1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 我々の初恋の想い出💘
2020-10-08 23:03


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Hello hello, you're listening to Kevin's English room podcast
I tried out a new voice. Okay, and I see you tried out a new voice too. Yeah, like the Santa Claus voice, right?
I I was I was uh, the the the the guy
Wasn't ready for that
Okay, yeah, I was yeah, I was not ready for that question. Okay. Who was that? Actually? That was the guy
Yeah, I was ready for that either I didn't I didn't expect to come back okay, yes
spot there
Okay, so
We've got a message, okay on an Instagram
The end
Right, I was expecting that
Hatsukoi no omoide wa arimasu ka?
Okay, great question, yeah, it's a sweet very sweet memory
Yeah, I have we've never talked about
Hatsukoi, yeah, you know, we don't really talk about our
Laying I story each other right, right. We hardly ever do
Like never actually never right. I don't
Know if you have a girlfriend or not. Hey, like I don't I don't know if kake-chan is
Still in a relationship or not. Like I don't right. I don't know right
It's it's really rare. It's rare. We never talk about it. There's not a question like this
We're gonna never talk about this topic like we don't know
Like if we have a plan like if we're together and you have to go somewhere I
We don't ask
Right, we hardly ever
Go into the zone, right? Right, right, but that's a form of respect though, by the way, I think okay, but do you have it?
Well, I thought you have no interest
mm-hmm about
romance, right I
Well, I at a certain
level I do okay, like I
I'm interested in like if if if
If we're like what kind what kind of a girl you're into like that type of right like the strike zone
Yeah, like I'm interested in that and I
But so do I yeah
right, but like
Like I am interested in like the details of your
Of like what your
Naomi is but like it's not so much to the point where I right like
It's a form of respect. Yeah, like it all goes down to that
I think like it's it's I think it's respectful not to ask. Mm-hmm if they don't want to talk about it
Mm-hmm, so I don't go for the ask. Okay, that's that's that's probably like the right what's going on here, right?
So you don't by the way, you don't want to talk about that. Well
No, no, you know something I don't want to talk about. It's just that I
Have nothing to say, okay, you know like no not in like public but oh no between between me and you like
Is that something you don't want to talk no, I very open open so about talking about relationship, okay, and um
Like talking about who I'm interested in right now or like how I'm feeling about stuff, right? I'm I have I'm
Very okay. We're talking about that. Okay
The reason why I don't talk about it is because I don't
Don't need
Well, I mean it's what value are am I adding to you by telling you that information like if it's funny?
Yeah, I would tell you okay, but like
It's like an yeah, like a like how is that valuable to you? Okay, right?
Like merit-based. I don't think you have any merits, right?
Well, that's a point. Yeah
Okay, so anyways, so that's a rare question yeah, that's a real situation
Mm-hmm. I've never heard about
My first love right. All right. Let's talk about it. Yeah, so the first love my first
There's actually two I think oh two hands one. Okay one was in um
When I was in elementary school, okay
Was in Georgia
I'm sorry, Kentucky to be very specific. Okay, I've never published this but I was actually in Kentucky for a little bit. Oh
my father's job, so
My my history is very complicated. I was in Kentucky for just a few I think months before going to
Yeah, so there was a time when I spent my school years in the Kentucky and there was a
There was a girl named Yuki Chan Yuki Chan, right? She was a Japanese. Oh the only
In the school, okay, right and we had similar looks right? I had I had the Asian look
so I had this connection towards you can I
But we were never in the same class. Oh, I think she was like a senpai. Oh one year senpai. Okay elementary school senpai
I don't remember but like I think like six or something. Oh, that's
Yeah, and um, I used to like I
Wanted to talk to her but like I I was too shy. Okay, I was a little boy in elementary school. Yeah
Elementary school. Yeah elementary school. So like I didn't know what like love was
I didn't know like I didn't know how to approach girl
Like I was shy so like I didn't I couldn't talk to her but like one day she came up to me Wow
Yeah, she was like
Do you want to use this density show?
She she knew that I was Japanese. Yeah, somehow. Mm-hmm. Probably heard it from my teacher or something
Yeah, and she came up to me and she like in Japanese. Oh, really?
This is a density show
And I was like I had I did not I was too nervous
Yeah, I was I did not reply like I think
I was way too nervous to to handle the situation. Oh
cute cute, right cute boy cute boy, and I was uh
Completely fell in love with her. Okay, but of course nothing happened
Like I I didn't have the courage to talk to her or anything
so I'm just going by and I think that was like the first I
Guess the feeling the fuzzy feeling that I had. Okay at that point. I didn't know it was a love
I just I just was really interested in here. So cute. I love yeah, so that was like the first kind of like
The the occasion where
Love-like yeah thing happened. The second was an actual love actual date, right?
Okay, it was a high school high school. It was a
Believe was like second year high school. Mm-hmm. No, I think first no second second. I think second. Okay, and um, I
Already in Japan, right? I'm learning Japan right and uh
It was a girl
Same age. Okay same age, but the different class. Okay. It was a friend of a friend
Right a friend of friend. Okay
Good situation. Yeah, and
me and my
Friend who was I was in the the drama club. So this girl was in the same drama club same age
that girl
Friend, okay, right in a different club, right?
we there was a time where
All three were together like she was with the friend and I was with her
So we met okay, right? That's a great a good usual
Right situation love story. Love is right right that happened and we exchanged at that time. It was a gotta K. So
Address address made other this. Yeah male address and we started
mailing okay, and then at the
Shuga go ryoko. Oh
Yeah, it was at the sugar crew call that's a good that's good situation right I think um, I
It so sugar co there's the guy room yeah, yeah
Oh, don't go bear. Yeah, girl's bear and the dashi bear had like we're all split
There's so many gun dashi so like okay for each room for guys in each room. And then I was like, I think I
Something's gonna happen tonight. Yeah, right
Right, right right
Right, and I told all my guys to my roommates. Okay, get the fuck out of my room. Oh, right, right, right
Yeah, okay. So she came into my room Wow. Yeah
Did you invite her I don't remember the the details did I ask her to I
don't remember if I was like I asked her if she to come into my room where she said can I come in where I'm
Or she was like where we were like, let's meet somewhere or something like that. I don't remember the details right but like
You into my room you made your room like empty you clean up. Yeah, I I made all my guys go out
Poor guys. Yeah, okay and um, we
Sat in the room we talked for like 10 minutes
Oh seemed like an hour right right and then I can't imagine that yeah, and then I said let's I
Like you I want to go out with you and she said yes. Oh, and there we go. That's but though we never
We never kissed or anything on that room, okay, just just saying we never held hands I was too nervous to hold hands
I just tell I just thought that I you you love her
Yeah, I just told her that I loved her and I wanted to go out and she said yes and that ended okay, right?
And she she got out of the room and then all the guys came back. Okay, we you know, we had a party, right?
The fun part right having the party with the guy nice, right
But that relationship didn't only lasted for like three months three months. Yeah only went on like
one date
What we never kissed we just I
Don't think we held hands
Why I don't remember
But she had a club. She was on a club. That was very iso. Gashi. Okay, didn't I have time?
Yeah, and um
We I know get go get go get go together like several times but like did not go in a like date date
Okay, that only happened like I think once or twice
Right and then
Right, and then we decided to break up Oh
happened because maybe you to decide
We didn't not have time together at all which made the relationship
Die, okay, right
All right, so well that's a I think it's like a typical high school kind of first love
Really think no, what do you mean typical?
Like isn't this typical like for like the first love kind of like it doesn't work out. Oh
Maybe not. Yeah, maybe yeah, okay, but you know
The sugar local situation that's the different class situation. Yeah, the French friend situation. That's a typical one. All right
Tell me about you. How are you?
I remember
You know, I had a lot of koi, you know, I know you do
I know you do so I have these light little koi. Yeah, every time
every single day every single day, so
You know, it's really hard to say which which was my
True Hatsukoi. Okay, but I remember when I was a kindergarten student
There were a teacher called Akko sensei Akko sensei, right? She was really cute
Okay, and I was in love with her. I remember that okay. Yeah, and and she was so kind
Well, that's natural. She was teacher. She was a teacher, right?
And I went to a kindergarten and I went to her to speak to her
Hello, like Konnichiwa and try to play with her. Uh-huh. And she was so kind and cute
Uh-huh. She she played with me kind of me. Yeah, and I was so happy
That's what I remember
And I if my memory was right I wrote a letter to her Wow
I graduated from very romantic. Yeah, and you know, she gave me a nengajo. Uh-huh for several years
Yeah, I did it. Yeah
That's my
Hatsukoi. You were a romantic guy from the get
Really? Yeah, like send her a letter. Yeah, that's pretty romantic. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, I remember
This the ssbd died where we played together
You were in the kind of my yeah, horonigai horonigai. Oh my days
Sway died
During kindergarten. Yeah, bittersweet memory at ssbd died. How old do you think she is right now?
Oh, you know when I was
she was
I'm that's the first teacher. She was so like I guess like 24. Yeah. Yeah like that four or five maybe three
Yeah, maybe so
How old usually kindergarten is like?
What kindergarten teacher would be like after graduating from university?
That I know some of the go back a lot to years two years, which is like 20
No, 20 20 because after graduating high school you will be 18, right?
The first year of university would be 19, right? So the 20 yeah, 20 or 21
Yeah, she was pretty much like 20 or 21. And how old is the kindergarten student me? I was
for three or four
So 17 year difference right which means you're 25 right now
25 plus 17 is 42 Wow
I can't imagine
Akko sensei is being 42 years old
But I really want to
See her again, uh-huh and know how she
Hope she remembers you. Yeah, I hope so
Like I I I'm really curious if like the school teachers like every year they
They look after the kids that graduate right and I wonder how much of that
How much of them do they remember? Right? I'm pretty sure that they don't remember all the students. Yeah
but I
Think there are some students that they remember
I believe Akko sensei remember me. Yeah, as we you know
the exchanges they die Oh
This is the name. Gojou for four quite a long ears like
Not ten years, but uh-huh eight
Seven years, so I hope she remembers me
Hope so. Yeah, how about your how about your hats koibito? Okay
Koibito, ne
All right. I remember one
When I was a first grade
Mentor school. Mm-hmm first grade elementary school. Yeah, it's not that you know the real yeah, it's a
Girlfriend, right? Right, right, right, right, but
It was first year second year
Elementary school that was Lena Chan. Okay, and
She was in the same class. Mm-hmm and
You know, she was kind of little bit like boss
Girl, yeah, right and
I was kind of
Boy boss. Uh-huh Steven. Okay, and she was girl boss
Uh-huh and did some can't got a little bit you and the other John
Yeah at the beginning that because she was boss girl and I was both boy and a little bit, you know
Conflict between boys and girls and did some little kanka and beginning. Yeah, but
Through all these, you know, can't got a car. We're getting know each other a little bit like, you know feeling like
Oh, okay. She's just cute
In one day I remember she
After school, you know, no one in the classroom and they're only me and Lena Chan
I didn't know remember the reason why but they were Lena Chan and me and she
Not in one friend one girlfriend. Yeah. Okay, so two girls, right? Okay, and suddenly she invited me like took my
hand and bring me to the
To that to the toilet room
the restroom
the girls
Okay, and bring me into the you know that the stall right cost cost it stall
She brought me into that stall and she came inside and she locked the door. Uh-huh
Oh, oh my yeah, and and she was coming closer to me and wow kissed me
mm-hmm, and I was like
Wow, uh-huh and
She said something that which I don't remember and she she get out
from the restroom
That what a boss yeah, that is some you lost man
That was my
First girlfriend Wow that that became your girlfriend like yeah, you know that event right made
You know, but it's not like dating right? You're a first year elementary, right?
Yeah, I get it. But you know for me and for her that was my our first
Romance, right? Yeah, that's that was my first time that we you know
That feels that that I'm a man. Doki-doki. Yeah, I don't get a feeling right now
That was really Doki-doki situation. That was yeah, like I'm hearing it now. I feel the Doki-doki
Right. Yeah, that's pretty Doki-doki
You know, that was my first time entering to the
woman's restroom
Right, that was Doki-doki to Doki-doki to me
Yeah, you know, it's interesting I'm glad I got to hear your your first romance episode that was a pretty rare inch
That was long rare. Yeah, I was she moved to different town. Okay
After next year. Mm-hmm without saying, you know the real goodbyes
So I remember in we exchanged Nengajo. Mm-hmm
Still actually. Oh, that's great. Yeah, I ever thought about meeting her what ever thought about meeting her, you know, I
We've never met no again, but
but you know, we
We can if we want. Yeah, but you know, that's
You know sweet memories. So right that's
But I wanna yeah, it's me huh
Okay, so Rina-san if you're listening to the podcast right yeah, it's a miracle right
Alright, thanks for listening again guys. Yeah, that was a long episode by the way. Yeah. See you in the next episode. Yeah. Bye. Bye
Bye bye.

