2023-06-20 50:43

#62【映画『遠いところ』沖縄県民としてどう受け止める?】Movie Review "A Far Shore"

Haitai people, english follow

映画『遠いところ A Far Shore』を観た我々の感想、沖縄の貧困問題について改めて話した内容です。







This is a movie review of "A Far Shore".

Facts in Okinawa (as of 2021) According to research done by the Okinawa Prefectural Government, the rate of single-parent mothers in Okinawa is double the national average and is said to be the worst nationwide. Birth rates among the younger population of Okinawa have also been high, with teen pregnancy and underage birthrate at an astonishing 2.6 times higher than the national average. The unemployment rate in that prefecture is also the lowest nationwide. Consultations regarding domestic violence in Okinawa have also recently been at a record high, with an average double of the rest of the country. This film is based on several true stories we heard during our research in Okinawa, but the script and the characters who appear are fictional. -IMDb-


過去エピソード:#20【沖縄の貧困問題と幸福度】Is Okinawa Really Poor?

映画『遠いところ』予告編(Trailer/English sub)

「貧困を脱した沖縄女性」が語る壮絶なる貧困 幼少時代はツナ缶と庭のヨモギが夕飯だった

Book 『 裸足で逃げる沖縄の夜の街の少女たち 』

Book 沖縄から貧困がなくならない本当の理由

キャバ嬢の優歌は「いつもくるされてた」 「裸足で逃げる」著者・上間陽子さんに聞く、殴られる沖縄の少女たち



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せーの。 What's up, amazing people? This is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and English.
はいたーい。 ぐすーよーちゅーがなびらー。イヤササレディオのアカネとミナミンやいびーん。
So this is about the episode, not according to some article. This is about the movie we watched last night.
ああ、Far Shoreだったっけ?タイトル。
ちょっと、Let us introduce a little bit about the movie.
The facts in Okinawa as of 2021. According to research done by the Okinawa prefectural government,
the rate of single parent mother in Okinawa is double the national average, and it's said to be the worst nationwide.
Birth rates among the younger population of Okinawa have also been high, with the teen pregnancy and underage birth rate at an astonishing 2.6 times higher than the national average.
The unemployment rate is that prefecture is also the lowest nationwide.
Consultations regarding domestic violence in Okinawa have also recently been at a record high,
with an average at double of the rest of the country.
This film is based on several true stories we heard during our research in Okinawa,
but the script and the characters who appear are fictional.
In Okinawa, the single-parent income is the lowest nationwide.
The relative poverty rate of children under the age of 17 is 28.9%,
and the ratio of unemployed workers and single-parent generation is also the highest nationwide, in May 2022.
In addition, the birth rate of under 19-year-olds is also the highest nationwide,
and the birth rate of under 19-year-olds is also the lowest nationwide.
In the film, a 17-year-old boy, Aoi, who lives with his young son and husband,
faces the harsh reality of society, and the entire film was shot in Okinawa.
What is depicted in the film is not a local social problem in Okinawa,
but a situation that is happening everywhere in Japan right now.
Is it all self-responsibility to make a mistake on the way to escape from a situation like hell?
Aoi, who is desperate and hopeless, is reminded that there are girls
who do not have the imagination of whether their own choices are right.
Even though the protagonist Aoi made a mistake,
through the experiences of her life,
the environment in which she was born is everything that determines her life.
I wonder if it's okay.
It was a great film.
Ichio, what did you think when you finished watching it?
It was like, oh, it's hard.
Usually, when I watch a movie, I want to watch it with somebody else,
because I want to talk and share my thoughts.
I know it's annoying.
But last night, I was watching the movie alone at the seat.
So I was like, I need to say something.
But it was too much for me.
For like, hours.
But it's like, no fake.
I mean, it usually happens in Okinawa.
And I have some friends, probably, who experienced these things.
I have some friends who experienced these things.
I have friends who were born when they were 17 or 16 years old.
I have friends who work at a cabaret club.
I've never seen anyone who went that far.
And there was a scene that reminded me of that person.
And there was a scene that reminded me of that person.
It was normal, but it was the worst case of...
It was normal, but it was the worst case of...
The, like, poverty situation.
Yeah, it was amazing.
Yeah, it was the worst case of...
that life.
But, like...
The movie made me feel like I had to talk to somebody after watching it.
The movie made me feel like I had to talk to somebody after watching it.
A movie that made me feel like dying.
I mean, I guess it might be because Okinawa it a really big place.
So, if foreigners see the movie, they might be like...
If you're in the middle of it, it's like, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho,
ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho
I can say that Minami-Nanka is real, but it's not Minami-Nanka's reality.
That's right.
We can say it's close to the reality that we imagined.
Yeah, yeah.
But I thought it was real when I thought about it through various acquaintances and people who seemed to have experienced this kind of thing.
It's normal to live in a cabaret, but it's a little spoiler, but the next day when I was beaten up by violence,
my friend came to my house.
At that time, I was laughing normally.
You were laughing.
I was surprised.
But I thought it was really good to draw it as a movie.
It's not like this.
I think the reaction is normal.
I was beaten up yesterday, like a selfie.
And my boyfriend was like, how was it? Are you okay?
It was like going back to everyday life.
This loop was extremely real.
I've always thought of this guy as annoying.
Your boyfriend?
But later on, more annoying people came out.
But isn't it like this?
There's a girl who plays the role of Aoi.
She's young and a single mother.
She's a single mother, but she has a boyfriend who looks like a man from Okinawa.
A man who doesn't work.
The parents of the girl are also victims of violence.
The boyfriend himself grew up as such a child.
It's not like he's the worst guy.
It's a problem for everyone.
So it's good that there are various angles.
There are really people like that.
What kind of people?
People who don't keep in touch, but drink normally.
There are men and women.
It's like, it's not like this because of me.
What should I do?
It's like that.
I think it's easy for women to make money.
I don't know.
I think the boyfriend's role is the male version of the protagonist, Aoi.
If it's the same story, if it's a man, that's the worst version.
Becoming violent and getting drunk doesn't work.
That's the male version.
Women have no choice but to drink water because they have no money.
If you have a child, you have to raise it.
So it's not like a man or a woman.
It's just a coincidence.
If you're born in a chain of poverty, it tends to be like that.
After I watched the movie, I was like,
What should I have done?
What should I have done at that time?
I thought about it a lot with this little head.
I asked a lot of people on Instagram,
What should I do?
It's not the time to work anymore.
I felt like that.
It's not a problem here.
The structure is like this.
It's not anyone's fault.
That's what I felt.
Minami is not a participant in the whirlpool.
What should we do?
It's a weird loop of thinking.
But this kind of movie,
People in the same situation,
I don't think they have time to watch this movie.
To be honest, it's not something that can give you hope.
You just have to show the reality to the people who don't.
You have to be shocked and think about it.
But what do you know?
From the point of view of the party?
You can think about it.
He's rich, isn't he?
He went to a private school.
He was told he was rich.
He's a mermaid.
He has parents.
I think that's the feeling.
But from that point of view,
That's right.
I feel like we're all the same.
I'm talking about the problem of the poor.
You might be told it's none of your business.
But people's happiness,
Even if you have money and parents,
There are a lot of people who don't seem to be happy.
There were a lot of bright people around Minami in Single Mom.
You can't decide just by that.
It doesn't mean we don't have a right to say something toward this problem.
If we have access to this podcast,
Or connection to somebody who has the power to change the system,
Then we should say something.
I'm not saying we should do something.
It's up to you to give your opinion on any problem.
That's right.
I'm going to change the subject.
Aoi was really free.
About what?
She grabbed my chest.
I thought, why would she do that?
I thought that was real.
There are people like that.
That's why people hit you.
When I was told by the police,
I was like, shut up, shut up.
I had a friend like that in middle school.
He was a bit of a pervert.
And the teacher beat him up.
Minami was crying when she saw that.
I was like, please, don't be rebellious.
She kept telling him to die.
He beat her up and left.
It doesn't matter.
But there are people like that.
There are.
There are people like that.
But still...
I just thought there were people like that.
That's why people hit you.
Like, why don't you just get a divorce?
I wasn't married.
Oh, really?
No, I wasn't.
But my wife...
She said she would pay for the damages.
Oh, so you were married.
I think it was legally.
When I was in this chain of violence,
I felt lonely.
It was sad to give birth at such a young age.
So I thought to myself,
why did I give birth anyway?
I didn't have money, I was just a kid.
You can't get used to that kind of thinking.
You can say things like,
it would have been better if you didn't give birth.
You didn't have money for surgery,
and you couldn't tell anyone.
Then you would have gotten a big belly.
I see.
So, to be honest,
I don't know where to start and what to do.
You're a parent.
You're an adult.
You can't do anything if you're not an adult.
You can't do anything as a kid.
If you're from the southern generation,
I don't think you can be an adult.
There are adults who are like trash.
It's not that those people are trash.
It's their parents.
And those parents
have created all the causes.
In the south,
you can go to school,
you have a choice of work,
and you can choose a place.
It's thanks to their parents,
and their parents,
and their parents,
that they were able to build a foundation.
I don't think it's an individual achievement.
I really think so.
Just realizing that
is a step forward.
When I look at the comments,
I wonder,
why can't I work harder?
Why do I think I'm self-sufficient?
I wonder if there are people who think like that.
I don't know how many people comment on the internet.
But when I think about it,
it's just...
how do I say this?
The affordability to think like that
is economic affordability
and having food.
I grew up there,
so I'm just in a situation
where I can have an opinion.
When I was born,
the people there
gave up on me in the middle,
and said,
I'm going to do something.
I don't think they have the motivation to do it normally.
I can't think about it.
I can only do this.
But if Akane was in that position,
I would want to die.
I thought so at the end.
You were completely cornered.
Even your real parents were watching you.
They were really mean.
When my parents told me
to start a water business,
I was really shocked.
But after that,
I did a lot of research.
There are some people
whose parents go to cabaret clubs
to interview people.
Since they were in middle school.
It's hard to make money.
If it's not a cabaret club,
they get ice cream.
Even if you study hard at university,
you have to pay back your elementary school tuition.
Even if you go to the mainland,
you have to send money home.
It's like a chain.
In Okinawa,
if you can't leave the prefecture,
you think it's normal
and live there.
It's flexible.
But if you go out of the prefecture,
the market will change.
You realize that.
Going out of the prefecture
has a high hurdle.
You need military funds.
You need military funds,
and you don't have time to go.
I was thinking about
what I could do
when I was alone.
You can't do anything
when you're alone.
There's nothing you can do
at this point.
I was depressed.
You can't say anything.
You can't say anything.
You can't say anything.
You can't say anything.
You can't say anything.
I thought I was young.
When I was 17,
I thought I was
just enjoying love.
I didn't think about money.
I was just a high school student.
I was just a high school student.
I thought I was a happy person.
I thought I was a happy person.
Me too.
You're worried about everything.
You're worried about everything.
You're worried about everything.
My doctor said
that I had more cancer at the end.
that I had more cancer at the end.
Because you did exercise a lot
in the end.
Because you did exercise a lot.
Because of this.
You already know every gram of Japanese.
You could name it.
You could name it.
You did a great job.
You already know every gram of Japanese.
Even if you look at it from my point of view, it's different.
When people from Okinawa are acting in a movie set in Okinawa,
they react very delicately.
Including myself.
The accent is different.
But when you were doing it, Chura-san,
it wasn't like that.
It wasn't like that.
It wasn't like you were doing it on purpose.
Do you understand?
You're in the middle.
You speak in a cute way,
but you're a strong person.
That part was also very faithful.
Like, Nili,
you were in the middle.
That's right.
I didn't feel like I was in the middle.
I totally understand.
I thought it was amazing while watching that part.
But after all,
the director and cast were all from the countryside,
so I think it's really good that people with power and influence
are able to create an environment where light doesn't usually hit.
I'm really grateful.
I really think so.
Instead of companies from the countryside coming to make money
and doing something big,
I think it's really good that people with that kind of ability
are able to put a spotlight on Okinawa.
I think that's really good.
But even if companies from the countryside come,
if they're employing people and turning the economy around,
it's necessary.
If I had to choose between Minami and Akane,
I honestly can't relate to Aoi's life at all.
Because I grew up in a very normal way.
So when I think about doing something directly,
the hurdles are quite high.
But if I'm doing my job right now,
doing my day job, doing what I like,
I think I have no choice but to make money
and contribute a little bit to Okinawa's economic independence.
That's right.
In the end, when I think about the issue of single mothers,
I think the government should do something about it.
They should solve it with a system.
The system is made up of politicians.
So it's not like, politicians, fuck you.
We're the ones who chose the politicians.
It's our problem.
Let's go to the election.
Let's go to the election.
So who's running the country?
It's not politicians, it's paid companies.
In the end, the people running the business
It's easy to get involved in the system.
So if you think about it,
it's about making money.
So you want people who make money to watch this movie.
It depends on what perspective you're looking at it from.
If you look at it from a person's point of view,
Akane watched it.
So that's good.
If you have money, you have power.
So it's not about how much you can make,
but in order for Okinawa to be economically independent,
you have to be independent yourself.
That's right.
But everyone doesn't work.
I know.
Men don't work.
I'm not talking about all men,
but there are a lot of men who don't work.
What do you do?
This is a mental problem.
You mean the mentality of not working?
And it's going to be a group like that.
You can live without working,
and your family will raise you.
I don't like it if you don't work.
That's a good thing, isn't it?
That's right.
That's right.
So it's like, if a woman works,
it's like that.
So it's a society where women can work as much as men,
but they're being pushed more.
And even if you become a single parent,
you'll be able to receive financial support.
It's all important.
I think men should work, too.
That's right.
In a blue light,
there are women who don't know how to rely on others.
I've always been pretty strong.
I don't tell my friends.
I've told my grandmother,
but I told her not to say that.
I asked her to look after the kids.
You told her.
I told her.
It depends on your mental state.
I can't say that.
even for women who work at an orphanage,
it's like, it's really hard.
I can say that.
I don't say it, though.
I think it's the mentality to rely on others.
If it's related to the affordability of life,
I can't say it.
You don't think they'll help you even if you go?
I don't think about what will happen if I go.
I only think about the present.
I want money now.
If I'm told something bad, I want to sleep now.
I don't know if I'm doing it right,
but I'm doing my best at this moment.
I don't know what the orphanage will do for me.
It's just someone who adopted a child.
That's right.
It's an enemy.
Even if there are a lot of support systems in this society,
I can't reach them.
I don't know.
No one will help me.
It's a loop again.
Nakane is working as a child shelter.
I'm doing child shelter activities,
but I'm thinking that if I don't do it from the basics,
I won't be able to solve it.
I consulted a lot yesterday,
but it's impossible to do it with the power of a few people.
It's a problem of the country.
So I have to do what I can and move as much as I can.
It's a child shelter activity in Chatan,
so I'll focus on Chatan first,
and then spread it to the prefecture.
If everyone does that,
the prefecture of Okinawa should be unified.
Okinawa is number one in child shelter activities nationwide.
But it's very poor.
There are a lot of single mothers.
There are a lot of troubled parents.
There are a lot of people who don't know that.
So there are not enough people and funds to move.
I don't know what to do.
I don't have an answer.
I understand.
The problem is so big that there is no conclusion.
But the war broke out, Japan lost,
and Okinawa was specially treated.
There are opinions that it started from that.
What do you think about that?
I think there is one reason.
Japan has become like this.
The industry that supported us is gone.
It was a tourist attraction.
The money was poured in to make it.
Now that there is help from the mainland,
it's hard to be independent.
That's what I think.
Basically, the idea is acceptance.
I'm always a victim.
I don't want to be seen as a victim.
I don't want to be seen as a citizen.
But I have a lot of pride.
As an Okinawan.
It's like a chiguhagu.
When the GHQ came in,
Japan lost the war.
Before that, Okinawa wasn't Japan.
It was a trading country.
If it was China, everything would have changed.
It's easy to think that Japan lost to America
because of the current poverty.
But it's not everything.
I think it's all because of our ancestors.
That's right.
If you think about it, it doesn't end.
If you think about it, it doesn't end.
If you think about the fact that Japan lost the war,
you might think,
this is what will happen.
But it's easy to understand.
Why did this happen?
I want everyone to be a citizen.
That's what I think.
So what...
What do you mean?
I want everyone to do something.
I want everyone to make a profit.
I want everyone to make it cheap.
Because we are poor.
That's the mentality we have.
We are not independent anymore.
I'm sorry.
Including myself.
I don't want to judge.
I don't want to be seen as a citizen.
I want to do something by myself.
I want to do something.
I want to increase the population.
I want to increase the population.
To increase the population,
I want to have a good education.
I don't care if my parents go to A high school or B high school.
I don't have to work.
I want my parents to be able to make choices with love.
I have to make everything.
In the end,
I think we have to spend more money on education.
I'll say it again,
because we don't have money.
If we ask the government to give us money,
the government will take it.
It's like a low-care city.
In the end, it's a loop.
So we don't build resort hotels.
So we don't build resort hotels.
We spend money on education.
We spend money on education.
So the money that comes from this
is important for tourism.
is important for tourism.
It's a loop again.
It's good to build resort hotels.
But there's the problem of
how many people from Okinawa
can join the CEO and the CEO's office.
how many people from Okinawa
How can we create such a talent?
How can we create such a talent?
We have to spend money on education.
We have to spend money on education.
It's all about money.
There's a lot of love in Okinawa.
There's a lot of love in Okinawa.
It's overflowing so much
that you can shout out love
that you can shout out love
that you can shout out love
I thought I could buy it with money
but I thought I could buy it with money
I've been thinking too much about money lately.
I've been thinking too much about money recently.
I'm talking about my personal stuff
but I came back to Okinawa about 2 years ago.
I used to play games like how much I can earn by myself and I enjoyed it.
When I came back to Okinawa, I had an average income of over 100,000 yen.
I was living a comfortable life.
By myself. It was the best.
At that time, there were a lot of activities in Okinawa that didn't make money but filled my heart.
It's the same with podcasts now.
I thought it was important as a human being to be involved with people, not money.
I was living like that.
When I started working, I thought that I could do more if I had more money.
But I was only looking for money.
Then I thought about how to balance the wonderful love in Okinawa.
I watched a lot of movies and dramas.
When I look at those themes, it's still capitalism.
I talked to a guest the other day.
He said he wasn't trapped in capitalism, but he was using it.
That's true.
I'm in a position where I can't make money because I'm in a capitalist system.
It's selfish to complain about it.
If you do that, you can't make money.
In the end, I thought that going to work to make money was a way to help myself and the people around me.
That's right.
For example, I have a role.
Akane wants to do her best at Char Siby.
While I'm doing that, Minami will do her best and make 100 million yen.
It's a family story.
If I make money, I'll give all the money to Char Siby and do something.
I can do that.
I think it's important to have a connection with people who go to make a lot of money.
I thought so.
If Akane and Minami are there, it's a connection with investors.
In short, I have a relationship with people who have a lot of money.
That's right.
Everyone has a role.
I think we just need to complement each other.
That's right.
I got a DM saying, I'm interested in poverty, I want to do something.
After talking about the movie?
That's right.
I got that kind of message from time to time.
If you really want to solve poverty, I want you to donate money.
Because I don't think you can do anything by yourself.
But in such a situation, there are opinions like, I don't just want to donate money.
I'm grateful that you do something for me, but there may be people who do it for their PR.
That's right.
I thought about it a lot.
But the people who do it do a lot of sober work.
They spend time so much that they can't work.
But there are people who do it because they have that passion.
But society revolves around money.
That's true.
I want to quit my job and do this with all my might, but then I can't live.
That's why I'm working.
I totally understand.
I often wonder why Minami doesn't get paid 500,000 yen for her daily activities.
But if you think about it calmly, it's not worth it.
How can I shorten my working hours and make more money?
If I had that, I wouldn't be able to make money.
I'd be able to do what I love.
And I think I'd be able to donate money.
So it's important to study money.
So if you have money, you want to do it, but you don't have time to do it.
I think it's good to connect with people who have money and want to use it for society.
But it's up to them to use it for their own benefit.
That's right.
But it's difficult to talk about this kind of external relationship.
There are billions of dollars.
Whether you give it to Akane or someone else, the way you use it is completely different.
I thought it was the way you use it.
The way you use it.
There are women's funds and welfare funds.
There are young people who don't know how to use it.
There are adults, too.
I think it would be a proper way to use it if you taught them that.
I think so.
It's difficult.
In Japan, there are people who give 100,000 yen in pocket money.
I often think that it can be used for something together.
I'm glad to receive it.
That's right.
It's like getting some kind of rain.
But it didn't solve anything in the long run.
So there are various problems.
There is also a problem that you just need to provide enough education.
But I don't think there are 10% of the population who can use money as an investment.
It's been about four years since I started my own business in Minami-ji.
Sometimes I use it for what I want.
When I looked back on it, I thought I was using it like a fool.
I feel like I've lost a lot of money.
So I don't think I have any knowledge about money.
It may be above average compared to other people.
But I think there are better ways to use it in the world.
You have to study a lot.
And you have to make money.
That's right.
After all, I'm talking about money.
I think it's better for us to go make money.
It's not like Aoi.
I've been educated properly.
I have parents.
I have support.
If you can afford it, don't hesitate to make money.
That's the only way.
And you have to go to the election.
That's right.
That's all I can think of.
And you should consult.
I want you to consult.
But I don't think I have the brain to consult.
The balance of money, the balance of feeling stable, and the rich.
That's what you need.
I wanted to study that balance.
I'm going to balance myself while I'm alive.
I'm sure everyone wants to lean on one or the other.
It's easier that way.
Then it will collapse.
That's what I thought.
It's difficult.
I just said this.
I think there is a great personality in Okinawa.
The good personality of the people.
I think it's because there's no darkness in that.
That's right.
But I have no choice but to use my brain.
I'd like to see people who want to do this or change this as a member of the Okinawan community.
I'd like to see them get together and make a movement.
I'd like to do that.
I'd like to hear their stories.
It doesn't matter what field you're in.
I'd like to see people who are active in the outside world, people who are active in the prefecture.
It's impossible to have a direct impact on society.
It's impossible.
I'd like to see people who are active in the outside world, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture,
people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in
people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in
the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people
who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the
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are active in the prefecture, people who are active in the prefecture, people who are active in
I don't know for myself, but when I look around, I realize that's how it is.
But I can be grateful for that, and I can find hope in the people I'm with.
But that's up to me, so it depends on what kind of high energy I have,
how I get involved, and how I get involved.
What kind of information I input, what I listen to, what I output,
and how I get involved with the environment.
No matter how low you are, it's hard to climb up,
but I want everyone to have the motivation to go towards the light.
Then you can definitely go in a better direction.
If you put it that way, it might not be very persuasive.
It is.
There are times when it's hard, and there are times when it's not.
But I don't listen, I don't listen, and I don't get involved.
I have the motivation to get better within myself.
I think the world is still bright.
The basic hope.
If you take in too much information, you might get depressed.
But that's the phase where you finish it and move on.
If you do that, you'll meet people like that.
There's fate, there's luck.
I feel like I can write a song.
There's fate, there's luck.
But if you have that minimum hope, you won't die.
I mean, you don't think you're going to die.
So in order to reduce the number of people who reach that point,
people like us,
I don't know what's the best, but we have no choice but to do a lot.
Like Akane said, we can't rely on others, but we're not alone.
I want people to think that way.
I watched this movie and got depressed, so I'm trying to cheer myself up.
But it's not just depression.
Akane thought about what she could do all night yesterday.
In a way, only people with hope can think.
You're full of hope.
You're just overwhelmed and tired.
I wanted a lot of people to watch this movie.
I really wanted people to watch this movie.
If it was a book, it would be Yoko Uemawa.
There's a book called Hadashi de Nigeru.
There's a lot of coverage of similar incidents.
I think it's good to study reality.
I'll put a link in the description.
Thank you for making this movie.
Thank you.
I'm looking forward to seeing you.

