2021-10-12 55:22

#18【2拠点生活とリモートワーク】How Remote Work Changed People's Lives


Haitai Gusuyooo!
Thankfully it has been almost a half year since we started the Podcast.
In this episode, we talked about our working style has changed. Hope you like it:)


How The Pandemic Has Changed Where People Work And Live

'I don't have to choose between lifestyle and career.' How remote work changed these people's lives

Pandemic pushes search for remote jobs up 460%





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What's up guys, this is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and English.
I don't have to choose between lifestyle and career.
How remote work changed these people's lives.
It's been an year since companies across the globe sent employees home to work as the pandemic spread.
Andrew Hewitt, a senior analyst at market research firm Forrester, expects about 60% of companies to offer a hybrid work model while 10% will be fully remote.
And while working from home comes with its fair share of challenges, it's also provided some workers the opportunity to make some life-changing decisions.
Some have taken to the road, while others have strengthened new relationships and changed their approach to how they work.
This is how the pandemic has changed the way these workers live and work.
All of that is food for thought given the number of workers toiling from home.
One estimate early in the pandemic was that as many as half of all Americans were now working remotely.
Later estimates placed that figure at between 29% and 35% and contrasted it with the 2019 figure of 11.9%.
What should be kept in mind, however, is that just 22% of American workers can actually do their jobs from home 3 to 5 days a week according to McKinsey
and they are usually in occupations like finance, insurance and technology.
I missed you, bro.
So you just came back to Okinawa finally, like for good?
Yeah, I moved out my apartment in Tokyo like two weeks ago, so it's been a two...yeah.
So what made you to come back to Okinawa?
I mean, you know, I've been planning for this, like try to figure out whether I can work from here, but working with the people in Tokyo or anywhere else.
And since I've started to work in this style, like going back and forth Okinawa and Tokyo, then I started thinking like,
Okay, I think I can work as good as...as same quality as I do in Tokyo too. It doesn't matter where I am.
And I talked to my boss, one of my works, and they're like,
Oh, why don't you do that?
I mean, they don't really care about it.
And other...my other work, maybe some people know that I work as a freelancer too.
I haven't met them in real life over two years anyways.
So like we don't really discuss, you know, where you guys are at. Meeting is only online.
So I didn't even need to say, or I didn't even need to ask them whether I can do that or not.
I only talked to one company.
Like, can I live in Okinawa?
And in like three seconds, they were like, sure!
So I was like, yay!
But I only had a concrete plan for half a year.
Since last winter.
Like, maybe I can do it.
I had a lot of conflicts.
That was a good example, like, to move to your home as a remote worker.
Yeah, I think so.
I mean, it's an option to move to a remote location like your hometown.
But depending on the job, it can be difficult.
But in Minami, it's like a one-time thing.
Like a trip.
You do it a few times.
And you try different lifestyles.
You try different jobs.
Then finally you moved here.
So I think it's better for everyone to do that.
Even if it's a remote job.
You just can try like two weeks or three weeks to live here as an example.
Then you can talk to your boss.
When you come to Okinawa, you have to change jobs.
That's how it was for me when I came back from Tokyo.
But in Minami, you just can continue the same job with the same salary.
Then you can live in Okinawa.
That's a very good example.
That's true.
It's difficult.
Now I did it already.
So I don't feel it.
It took me a long time to get used to it.
I did it for more than two years.
The first performance, I just came to Okinawa.
From Friday to Monday.
It was like a vacation.
I did it like a half vacation.
Then I did Monday and Tuesday.
To be honest, I was scared.
As a Japanese worker,
I can't see what other people think about me.
Like hanging out, party out.
And I post it on Instagram a lot.
But at the same time, I'm supposed to work too.
So I don't really care about how people see me.
But I do care about it for the first few months.
At the same time, I ask myself,
the quality of my work is good enough
to do it remotely by myself.
If you work at a company,
whether you work or not,
you are actually there for a few hours.
That counts as work.
When it comes to remote work, it's more like a lifestyle.
You did this amount that you can get day off.
You can control your schedule,
but at the same time, you need to do the task.
It's a busy world.
That's why the value of co-workers is so important.
I really appreciate my co-workers, like everyone.
So like the pros and cons?
Remote work?
You can enjoy Okinawa life.
Yeah, if it's between Okinawa and Tokyo.
It's my hometown.
You can see your family.
You can do partying.
Yeah, more than in Tokyo.
Especially under the COVID situation.
But you need to...
How do I say this?
You need to adjust the amount of work you do.
You need to do this task until this day.
It's hard to manage yourself.
But if you can do that,
you can live wherever you want.
You don't do it because you can.
You just want to do it.
You're passionate.
You just want to do it.
If you can't do it, just apologize.
It's different for a full-time job.
But as a freelancer job,
they can fire me whenever they want.
So there's nothing to lose.
After the pandemic,
we are more easily to start doing remote work.
So you can choose your lifestyle.
You can talk with your boss.
You want to work at home.
You can adjust your lifestyle.
So it's easier to work at home.
That's true.
So, Akane, you started working as a freelancer.
For how long now?
6 months?
And how much is the percentage
of you working from home or wherever you want?
Or at some spot, place, venue?
How much?
If you're a wedding planner at a company,
you need to be at the wedding salon for a few hours.
And you have work at home as well.
Like work from home.
I think I work half and half.
At a wedding salon.
But I'm a freelancer.
So I work at a gym.
I always do meetings at home.
With the online.
I talk with my clients on the phone.
Like Zoom.
I go when I want to.
And I also go to shoot.
I go to see dresses.
I go to see flowers.
But other than that,
I make presentations at home.
That sounds like a good balance.
Staying inside and going outside.
When I'm at home, I can do housework.
I can hang out with my husband at home.
Besides work.
So I spend more time at home than before.
I think this is better for me.
I want to hang out when I want to.
I'm busy when I'm free.
But I take a day off.
I decide when I'm going on a trip.
I went on a trip three times last month.
You went to a lot of places.
If I can manage my schedule,
I think it's good.
My clients know that I'm free.
So they adjust my schedule.
That's good.
It's different for everyone.
I do everything from Monday to Friday.
I do everything.
I don't make a schedule.
I mix everything up.
Off and on.
I can work and hang out all the time.
It's hard to explain to my friends.
Sometimes I have lunch with friends.
They ask me what time I can go out.
It's a really hard question.
I can go out anytime.
If I don't have a meeting at a specific time.
It's not a holiday.
I'm working now.
I don't know what's going on.
I don't know what's going on.
I don't know what's going on.
If you hang out with me a few times,
I can understand you.
If you work in shifts,
I can't understand you.
It's not about time.
It's like a project.
It's like a job.
Today I have this and that.
I finish one in the morning.
I'll get a reply in a few hours.
I calculate it on my own.
It's not that precise.
I can do it on my smartphone.
I can do it on my smartphone.
But I don't use my head all the time.
I use my head all the time.
I know.
But I don't want to use my head all the time.
Sometimes I turn off all the devices.
And do something outside.
To refresh.
It's weird.
It's been two weeks since I woke up.
I have a lot of things to do today.
I'm having a hard time.
I can have a break in between.
I'm skipping a lot right now.
I'm thinking about eating or getting ready.
When I have a break,
I feel bored.
Work is like a game to me.
I only think of it as a game.
I only think of it as a game.
But it's fun to think about it that way.
I've only been working since about 10 o'clock the other day.
9 o'clock is perfect.
It's too late.
I went to the beach at about 10 o'clock.
I sat down for about 30 minutes.
And I came back.
And I thought I'd try again.
I thought I'd try again.
Then I got sleepy under the sun.
In the end.
I was sleepy.
When I was a full-time worker,
I just needed to stay at the office for a few hours.
I couldn't get off work.
Sometimes I really don't work.
During the time.
Because I work early.
I play when I'm done.
From the perspective of the company,
I feel like I can work more.
But when I become a freelancer,
I don't make time for myself.
I can do as much as I can.
That's why the results are getting higher and higher.
I can raise my salary by myself.
I think that's what it's all about.
I think that's what it's all about.
The more you can do, the more you can earn.
I've got a lot more work.
I've got more work since August or September.
But I still do it.
I do what I can't do.
I do everything.
I try.
If I can't do it, I quit.
If I can't do it, I quit.
I heard that from Minami.
If you judge yourself that you can't do it,
you won't have a chance.
So you should try it first.
If you can't do it, what do you do?
I think it would be helpful to hear that.
For example, if you're just a full-time employee,
the company will give you a step-up chance.
If you're a full-time employee,
the company will give you a step-up chance.
It's normal to improve your skills.
But freelancers have a set of skills.
If you can get a job, please do it.
Let's get a job for hundreds of thousands a month.
From a client's point of view,
it doesn't matter if the person's skills improve or not.
In terms of skills,
In terms of skills,
I think freelancers have a high possibility of not scaling.
That's what I thought.
I've been doing the same job for years.
I'm still doing it.
I'm like, that's enough.
I can do other things,
but I'm not running my own business right now.
If I don't do that,
If I don't do that,
I don't think it's going to change much.
I've been feeling it a little bit.
But I was trying to work in two places earlier.
But I've been trying to work in two places earlier.
What I've been doing recently is a little different.
It's the same digital marketing,
but it's a little more system-oriented.
At first glance,
At first glance,
I thought it was something I'd never done before.
But another senior told me,
But another senior told me,
It's a lot deeper than what I've been doing so far.
It's a lot deeper than what I've been doing so far.
He said, are you okay?
He said, are you okay?
I was really pissed off.
It doesn't make sense.
It's not like, are you okay?
It's not like, are you okay?
It's not like, are you okay?
If he's going to do it,
I've been asking him what to do,
I've been asking him what to do,
If he's going to do it,
I asked him how much I'd pay for it.
He's different than what I've been doing so far.
He says, if I do that,
He says, if I do that,
It's the same as staying the same age forever.
I don't grow up any more,
I don't grow up any more,
so I thought I'd never ask you.
I thought I'd never ask you.
He asked me if I could or not.
He asked me if I could or not.
He's better to do it because he wants to.
I try to respond to that.
I expect that to be a burden.
I'll probably do it, so I'll do it.
Then the business is getting bigger.
I think it's important to improve your technical skills, but more importantly, as a human being,
I want you to be interested in other people.
What do you want me to do?
I'll do everything I can, and I want you to teach me what I can't do.
That's how I always feel when I'm out of the office.
Then I'll do it.
I'm very grateful to the person who offered me this job.
I want to live up to their expectations, and I want to be able to work with them.
Including helping each other.
I used to be a wedding planner, but now I have other jobs.
I'm doing a job at the site, but I've never done a job at the site.
But I'm doing it, so I just learned it in a few days.
I've never done a job at the site.
Shake it till you make it.
But if I do that, it'll improve my skills.
If I can plan the site properly, it'll be good for the customers.
I'm grateful to the people who gave me that, and I want to support them when they're in trouble.
In that sense, I think it's better to jump into everything with zero pride.
Everything will be my job, so I don't think it's because I'm an expert.
I think it's important to do it when you get a chance.
Don't get caught up in the frame.
Speaking of skills, there's a risk of repeating the same thing over and over again.
If the client is different, the people are different, and the company culture is completely different.
Messenger, Slack, everything is different.
The teams involved are also different.
And I'm looking at it, so I know which one is the most productive.
So I can suggest to the other person that it's better to do this.
I always care about how my co-workers or the clients can be comfortable to talk to me or ask something to me.
Especially, I'm working online.
So the speed of the lesson is the fastest in the world.
That's true.
It's like, I'm next to you.
I'm trying to respond.
Because everyone is a thousand miles away.
That's true.
LINE is fast, too.
You can get LINE.
You get LINE from people.
When you open it, you'll be told it's fast.
It happens once a week.
That's a very good point.
How do you want to work in a few years?
How do you want to work in the future?
Do you have an image?
It's like an interview.
It's like an interview.
Now, all my work is 100% in a Tokyo-based company.
I just located in here.
If there's anything I can do in Okinawa, I'd like to try it.
It's only been two weeks.
I came to Okinawa because I wanted to work abroad.
While I'm in Okinawa, I want to do something that has nothing to do with the country.
That's about half of what I'm doing now.
I want to quit client work someday.
I love it, but I feel like I'm doing too much.
I want to do everything full-time.
Besides work, what kind of lifestyle do you want?
Based in Okinawa, I want to go overseas once in two months.
Same here.
I want to do what I like, work, do a lot of podcasts.
If I go overseas, I want to be able to interview people.
Like Brazil.
I want to be able to do that.
I think that's it.
I like that, too.
At the moment, I have to work at the wedding.
For the customers, too.
But my goal is to create a system where I don't have to be there.
I don't have to be there.
For example, I'm doing planning online with clients.
I hire someone to support me on the day of the wedding.
For some special clients, I can go to that destination and support them.
But it costs a little bit more.
That's nice.
But I want to do it in a free style.
Like a company.
I don't like the current bridal system.
But if I'm happy and everyone is happy, that's the best.
I want to go to a lot of places and get to know a lot of people.
I want to make the most of the knowledge of podcasts.
While I'm working a lot in Okinawa, I want to do a lot of trial and error.
I want to let other people work.
But I want people to work on the Internet.
I think it's better to have that kind of skill.
That's why I'm doing it.
And I think I can do it.
So far, you've gone beyond what I imagined.
That's true.
When I was at university, I used to listen to seminars and people's speeches.
You know, there are people who work remotely overseas.
At that time, I thought this was a good idea.
Of course, I didn't think about it at first.
But I had to get used to it.
So I've been thinking about how to do it.
It took about seven years.
But thanks to COVID-19, people's values have changed.
I feel like I can do it if I don't put a limit on myself.
When I was at work, I put a limit on myself.
I was in a position to leave my job.
But when I quit my job, I lost that limit.
So I changed my image of what I want to do with my life.
Of course, I do it according to my plan, but sometimes it doesn't go as planned.
I think it's important to take advantage of opportunities.
I think it's more important to have a clear mind.
Of course it's about skills, but I think it's more important to have a clear mind.
I'm just doing it to be happy.
I just want to have fun.
I think I'm just following my heart.
Minami often says,
I don't know if I did it, but I just have to do it.
I think that's right.
I started to think about what I want to do, not what I want to do.
That's why I started to do it.
There are a lot of risks.
Of course, there are risks.
But I don't have time to think about it.
I have to do something about it.
If I set a limit on myself,
If I lose my job, I might die of starvation.
That's not going to happen as long as I'm in Japan.
If you keep the bottom line very low,
Even if you fall, you won't fall.
I think that's true.
But when you start something new, when the environment changes,
I always hear people's negative thoughts towards me.
Are you okay?
I've heard that a lot lately.
I hear that all the time.
Are you really okay?
More than ever.
I'm updating the best version every day.
For example, I'm going to start something new.
I'm going to move to a new house.
I'm worried.
I might be able to say it's an anxiety factor.
I think it's just a matter of which feelings of anxiety and excitement are converted.
I don't know if you're a scientist, but I think it's the same.
It really depends on how you take it as excitement or fear.
You can choose.
Everybody feels the same something.
But there's a choice there.
For example, if you're really nervous,
Don't say, I'm scared.
It's just shaking.
Okay, let's go.
It's a matter of conversion.
I think you should get used to it through training.
You always make decisions by yourself.
A long time ago, I read a book by John Kim.
Anxiety is because you don't know what anxiety is.
But let's say you're trying to live in a 1 million yen house.
The anxiety factor that comes out of that is so clear that it can be exaggerated.
I don't think it's anxiety when you know it.
Maybe it doesn't make sense.
What was it?
It depends on how you interpret it.
What was it?
Wasn't there an article about increased time in remote work?
Let me see.
According to Business Insider,
The average commute time in Japan is 1 hour and 19 minutes.
If you commute 20 days a month, you save about 26 hours.
If you don't have time to visit clients,
You get 30 hours of free time a month.
It's been a year and a half since life has changed due to COVID-19.
The cumulative amount of overtime is 30 hours x 18 months, which is 540 hours.
How do you feel?
We have like 540 hours.
That's why you can increase your work.
Yeah, that's right.
I have more time to play.
If you have 540 hours, you can watch a lot of movies and play.
You make a lot of calculations.
That's why.
Depending on your job, you have to meet people.
Of course, I don't think you can do remote work.
If you're interested, you can try another job you can do remotely.
There are so many ways to make money.
When you get a part-time job and become a social person,
You're more conscious of how much you spend on time.
There are times when I'm conscious, and there are times when I'm conscious.
It doesn't really matter.
It's like an investment.
It's something that moves on its own.
You can feel like you're making money on your own.
You can get used to it at the same time.
That's right.
If you're doing one job,
You can think about how much your current skill is.
I think I've changed my mind.
I'll calculate the time.
In the case of wedding, how many meetings do you have?
How much do you spend on time?
How much do you produce?
I'll give you an idea of how much.
There's also the percentage of production.
If you look at it that way,
If you compare it to the monthly salary of a month,
It's a price that can't be compared.
Then increase the number of successes.
I think it's better to decide how much you produce.
I've been thinking about that lately.
That's right.
If you do it remotely, you'll have more private time.
There's also the idea that if you do this in a project unit,
You'll have to pay a lot of money for the execution.
For example,
Introduction of people.
It's about five seconds at work.
It's worth about 100,000 yen.
There's a lot more than that.
I don't know if you've noticed.
The amount of money you're spending on meetings.
It's a job that was born because of this person.
But you're not doing anything.
But you're getting paid.
That's wrong.
It's really about this connection.
The people who connect are at the core.
That's why work is born.
It's not like labor becomes money.
The experiences they've built in their lives so far.
Human relationships.
I don't know if it's because I'm Japanese.
It's like taking money from it.
Sometimes my parents tell me,
Are you making money with that?
But who else can do it?
Instead of me.
Then why do I have to feel guilty about getting that money?
Because if it's over with a win-win, it's not good for anything.
There's a lot of that in Tokyo.
That's true.
That's a possibility.
It's a change of mind.
That's why you get paid.
If you're too caught up in it, it's weird.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't know what to say.
On the contrary,
The people I work with, the people I don't work with.
I do what I can.
Without any guarantee.
Express yourself without boundaries.
That will lead people to think that they want to work with you.
Or they want to get involved with you.
But it's true.
I'm not sure if this is the right amount.
There are times when I get lost.
I was thinking to myself.
At that time, I asked a lot of people.
What do you think about this?
That's true.
Objective? Subjective?
It's objective, isn't it? Objectively.
Yeah, it's a hot topic.
This word is complicated.
That's true.
There was an article about remote work.
I talked about this earlier.
Didn't you pick up that other companies do this?
This one.
By the half post said.
The benefits and disadvantages of remote work.
I talked about Minami earlier.
The benefits are easy to maintain a work-life balance.
Reduce costs as a company.
Enlarge the number of people who can be hired.
Disadvantages are psychological anxiety due to lack of communication.
You need management skills.
I looked it up.
According to an article by Nikkei Extech.
I don't know what kind of work the team members in the same department are doing.
I can't get a hold of the other person's situation.
I don't know what to do if I have a web meeting or a chat.
I'm a little worried about internal communication.
As a means of solving the problem.
Virtual office services are starting to spread.
Such as Sokoko.
If you use a virtual office service.
Team members in the same department are represented by icons and avatars.
You can move around freely.
I'm having a meeting with A and B right now.
You'll be able to understand it visually.
Is it like that?
Animal forest?
Sorry, I've never done it.
I don't know.
It's virtual.
It was all a game from the beginning.
I don't know if it's a good idea to go this far.
That's true.
But the psychological anxiety due to lack of communication.
There are a lot of people like that.
It's not that I'm anxious.
It's like, let's talk.
I'm talking to a lot of people online.
There are people who are not good at that.
There are a lot of people who are not comfortable.
I'm not good at getting in touch with beans.
Even if the evaluation changes a lot.
Sometimes I think it's not essential.
Everyone has different skills.
That's why it's difficult.
There are a lot of people who don't know what they're doing.
It depends on the job.
When I was working remotely at a previous company.
I was sent a diary that I did this and that today.
You send it.
I haven't done it before, but I did it.
On the contrary, I have to do something during my free time.
It's like I'm being watched.
I have more tasks to do.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I have to work a lot to finish.
It's like that.
It can be a different pressure.
It depends on the person.
Talking for an hour or two online.
It's something I don't usually do in the company.
I think I'll have more time to figure out what I was waiting for.
It really depends on the manager.
If you're in a company.
I can't choose the boss.
When you're in a long-distance relationship, you talk on the phone a lot.
If it's in person, I didn't talk much.
If it's a long-distance relationship, I talk more.
That's about it.
It's about human power.
When it comes to the remote work, you need to have a PC.
That's essential.
You need to improve your skills.
What is the advice from you?
How to get productive?
That's it.
It's a little bit of a tool talk.
I think it's better to invest in a PC or a microphone.
You can't be stingy.
There are people who haven't met you online for a long time.
Where do you feel comfortable?
In the end, if I have a voice or a camera, I do a lot of facial expressions.
If that's the case, I'd like to have a PC or an iPhone.
I think it's better to always follow the latest ones.
I'm using a laptop right now.
If possible, I'd like to buy a display like a TV.
If you operate two screens on a big screen,
the efficiency will increase by 40%.
It doesn't matter how much.
I think the size of the screen and the efficiency are proportional.
PCs are small.
Note PC.
It's super small, but it's definitely a good thing to have a PC stand.
It's better to have a lot of small accessories.
I think you'll feel better.
So get a new iPhone, everyone.
I don't know.
I will get a new iPhone next week.
I want to change my name.
It's because the screen is broken.
You have to change it.
It's important to have the right equipment.
And a working chair.
You should definitely buy a good, expensive chair.
I've been doing PC work for a long time.
My scapula is stiff.
The way I sit and the posture.
When I actually move, it's a burden on me.
I thought the environment was important.
It's funny.
When I was working at a company, I had a stiff shoulder.
I'm free and I can do a lot of things.
When I went to the master, I was told that it was 100% computer work.
But I didn't have a stiff shoulder at all.
The angle of the PC was more than 45 degrees.
I was in a terrible posture while sleeping.
I was like, are you sleeping?
If you make it so that you can hit it with a super comfortable posture,
You can get rid of stiff shoulders.
There are a lot of things you can get rid of with tools.
There are a lot of people who don't use PC stands.
I want to recommend this to all humans.
You too.
Yeah, I should have.
This aluminum part of the MacBook Air.
The edge of this corner gets caught in my wrist.
That alone is bad for my body.
I'm tired.
I don't know.
I get hurt and stuff.
So I'll make it a little slanted.
The angle of the eyes.
It could be a double chin.
It could be a countermeasure.
I hate stiff shoulders the most.
I hate it.
I'm always stiff.
So don't put it on a weird table.
There are a lot of good ones for 2,000 to 3,000 yen.
I would recommend to get a PC stand.
That's all I can say to anyone.
That's nice.
If you can afford it, buy a super big display.
That's the advice from Minami.
And we really recommend to pursue it for yourself.
That's it.
Today we talked about remote work, our lifestyle, and how we do telework.
It's not that remote work is the best decision.
What we want to tell you is...
You should be responsible for your life.
It's not because your job is high school or you're a boss.
Just do what you want to do.
Do what you really want to do.
You can make it.
Something like that.
Ask helps.
It's important.
Because of COVID-19, I've become more flexible.
It's a big chance for all of you.
Use it well.
In the first article, it said,
Remote work is not an extension of how we work.
It's an initiative to build an innovative environment.
We may be at a time to change our awareness of how we work.
It's a good trend to change your culture from hard power.
That's all for today.
Bye bye.

