welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
yeah are you sexy voice today I know do I yeah thank you please do not do that
eyes alright so this is from a Yumi sound a Yumi sound I received this
message to my Instagram account yeah right you're all you got a tick-tock
account give me some advice I'm gonna try go job it's no cock content to
tell us you must have a tick-tock or Instagram account yes she's gonna see
if you can eat sweetest of all this is a new mohawk I'm sorry follow search
for him okay he doesn't have one so just gotta get that in but what does she like
you just don't want yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
what does she like you just don't want to see the power you know my honey she
was in a gala cafe auchee they don't believe in a sicka so it's got to go to
discuss mm-hmm a good I'm not a honey then I mean I got a look like I always
start to be a she I was a dinner to catch us yeah
a matter he took it as a ghost a gun was a nice it's the type of a mega name to
you a guy skin on the skin on the skin a son a guy with a league on a center I'll
keep you know I got a nice coffee to cash out of it to you to keep a okay needy
no I'm not going to keep you know I got a skin a call it to come on the call I got
a call it to you on a home you know I don't know how I'm gonna be much a pity
then they need a talk to me to go to go stay at the key to ship another kind of
not to see me Jimmy感じ mass mm-hmm a of Tari no ship no you can't eat the key
to take it out of my way this is going to come on and see the mass mmm thank you
I mean thank you I'm a son I like a icon oh her icon is a yeah
three trees yeah like the traffic lights yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
yeah okay so oh Tari no fish no jikan it's gonna jikan
hmm hmm my shift on jikan is hmm good one no no I just want to search on a
Google what is the definition of shift no jikan oh yeah because it is includes
the meaning that you know um being an alone or like spend time okay
okay so it doesn't it doesn't matter if you're alone yeah or not and also
whatever whatever you do whatever you just have to feel like happy yeah
Shiawase yeah meet us I let you do to Moe about whatever whoever whenever okay
okay okay right now mm-hmm they change but right now okay my shift on jikan
is when I when I have a sample oh like Tokyo oh for example like the the
Oshiage area Oshiage area yeah around I tree yeah Wow like sample around there
okay or okay what do you like Oshiage area I don't know it's just the atmosphere
okay you know the atmosphere of like being in Tokyo okay but it's a little
bit shit a machino not like the like different from Shinjuku right Tokyo
Ginza Marunouchi those but I don't know I I like I like the um the Kankochi I
love Kankochi area Japan and people are so happy there yeah I just like looking
at it yeah so like I love to stroll around like the the Asakusa yeah Tokyo
sky tree area as well as like sample around the Odaiba area and the basically
anywhere in Japan okay you know I get to feel like I'm in Japan and and listen to
music it's pretty enjoyable and I take pictures oh you take pictures I take
pictures with um there's this app called Daz camera okay it's it's um it's a it's
like a film camera okay it's like a digital film camera it filters it into
looking like it's a film film camera yeah this wallpaper here I took it I took
it using the um oh hold on yep yep hold on I took it using the adas camera nice
get that be lit retro looking you know yeah right in the application so I can
not see the whole picture yeah it looks great right like a little retro retro
ish a filmy filmy camera yeah that's great now it's nice it's nice right huh
right so I like to you've got a notification from sushi roll yeah I gotta
check it out yeah I wonder what it is okay oh what is it what's the good point
of having sushi rolls application you get to you yakku without going to the
actual store like but without the application you have to go to a store
and then you yakku right you can do this through the map yeah it's like we feel
like oh let's go to sushi roll now right I just use the app and make a
reservation then when I arrive at the store it's only like waiting for like 10
minutes that's nice like yeah that's very convenient right okay they're doing
a token at the otoro hangaku campaign that was the notification yeah looks
good okay but yeah I like to look back at the pictures and I just smile fun
that's nice yeah you love taking pictures I do I do love taking pictures
yeah they're fun it brings back memories and they're good they're right you love
taking pictures of the site yes not people ah well the people has it's
interesting in itself but I also do enjoy the views of Japan I think that's
very like interesting - okay so yeah mm-hmm that's nice yeah so you love
strolling around yes yeah yes I do it's nice you're going to go strolling today
this afternoon no I'm going to work today yeah okay yeah I know I'm just
gonna I also love surfing the web oh and finding new things new discoveries like
I'm kind of into a little girl or like I'm looking for new I'm looking at new
possibilities that's fun too okay right yeah yeah you I know you're loving to
getting gathering new information yes I like yes yes searching for those new
yes new information yeah yeah how are you man oh no here we go again
she's cool you know I having conversation with my friends okay practicing
something like a piano or guitar or singing or like physically like making
something ah DIY yeah okay I don't paint recently but those physical making
things uh-huh and I have so many she's gonna talk to you actually yeah like
making good food and eat yeah yeah mm-hmm and I put my little eye on it and
movie and movie night movie night that's kind of yeah with this great ice
coffee mmm yeah yeah I think I have so many shift in the talking mm-hmm I kind
of enjoy every day so I'm happy great I'm happy guy yeah you're happy guy
that's great yeah is a I like taking a bath bath last time okay
mm-hmm I think my shift not okay border is quite low oh really everything feels
happy yeah that's like oh that's a really good like Otaku you know yeah yeah
I think I'm very like Otaku and happy guy you see if it's sunny like today I
always feel happy yeah yeah like staying outside and strolling outside in a sunny
day makes me happy right right that's already great life that's good yeah yeah
yeah yeah um oh like
need only through the key I like how's your bed oh great good good I did you
say I bought extra mother yeah yeah it's under here right yes yes was that extra
much less great it's working good yes okay without that mattress it's a little
little bit hard a little bit but uh with that extra - that's great okay
soft all soft right that's your shift no yeah you have a lot yeah okay so yeah
do you often get new ones new ones new shift kunotoki you discover new shift
come tokyo does it not change I don't think it didn't change no for a long
time oh yeah for like five years ago really mean change what about you often
okay often oh yeah that's a new I mean that's a difference yeah wow I didn't I
was not strolling around Tokyo like five years ago wow what was your favorite
just not okay when you were five years ago if I remember I've probably been
like eating in five years ago so guys yeah or they say it's an enemy whatever
so I think from my so called Jimmy was like I remember I think it was like
going back to going to the gym after I worked out I know I'm going to the gym
after I worked my corporate job and then coming back to my house yeah because I
had like a like a pretty good house back then yeah yeah yeah so like I like
staying in the house I think that was pretty like shower saying I'm having a
good style movie yeah I have done okay um you never strolled around I know that
was close like I strolling around with my bicycle that was pretty like yeah I
say okay but it was like a bicycle it wasn't like right now where I go out
like I walk for five hours six hours or something like that it was just yeah
that's what I do it's just like a quick bicycle ride around the time so it
changes but I think the fundamental is like the same yeah yeah yeah all right
all right so there you go okay thanks for listening guys bye bye