1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 初のオフラインイベントに関し..
2020-10-23 10:30


hey yo what up oh yeah welcome to Kevin's English podcast
yeah hey hey we are outside right now what time is it 538 okay is it this
dark 538 I don't think so look at the sky over there
wow the moon what where's the moon oh yeah the moon do you know how American
people call that in it because the key yeah I yeah I think there's a name for
but I don't know I three days a key right three days moon maybe yeah I don't
think so I don't wait does that come from what because like what does
Mikazuki come from three days like does it actually mean three-day moon yeah
what do you mean like because moon is spinning around yeah the earth yeah so
do you know have you ever heard about the kids today like moon age no no zero
day it's it's we can't see the moon yeah it's black yeah you know back you know
that in the shadow yeah okay the first day it's little like full moon is is 15
days I guess 15 days right okay and and you know it's spinning around and one
one spin takes 30 days one spin around the earth yes okay oh no not the the Sun
not a professional but you know
it's mama
what okay you got me what can you tell me what happened right there like you
just you just suddenly they suddenly you just stop talking they were just looking
at me and you okay like wow they're speaking in like weird language you're
talking about talking about the tube the two girls two girls that were like
probably elementary school you two girls that are looking at standing there and
looking looking at us yeah what language isn't and speaking loud yeah I kind of
got that but why would you stop no like be respectful like I don't want to be
seen like a stranger you know yeah I get you I get I get you all right so so
what about the three days the three date you know it is called gets late uh-huh
and in third day yeah on the third day yes it looks like that that's what it
looks like yeah it takes it takes 15 days to become full I yeah I'm pretty
sure that it was it was 15 days okay not sure what the math but it's a it's it's
it's a part of being right right is what you're saying got it got it got it right
I don't know so it could possibly be called the third moon maybe third day
moon maybe it could it's possible right with that analogy it's possible right
but we are yes we just took a video from from a house and what that video is is
for we're gonna be doing a an offline event yeah heads up guys we're gonna be
enough the first time right first time offline event and for the people who
bought the tickets we prepared a video just for them we're gonna be sharing
maybe maybe maybe a link I'm not sure what the logistics are gonna be but
we're gonna be sharing you guys a video and exclusive right video exclusive
video and hope you guys enjoyed that yeah we don't know when the dates are
yet right it's not so it's we've got a huge kind of sponsors like oh do we do
yeah yeah right the manager company right right and I'm not sure I can't
speak too much about the pricing but I'm gonna have to apologize first because it
might be a little bit expensive yeah actually it's not us that we like we
cannot yeah we're not really in control of the pricing so it might be I'm very
sorry if the price range is a little bit too high we're gonna set that first yeah
but uh you shared us an episode about the Hachino Koi Bito right and you said
there's something to add on to that yeah I couldn't speak about that but when I
was an elementary school student I had one girl that I was into yeah and at the
gecko nojikan yes it was a cold spring day yeah and snow oh you know
everywhere and I I created a little piece of snow yeah which was snowball
snow heart oh no heart like this this that's really cute like this big ice it
was rather ice you know ice and I I uh kizuru yeah and made it like oh it was a
block of ice yeah not like a snowball was more like a just a block of ice
chunk of ice yeah and I yeah right and made it into a shape of heart romantic
you know yeah it was a romantic boy and I gave it to the girl yeah whose name was
cowr-chan cowr-chan I sent me something if you listen to this but just cowr-chan
yeah anyways I gave it to her yeah I was like well you know I just happenedly
found this it was just over there and I just you know you're embarrassed right
to tell her that you spend your energy and time to scrape off into a heart shape
but it was just like you know over there and I I've just found that and then you know I just I
don't need it so I gave it to her yeah and she was and I hope she she was happy
but it's elementary school right I'm in elementary school and you know which year I
was fourth or fifth maybe yeah you know our parents like my parents and her
parents are you know kind of friend ah okay and later that the parents of
cowr-chan told that the cowr-chan was cowr-chan yeah she kept that in and she
put it into the fridge and she was kept shipping you know kept that
for for I don't know but a couple of months and I was so happy and that's that's so
cute yeah you're cute she's cute right it was so cute memory and I wow what a
story yeah like no one's everybody's everybody's a hero right it was such a
peaceful story is that so did you like go out with her or something or just I
know it's elementary so it's not like you know not a dating kind of dating
like kind of kind of yeah yeah yeah we were you know fuzzy moments yeah my good
friends and talked up you know but you know she went to a different junior high
school oh it's no yeah so yeah we've never met again you're not connected on
the internet or anything like that no I don't think so no okay so this is the
only way it's the only way right okay great memories huh yeah this is
something that I forgot to tell you guys yeah yeah when we talked about the
one-on-one hats go sorry sorry yeah right sorry man right really cute yeah
that's so cute scraping off hard yeah like whole
get one of the gun like that and you know I had to scrape my eyes and then at
the same time I had to chase cold jump yes so it was so such a romantic guy
yeah you are like a romantic aren't you yeah like you're you're not like you know
not now in a good way what do you mean in a good way you're romantic right
really yeah like like compliment to me yeah that's a compliment and and and a
diss at the same time okay but like you're quietly watching people okay
you're quietly it's kind of like I think I think you're you're smooth you're
really smooth with your eyes right which makes it to me it's a little bit
romantic really yeah you're a romantic guy too uh am I yeah you went to a cruise
dinner oh yeah right that was when I had to work hard for that girl I had my days
right and you have to get on the train right yes all right have a good trip
that's your hope yeah it's all right you're going back to your awesome house
thanks my awesome castle there's a romantic guy here again all right
bye bye guys thanks for listening

