2024-02-17 1:06:40

#75【偏頭痛、“天気が原因のすべて”と思っている人へ。スマホと自律神経】Smartphones and Autonomic Nervous System

Hitai people, English below


When there is a significant temperature difference, known as "temperature fluctuation," the autonomic nervous system that regulates body temperature can become overly active, leading to various symptoms such as general fatigue, chilliness, headaches, neck and shoulder stiffness, gastrointestinal disorders, irritability, anxiety, and allergies (such as rhinitis symptoms). This is one form of "weather-related illness," also referred to as "temperature fluctuation fatigue.

According to a survey by the barometric pressure health management app "Zutsu-ru," it has been found that people are more likely to experience ill health during "temperature fluctuations," especially when there is a "significant temperature difference from the previous day." Among these, days when the temperature drops significantly compared to the previous day are most likely to lead to ill health.

Doctors have raised alarms that excessive smartphone use could be an underlying factor. Why might worsening weather and smartphones be related?



薬剤の使用過多による頭痛 日本頭痛学会

Cloudy with a Chance of Pain? Smartphone study shows pain more likely on humid, windy days



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What's up, amazing people? This is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and English.
When there is a significant difference in temperature known as temperature fluctuation,
the autonomic nervous system that regulates body temperature can become overly active,
leading to various symptoms such as general fatigue, chilliness, headaches, neck and shoulder stiffness,
gastrointestinal disorders, irritability, anxiety, and allergies.
This is one form of weather-related illness, also referred to as temperature fluctuation fatigue.
According to a survey by the barometric pressure health management app Jutsuru,
it has been found that people are more likely to experience ill health during temperature fluctuations,
especially when there is a significant temperature difference from the previous day.
Among these, days when the temperature drops significantly compared to the previous day are most likely to lead to ill health.
Doctors have raised alarms that excessive smartphone use could be an underlying factor.
Why might worsening weather and smartphones be related?
At the Tokyo Neurological Center in Minato Ward, a study's theme of patients with ill health has been observed.
The symptoms include headaches, dizziness, unexplained joint pain, and numbness in the limbs.
Takayoshi Matsui, the director, explained,
people who develop symptoms when the weather worsens or when the barometric pressure starts to drop are suffering from a new illness called smartphone disease or computer disease,
which is currently increasing explosively.
The key factors are smartphones and the autonomic nervous system.
Normally, the curvical spin is curved, but excessive use of smartphones can lead to straight neck, putting strain on the neck muscles.
Since the autonomic nervous system, which controls the vital activities of life, is concentrated at the back of the neck, this can lead to general ill health.
It's a new illness called smartphone disease, and it's causing people to become extremely sensitive to the weather.
Symptoms appear and health deteriorates when the barometric pressure drops.
When the sensitivity increases, the autonomic nervous system, which controls the body temperature, works excessively,
leading to various symptoms such as feeling dizziness, colds, headaches, stiff shoulders, stiff neck, gastrointestinal disorders, irritation, anxiety, allergies, and rhinitis.
It is also known as sensitivity fatigue, one of the rare diseases.
According to a survey conducted by ZOOTOOL, a pressure management app,
it was found that the temperature difference between the day before and the day before was larger, making it easier to get sick.
Among the temperature differences between the day before and the day before,
it was found that the day before the temperature dropped significantly, making it easier to get sick.
Doctors say that there is excessive use of smartphones in the background.
Why does weather deterioration have to do with smartphones?
At the Tokyo Neurosurgery Center in Minato-ku, patients with poor health were coming in droves.
Symptoms were headaches, dizziness, joint pain, numbness in the limbs, and so on.
Chairman Takayoshi Matsui said,
The chairman explained that people who get sick when the weather gets worse or when the pressure drops have a new disease called smartphone disease or computer disease, and it is now exploding.
The keyword is smartphones and autonomic nerves.
Normally, the neck bone is arched, but it is too much to use a smartphone, so when it becomes a straight neck, it puts pressure on the neck muscles.
The autonomic nerves, which control the activity of life, are concentrated behind the neck, leading to poor health of the whole body.
A new disease called smartphone disease has emerged, and it has become very sensitive to the weather.
When the pressure drops, symptoms appear and you become unwell.
smartphone disease
I think so.
Not from weather?
I think it's just a stress.
When I have a headache, I always have meetings so many times, and I talk to people for a long time.
After that, I always have a headache, even now, too.
After the meeting?
After the meeting, like when you relax, or like finally relive the day, like end of the day.
Yeah, I think so.
Or after a wedding.
After such a long day, I always have a headache.
So, probably, after concentrating, I always have a headache.
The stress of work causes migraine.
But a lot of the women friends, and sometimes some men friends, does have a headache from the pressure.
Yeah, that's the natural one.
It's some kind of pressure.
Weather, like pressure.
The day of low pressure is the most painful.
According to a new study by scientists at the University of Manchester,
people with long-term health problems are said to have a 20% higher chance of feeling pain on days with high humidity and strong wind.
Many people believe that the temperature affects the pain, but on average, there was no correlation observed in the entire population.
However, cold, high humidity, and windy days are more likely to feel pain.
And rain has nothing to do with pain.
Cold, high humidity, and windy days are the winter in Okinawa.
Yeah, humidity is high.
I didn't feel like headache when I was a kid because of the weather.
As I grew up, and I became adult, and I feel headache because of the weather.
I didn't really care about it in the past.
I guess, you know, the more you get older and you have the period, or you have a work stress,
and your body function is getting a bit weaker than when you were a child.
So you are easily affected by the weather or other environment around you.
It's because of stress.
And your smartphone.
And I think I often don't feel stress.
For example,
During the meeting, I thought I felt relaxed with people.
I was not really concentrated on the conversation.
Sometimes I have a headache.
Probably like I drive for a long time,
I talk to people for a long time,
and I use my brain so much.
That caused my headache sometimes, I guess.
That's why I always have Eve with me.
I have her as my day-to-day medicine,
but I don't want to have Eve so many times.
Because I don't want to be, you know...
Using like too much pills.
That affects on your other kinds of health, right?
I'm afraid of taking too much medicine.
But this University of Manchester,
the research from the UK,
they say like a lot of people,
many people believe that the temperature affects the pain.
But in Japan, nobody cares about the temperature, right?
People know that the weather pressure affects on their brain.
I wonder if Japan is a country with a lot of headaches.
In terms of country?
In terms of stress?
I don't know, but I haven't looked it up.
Did people in the past have headaches?
Like samurai?
Of course.
What do they do?
Do they end up with pain?
Do they put up with it?
In the samurai era,
there were some medicine for pain,
like herbal medicine,
or ointment,
or massage.
I think there were some.
But it doesn't heal right away, right?
Like herbal medicine.
You have to sleep.
But there aren't as many opportunities as there are now.
Let's say a samurai is in a state of extreme tension every day,
in a battle,
and when he takes a deep breath,
he feels pain.
I think there was something like that,
but I don't think it's a thought like,
if it hurts, what should I do?
Should I go to the hospital?
Like, let's take a break.
I'm a little worried,
but it can't be helped.
It's like that.
If there's nothing you can do.
There wasn't anything like that in the past.
Like drinking tea,
or drinking water.
Or sleeping.
That sounds healthier though.
That's healthier, but not fast enough.
Not as fast as IBU.
It's because it works right away,
that everyone likes it.
Everybody doesn't want to feel the pain.
That's why they take the pill even before the pain.
And then prevent the pain.
Not about the headache,
but I used to have a stomach ache when I was a kid.
Like, kindergarten era.
I have a stomach ache every day.
Every day.
And I had Ceylon every day.
With me.
Like, when I go to school.
Can a kindergarten kid drink that much Ceylon?
I don't know.
But I had a stomach ache,
and because of the stress,
I didn't like to go to school.
I moved to a new school when I was in kindergarten.
When I was four or five.
I moved to a Catholic school.
I was not used to praying.
Because it was a good school,
there were so many rules I needed to follow.
And I didn't get used to it.
And I always had a stomach ache.
I got scolded a lot if I didn't do my homework.
I was so nervous when I was a kid.
When I was young.
And my mom always gave me Ceylon in the car.
Did it work?
Did Ceylon work?
I don't know.
But it was protecting me.
Did you go to see a doctor?
You had a stomach ache every day.
I think I went to see a doctor when I was in grade school.
No, not grade school.
I don't know why, but when I was in 5th or 6th grade,
I had a really bad stomach ache.
I went to see a doctor, but there was no problem.
The doctor said it's because of the stress.
So I didn't have a headache,
but I always had a stomach ache when I was young.
Even when I was in high school,
I always go to the toilet.
I didn't want to poop,
but I was in the toilet.
Just in case.
Before the test.
You feel safe in the toilet, right?
Because during the test,
I didn't have the right to go to the toilet, you know?
Or you need to raise your hand like,
Can I go to the bathroom?
You need to be outstanding,
but everyone is going to know that you're going to go to the bathroom.
I hate that rule.
And, you know, like...
That's why I was always having a test in the science room or the health room.
Like a special classroom for one person.
But there are so many sick people in the same room.
Some people had fever,
some people didn't feel good,
but I was okay, but I was in that room just in case.
Because whenever I want to go to the toilet,
I can go if I take a test in that room.
That's how much I was nervous about it.
Because of the environment.
It's hard to have a stomachache.
Every week we had a test,
a mosquito test in the school.
It was a school like that.
I was in a situation to have a stomachache because of the stress.
But, you know, when we were young,
like under 10 or elementary school,
everything is embarrassing.
You know, to sneeze the nose,
go to the toilet,
or starting the period before everyone else.
When the period starts,
you know, all the girls want to hide the sound
to change the napkin in the toilet, you know?
Yeah, maybe.
Like, this kid is starting the period,
or this person is starting the period.
I don't want them to think that.
We should have more open education.
Like, have you already started the period?
That's cool.
I think it would be great if elementary school students do that.
But, you know, Americans,
their parents teach them how to put tampons.
If we make it obvious,
the kids won't be embarrassed.
Like, which bra is cute.
I guess like among the girls when, you know,
some of them started the period,
but some of them are not.
And for some of them don't have a period yet,
it's so curious about, like,
how it's gonna be with them.
Yeah, say is that.
That's cool.
I think it would be great.
If we can make it a culture like that,
I mean, anyways, you will have period.
it would be great if the person who started the period
becomes a teacher, right?
But, you know, I,
my period came, like, when I was 12.
Did you start the period when you were in elementary school?
I started the period when I was in 6th grade.
Even though you were the shortest,
why did you start the period so early?
I didn't like it.
At that time,
I had underwear,
which had like two pockets on the side,
and I could put a napkin in it.
I got high-tech underwear like that.
Oh, I think I know what you mean.
And, wait,
when I had a lot of underwear,
I had a 20-centimeter-long napkin
on my right and left,
and I had to hide it.
to hide it,
I had to take a napkin out of my bag.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I had to hide it.
I was so embarrassed.
I had a napkin around my pelvis
all day long.
I was like,
why did I have underwear like that?
And, you know,
your gym pants were so short.
They were so short.
Yeah, when I was in the gym,
I had to put a napkin in it.
So, I had three napkins on me.
I had them on me,
and they were in my pocket.
So, I had to wear my gym clothes
and run around in them.
And, it was so hot in the summer.
My skin was so weak.
It was so itchy.
when I was in middle school,
everyone was like,
do you have menstruation?
It was like a trend.
After menstruation.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Do you have menstruation?
But, the first time I had,
Did you have menstruation
when you were a kid?
From middle school, yes.
I didn't have menstruation at all.
That was the worst painful
in my life.
In junior high?
I started sweating.
I started like so much pain
in the lower part
of the belly.
Like near the urethra.
I couldn't
keep standing.
Every time I needed to go to
the infirmary and sleep
for like two hours.
I was sweating so much.
I thought I was going to die.
I thought I was going to die.
That's why you had
At that time,
I didn't have menstruation
when I was in junior high.
So you were able to stand it.
You didn't think you were going to die.
It was like a painless separation.
I had to stand it every day.
It was so painful.
But I didn't take any medicine
when I was in junior high.
I've never taken any medicine.
I've only taken steroids.
Steroids are pretty high.
Steroids smell.
I don't know if it's cured.
When I always have
not even
cold medicine,
my period is late.
Even still now.
my uterus
is affected by pills.
I guess.
It's the most sensitive part of your body.
I think so.
It's obvious to see the results
because of
the pills.
I don't want to have
cold medicine as much as I can.
So like
even when I have a headache,
Eve has genetsuzai
in the pills.
doesn't affect me that much.
But if I take a strong cold medicine,
my period is delayed.
I see.
I've never paid attention to it.
I wonder if it's delayed.
the rhythm of my life.
When I was in 20s,
it was more obvious.
Like I sleep late.
I used to work
at the bar restaurant.
So I get off at 3 a.m.
in the morning.
In that period,
my period
was always late.
But now,
I tend to sleep earlier.
So it's getting stable.
I see.
I've been
for about a month.
I see.
That means
there is a period
without ovulation.
That's what it means.
What is a period without ovulation?
It means that only blood keeps coming out.
In other words, it's bleeding.
It's bleeding every month.
So there is a period
without ovulation.
What is a period without ovulation?
There is a period without ovulation.
That's what it means.
Simply, you're bleeding.
At the moment,
I had a pill.
It was a medicated pill.
I took it
and controlled my period.
Then you quit the pill.
I quit the pill
because I'm okay right now.
I see.
I heard some people are affected
by the
Do you know what pill is in English?
It's a low-dose pill for a migraine.
It's not good
to take a low-dose pill.
I see.
What should I do?
For women,
connecting is important
I see.
I don't know the people in Tokyo,
but people in Okinawa
have migraine.
A lot of people have that.
I think.
I think because of the weather,
constantly changing
every day.
In Okinawa, it's so humid.
So much rain.
As I said,
it has nothing to do with the weather,
but there is sometimes
a big temperature gap
in a day.
From the previous day,
it's easier to have a headache.
I see.
It has nothing to do with the weather,
but is it related to
the lunar calendar?
I think it's related
to the lunar calendar.
For example,
new moon, full moon,
some people ask
what month it is today.
The lunar calendar
changes the waves.
The water content of humans
is tens of percent.
I've heard that
it's affected by that.
The lunar calendar
is not a lunar calendar,
it's just a normal topic.
I thought it was
similar to the lunar calendar.
That's why
it's similar.
if you're talking about
the gravity from the sun
and the moon,
the pressure
is constantly changing, right?
And your blood vessels
are expanding
and shrinking,
it causes headaches.
It hurts when
something that's bent
is pulled back.
Do you know
Hosoki Kazuko?
I don't know.
She said don't look at the moon.
I forgot the reason.
I'm curious.
So don't look at the moon.
It has nothing to do with the pressure.
Don't look at the moon itself?
Like a wolf or a man?
The moon has something to do with the woman.
The lunar calendar and the moon are similar.
That's why it's called Luna Luna.
What's the name?
The app.
Tsukitsuki, right?
The moon is a mysterious planet.
too much using
the medicine
from the store
can cause
a heavier headache
or migraine.
That's what she wanted to say.
The use of
the medicine
causes headaches.
Acetaminophen and
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
and other painkillers
such as Triptan,
and other painkillers
can cause headaches.
People with headaches
are worried about
when they'll get a headache again.
So when you have a headache,
you tend to take medicine
even if it doesn't hurt.
For example,
you have an important meeting today,
so you take medicine in advance.
Or you go to a concert with your friends
and you're in trouble,
so you take medicine.
In this case,
your addiction to medicine
tends to escalate.
Then the amount of medicine increases,
and the time it lasts
becomes shorter.
there is a case
where the pain
is so severe
that your brain
becomes numb
and you buy a painkiller
but it doesn't hurt at all.
Maybe it's because
your brain is numb,
and you're worried
that you'll get a headache again.
There are few people
who get a headache,
but it's because
they've been taking painkillers
for many years
and haven't been
getting the right treatment.
The standard for diagnosing
is to take painkillers
for more than 15 days a month,
but in reality,
people who take more than 10 times a month
should be careful.
In particular,
painkillers containing
water-free caffeine
are easy to induce addiction,
so be careful.
Scary, right?
But the standard is
more than 10 days
a month
if you're taking
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory
It's like
a painkiller
for headaches,
I think there are a lot of people
who take it.
People like Eve,
they take painkillers
all the time, right?
People who take it all
end up taking it over and over again,
even if it's not normal.
If that happens,
they're constantly taking the pill.
if you buy drugs
for your period,
they explain
if you're not addicted to drugs.
It's not trending to have
Oh, because of young people
taking the overdose?
How are they going to answer?
They're just going to say no
and they buy it.
That doesn't make sense.
They start doing that.
Like asking their parents?
they ask you how many days
you've been using it.
But yeah,
are really strong.
I think it's important
to have time
to, you know,
go to see a doctor
take a rest.
But in these days,
are not having
to go to see a doctor
because of
work schedule is the most difficult
But you know, you can avoid
the pain from
the pills from the store.
But isn't it like
concerning you?
It's not sustainable.
It's about your head
and brain.
The most scary thing
to scary
in our body.
the pain might go away,
I seriously
to go to
see a doctor.
And they're gonna give me
a better pill.
That which is not gonna, you know,
this inedible caffeine
First, you
see your situation.
You check your
health first.
And the second,
you will have time
to take a rest
or go to see a doctor.
And three,
quit medicine.
having good food.
It's the best.
And you can finally get better.
If you can't do all of these,
it's not possible.
I don't have a migraine.
I have like a real thing,
like headache.
I sometimes
have a migraine
because of the weather.
Only sometimes.
there is some specific
kind of headache.
I see the aura before,
and the headache comes, and I keep vomiting.
And after the vomiting,
I need to sleep.
But I ask
my migraine friend.
It's like,
I have that too. It's so painful, right?
I think it's normal.
But I don't think
I have a headache
until I throw up.
I thought I was going to die
when I first came here.
My head hurts so much
that I want to hit it.
That doesn't hurt either.
I have a headache
on the back of my neck,
left and right.
It was my first time.
Once in three months,
and once in one month.
It was getting worse.
I thought it would be bad
if I left it alone.
But at that time, I quit my job,
and I asked
Yuta, what's going on?
Ask the Yuta
is the key.
I said it normally,
but I asked Yuta.
Yuta said
the way you live is not really good,
but you can do anything for that.
Moving places
is too much work.
So you need to put
Morijio, salt,
and sangwa in the house.
So my mom sent me sangwa.
I need to pay.
Is it when you were in Tokyo?
It was around that time.
I paid in the bathroom.
My mom texted me
and told me how to do it.
I did it,
and it healed.
It's amazing.
I was worried about dying.
But it's amazing
that you noticed it.
I'm not that kind of person.
I don't have a headache.
I'm alive.
I know I'm weak.
I'm not that kind of person,
but I'm scared of having a headache.
It healed.
It did.
Did you see a doctor?
Before the payment?
Yuta first.
You directly go to see Yuta first?
Going to the neurological...
I think most of people...
Most of people probably
go to see a doctor first,
and then there's no cure.
Then they talk
with a spiritual person.
Because there's no clue.
It's not just about the headache.
Maybe probably
with atopy.
I didn't aim to ask Yuta first.
I was talking to my mom,
and she's gonna worry about
maybe because of the place you live.
Maybe because of your work.
She said she'll ask me later.
I told her my address.
She said no.
You're lucky.
I didn't believe that.
If it's gonna work or not,
it's okay. I can go to hospital.
I think it's like...
It's not 100%
You think and you believe
after this payment, you will be cured.
And then it's cured.
It's kind of like a mental control.
You know what I mean?
There's also a procedure
to cure diseases.
So I did that.
I laughed.
Half believing, half not believing.
Can I ask how you laughed?
I don't remember.
I did it in the bathroom.
I used salt in the bathroom.
I was told to do it a few times.
Why in the bathroom?
You can flush the water in the bathroom.
That's why it's called toilet cleaning.
I see.
This is what people in the past thought.
There's no scientific basis.
But the bathroom is also a place to flush water.
They say it's bad to crush the toilet
and make it a room.
I see.
Anyway, it's better to take care of the bathroom.
I forgot the specific way to do it in the bathroom.
I was told to do it a few times
with salt and my shoulders and head.
It usually ends in about 10 seconds.
I did it and I was cured.
It's not good to die.
It's so natural.
You didn't take any pills to cure.
But you did Oharai and you cured.
But this story is not going to end.
Go ahead.
That was probably
5 or 6 years ago.
When I was in Tokyo.
I didn't have that at all.
At all.
But it came back last year.
When I went to
the Yomitan.
You were with me.
Zanpa Misaki.
I didn't feel anything.
But I went like a
very tiring.
And a couple days later
I had that headache.
It came back and it was so shocking.
Because I believe that
it's not gonna
You know, it's about not
You feel the exact same headache.
You see aura.
Is it similar to
Hinketsu Chika Chika.
When I
drink wine,
I sometimes have the same symptoms.
Chika Chika and
throw up.
I think so.
And anyways.
And it came back.
I thought it was bad.
And before I went to the Yomitan.
A few years ago.
I don't see any
ghost or some kind like that.
But I
sometimes feel like a heavy.
In a certain situation.
So I had that.
So I started
being skeptical.
Maybe it was because of the place I went.
And it didn't come like
4 or 5 months.
And it came back
like last month.
And I thought it was bad.
So I started to write it down.
I came back once
and came back 5 months later.
that day
I went somewhere.
And I realized
that I came to a bad place.
And 3 days later,
I wrote down the same thing.
But it came back after that.
I didn't throw up but
I had the same Chika Chika.
This writing
is ghosting.
Seeing something bad.
It's like a ghost.
I thought I was in danger
if I interpreted it like that.
You have ghosting.
Not ghosting.
It's like I don't feel good.
So this time
I went to a dental clinic.
the dentist said
that the Chika Chika
is not normal.
It's even worse.
So I got a CT scan.
There was nothing.
it's good to
see a doctor
even if you spend money
to see the results.
It's a bit expensive.
the Chika Chika
is just a part of it.
There are some people
who have cerebral palsy.
There are people in their 30s.
you have to be careful
with the Chika Chika.
Minami's friends also
go to the hospital
You have to know it's normal
before you do anything else.
Minami's Yuta move 5 years ago
was not enough.
Minami is
literally half Yuta
half doctor.
Anything is okay.
That's it.
So when I talk to Yuta
I can tell what's wrong with Minami.
If Minami
has a little bit of cerebral palsy
I can feel it when I go to the hospital.
My head feels heavy.
I feel like something is following me.
That's stressful.
It's not scary.
I don't know if it's working
or not.
You are a sensitive person.
Highly sensitive person.
I think highly sensitive person
tend to have
these symptoms, I guess.
I guess so.
Probably to people
and to
not people, maybe.
It depends on the person.
you can feel
something easily.
But I wasn't like that.
You've been being sharpened
for the last 5 years.
You have sharpening power.
So now
I need to study
what caused my
you know
bad feelings
or headache.
I need to
prepare the protection too.
In a spiritual way
and in an academic
and scientific way, both.
You are a good
example to cure the disease.
You always
check your body
and your symptoms and
you know
go to see a doctor and talk to people
to see the results.
And then you try to recover.
face to it.
People who get sick
miss that
Miss that very important
You always catch that.
you might not notice it
if you are quick.
But you are a good example.
Maybe some people are
scared to know
if they have a big serious disease.
Then they want to avoid
if you have your own body
you can do
everything you want.
You should
prioritize your body first.
No matter what.
I think.
But you are busy so you can't do it.
It's hard to do.
You gotta do it.
If you wanna live longer.
I think so.
Especially when you move to a new
place, you need to find a new
clinic, right?
And you need to search reviews.
you're gonna get tired.
You need to search reviews.
You can only get information
from your friends.
There are too many clinics.
I think it's a good thing to
you know
have internet. You can search
anything you want.
In old days, they only
specific information.
You can go to see a doctor this place, this place,
this place and you didn't have any choice.
But now
you have more choice.
If you have time
you can search and you can choose
what clinic is the best for you.
I think
it's very nice to have
that opportunity for us.
I've been searching Google
review or the internet review
about the old clinics
and now I know you don't have to
believe the review.
Thank you for the information.
It doesn't matter.
You should try.
It's about the doctor.
There are some people
who are very serious.
There are many people who
give diagnosis like in a convenience store.
I don't think
they take it seriously.
But did you say
what you think as well?
Or you just gonna
accept the diagnosis
and say bye?
There are
some people
who are hard to talk to.
They don't listen to you.
That's right.
when you choose the hospital
or clinic
I used to follow my parents
and family's advice
because I didn't have
But now I can search by myself.
There are more options.
There are some clinics
that I've been to since I was a kid.
You can choose
and you can try new ones
if you are not comfortable
with it.
That's what I think.
It doesn't have anything to do with
your family's reputation.
When I went there,
approach and thinking
is totally different.
Some people value
getting medicine early.
There are a lot of clinics
where you can get the medicine
and finish the treatment.
But some people
don't care about it.
If you are busy,
you might not be suitable for it.
It depends on the person.
But you have to try
a lot
to go to the hospital.
That's right.
I don't think it's unhealthy
I go to the hospital to
find out what's going on.
Then I study by myself.
If I find out
what's going on,
I don't want to go to the hospital.
it's better to go to the hospital
than to be sick.
It's more efficient.
You can try a lot
like hot pepper.
You can find
the best one
with the best doctor
for you.
If it's medicine,
there are drugstores
where pharmacists work.
I think it would be better
if it was more efficient.
it's the same in the U.S.
In the U.S., medical expenses are high
so everyone goes to the supermarket.
But in Japan, it's 70% burden.
It's better to go to the hospital.
It's easy to die.
And you can get better with the medicine.
When I meet parents
who have kids,
they remember the name of the medicine.
Kids get sick easily.
it's urgent all the time.
They can't take a day off.
There are many parents
who think about
the medicine they have.
I think it's important to have
this kind of knowledge.
These days,
when I go to a drugstore,
I see some, for example,
eye drops.
At first, you see a package.
They have a copy
this is like a double effect
on something.
It's special for something.
Allergy or like tiredness.
They have a copy of something.
At first,
it doesn't matter.
Let's look at all the ingredients
on the side.
I've seen a lot.
There are series of products.
For example,
I don't think it's a joke,
but it's a double effect.
Then sell it at first.
In short,
I want to buy it at a discount.
After all, it's a business.
I often use eye drops.
There are five types of eye drops.
If you don't have collagen,
wouldn't you put it all in?
I've seen all the ingredients.
I found out
that the normal one is the best.
I don't know what it means.
I don't know what it means.
It's like changing the flavor of a candy.
They also make it.
It says collagen,
but it's mainly for women.
That kind of tactics.
It's amazing.
There are ingredients
on the side.
If you don't know what it means,
let's look it up.
When I go to a drugstore,
I stay there sometimes
for like an hour
to search the name
of the ingredients.
There are quite a few times
like that.
But shampoo and cosmetics
may be the same.
I'm looking it up.
Then I decided to
buy it online.
By yourself.
But the package
is not for your health.
It's for eye-catching
for some kind of target.
it's quick to get it,
but if you're really worried about something,
There are a lot of
things like that.
There are situations
where I can't go to the hospital.
But I've tried
a lot of cold medicine
and I know it works.
By myself.
I don't want to take pills
as much as I can.
I know it won't get better.
When I was in Tokyo,
I took cold medicine
everyday for a month.
I experienced it before
because I had fever
for a month.
My health
level was
the lowest moment.
But doctor gave me
some medicines.
It's not for the fever.
So I want to
cure my fever.
It's like
a drug addiction.
That's how I feel.
I know.
He told me to take it
in the morning and at night.
But I don't eat breakfast.
So I take it
in the morning and at night.
I wonder how it works.
I don't have medicines
as much as I can.
I agree with that.
But if you have some
doctor gave me
a pill for a week.
I think most of them
quit taking it
in three days because they feel
so much better.
But I recommend you to
take everything
in the third month
that doctor gave you.
How can you prevent
those symptoms?
In the end,
in the case of migraine,
adjusting your lifestyle,
70 to 80% of patients
get better.
Check your weather
and take care of your health.
Taking care of your health means
eating right, sleeping right,
exercising right.
In the case of migraine,
there are 3 or 4 symptoms
on the check list.
It's rare,
but 70 to 80% of patients
get better.
People who think
they can't get better
are people who think
weather is the cause.
But if you have a migraine,
I want you to think about
improving it.
If you have a migraine,
if you have a weather,
you will have a lot of
symptoms like water
overflowing from the cup.
If you reduce the water
and the pressure,
you won't have a migraine.
For sure.
That's the hardest part,
People always
drink water from the cup
while driving
and when the water
is 90% or 10%
of the cup,
you get a migraine.
Last year,
I overworked
a lot.
I did overwork
because I was busy.
But this year,
I want to change
the lifestyle
to keep
being healthy.
When I think like that,
for example,
I have a job
and I'm not motivated
and I have a headache
and so on.
Until now,
I was doing my best
and I want to finish it.
I go to sleep.
If I'm not motivated,
I tell myself
that I might be busy later
and I might bother people.
if I'm not motivated,
I don't do it.
I decided to
get used to it.
for example,
the difficult thing is
when I go out
to eat,
I take a break.
When I post
what I'm doing on Instagram,
I don't reply to the message
about my job.
I'm doing adjusting
To protect myself.
I see.
When I think like that,
posting on social media
can be an issue.
If I didn't post,
I wouldn't worry about it.
I don't want to make people
feel bad.
I don't want to make
people feel bad.
I think it's better
to take care of it.
When I see other people,
there are some people
who don't reply at all
but go out to play.
I don't want people to think
like that.
If I didn't post on Instagram,
no one knows
what I'm doing.
I want free time as well.
I want my
private time.
Then, I don't have to post.
That's what I mean.
I see.
In the end,
I talked about headaches,
menstrual pain,
autonomic nervous system,
and stress.
My nervous system is
The way I use my smart phone
makes my neck weird.
I'm getting nervous.
I talked about that.
But in the end,
I can improve my lifestyle.
I don't look down on my phone.
I look forward.
I look forward while sleeping.
I don't know.
I don't wear blue light glasses.
Or I don't touch it for a few hours.
I think it's important
to make time for yourself.
For example,
I have a computer and a smart phone.
I know I have to do it.
I want to do it.
But I set a time
to take a rest.
I don't touch my phone after this time.
I don't think about work.
I think it's
your time management
of yourself.
Especially when you go to sleep
in a dark room
and I see the smart phone
is so much bad for your migraine.
I stopped using it.
When I can't sleep,
I watch videos.
But I can't do that.
I shouldn't do it.
If I want to watch videos,
I can watch them in a bright room.
What was it?
There was a time
when I was about to have insomnia.
when I was
going to the island,
the waves were so strong
that I had to
sleep before the ship
left the island.
I was in a position
to sleep right away.
To make it,
I had to
I straightened my posture
and looked up.
When I
meditated, I was able to sleep.
For example,
I was able to create an environment.
I was full.
I was in a comfortable place
where I could hear sounds.
There was a light on,
but I was concentrating on it.
You know, if you don't sleep,
the ship will leave.
When I woke up,
I was already on the island.
I was able to
create an environment
in my body.
Then I was able to sleep.
There was a case like that.
Does insomnia have anything to do with it?
I don't know.
In short, I thought that
people with insomnia should practice it.
Insomnia has a level.
I really don't know.
In short,
if you have a bad mood,
until you get sleepy,
you try to do something
to get rid of it,
and everyone looks at their smartphones.
That's the worst thing.
So let's stop.
I want to see Minami,
but I want to see it for about 10 minutes.
In the end,
if you end up in a hospital,
you shouldn't do it.
Minami always looks at three screens.
Posture is also related.
I don't just get tired easily.
I also fix it.
First of all,
I stand up once every 30 minutes.
I can't keep sitting down.
You said you have about 4 hours, right?
It's written on another site
to stretch once every 15 minutes.
I'm doing it.
Anyway, if you sit down all the time,
your lifespan will shrink.
I see.
First of all, I haven't sat down all the time.
It's not a job that involves
sitting down all the time.
On the contrary,
I have to concentrate on moving.
I don't know which is better.
I don't like the light on my smartphone.
That's what I thought.
And I sleep at night
and wake up in the morning.
I think it would be super healthy
if I could make a body clock
with my smartphone.
What about people who work at night?
I sleep.
I wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning.
I see.
You know,
there are people in Tokyo
who have allergies
even now.
I was asked a lot
about my allergies
and what I do at work.
At that time,
I was asked what time I finish work.
I said I sleep at 10 or 11.
I was asked what time I finish work
and I said 9.30.
I was told to wake up at 5.
I was told to do the rest of the work
in the morning.
It was just an idea.
Then I could sleep at 10.
I was told that
there are no people
who have allergies
like me.
I didn't say I don't have allergies,
but I'm a doctor.
I was told
that there are no people
who have allergies like me.
I was told that
it's because I eat three meals a day.
That makes sense.
I was forced to
wake up at 6 and sleep at 9.
If you wake up in the morning
and sleep at night,
your constipation will be cured
and your body will get better.
Think about your lifestyle first.
Take your time
and get rest.
search information
to cure your disease.
Small illness.
That's all for today.

