1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Podcast Staff採用してみてど..
2024-08-06 09:32

Podcast Staff採用してみてどうよ?


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast
So, as we talked about this on Podcast Plus, which is on Amazon Music, exclusively
Exclusively? Sneak it in?
You're hiring, I mean, we're hiring, but thank you, you do everything
Oh, no problem, yeah
And you hired a person?
Yes, a person for uploading all our stuff, yes
Is that a person or like people?
A person
A person, yeah
And how, and then he or she made a step, right?
To improve the, to change the link
Oh, right, so, right, right, so I said this on Amazon Music, but the link to which you can send
The podcast request, podcast topic request is now clickable
Not only on the normal version, but like on the Plus, too
It's a big step
I think before, for the normal one, it was clickable
But now, even for the Plus version, it's clickable, too
So if you go to Amazon Music, which is where the Plus is, you can, it's now clickable
The link is clickable, so it's easier for people listening on the Plus to send their request
I see
You can't click it from the gaiyou page, but like you can click it like on the saiseichun no peiji
So that's right
I see
It's easier now
And I just want to let everybody know that, so yay
Yes, yes
And that was established, that was, that happened because I was too lazy to do it
But I was able to hire somebody, we were able to hire somebody, and now that person's doing it for me
Yeah, when you knew it, you wanted to do that
Oh, that's a good, it's a, it's a
That's, that's why you hired people
That's right, that's right
And now this person is working on creating shorts
Yeah, running all the links on this AI site that creates shorts
Oh, true, the one you mentioned
Right, and then see if it qualifies or not, and then I do the last check, and then boom, it's out
It should be out soon, it should be out soon
That's right
Maybe soon the double camera might come back to play
So, big step
Oh, yeah
They are big steps
That's right
I mean, about the links, that means you can listen to the podcast plus or podcast
And then just, if you found, if you met someone that you don't know yet or like, you can guess what the meaning is
And then you can just, then you click the link and then boom
Straight to the
Google form, yeah
Great way of learning
Yeah, right
Whereas before, you had to copy the whole description section and then cut out the link and then paste it on your browser
Yeah, so much easier now
Much easier
So, I mean, how is it so far for you?
So far, so good
Hiring people
So far, so good
So far, so good
So far, so good
Now, it's a matter of like how much business-wise, like how much revenue is it going to create, right?
By hiring somebody new, right?
The expense versus like what's the...
So, that's, we'll have to see
You're an entrepreneur
Yeah, we just learned how to pronounce that on the bus, right?
But the communication between a person, that person and you is like very smooth
That's right
No trouble
Right, so far, so good
Very smooth
This person's handling the job properly
Yeah, so
That's great
So far, so good
Because that's the main like concerning to you, right?
Before you start everything
Like hiring new people
That's right, that's right
The people, right?
The person
If that's easy to communicate or not
Yeah, yeah
You know, yeah
So far, so good
Do you have like a tip for that?
A tip?
Yeah, like do you have anything in your mind to when you communicate with your...
It's sort of your kind of buka, right?
Um, I try...
Well, try to respect them as much as possible, you know?
I mean, I am paying that person
But like, I do want that person to be comfortable with the job
So I try to...
Yeah, I try to communicate with them
To see if they're not feeling any like discomfort or nothing like that
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
So, yeah, something like that
That's great
Because I'm...
So it's one very big topic of like working in office or anything else
But like if you are someone's buka
Or if you are someone's joshi, right?
So it's only two options
So and if you are someone's buka
And that's...
There's not many things to think about
You just do what people told you and just do it perfectly
And then all a little bit like additional like a thing
And then...
That's just all you have to do is very simple, right?
But if you became like a boss side
And then I feel like there are many many more things to think about
That's true
Speaking of that like two words
It's like it is kind of difficult
Like how much like I can ask this person to do
Like quality or like amount?
Like amount wise
Like it is difficult
Even though it is like...
You have this fixed pay, right?
And then it is negotiable of like
Hey, I need more money if you ask me to do this
Still at the same time
That's possible to do
But like that creates friction, right?
And then people tend to avoid friction
So people tend to...
Especially Japanese, I feel like
You know, it's just they tend to avoid it
Just keep it quiet
Just come on for yourself
And then that's unhealthy too
So like...
Yeah, it is kind of like hard to like balance that out
Like are you comfortable doing this?
Like just honestly speak to me
Even though I say that
It is like...
People don't honestly say it, right?
'Cause you are my boss
And then like...
That's like a basic Japanese work style
I feel like that's a difficulty there
Like from the boss side
From the boss side, I guess
Like how can I provide a comfortable environment?
That's difficult
But it's a good thing
Like a learning
Yeah, it's a good learning
Yeah, yeah
That's right
That's right
So far like a one, two months yet?
More than that?
Yeah, two months?
Three months?
Two months
Second month?
Now we're in the second month
Yeah, I think so
Right, right, right
So you said you'd like it in some short terms
It's now like an interview show
Yes, go ahead
You're trying to like many people as possible, right?
That was your original plan
Like changing people and hiring new people
So that wasn't...
So my original plan wasn't to like hire somebody
And then fire somebody
My original plan was like
If I hire somebody
And then that person doesn't work out
I want to be able to fire somebody
Like fast
And then like be able to hire somebody
I see
Like if it doesn't work out
I wanted to have like the freedom of like
Opening myself up to new possibility
Was what I was planning
So if this person right now is working out
Then there's really no need to change, yeah
I mean, that's great
That you met the right guy from the beginning, you know?
Right, right, right
Even though it is only still a two month
But yeah, yeah, right, right
So far so good though
So far so good
Yeah, that's great
Right, right
Thank you for the work
Oh, yeah, no problem
I mean, yeah
Well, thank you for agreeing to have the expense
Of course, yeah
Yeah, because to tell the truth
I have no idea who that guy
I don't know the name
I've never met him or her
I have no idea
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, so great
Right, right, right, right, right
Well, thank you
And I'm happy like
Seeing that you're taking steps
And becoming more like good entrepreneur
And like that
Oh, no
Yeah, that's fine
Right, so
So far so good
So far so good
Great, great, right
Thanks for listening guys
Thank you

