1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 人生の岐路だと思った時
2021-03-17 12:25


Coming to Japan was a huge deal.

Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
All right, so what do you got us for today, okay
I've got a you know, as I told you before we Japanese people learn most
Oh, yeah, you told me that several episodes ago. Yeah, so this is from I am kyeong-chan
Okay through the malls Wow
You receive them more signal, yeah
Where on my house when?
You look through your window you found a signal. Yeah
I'll believe you. Okay
Can I read as a Japanese sentence or?
Most for more, you know if I can't I because I don't read more signals. I don't know. So please do Japanese
I'm sorry about that
It's not an issue. Hi Joe, so city today toります. Kyo-wa message or more the single the source inして me. There you go
There you go. Yeah, which is a do it. Yeah. Yeah, we got of course
Satay since menokai all the time. I got a couple of the die-hard. No, I got a good no give all to us a car. I must go a lot
This song oh you love the song. Yeah, you know the song to each the Kimerito. Can't any of you are all right?
I don't know what to do. Yeah, this is me. You just say no killing no he took toになるなぁと少しドキドキし
Beautiful story. Yeah
Thank you, thank you for the message here
Big decision, huh?
But I think we've I've articulated this in the past episodes
But like I don't think there's a mistake in life
I mean the the the choice you make is the choice you make in your life. That's the one and only
Choice you'll ever make right at that moment. So that's
That's that and you will never have a chance
Compare it with the other route. So the one you choose is the one you choose and like, you know
Gotta do your best. Yeah that decision, right? Like
You saying that, you know looking back you're saying that you
Following that husband and
It was a good choice, right? Mm-hmm in hindsight, so
You don't know what the alternative was. You don't know how life would have been right if you didn't choose to follow him, right? So I
Don't think you know, there should shouldn't be any worries
You know my perspective at least
also saying that
What is the biggest turning point right? You know whether the result was good or not. Yeah
But simply about the turning point
Definitely me coming to Japan was a huge decision for me that really flipped my life
Another was deciding to quit my first company and getting off that cliche Japanese rail
Like the salarymen. Yeah, the stable life as you would call it
So yeah getting off of that rail was also another big decision that I've made in my life
Asking out that girl
In college was a big decision because I spent several years with her. That was a big decision, too
And I don't regret any one of them. Mm-hmm. That's great. Yeah, I get
So the biggest would probably be me choosing to go to Japan the biggest would be I would have to say, right?
You got something
Wonder friends, maybe
So how long did you go to friends? I was just one year. What are you right?
but you know I was in a
Usual high school Japanese high school, right and there were no one
Went to a pro. Mm-hmm. We all just study to enter the university and write some castle. Yeah
That was the first time in that I me
Became a little different, uh-huh
For me you expressed yourself. Yeah the reaction. Yeah, right. Maybe the first timing that I that I actually
Selected right that that way you when you went there and first year of high school
Right second year second year of high school you came back and you started
You bet you got back on track starting from the third grader. Yeah, right
So like you missed out the whole second year of high school in your hands. I didn't want to
sugar could oh
Actually, really sugar could you go second grade second? Yeah. I mean maybe beginning of third year
Did you have any like troubles with making friends or staying up?
staying keeping track and like
Keep keeping up with class
in Japan, yeah, because you
Left out. Yeah, the whole second year, right?
The things we learn in high school is completely different exactly
Difficult it was tough. Okay. I don't think I've ever seen you here we talk about that struggle
So let's hear it. Yeah
The tough
Subject was mathematics. Yeah
That's all actually because other subjects are not
Really in a
Long series. Oh, it's not related. Yeah, the last year we can catch up. Okay
nothing histories are
But before I went to France I studied a little
You know, I mean little
harder than the other people so I
Before I went to France I were already learned
You know, right you were already had a what is it advanced in other bands, right so
That was a good effort
But not enough to be comfortable when you were back, right?
You still needed to do some catch-ups. Yeah
But it's not that actually the study was not that much to me. Okay, because you you
Study that's all you can catch up right but different thing to me was
Like relationship, right? Yeah, that's interesting to me. She's talk about that
Yeah, so I'm sure you had you already had friends when you were first year and then left
Second year yeah, hasn't blank came back. Did the did you were did the relationships change?
Little bit but not that much thanks to all that
kind friends
They were really good and accepted me as
kind of usual
Yeah, I do appreciate them
But you know when I returned to my high school I was kind of little
Different guy, okay you yourself was a different guy. Yeah, so
We have to see the distance between
You know, so did you feel like you were mentally more mature?
Yeah, then them and you felt that okay in my little
French guy, you know, I gotcha. Yeah, the French vibe was yeah in you that made a little you felt the gap
Yeah, but the other Japanese guy I was
Strange, okay
And you felt that yeah, you felt that they were like, okay. What is he doing? Yeah. I gotcha. I knew I was strange
How did you feel against that did you
Wanted to blend in or did you feel like that was your that was you?
Yeah, that was your character's personality. So like that's me right eat it up like yeah
Did you have that kind of yeah vibe?
But I remember my
Friends. Yeah tries me out to to the to the park. Yeah
Well, maybe she leaves. Mm-hmm. So bright Ohana me. Yeah
No, no, maybe it's momishi. So yeah, but anyway, and and they call you call you
It was my sugar could you go Oh and they said me said that let's return his sugar could you go and I said
We went to Kyoto. Wow
Hi, yeah, they they tried me out
to go there
Why don't we bring back his sugar could you go?
That's great. That was good memory. It was
Jack cook go to see go to
What do you mean? What is your I mean? Did you sneak out? Yeah, we went out
Damn during the cook go to see go
Wait, you were in Chiba. Yeah, right. No, no, we didn't went to Kyoto. I mean I didn't went to Kyoto it was close
Pop. Ah, I got it. Got it. That's cool. Whole school went to Kyoto on a trip
Uh-huh, uh-huh, but me my sugar could you go wasn't killed?
It was just just 10 minutes of 10 minutes. Gotcha. Gotcha. And you pretended it was Kyoto. Yes
Yes, and pretended it was the right we took some pictures. Oh
That is such a great memory, you know, yeah
Are you are you are you in touch with them? Are you still friends? Of course?
Yeah, sounds like a lifetime friend. Yeah, it's great. Yeah. Yeah
And also one thing I missed was Picasso, okay, you know
You know, I I know you don't like Picasso
You know through all that all those tough training is you know, I'm sure you build up the action
Right you I'm sure it's been out of it tough. I'm sure tighten and
So I missed one year one whole year exactly of Picasso. So
It's kind of I missed that were you the captain when during first year?
I know that was when I was junior high school junior high school. So okay gotcha. Yeah
Right, just a good memory
The first time you ever talked about that, oh really yeah first time I've heard it yeah
All right. Thanks for listening guys. Bye. Bye

