two yeah but you can't
do the things you want oh right
it doesn't matter do you I would live it up if if I had to deal
with everybody hating me I would okay I would give up my passion yeah
to be connected with other people okay all right thanks for listening guys
Bye bye.

