1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 大人「誕プレなにもらったの..
2021-11-23 12:42



welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
hello hello today we've got a message from you
son we gotta put the ad we got we got a our important ad yeah oh about what
about anchor
Kimi no Koi wo Todoke yo! anchor this that was so unnatural that was so weird and awkward
okay we are creating and distributing our podcast yeah using an app called
anchor it's got all the features you need to start your very own podcast too
yeah I don't know if that too was natural now I'm all skeptical with my
English oh no so it's free you can download on Google Play in the app store
yeah and try it out if you're interested yes yeah thank you go so today I've got
a message from you again thank you thank you
I work at a school that has a lot of kids who are in their teens and I asked my son what he would get for his birthday the other day. He said "money" and I was surprised. I thought I'd be so sad if I was his parent. But I thought it would be a big difference for him to get a belt and a lot of equipment in the game. How do you feel about that?
mm-hmm Wow Wow that's a new right that's a that's a but I like you son's
adaptability yeah there I like her flexibility like accepting the the new
norm the technology shifts yeah right understanding kids are playing that
video game and it's it's a it's a norm now they don't play outside anymore they
like to play that Nintendo switch yeah they like to play that PlayStation 5
yeah right that's the same thing as you get a Kamen Rider, Superman Heroes,
sword right like absolutely the same thing for them absolutely yeah that's
nice I bet you that like Kamen Rider and stuff like that were demonized several
decades ago as well right when when the norm of the kids were to play like play
hide-and-seek outside when the norm was like we're talking about like show
watch down here like we're talking when the norm for the kids was to play what
play what oh mama will toe right at the park yeah when all those new generation
toys came out like coming right yeah or like card games I bet you those games
those those were demonized as well uh-huh it's a it's a shift right it's a it's a
cultural shift so and you're saying the Kamen Rider Kamen Riders will be
disappeared yeah someday absolutely no absolutely no they will be gone someday
no they are the heroes they will never be disappeared it's it's just they are
heroes for the justice it's just they are in your heart yes but you can tell
that to the kids that are born five years from now they're gonna have no
idea what they are I mean sure they can still be the culture still could be
there but it's a it's a it it will it will be gone someday like I can I mean
they are still here they and they are and they are still there I until I got
until that that the the bad will be and I I agree I understand where you come
from they are I understand that there's nostalgia there in it but like man it is
it is going for a wrong run I feel like it's it's not going for long run or
something like that it's holding it in a super good job I think trying to beat
but but guys you know yeah I understand I understand they are they are there
until the one last bad guy will be will be the disappear the the Godzilla's yeah
the world yeah are so in that in that means yeah one day yeah it will be
disappear oh you mean when the evil are all destroyed and and come and light as
will be like save the world return to the their place uh-huh uh-huh all right
well got it and I will stop trying to persuade you what was the topic again
presently Nani go see not it that I cut yeah right right right what do you think
about that do you think that you think the kids are like just do you think
spoiled because I disagree with that if you say it's spoiled or like they're
they're playing too much video games spoiled what does that mean like they're
they're given too much they're given too much money they're given too much toys
they're privileged they're raised in a rich environment
oh they're soft okay mentally and and do you think they are rich you don't think
there is what do you mean do you agree with that oh I I feel like well I feel
like them asking for a cut keen as a birthday present is okay it's okay yeah
okay okay mm-hmm oh for me it's okay mm-hmm - but if I were a parent like dad
of this guy this little kid a little bit like sad a little bit okay yeah sad or
concerned or just sad will you be worried I yeah a little bit okay but
because like keen is really like you know I'm sorry about that I've never cut
in to any games so I'm not a professional but if my kid says that I
want to build this new game okay please buy me a computer and I would be happy
okay but you know just it's just he's on inside like he's completely like
controlled by the game I kind of feel okay that's what I don't like uh-huh you
know so how is that different from a kid asking for a new part new little ring
for a beyblade mm-hmm how is that different I mean like for me like those
beyblade or like maybe football like ball more like new bad football baseball
that's something you can use with friends you can build friendship you can
build relations yeah you can grow your you know human skills like face-to-face
things that's what I like personality mm-hmm so I don't know what is cooking
is exactly means to but uh if he plays alone in game like certain I don't know
what it whatever mm-hmm that's what I don't like personally okay how about
this yeah what if the cocaine yeah for a game where you can communicate with
other people from all over the world yeah it's an online game mm-hmm you can
interact with it you can fight against people or you can play in teammates with
complete strangers yeah right so you're gonna need communication right maybe
over text or maybe voice mmm but what about that which is the reality of
what's happening right now in the gaming world
really cooking means that those things well yeah it's highly likely okay hmm
yeah in that case that's the same thing likes like get coming like that toy mm-hmm
right now for those kids get cookies and play together mm-hmm so if that's
necessary yeah that's okay to me no but if but the question is if that's really
necessary or not okay to me I because I'm not I don't know about those
industries that much uh-huh so I'm gonna play those games uh-huh so yeah got it
but that's okay yeah okay to me all right for that reasoning it's okay yeah
yeah if it's that reasoning yeah got it yeah yeah what about yours I am
completely comfortable with my kids giving my kids a cocky okay okay if they
if they love the game I would yeah okay but I will still like even more happy
like more like even happier if they want to like build a game or like you know
um make new thing I have I want them to make new things like a coaching yeah
like not like like the same thing here like if you want to like my kids want to
like physical coming like that mm-hmm like thing now belt or whatever only for
the reason because all the surrounding surrounding kids have it mm-hmm and he
just want it because everybody have mm-hmm that's not happy to me okay so if
he wishes it for like for himself you know for for him right or like then I
would be happy in any cases but in any cases if if if not him to decide it
decided yeah if he is under like control of some some you know bigger thing mm-hmm
then I wouldn't be like quite happy like you're talking about like
insecurities and peer pressure yeah and social anxiety yeah right yeah yeah you
don't want to buy the toys for that reason yeah those reasons yeah got it
all like being controlled completely like one philosophy you know one heavy mm-hmm
like gaming world okay one you know got one certain huge I understand
been completely like controlled mm-hmm mm-hmm yeah got it got it yeah all right
this time sure all right thanks for listening guys thank you

