

itazoh bouda 216 Episodes
itazoh bouda
幻影の家族 第10話

幻影の家族 第10話

Aug 7, 2023 00:54 itazoh bouda 第10話 : 提案と答え 計画通り,犯行は行われた. 事件のあと,秋宗が悩んだり,自白したりしないように,エヌミカは秋宗の記憶を消した. 一連の事件の,真相を語ったあと,エヌミカは提案した. "あんな家族から,救ってやったのに,お前は真相を知ろうとした. もう,真相が分かったから,これからは俺と,楽しく生きていこうじゃないか." 秋宗は "いや,あんな家族でも,かけがえのない家族だった. あの事件が無ければ,必ず幸せな家族にして見せた." と,言ったあと,拳銃を頭に当て,引き金を引いて復讐を遂げた.

Phantom Family Episode 10

Phantom Family Episode 10

Aug 7, 2023 00:42 itazoh bouda Episode 10 : Suggestions and Answers The crime was committed as planned. After the crime, Enumika erased Akimune's memory so that he would not be troubled or confess to the crime. After telling the truth about the incident, Enumika made a proposal. "I saved you from that family, but you wanted to know the truth. Now that you know the truth, let's live happily together from now on. Akimune said. "No, even that family was an irreplaceable family. If it weren't for that incident, I would have made them a happy family. After saying this, he put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger to take revenge.

幻影の家族 第9話

幻影の家族 第9話

Aug 6, 2023 00:45 itazoh bouda 第9話 : 第2人格 そんな家庭環境で,秋宗の心の中に,第2人格のエヌミカが生まれた. エヌミカは,家族に敵意を抱き,殺害計画をたてた. エヌミカは,秋宗と違い電子機器に詳しく,当時最新のAI技術で,架空の人物の動画を作り,インターホンのビデオに仕組んだ. エヌミカは,幸せそうな家族写真を作った. エヌミカは,どうすれば命に別状なく,首に大きな傷を付けられるかを,AIから聞き出した. 当時,凶器とみられた包丁に,秋宗の指紋しかなかったのは,当然だった.

Phantom Family Episode 9

Phantom Family Episode 9

Aug 6, 2023 00:44 itazoh bouda Episode 9 : Second Personality In such a family environment, a second personality, Enumika, was born in Akimune's mind. Enumika harbored hostility toward his family and planned to kill them. Unlike Akimune, Enumika was familiar with electronic devices and, using the latest AI technology at the time, created a video of a fictitious person and placed it on the intercom video. Enumika made a picture of a happy family. Enumica asked the AI how to make a large wound on the neck without killing the victim. It was natural that there was only Akimune's fingerprints on the kitchen knife, which was considered to be the murder weapon at that time.

幻影の家族 第8話

幻影の家族 第8話

Aug 5, 2023 00:39 itazoh bouda 第8話 : 真犯人 突然,暗闇で声がした. "久しぶりだな,秋宗. 俺が誰だって? エヌミカだ." そして,エヌミカが真犯人であることを告げ,事件の真相を明かした. 実は,誠実そうと思っていた父は,家庭を顧みない詐欺師で,優しそうと思っていた母は,アルコール依存症で育児を放棄していたのだった. そして,弟思いと思っていた姉は,そんなストレスから,秋宗をパワハラしていたのだ.

Phantom Family Episode 8

Phantom Family Episode 8

Aug 5, 2023 00:40 itazoh bouda Episode 8 : The Real Killer Suddenly, a voice called out in the darkness. "It's been a long time, Akimune. Who am I? It's Enumika. He told Akimune that Enumika was the real culprit, and revealed the truth behind the incident. In fact, his father, whom he had thought to be sincere, was a con artist who had no regard for his family, and his mother, whom he had thought to be kind, was an alcoholic who had abandoned her child-rearing duties. And his sister, who he had thought was devoted to her brother, had been power-harassing Akimune under such stress.

幻影の家族 第7話

幻影の家族 第7話

Aug 4, 2023 00:31 itazoh bouda 第7話 : エヌミカ 捜査が行き詰ったある日,"エヌミカ"から,メールが届く. そこには,一家殺害事件の真相を知りたければ,事件現場の家に来るよう,書かれていた. 秋宗が家に行くのは,27年振りだった. 懐かしい家は,電気が止められて,中は暗かった. 秋宗は部屋に入り,暗闇で思い出を辿った.

Phantom Family Episode 7

Phantom Family Episode 7

Aug 4, 2023 00:30 itazoh bouda Episode 7 : Enumika One day, when the investigation reaches a dead end, an e-mail arrives from "Enumika". In the e-mail, Enumika wrote that if Akimune wanted to know the truth about the murders of his family, he should come to the house where the murders took place. It had been 27 years since Akimune had been to the house. The house was dark inside with the electricity turned off. Akimune entered the room and traced his memories in the darkness.

幻影の家族 第6話

幻影の家族 第6話

Aug 3, 2023 00:26 itazoh bouda 第6話 : 傷跡 秋宗は,事件の時に首に切られた,大きな傷跡がある. 当時の資料によると,凶器の包丁は,幼い秋宗が,駆け付けた警官に,手渡したとあったが,指紋検査しても,秋宗以外の指紋は,見つからなかった. 犯人は,手慣れた用心深い人物と,推測された.

Phantom Family Episode 6

Phantom Family Episode 6

Aug 3, 2023 00:26 itazoh bouda Episode 6 : Scar Akimune has a large scar on his neck where he was cut during the incident. According to the documents at the time, the murder weapon, a kitchen knife, was handed by the young Akimune to the police officers who rushed to the scene, but no fingerprints other than those of Akimune were found when the fingerprints were examined. It is assumed that the murderer was a familiar and cautious person.

幻影の家族 第5話

幻影の家族 第5話

Aug 2, 2023 00:40 itazoh bouda 第5話 : 抹殺 翌日,再度施設に行った秋宗は,職員に告げられた. "昨晩,刑事さんが,お帰りになってから,今朝までの間に,何者かに,人工呼吸器のコンセントが抜かれ,女性は亡くなりました." そして,壁に,"エヌミカ",と,書かれていた. その後も,一家殺害事件の情報提供者が,秋宗が行く前に,次々と殺され,壁に,"エヌミカ",と,書かれていた.

Phantom Family Episode 5

Phantom Family Episode 5

Aug 2, 2023 00:27 itazoh bouda Episode 5 : Termination The next day, Akimune went to the facility again and was told by the staff. "Between last night when the detective left and this morning, someone unplugged the ventilator and the woman died. And on the wall, "Enumika," was written. After that, the informants of the family murders were killed one after another before Akimune went there, and the word "Enumika" was written on the wall.

幻影の家族 第4話

幻影の家族 第4話

Aug 1, 2023 00:43 itazoh bouda 第4話 : 近所に住んでいた人 しかし,意気込みとは裏腹に,捜査は難航した. ただ一つの手掛かりである,インターホンビデオの映像から,犯人が中年男であることが,わかっていたが,それ以上の情報はなかった. ある情報が,捜査線上に浮かんできた. 当時,近所に住んでいた女性が,いま介護施設に居るという情報だ. 秋宗は,すぐに施設に急行した. もう,老婆となったその人に,事件のことを聞こうとした矢先,面会時間終了となり,続きは明日ということになった.

Phantom Family Episode 4

Phantom Family Episode 4

Aug 1, 2023 00:38 itazoh bouda Episode 4 : The Neighbor Who Lived Nearby However, despite their enthusiasm, the investigation proved difficult. From the intercom video, which was the only clue, we knew that the murderer was a middle-aged man, but we had no further information. One piece of information came to the forefront of the investigation. A woman who lived in the neighborhood at the time was now staying at a nursing home. Aki-moo-nae immediately rushed to the facility. Just as he was about to ask the elderly woman about the case, the visiting hours were over, and the rest of the story would be continued tomorrow.

幻影の家族 第3話

幻影の家族 第3話

Jul 31, 2023 00:45 itazoh bouda 第3話 : 残された家族写真 秋宗は,事件のショックからか,事件と事件以前の記憶を喪失していた. ただ,残された家族写真に,写っていたのは,誠実そうな父,優しそうな母,弟の肩を抱いている姉であった. その後,身寄りのない秋宗は,施設で育てられた. 秋宗は,正義感の強い,真っ直ぐな人間に育った. そして,心に誓ったのだ. "犯人は,必ず見つけ出して復讐する." 秋宗が,空手を習い,警察に入ったのは,その為だった.

Phantom Family Episode 3

Phantom Family Episode 3

Jul 31, 2023 00:43 itazoh bouda Episode 3 : The Family Photo Left Behind Aki-moo-nae has lost his memory of the incident and the time before the incident, perhaps due to the shock of the incident. However, in the family photo that was left behind, he saw his father, who looked sincere, his mother, who looked kind, and his sister, who was holding his younger brother by the shoulders. Later, Aki-moo-nae, who had no relatives, was raised in an institution. He grew up to be a straight person with a strong sense of justice. And he swore in his heart. "I will find the culprit and take revenge." That is why Aki-moo-nae learned karate and joined the police force.

幻影の家族 第2話

幻影の家族 第2話

Jul 30, 2023 00:55 itazoh bouda 第2話 : 大人の事情 警視庁の会議室は,警察への批判の嵐で,紛糾していた. "警察は,誰に頼まれたのか,暴露系インフルエンサーの摘発ばっかりしていて,一般市民が被害者になった事件は,やる気がない." とか. "大企業は,警察OBをガードマン代わりに使っていて,警察は一体どっちを向いて,仕事をしているのか." とか.そこで,ある知恵者が "一家殺害事件の被害者の刑事が,その事件を捜査する,というのはどうでしょうか. どうせ解決しないので,敵討ちにもならないし.マスコミも,最初は飛びつくんじゃないでしょうか." 本部長は言った. "良し,それで行こう."

Phantom Family Episode 2

Phantom Family Episode 2

Jul 30, 2023 00:47 itazoh bouda Episode 2 : Adult Circumstances The conference room of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is abuzz with criticism of the police. "The police, I wonder who asked them to do it, have been doing nothing but exposing influencers, but they don't seem to be interested in cases where ordinary citizens were victims..." And. "Big companies are using police alumni as their guards. And so on. Then, a wise man said "How about having a detective who is a victim of a family murder investigate the case? Since the case will never be solved anyway, it won't be a revenge. I'm sure the media will jump on it at first. The general manager said. "Okay, let's go with that.

幻影の家族 第1話

幻影の家族 第1話

Jul 29, 2023 00:38 itazoh bouda 第1話 : 捜査開始 "やっと出来る." と,秋宗は呟いた. 時は2050年,31歳の秋宗は刑事として念願の事件担当となったのだ. それは,27年前に起きた,一家殺害事件で,彼は唯一生き残った被害者だった. 殺されたのは,父,母,姉であった. 警察に入って以来,10年近く希望してきた事件担当が,急に実現した理由を,秋宗は知る由もなかった.

Phantom Family Episode 1

Phantom Family Episode 1

Jul 29, 2023 00:33 itazoh bouda Episode 1 : The Search Begins "I can finally do it..." Aki-moo-nae muttered to himself. It is the year 2050, and 31-year-old Aki-moo-nae has been assigned to a case as a detective. It was the murder of a family that took place 27 years ago, and he was the only surviving victim. The victims were his father, mother, and sister. Aki-moo-nae had no way of knowing why he was suddenly assigned to the case, which he had been hoping to work on for almost 10 years since he joined the police force.









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株式会社はてな創業者であり現在もITの第一線で働く近藤淳也が、京都の宿UNKNOWN KYOTOにやって来る「好きなことを仕事にしている人」を深堀りすることで、世の中の多様な仕事やキャリア、生き方・働き方を「リアルな実例」として紐解いていきます。 . 【ホスト:近藤淳也】 株式会社OND代表取締役社長、株式会社はてな取締役、UNKNOWN KYOTO支配人、NPO法人滋賀一周トレイル代表理事、トレイルランナー。 2001年に「はてなブログ」「はてなブックマーク」などを運営する株式会社はてなを創業、2011年にマザーズにて上場。その後2017年に株式会社ONDを設立し、現在もITの第一線で働く。 株式会社OND: . 【UNKNOWN KYOTO】 築100年を超える元遊郭建築を改装し、仕事もできて暮らせる宿に。コワーキングやオフィスを併設することで、宿泊として来られる方と京都を拠点に働く方が交わる場所になっています。 1泊の観光目的の利用だけではなく、中長期滞在される方にも好評いただいています。 web: . こちらから本文を読んだりコメントが書けます!



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