1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. パン屋の店員さんといい感し..
2021-12-04 11:42



Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast. Oh
Thought I mispronounced podcast. Oh, but I realized that I didn't
The moment I said podcast I was like, oh me
I don't know why but I thought that there was no T at the end of the word podcast
But I said T I pronounced the T so whoa, why did I pronounce the T? But after I said that I sort of went
Whoa, no, there was a T on the podcast
So I'm sorry I freaked you out, but that's what happened
This program is brought to you by close
I have to get ready for this. Yeah, this program is brought to you by
Kimi no Koi wo Todokeyou anchor. Yes
We are creating and distributing this podcast using an app called anchor. It's got all the features you need
Yeah, when you're starting your own podcast nice, and it's free. You can download it on the App Store or Google Play
Yeah, check that out from just did
I like your timing. Thank you. I like that. Thank you. It was easy for me to read all yeah a bit getting better
Yeah getting better. Thank you
Continuing Kanon-san's voice message of the Arubaito's talked about
Why you quit your gyudon place?
And I've been telling you the the past Arubaito places that I've experienced before yeah
You named like yeah five or six five six so far
The Gakko, Juken, the Juku, the
the uh
Uminoye, Friday, Gab, Hollister. Yeah, that's seven. Mm-hmm. Heisenin. That's eight. Heisenin
I was explaining to you about the Heisenin. Yeah, yeah
It's you Todoke and then they tell you the hotels that are open in the area and then you go and then you serve
Like you know like the course meals right? Okay. I'm the guy that that puts the course meal the next table
Yeah, on next meat next plate on the table of the course meals that okay. Yeah, that was
Not fun
That's seven
and uh, I think I've done on several more yeah like Okashi
Right, that's big. Yeah, that's the longest Arubaito I've done. The Okashi. Okashi no
Not Machiyoka. No, that's a rival company of ours. Okay
Oosawa no Okashirando. Okay, is the name of the place right? I've worked there before
I sold the gashis and chocolates and all that stuff. It was fun. I
Spent like a year. Oh at that store long as one I've ever done. Mm-hmm. The people were nice
I got along with the all the the the the crew members. It was cool. Nice. Nice
Must be like peaceful place. It was a peaceful place. That's why I liked about it
Yeah, all the other place was really like a little bit like Churai
Like party people. Yeah, maybe that was what?
Didn't fit me. Mm-hmm. The Okashipu was so peaceful. Yeah, everyone was just so quiet. I can imagine that
So, I think I think that's uh, huh
Think that's it. I think um
So that's ten number that's eight eight that's eight I remember I counted several
But in the past I've counted my right over having ten of them. Yeah
But I guess I can't
Maybe I did eight
Can you can you count that again? Yeah, it's just when you I remember when you say I didn't you or
Something then already that was eight. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah the
Coco say by tell okay. All right Coco say Juku. Okay
Third one is Umino. Yeah, okay
Yeah gap Fridays Friday Hollister, yeah
Yeah, did you say that did I already say Heiseni I didn't okay, okay, okay, okay, so
Okashi okashi. Yeah, that's eight. Oh, right
That's it. Okay, then that's eight. Yeah. Oh, right. So the new miss - right? Yeah
Maybe some cafe Starbucks. No, I've never our bike. Okay. Hmm
Maybe that's it
But that's a lot. Yeah, and anyway still it's a lot. Yeah, it's a lot to experience
The biggest memory I have
I remember working at the okashi store. Mm-hmm and
I've actually worked at okashi store two temples. Okay one temple and I quit
Because I was moving I went to a different temple. Okay, if you count that that's nine. Okay. Yeah, I experienced two temples
The first temple I was on
The second temple I've never told this anybody but um
at the second temple I was
It was like a shopping mall shit, okay and um shop yeah, I I
There was this bread store this bakery, okay, and I've been going there every time my shift ends or I have break
Right, and there's one girl that was that was cute. Okay, right and then I've been she did my
Okay, yeah
Oh, yeah, and then we were like hi, right and then wow, hi Wow, right?
I didn't have a girlfriend at that time. I was like, maybe this could be a yeah, of course, right?
well, it's really romantic is it's fucking right and um and I
We said hi. Yeah, okay, and then that's it. It's over, right? Okay
Okay, I went back to the chef and then the next day like I wanted to eat bread again
So I went there and she was there again. Wow. Nice
you and
I was like, oh, let's have like a little like a really short chat. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I I work over there
Yeah, yeah, I've noticed you've been working like here. We you you've served me several times
and um
Yeah, and
That's it, right? Yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it sounds nice it sounds nice right and um
Then the next time yeah, I we had another chat who that felt. Oh, really natural Wow, right?
And then I was like, hmm, maybe I should ask her out for some yeah
Right. I I went to her and then I gave her my number. Oh, really?
I actually I literally is that I gave her my number and
At that moment. She was like she was so surprised and so hesitant
Really like she's like
And she looks speechless
Right, and then she froze and then I was like and I felt that then I felt that froze, huh?
I was like, oh shit, maybe she wasn't maybe we were not in the same stage as like
Not in the same level. Yeah, and I was like, oh shit. Oh
Shit, maybe this okay. This is awkward
And then I was like, okay
Yeah, I gave her the number and I was like, yeah
Call me if you're interested kind of yeah, and then I went back to the chef and never saw
That was a that's a funny story I like it
Don't know what was going on there
why she like
Freaked out like that. Oh
Maybe she really wasn't
She didn't have that feel of like yeah, it wasn't a thing right? She didn't she wasn't with me in that
Yeah thing. Yeah, hey thing going on
You sure that she she she reminds remembers you. Yeah, she knows you. Yeah, she was like
She doesn't really like
She's not that like
You know, you know how there's really friendly workers, right? She's not one of those. Okay, but like when
When I go to the cashier, she's like, oh, hey
It was pretty obvious Wow, huh? I don't know
That happened when I was no think Wow somewhere in university, but yeah
It's pretty funny. Wow, you wrote your number. I yeah, I think I wrote it was either a line ID
Okay, or a number I think of the line ID. This is pretty natural back then. Yeah
Yeah, Wow
Another nice try then nice try right nice try those worth it. It was like I got the excitement from that
Yeah, like it was pretty like Wow. Yeah
this is
So, yeah
Yeah, yeah, that was nice
Cute right. Yeah
Wonder she's listening to these podcast. Oh, yeah, I wonder if she is
Yeah, if and and like I wonder how she felt. Yeah
Like what was the emotion that was going through? There's always something that you want. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, right true. All right
Thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Bye. Bye

