We will introduce Japanese culture and chat in Japanese! If you are studying Japanese or just like Japan, please listen to us! ◎ninajapneseroom@gmail.com◎Instagram →ninajapaneseroom
#49 My grandma used to make homemade kimchi for New Year's.
My grandma stopped making kimchi after corona went viral. Corona took away things like that from us, but if anything has changed for the better, please let me know!! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#48 You can make smoothies at convenience store called 7-Eleven.
I can't believe that the time has come to make smoothies at convenience stores using fresh fruits and vegetables. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#47 Is it common outside of Japan to qualify?
I studied and got many certifications to get a job. How did everyone else do? --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#46 Beginner in cooking
i have always cooked very little, but i cooked for my girlfriend. Does anyone who listens to my podcasts cook every day? Thank you for always cooking a delicious meal for your loved ones!! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#45 What is work from the Japanese point of view?
Thank you for listening my Japanese podcast!! i would love to help people who study Japanese!! 今日は、日本人から見た仕事とは何かを、お話ししたいと思います。 日本では、仕事は人生の大きな部分を占めるものです。 多くの日本人は、仕事を通して社会に貢献し、自分の価値を証明したいと考えています。 日本人の仕事に対する考え方の特徴として、以下のようなものが挙げられます。 仕事は社会の一員として果たすべき役割 仕事は自分の価値を証明するもの 仕事は長く続けるもの まず、仕事は社会の一員として果たすべき役割という考え方です。 日本人は、仕事を通して社会に貢献し、自分たちの生活を支える仕組みを維持することに価値を見出しています。 次に、仕事は自分の価値を証明するものという考え方です。 日本人は、仕事の成果を通して、自分の能力や価値を証明したいと考えています。 最後に、仕事は長く続けるものという考え方です。 日本人は、仕事は長く続けるものであり、短期的な成果よりも、長期的な安定を重視しています。 もちろん、日本人の中にも、仕事はあくまでも手段であり、自分の人生を充実させるための方法だという考え方を持つ人もいます。 しかし、一般的には、仕事は人生の重要な部分であり、それを通して社会に貢献し、自分の価値を証明したいと考える日本人が多いと言えるでしょう。 以上、日本人から見た仕事とは何かについて、お話ししました。 皆さんの参考になれば幸いです。 Today, I would like to talk about what work means from the Japanese point of view. In Japan, work is a big part of life. Many Japanese people want to contribute to society and prove their worth through their work. The following are some characteristics of the Japanese attitude toward work. - Work is a role to be fulfilled as a member of society - Work is something that proves one's value - Work is something to be continued for a long time The first concept is that work is a role that should be fulfilled as a member of society. Japanese people find value in contributing to society through work and maintaining the systems that support their lives. Second is the idea that work proves one's worth. Japanese people want to prove their ability and value through the results of their work. Finally, there is the idea that work is something to be continued for a long time. Japanese people believe that work is something to be continued for a long time, and they value long-term stability more than short-term results. Of course, some Japanese also believe that work is only a means to an end, a way to fulfill one's life. In general, however, work is an important part of life, and many Japanese want to contribute to society and prove their worth through it. These are just a few examples of what work means from the Japanese point of view. I hope this will be helpful to you. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#44 How to stay motivated to learn Japanese
i want to help you study Japanese!! 日本語学習のモチベーションを維持する方法 今日は、日本語学習のモチベーションを維持する方法について、お話したいと思います。 日本語学習は、決して簡単ではありません。そのため、途中で挫折してしまう人も多いのではないでしょうか。 日本語学習のモチベーションを維持するためには、以下のことに気を付けるとよいでしょう。 モチベーションを維持するためには、まず具体的な目標を設定することが大切です。 「日本語を話せるようになりたい」という漠然とした目標ではなく、例えば、「日本に留学したい」「日本語で仕事をしたい」「日本文化をもっと深く理解したい」など、具体的な目標を設定しましょう。 具体的な目標があると、学習の方向性が明確になり、モチベーションを維持しやすくなります。 学習を進めていく中で、少しずつでもいいので、達成感を味わえるようにしましょう。 新しい単語やフレーズを覚えたとき、日本語で簡単な会話ができたときなど、小さな成功体験を積み重ねていくことで、モチベーションを維持しやすくなります。 3. 学習を継続しましょう 日本語学習は、継続することが大切です。毎日少しずつでもいいので、学習を続けましょう。 モチベーションを維持するためには、小さな目標を立てて、それを達成していくことが大切です。例えば、1週間で10個の単語を覚える、1日10分間日本語の音声を聞くなど、無理のない目標を立てるとよいでしょう。 日本語学習は、楽しむことも大切です。 アニメや漫画、ドラマなどの日本語コンテンツを視聴したり、日本語で歌ったり、日本語でゲームをしたりなど、好きな方法で日本語を学ぶことで、学習が楽しくなります。 日本語学習仲間を見つけよう 日本語学習仲間を見つけるのも、モチベーションを維持する上でおすすめです。 以下に、日本語学習のモチベーションを維持するために役立つツールやサービスを紹介いたします。 これらのツールやサービスを活用して、日本語学習のモチベーションを維持しましょう 日本語学習は、決して簡単ではありませんが、モチベーションを維持することで、必ず上達することができます。 みなさんが、日本語学習を楽しんで、上達されることを願っています。 Learning Japanese is never easy. For this reason, many people may fall behind in the process. In order to maintain your motivation for learning Japanese, you should pay attention to the following points. **1. Set specific goals**. In order to maintain motivation, it is important to first set specific goals. Instead of vague goals such as "I want to be able to speak Japanese," set specific goals such as "I want to study abroad in Japan," "I want to work in Japanese," or "I want to understand Japanese culture more deeply," for example. Having specific goals will give you a clear direction for your studies and make it easier to maintain your motivation As you progress in your studies, try to experience a sense of accomplishment, even if it is only a little at a time. Accumulating small successes, such as when you learn a new word or phrase, or when you can hold a simple conversation in Japanese, will make it easier to maintain your motivation. **3. Keep learning**. Continuation is the key to learning Japanese. It is important to continue learning Japanese, even if it is little by little every day. To stay motivated, it is important to set small goals and achieve them. For example, it is a good idea to set reasonable goals such as memorizing 10 words in a week or listening to Japanese audio for 10 minutes a day It is also important to enjoy learning Japanese Learning Japanese in the way you likesuch as watching Japanese content such as anime, manga, and drama, singing in Japanese, playing games in Japanese, etc., will make learning fun. **Find a Japanese language study buddy**. Finding a Japanese language study buddy is also recommended to keep you motivated. Studying together and encouraging each other will make it easier to stay motivated. **Tools and services to help you stay motivated**. A variety of tools and services can help you stay motivated to learn Japanese. For example, there are various learning methods and tools such as online learning services, apps, conversation apps, etc. Find the one that suits you best and make use of it. **Tools and services to help you stay motivated**. In order to stay motivated to learn Japanese, it is effective to use tools and services that help you stay motivated. Below are some tools and services that can help you stay motivated to learn Japanese. - Japanese language learning apps - Japanese Learning Blogs - Japanese Learning SNS - Online Japanese Classes - Japanese Conversation Circles Use these tools and services to stay motivated to learn Japanese. **Summary**. To stay motivated to learn Japanese, it is important to clarify your goals, set small goals, keep learning, and enjoy learning. It is also effective to utilize tools and services to maintain motivation. Learning Japanese is never easy, but by maintaining your motivation, you will surely make progress. We hope that you will enjoy learning Japanese and that you will make progress. Well, that's it for today's edition! Thank you for listening today! See you soon. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#43 If you live in city, you should buy an old bicycle.
Today i would like to share with you a story i heard from a friend of mine who lives in Osaka! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#42 Almost all the clothes i wear at work are UNIQLO
UNIQLO clothes are cheap, Lightweight and warm!! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#41 I can't go to the cinema cause i don't like loud noises.
Thank you for listening my podcast!! Are you able to concentrate on your studies despite the sound? --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#40 Japanese are super shy and cannot speak English
They are embarrassef if they make a mistake, and they don't want to embarrass the other party! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#39 Mobile batteries can be borrowed at convenience stores
Buying a charger is pricey, so i rented a mobile battery!! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#38 Be careful,there's not much free Wi-Fi Japan.
You'd better believe it's only in big cafes like Atarbucks!! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#37 Have you ever moved?
i recently helped move my grandma's house. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#36 Soaking in the bath? Or do you prefer to take a shower?
i like to take showers!! do you? --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#35 I like spicy food
Thank you for listening my japanese podcast!! i cant eat anything too spicy.... --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#34 I heard that Japanese night buses are cheaper than overseas night buses.
Thank you for listening my japanese podcast!! Have you ever taken a night bus in Japan? --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#33 Is it safe to sleep on the train?
thank you for listening me japanese podcast!! Japan is safe and full of people sleeping on trains! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#32 why do Japanese pedestrians obey traffic signals even when there are no cars around?
thank you for listening my japanese podcast!! Japanese people ara abnormally concerned about how others see them. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#31 Even Japanese can't write Kanji...
i tell you the truth lol --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
#30 In Japan, trains come on time!!
It was a metter of course for me as a japanese, but Japanese technology is amazing!! みなさんこんばんは。 本日はなんと、ニイナの日本語部屋で初めてリスナーからメールをいただきました!アメリカ人の日本語学習者の方からです! 私は、一度だけ日本に旅行に行ったことがあります。日本の電車が時間通りに来ることにとても驚きました。海外では、電車が遅れることがよくありますが、日本では、ほとんど遅れることがないと聞きました。それはすごいことだと思いますか? I only went to Japan once, but I was really surprised how punctual the trains are. I have heard that trains are often late in other countries, but in Japan, they are almost never late. Pretty cool, right? 確かに、。 日本生まれ、日本育ちの私は当たり前のことに感じてしまいますが、電車が時間通りに来るのって、すごいことですよね。 日本は人を待たせたり、仕事に遅れたりすることを嫌います。 その性格に合わせて、人を運ぶ電車なども、時間通りに運行できるように頑張っているのだと思います。 電車が遅れると、多くの人が不満を抱きます。鉄道会社は、利用者の信頼を失わないために、時間厳守に努めています。 日本の鉄道技術は世界トップレベルです。信号システムや車両の性能が向上したことで、列車の遅延を防ぐことが可能になりました。また、最新のシステムを導入することで、列車の運行状況をより正確に把握できるようになり、遅延の早期発見と対応がしやすくなりました。 毎日電車が時間通りに来ることを感謝しなきゃいけないと思います。 電車に関する小話があれば話す 私の住む豊橋は電車の数が多くないから来た電車に乗ればいいだけだけど、東京や大阪の駅はどこに行けば自分の行きたい場所に行ける電車に乗れるのかわからない みなさんの国の電車は時間通りに到着しますか? また、私に話をしてほしいことがあったらいつでも私にメールしてください! Good evening everyone. Today, we received an e-mail from a listener for the first time in Nina's Japanese room! It is from an American student of Japanese! I have been on a trip to Japan once. I was very surprised to see that Japanese trains are on time. I heard that in other countries, trains are often late, but in Japan, trains are almost never late. Do you think that is great? **I only went to Japan once, but I was really surprised how punctual the trains are. I have heard that trains are often late in other countries, but in Japan, they are almost never late.** Pretty cool, right? Pretty cool, right? I was born and raised in Japan, but I have heard that trains are often late in other countries, but in Japan, they are almost never late.** Pretty cool, right? In Japan, we don't like to make people wait or be late for work. I think that is why they do their best to make sure that the trains and other vehicles that transport people are on time. When trains are late, many people complain. Railroad companies strive to be punctual in order not to lose the trust of their users. Japan's railroad technology is among the best in the world. Improvements in signaling systems and rolling stock performance have made it possible to prevent train delays. In addition, the latest systems have enabled us to more accurately monitor train operations, making it easier to detect and respond to delays at an early stage. I think we should be thankful that trains come on time every day. If you have a small story about trains, tell it. Toyohashi, where I live, doesn't have many trains, so I just take the train that comes, but I don't know where to go in Tokyo or Osaka stations to get on a train that will take me where I want to go. Do trains in your country arrive on time? Also, if you have anything you want me to talk to you about, you can always email me! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niinajapaneseroom/message
レイニー先生が送るポッドキャスト英会話。毎回色々なシチュエーションを元に、レイニー先生が実際に留学中や海外で体験した出来事などを交えてその時に必要な英会話フレーズをご紹介していきます。番組内のフレーズや単語はnoteでチェックできます。https://bit.ly/3s46eB4~レイニー先生の英語コンテンツ~■イングリッシュ∙パートナーズの無料体験レッスンhttps://bit.ly/2MrOaxt■英会話学習アプリ 動画で簡単英会話https://apple.co/3eLXAQm■あれこれイングリッシュ 絶対!役立つ英語の1分動画https://bit.ly/2UaVh1l
インドからお届けする声のお便り。 『ShivaShakti』はインド在住のトーシャンが日々の気づきやタントラについてお伝えしているラジオ番組。ゆったり流れる時間と空間をお楽しみください。 皆様からの質問や感想を教えてくださいね。必ず読んで回答します♪ https://shivashakti.jp/tayori
いせさきFM&ラヂオななみ共同制作ラジオ番組(FM76.9&FM77.3) ・「いせたまボイス」佐波伊勢崎地域のヒトの声をお届け!(ゲストコーナー) ・中村泉の三味線・民謡ラジオ(毎週火曜日18:30) LISTENポッドキャスト: https://listen.style/p/radio773?bNmSyWn4 ※文字でもご覧いただけます。
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