2024-02-28 1:07:50

#77【腸内環境で性格が決まる!?】Your Poop is Who You Are

Haitai people! *English below


Transplanting another person's poop into the colon to cure diseases may sound surprising, but such treatments are already in motion.





他人のうんちで病気を治す…驚きの治療法に注目 大腸に便移植、うつ病やアトピーに効果も



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What's up amazing people, this is Iyasasa Radio by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan, Japanese and English.
Transplanting another person's poop into the colon to cure diseases may sound surprising,
but such treatments are already in motion.
The gut flora, increasingly understood to be deeply involved in both physical and mental health,
contributes to maintaining health when in a balanced state dominated by beneficial bacteria.
However, an imbalance can lead to illnesses and discomfort.
A diverse array of gut bacteria which form microbiota are also found in feces,
constituting up to a third of the dry weight.
Fecal microbiota transplantation, FMT, or stool transplantation,
involves transferring gut bacteria from a feces of a healthy individual into a patient's colon
to restore the balance of the microbiota.
This method is gaining attention not only for gastrointentional diseases,
but also as a potential treatment for diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, hay fever, and other diseases linked to the microbiota.
In the United States, government agencies have already recognized as an effective treatment for intractable intestinal infections.
In Japan, some universities, including Juntendo University,
began clinical trials around 2014 to utilize it for treating ulcerative colitis.
So far, about 800 cases have been reported showing effectiveness in treating conditions
such as ulcerative colitis, atopic dermatitis, and mental illnesses.
However, it is currently considered a form of the alternative medicines,
with challenges such as high costs and steps are being taken toward official medical recognition,
including review by relevant academic societies.
Research on gut flora and diet has also revealed that ingested oils can directly interact with gut bacteria.
It has been found that consuming flaxseed oil, rich in the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid,
ultimately leads to the production of components involved in suppressing allergies,
influenced by both bodily reactions and the metabolism of gut bacteria.
This was revealed by a research group at the National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health, and Nutrition in Osaka Prefecture.
In the gut flora, which has been found to be deeply involved in the health of the body and mind,
and which is in a good balance of all-purpose,
it acts to maintain health, but when it collapses, it leads to illness and dysentery.
Various intestinal bacteria that form the epithelium mix with the poop,
and if you exclude the water, it occupies one-third.
The gut flora transplant is to inject intestinal bacteria from the poop of a healthy person into the colon of the patient
and regain the balance of the epithelium.
In addition to intestinal infections,
it has also been noted as a drug treatment method for diabetes, cancer,
arteriosclerosis, hay fever, etc.
In the United States, a government agency has already proposed an effective treatment method for appendicitis.
In Japan, several universities, such as Juntendo University, which is used for the treatment of appendicitis,
have entered clinical trials around 2014.
The number of cases so far is about 800.
It is said that it is effective for appendicitis, atopic dermatitis, and mental illness, etc.
However, for the time being, due to the positioning of private medicine,
the cost is high, and there are many challenges,
so it is considered to be a normal treatment, such as reducing the examination of the relevant departments.
In the study on intestinal flora and food,
it has been found that the oil eaten directly has a case of intestinal bacteria.
One of the essential fatty acids to be taken from meals,
alpha-linolenic acid,
When alpha-linolenic acid is taken from abundant amino acids,
it eventually turns into an ingredient related to allergies.
These are not only the reaction of the body, but also the metabolism of the intestinal bacteria.
The study group of the National Institute for Research and Development,
Medical Basis Health and Nutrition Lab, Osaka Prefecture, has made it clear.
The poop topic.
The poop topic.
Actually, it's the second time to record this episode,
because we failed the last time to save the data.
The poop topic and the last part of the article.
Does it mean that taking alpha-linolenic acid even at meals can cure allergies?
One of the essential fatty acids.
Amino acids rich in alpha-linolenic acid.
Amino acids are common in supermarkets, right?
If you cook with it, it can cure allergies.
The intestinal bacteria in the intestines act and cause allergies.
That's amazing.
In the article, they say it's good for colon, eczema, or some kind of physical diseases.
But it's also good for depression, too.
I've never had an idea like this.
Somebody's poop into my body.
The person who came up with this idea is amazing.
It sounds like a dream.
It sounds like a dream.
In a daily life, we say,
If we add two people, it's going to be good.
When we see someone.
It's actually happening with mixing poop, right?
Plus two people divided by...
Being in the middle of the two persons.
Minami just told me,
Suddenly she told me,
If her poop into my body, I'm going to be Minami.
And if I put my poop into her body, she's going to be me.
And we're going to be the same person.
We can do Iyasasa Radio by one person.
That's what she said.
Technically, that's right.
But if I take your poop,
I'm going to be like a one-third person of Akane.
Beside me.
So we can't be exactly the same.
I have my own gut microbiota.
It means I can't take somebody's ability or personality that I like to put in my body.
A negative person can be a positive person.
Is it like put actual poop into the body?
It's transplanting to something, right?
Like how?
I don't know the method of how to change actual poop into tenteki.
Tenteki poop.
You know, the search Benishoku.
You can see how it actually looks.
It's like a poop-colored tenteki.
It's a little yellowish.
So it doesn't go well with transparent poop.
It's not dirty, right?
If it's dirty, then they're going to be...
It's poison.
If it's real poop.
There's too much bacteria.
But our personality is determined not by our brain, but by our gut microbiota.
So it's the same as before, right?
In this treatment, you can get a little bit of people's personality.
It's like a cancer cell.
Plus, even if you don't have surgery,
your eating habits and each one of us,
like personality is influenced by your gut.
The family tends to have similar personality because they eat the same meal.
What about school lunch?
For school lunch, so that all Japanese students look in the same direction.
You mean let them eat the same food?
Rather than let them eat the same food,
eating the same food will create a sense of unity.
Oh, I see.
It creates a sense of intimacy.
People who like the same thing.
That's right.
Food is pretty important.
If you like what you like, it's a little reassuring.
On the other hand, if you've been eating McDonald's every day since elementary school,
you'll be like, are you okay?
It's a totally different personality compared to Japanese students.
It means like that.
I think so.
If we're talking about the United States,
the USA is an immigrant country,
so they have barriers of races at first.
What they eat at home is so different from the family.
And when they come to school,
I think they cannot, you know, fit the same meal to everyone.
In that sense, America is an individualistic country.
If you let them eat the same food, it might be a violation of human rights.
But there are only Japanese people.
That's right.
They are taught self-discipline at school.
Like at lunchtime or the time of cleaning,
every day, there is no janitor in the Japanese school.
I don't know, besides the private school.
But they do it all by themselves.
They wash their school uniforms and do it.
That's true.
If it's hard, they have to bring their school uniform home every week.
Yeah, they have to wash it.
If you forget your school uniform, your life is over.
Yeah, that's what I felt.
That's why Japanese people are so strict.
So strict.
They are used to giving in.
Like, go ahead.
But they are strict to themselves and to others.
That's how I feel.
Especially in the class, aren't there a lot of strict people?
They have their own rules.
That's true.
But I don't know if it's related to eating the same food at lunchtime.
Maybe Japanese people always care about what other people think.
Maybe they come from the same food.
Yeah, they come from the same food.
Maybe they are similar.
Maybe that's why they don't want to go out.
In Japan, it's easy for special people to stand out.
That's true.
I think it's really hard to be special.
If you are special and everyone embraces you, that's fine.
But there are people who look at you in a weird way.
Like, you're different.
Yeah, I'm different.
Not now.
When I was in America, I saw many Japanese-Americans and Chinese-Americans.
They look different from Asian people.
Because of food.
They go to the gym a lot.
I don't know why.
They have different bones.
I have the image that there are a lot of people who have their chin sticking out like this.
They have a lot of stiff bones.
Maybe it's because they eat meat.
I don't know.
Because they have their chin sticking out.
I know that the way they do their make-up has changed because it's popular.
But their bodies are different.
They have high-protein.
Like their eyebrows.
They have thick eyebrows and thin eyes.
I don't know.
That's just an image.
I think that's an Asian beauty stereotype in the Western world.
As an Asian who grew up in Asia, they're going to look up to the Western people.
Then they're going to try to hide their single image.
I think that's right.
As an Asian who grew up outside of Asia, they embrace more Asian features.
That's true.
It has nothing to do with poop.
It has nothing to do with poop.
By stabilizing the mind, the neurotransmitter called serotonin is 90% used in humans.
It doesn't mean that the serotonin in the brain is used, but the serotonin in the brain works normally and the brain finally works properly.
No matter how happy you are, even if you breathe with your head, you can't get a sense of happiness if you ignore the symptoms.
Symptoms are the key to happiness.
Even if you have a lot of knowledge about mental health and happiness, if you don't take it as food, it's going to be quite painful.
It means that you can't achieve it right away.
I thought it wasn't just the brain.
If you take care of your intestines, you'll get better at pooping, your skin will be beautiful, and you'll look younger.
People with beautiful intestines also look different.
Is it because the intestines are beautiful because the poop comes out?
It's not just that.
There are various symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, and so on.
I don't know until I see what's inside.
On the other hand, people with very bright personalities tend to have beautiful intestines.
It's not like that, is it?
It's not like that, but there's a lot of serotonin that makes you feel happy.
People with bright intestines may not be happy.
You know what I mean?
So you're happy with food?
I don't know.
But of course, that's not the only reason.
It's a gut microbiota.
It's from your mom.
And it's from your diet.
And you can actually sometimes try FMT surgery.
FMT surgery.
So when you go through your mom's uterus, you take a golden shower.
And that's how you determine your intestinal environment for the rest of your life.
That's amazing.
It's not according to me.
According to the R.E.C.O.N.E.
Of course.
According to the research on the birth of about 596 babies in the UK,
babies born in the Western world have different intestinal bacteria compared to babies born through the urethra.
In particular, it was shown that there was a lack of beneficial bacteria such as Bifidus bacteria and Bacteroides.
So it's better to have a baby born in the world with intestinal bacteria.
There are a lot of good bacteria.
Babies born in the Western world are more likely to develop allergies.
In order to deal with this, we apply a mother's urine solution to newborns.
We give a sample of the urethra of a mother who was mixed with breast milk.
You take the urethra?
You take the urethra?
We give a sample of the urethra of a mother who was mixed with breast milk.
That's amazing.
It's like in the body.
The baby, before they were born, was just in the urethra.
Then it's the very first time to be out of this world.
Then they face the air and the dirty bacteria.
Before that, when the bacteria come out of the urethra, it sounds like a stronger baby.
It's because the baby is more likely to develop allergies.
In the Western world, the first thing that comes to mind is blood, right?
That's right. Blood.
Next is the doctor's hand.
It's the doctor's hand.
That's right.
It depends on the mom's vagina.
It's not only about the hand. It's about the process.
Those 10 months they carry the baby inside.
Diet is also related.
One of the factors is this microbiota.
It's less than a normal baby.
If the baby is born during the gestational period.
If the baby is born during the gestational period, it's easier for the uterus to develop.
I don't know.
I don't know if it's easier for the uterus to develop.
It's like the uterus has already developed.
I don't know. It depends on the sex of the baby.
That's right.
I don't know.
We talked about beefy's skin earlier.
Of course, gut microbiota is different among all the races or their parents.
Japanese people have a lot of beefy's skin.
I see.
In addition to this, the characteristics of Japanese beefy's skin are that they have a lot of small bacteria.
They have a lot of small bacteria and old bacteria.
They have excellent metabolism to use carbohydrates as nutrients.
90% of Japanese people have a high-processing gene that breaks down seaweed and seaweed.
In Japan, it is known that the percentage of overweight people is very low.
I think these characteristics of Japanese beefy's skin are related to intestinal bacteria.
See the number two?
We are good at digesting carbs.
That's why we eat rice.
We eat rice every day, but we are not fat.
A lot of people are not fat.
Our gut is longer than Western people.
It takes longer to digest food.
That's why.
That's why.
Japanese rice is so sweet compared to other Thai or other races.
Rice is sweet.
I see.
It's easy to get fat if you eat a lot of rice.
Also, we have microbiota which can digest seaweed.
90% of Japanese people possess a nice gene capable of breaking down seaweed like nori and wakame.
How about other people?
They don't digest nori and wakame.
They digest, but they are not good at digesting nori and wakame.
I see.
I think they can't eat as much as we can eat.
Not every day.
I don't know. They don't get used to it.
It says 90% of Japanese people, but I think it's including Korean people too.
They eat wakame a lot.
Korean and Japanese eat a lot of nori and wakame.
I don't think it's more than these two.
I think so.
Is it because we are surrounded by the ocean?
I don't think so.
Asian people started eating fish more than meat.
We are not like a meat eater as a DNA base.
So, we have different bacteria already because of the DNA, right?
That's true.
What about if we eat meat too much?
It's going to change our symptoms?
Our symptoms and how we look?
That's the result of Japanese Americans and Chinese Americans.
I mean, hypothetically, they are bigger.
Like me. I'm 32 years old.
If I didn't choose to eat meat, like steak.
You like steak, right?
You've been doing it for a long time.
Of course, you eat rice.
If I didn't like the steak, like an American style steak,
If I didn't like the steak, like an American style steak,
If I only eat rice, I might look different, right?
Like my body structure is different.
That's true.
It's hard.
I don't look like an Asian skinny.
You don't look skinny.
Do they eat rice a lot?
My sister looks totally different.
Even in Japan, Japan is so long as a land.
So we eat different food.
Especially like Okinawan people, we eat pork a lot, right?
And konbu. We eat konbu too.
I think we don't eat fish as much as people from mainland Japan.
I think so.
We eat fish, but I feel like we eat more pork.
I think so too.
I think Okinawans eat steak a lot.
I don't think I'm different from my generation.
I don't think I changed my diet.
People from after the war eat a lot of Americanized food.
Maybe my generation and maybe our kids' generation.
Maybe it's better to eat more Japanese food.
It's good for your health.
But if you think about it, it connects to the happiness level.
It's so important to think about our diet and digestion.
And I've seen some YouTube videos that explain about the importance of eating Japanese food.
As a Japanese people, if I change my diet, maybe it can affect my daily life.
Like not to weigh too much.
But if I have a baby, it's too late.
It takes 2 or 3 generations to change their microbiota.
You know what I mean?
It's not that easy to change the microbiota of a baby.
I see.
It's like a legacy.
What's the rough percentage of my DNA and my Asian DNA of microbiota?
I don't know. It depends.
I don't know your blood.
Your ancestor is Okinawan.
I think so.
You know, I think...
I like the nature sometimes.
I'm told to be nature sometimes.
From other people.
Are you from Okinawa?
It's just from your face feature.
I think it's just that.
I don't think it has anything to do with it.
Because there are a lot of Yayoi-type Uchinans.
That's true.
We talked about the Okinawan DNA.
There is no such thing as a Jomon-type Uchinans or an Authentic Uchinans.
I think we don't need to search about our family tree to find our type of microbiota.
I think we can do a blood test.
There are detailed blood tests in Okinawa.
We can do a blood test and find out our type of microbiota.
I think it's faster to do a blood test.
If we found the DNA or those research, it might be some of the clue to find your allergy.
Your diet type.
That's right.
We can do a normal allergy test now.
But there are more detailed tests.
The more money you have, the more you have.
I see.
For people who don't know the cause of their allergy,
you have to do a lot of tests to find out if you have an allergy.
For example, instead of eating bread or nuts,
you can do a blood test to find out.
For people who are really curious,
you can do a blood test.
There are a lot of tests in Okinawa.
For example, to find out your brain wave.
There are a lot of tests in the natural world.
For example, the Sunabe Clinic.
There are a lot of tests in Europe.
For example, in Germany.
You know homeopathy?
What did I say?
What is that?
It's a type of medical treatment.
They use herbs.
Like marijuana.
They use the power of herbs.
It's easy to understand.
They use different types of herbs
to treat diseases in a holistic approach.
I think it was in Germany.
There is a school in Europe.
In Japan, it's not that the name is famous,
but I think that's the basic idea of homeopathy.
It's the same for hampon.
You drink herbs.
So what?
There are things like that.
Don't look at it in a weird way.
You should do a lot of things.
People often say that Japanese food is great.
But I found out that Japanese people don't gain weight
by eating rice.
Is it hard to gain weight?
Is it just that you don't gain weight if you eat rice?
Is it hard to gain weight in the first place?
Even if you eat too much carbohydrates,
you don't gain weight compared to Westerners.
Carbon diet is not really effective.
It might be not really effective to Asian people.
Like Japanese people.
I'm talking about a low-carb diet too.
Everyone is doing it as a drug,
but in the first place, Japanese people's intestines are made to be able to break down sugar.
So it depends on the people.
If you're half or quarter or if you're perfectly Asian, I don't know.
I don't even know myself.
I don't know, but it might be mixed with blood somewhere.
In my experience, Japanese people are easy to break down sugar.
In my experience, eating rice is healthy.
Good for my body.
If I don't eat rice for a few days,
I tend to have constipation.
So I get hungry.
It's easy to get constipated.
If I only eat bread or noodles.
But if I eat rice and meat,
I'm gonna have a good cycle.
And coffee.
Coffee is important.
It's important.
It's like on TV.
If you drink coffee, you'll get cancer.
It was said a long time ago.
It's a lie.
That was on TV.
Drinking five cups of coffee every day
is prevent be a cancer.
That's what the results said.
In the end?
If you eat too much of this,
if you drink too much of this,
you're gonna get cancer.
You're gonna get sick.
It's all bullshit.
It depends on the person.
You can't drink too much of anything.
That's right.
But isn't there anyone who eats too much and becomes an algae?
There is.
Why is that?
I feel like I've eaten to the point where I can't break it down.
That's right.
You get a rejection reaction.
Isn't it the same as a system bug?
It's the same as a system bug.
I can't understand it unless it's a system bug.
I don't know what's going on, but
too much downloading.
It stopped.
Is that good for your body?
The one that doesn't eat anything.
I think it's a detox to some extent.
Fasting is to take a rest of your stomach.
That's why I hear it's healthy.
If I'm too hungry,
and can't think about anything,
lack of energy,
I wonder if it's healthy.
I think fasting,
that you need to really be careful,
and you need to study
before you do it.
If you don't do it,
I did fasting.
What do you call it when you only drink a drink?
Is that also fasting?
Something like that.
Something like that.
I did like a take only drink.
Like a smoothie kind of drink.
For a week.
Like seven days.
Three drinks in a day.
You don't get hungry?
It was popular in Tokyo.
To lose weight.
Friends diet.
It was popular.
About three people from the company did it.
I was busy at the time.
I was about to collapse on the first day.
I was so nervous.
I thought I was going to die.
You were going to die.
The second day,
when I wasn't ready,
I was busy with work,
and suddenly I was on a friends diet.
It was really dangerous.
In the end, I got through it.
The first day was the hardest.
Suddenly my stomach was empty.
Just drinking a drink.
If I got used to it, it was like that.
I don't know what it means to do it.
The person who says,
I'm going to detox from now on.
I'm going to adjust my lifestyle.
I think it's okay to do it.
But when you're busy at work,
I think you should definitely stop cooking.
But some people say,
it's enough to eat one meal in a day.
There was a diet of one meal a day.
In the first place,
eating three meals a day is too much.
There is such a thought.
But recently, I've been looking into stress and autonomic nerves.
There are people who say,
I eat breakfast no matter which doctor I go to.
Can you say that?
Drinking miso soup in the morning,
drinking bananas,
drinking a lot of water is very important.
I see.
It's not to wake up your brain,
it's to wake up your body.
If I don't wake up in the morning,
and if I don't eat anything in the morning,
I'll get constipated again.
I'll get constipated.
Eating something in the morning
has a very convenient effect.
It has a huge effect.
And it gets hard and I can't get out of bed.
If that continues,
I can't take time for work or other things.
I can't get up in the morning.
If that continues,
my life rhythm will go crazy.
So breakfast is also...
It's not too much.
I think it's important to eat in the morning time.
Not after you wake up.
If you wake up at 11 or noon,
it's the same as lunch in the intestines.
So wake up in the morning.
Asa means 7 or 8 in the morning.
So hard.
Minami is also so hard.
If you wake up at 7 or 8 in the morning,
you eat miso soup and rice or whatever you want.
You're going to be energetic.
And you're going to poop.
When I was in my parents' house,
I didn't wake up at 7 or 8.
But they wake up so early.
So I woke up at 9 at least.
And they ate something.
You eat something.
It's not meat.
So there is something to eat.
It's not too much.
When you eat side dishes,
you drink coffee and work.
You poop right away.
But if you live alone,
it's different.
Because you don't wake up in the morning.
I understand.
If you eat something like rice in the morning,
you poop a lot.
When I went on a trip,
I pooped a lot.
I need to check out by 11.
It means I need to wake up at 9 or 9.30.
Getting ready and drink some coffee,
eat something because I'm hungry.
If I wake up in the morning,
I'm going to poop.
And then check out.
And then walk a lot.
Because I'm doing sightseeing.
You walk a lot.
At night, I drink alcohol,
eat a lot and sleep.
If I eat a lot at night,
I get hungry in the morning.
I understand.
That's a mystery too.
Do you understand?
I understand.
Sometimes I get hungry and wake up.
And when you wake up early in the morning,
you get hungry all of a sudden.
Morning is the key.
Waking up in the morning,
it's so difficult.
I've said it many times.
But you wake up early.
I think you wake up early too.
I sleep.
I sleep when I sleep and wake up when I wake up.
It's a different life.
It's always irregular.
That's why my stomach is irregular too.
You know what I mean?
That's how it is.
We have been talking about
how poop or microbiota affect our personality
or how we think.
But that's about the quality of our intestines.
But in the first place,
we need to improve our
pooping schedule, right?
Pooping schedule.
That's good.
I'm sorry. I'm talking about
high-level things like
eating natto,
eating fermented food,
improving our intestinal environment,
and improving our personality.
Let's improve our personality.
First of all, if you don't poop
in a day,
like every day,
then you need to aim
to organize your
pooping schedule.
If you focus on pooping
you need to change your schedule
and you need to change your
diet and lifestyle and everything.
That's why it's connected to
pooping at the end of the day.
It should be a good quality of poop.
Of course.
Then I can give you my poop.
If you have good quality of poop,
you're not going to be G anyways.
So what is good quality of poop?
The softness?
You can google that.
The image of the poop.
Like how it looks?
It should be normal size,
normal thickness,
and softness.
Like the picture.
Like the picture.
There's like a black poop,
green poop,
when you're stressed or sick.
Yes, soft poop.
Healthy poop is
what's more softer than I thought.
When I talked to the doctor.
So I became a G
recently and I did
shot on my
to, you know, change the shape.
Change the shape.
I didn't even notice I was a G.
Especially Japanese.
I think the reason is because I wipe my ass too much.
Yes, cleanly.
I really want to wipe my ass.
I know, I know.
There's a lot of reasons,
but that's probably
when it's really clean poop,
even if you wipe it,
it doesn't really stick.
I know, I know.
It doesn't stick when it comes out.
for people like me,
if it's too soft,
even if I wipe it,
it feels like it's still there.
You can't lick it,
you can't wipe it too hard,
you can't wash it too much.
There are so many rules
to contain,
to be a healthy poop,
but it's so important to your body.
That's right.
Too hard or too soft.
But it's like a daily life.
It's the same as a daily life.
a while ago,
you went to the hospital.
We even
recorded your...
Yes, we talked about wiping your ass.
until you went to the hospital,
I didn't know
if it was too hard
or too soft.
I thought
it was normal for you.
Yes, yes.
according to the doctor,
they said having a softer poop
is better for your asshole.
That's true.
That's what they said.
As long as it's not too hard.
Even if it's diarrhea?
Yes, if it continues,
it might hurt.
Sometimes I poop,
my asshole,
when it hurts,
it's not diarrhea,
but when it's too big,
the hole in my ass hurts.
That's not good.
You can hold your butt
and then
pull it out and
spread the hole in your ass
and then poop.
No, it's after pooping.
That's because
the hole in your ass
is too big
so it hurts.
So you spread it, asshole.
When I try to poop
in the bathroom,
you know the round shape
of the toilet?
You put your left butt there
and open it
and put your right butt there
and the hole opens.
I do that every time.
I do that when I do yoga.
That's good.
It's not wrong.
It's good to spread it
because you don't have to step on it.
That's true.
But I think most people
step on it.
Stepping on it means
you have a little hard poop.
So you should drink water.
You should exercise.
It gives you a little stimulation.
But you poop every day
like the same shape,
But nobody educate me.
We should study about poop.
I learned at school
to wipe my butt from behind.
Not from front to back?
Yeah, from back to front.
I learned that at school.
But I wipe my butt from front to back.
I didn't learn that.
I have an image of Akane.
Foreigners stand up
and wipe their butt.
If they stand up,
they poop on their butt.
I think they stand up
like a squat.
That's their education standard.
How to...
According to Google.
I don't know.
How to wipe your ass.
Maybe it depends on the country.
I don't know.
Is it easier to stand up?
No, no, no.
It's easier to touch.
But if you have
in front of you
it's easier to
poop out.
There is no Fumidai in the toilet.
There is no Fumidai.
But I have one.
You have one.
Because my partner advised me
if you put the hood
a bit higher
close to Wafu
Washiki Benza
It's easier to stand up
in Japanese toilets.
It's so hard to
be that position
for a long time.
You cannot stay
in the toilet
in 10 minutes though.
We went to see the same doctor.
I watched so many YouTube videos
about G and poop.
if you can imagine
dad reading a newspaper
in a toilet room
in a bathroom
If you poop for too long
the hole in your butt
will open too much
and you will have a pussy.
I have experienced a pussy.
That's what happens to people
who poop for a long time.
That's why
my parents read books
in the toilet
I grew up
like that
so I started reading manga
in the toilet.
But you have to wait
for the toilet to come.
There is a waiting time
while you sit
until the time comes.
Then wait 10 minutes
because the hole in your butt
is closed.
If you want to wait
until the time comes.
Some people say
they cannot poop while standing.
People who say they cannot poop
while standing
are people who want to hold on.
But the time to hold on
is not good.
When you are standing
or sitting
you are already here.
So you have to wait
that's what the doctor said.
But it's so dangerous, you know.
What do you mean?
It's dangerous to wait
until the time comes.
You should do it in a toilet.
I see.
But if you poop
you can't hold on
because you are sick.
Do you have holding technique too?
I can hold on.
I can hold on
when I have a stomachache
or when I have diarrhea.
I can hold on
I can't hold on.
Even if you hold on
you can hold on
until you go to the toilet.
I can do that.
But it's dangerous
when you grow up.
It's dangerous to hold on.
There are many situations
where you can't hold on.
You can't hold on.
It's a different story
but when you pee in the shower
the sound of water
or the environment
where the water touches
will make you smell bad.
You can hold on.
For example, when it's raining
or when you are at the beach
the smell
I saw it recently
Even when you are wet from the rain?
When you go to the pool
you want to go to the toilet.
The other day
I woke up
maybe 3 or 4 a.m.
I had a dream
that I was swimming
in the deep sea
It was fun.
I was swimming in the sea
and when I woke up
I really wanted to pee.
Because you were in the sea?
The image of the water
and the pee
were connected.
I wondered if there was
such an easy-to-understand smell.
in the morning
I would pee
maybe because I was old.
I thought I was becoming
like a mother.
So when I woke up
at 8 or 9 a.m.
I would go to the toilet
and pee.
But it wasn't like,
I had a schedule.
But a dream?
Sometimes in the morning
I would wake up and pee.
I was old.
It was a dream.
People who are old
You shouldn't have a holding
pee holding technique.
Do you do it?
Other people tell me
if you hold it for 10 times
it becomes a pee holding technique.
I don't do it for 10 times
but I hold it for 5 times.
It's a pee holding technique.
It's like a dog's pee.
It's a marking spirit.
Don't do it all at once.
Maybe it's better to
teach this to women.
Should men do this too?
If you hold it
what is it?
If you hold it
the part where you pee
will weaken and leak.
That's why older people
do something like a pampas.
If you don't want to be like that
you should practice
holding and peeing.
That's what I was told
by my wife.
So when you go to the toilet
hold and pee
But you can do it
while sitting down.
Like this.
I don't know how men do it.
It's a different feeling.
It's not like a pee.
Men can hold it
with their hands
because it's long.
Hold it with your hands?
Yes, physically.
But if you don't have the strength
it will feel bad.
When women hold it
it feels bad.
But if you don't have the strength
to hold it
I think it's better
to train it.
I think it's good to train it.
Even now you can hold it
while sitting down.
Yes, you can.
When you take a bath
and you're tired
and the water comes out
it will loosen.
I heard there are people
like that.
If you have kids
you can do it
with your muscles.
I think so too.
So you should train it.
about washlet.
In the washlet
there are people
who stimulate the hole
to poop.
I did it when I was in elementary school.
It becomes a habit.
If you don't have it
you can't poop.
So if you use
to stimulate
your asshole
to poop out
you should stop it.
That's what they say.
when I was a kid
I used to do it.
I have a question about the washlet.
Is that water clean?
It's just normal tap water.
I heard you have to use
some kind of water.
Is that so?
I'm curious about that.
Is the toilet water
tap water?
Industrial water?
I don't know.
Thinking about that
I'm scared.
But if it's a good thing
to put gold in your ass
it will increase your immunity.
If it's a good gold.
But you know
if you put the washlet water
into your asshole
but you're going to poop out
it's not going to be
in your gut.
You just have to let it out.
It's good for most people
but stop stimulating
your asshole to poop.
But I quit.
Before I became an adult
I quit because I didn't like everything.
When you were a kid
wasn't it hard to poop
in different places?
I could do it anywhere.
I could poop anywhere.
Any toilet.
If I wanted to.
But some of the kids
can't poop in the school.
My advice is
flush toilet as soon as possible
if you poop.
And then delete poop
in this world.
One drop
into the toilet water
and smell.
I didn't know that.
Some adults
flush their ass
in the public toilets.
Some people do that.
But as you grow up
you don't care anymore.
When you were a kid
you had to pee and shit.
It's embarrassing.
Same with the toilet.
I talked about this before.
embrace your poop
and embrace yourself.
That's what it means.
That's right.
we just talked about Japanese people.
Google it
if your DNA
or your race
has a
specific type of
gut bacteria
or microbiota.
if you're a foreigner
you have a gut bacteria
so that's why
you eat meat.
There are many reasons.
What you eat is
what you are.
Who you are.
But when I heard that
was going to release
I thought
I should take care of my
Because I want to be happy
all the time.
That's my goal of my life.
you should choose food
that can release serotonin.
Eating food
makes you happy.
You're so happy.
You don't have to do anything.
If you eat good food
you'll be happy.
There are many happy foods
in Japan.
You're lucky.
Fermented foods are good
so you can eat miso soup
or natto
or yogurt.
By improving your digestive system
your life is going to be
better, happier.
The difference of what you eat
in your body
is the difference of the direction
your body is going.
Young people who eat fast food
wear the same fashion
and wear the same clothes
and use the same words
and spend the same time
on McDonald's.
This group of people
believed in the correctness
of fast food
and put it in their bodies.
Italians are the same.
They eat only vegetables
and have the same thoughts
and ideals
and wear the same fashion
and have the same wishes
and worries
and sleep at the same time.
Humans are controlled
by food
and this group
is easy to imagine.
Eating is a religion.
People who eat the same amount
of food
should eat the same amount
of food.
If you eat the same amount
of food
you can easily form
a group of people
who eat the same amount
of food.
The first brainwashing
of all people
starts with food.
This is the case
in all religions.
The correct food
should be eaten.
In order to overcome
the correctness
that even your will
from this butterfly
diet is a religion.
The difference in what
enters our bodies
becomes a difference
in the directions
our bodies take.
Youngsters who eat
fast food end up
adopting similar fashion,
as well.
This group consists
of those who first
believed in the
rightness of fast food
and let it into
their bodies.
The same goes
for vegetarians.
Since they eat
only vegetables,
they develop
similar thoughts,
advocate similar ideals,
wear similar fashion,
and many such groups
are formed.
Diet is indeed
a religion.
A group that
consumes the same
food starts to
behave similarly.
The powers that
be realized
in these systems
start brainwashing
with the message
to eat something
This is why the
forces of good
begin with foods.
It's the same
with every religion.
The right food is
prescribed in the
holy texts.
Eat the right thing,
do not eat the
wrong one.
How to transcend
this rightness
that even controls
your will
makes sense.
Makes sense?
Vegetarian parts.
I can easily imagine
how they act
as a group.
They are so strict
with food.
So strict.
They can't break
the rule.
Like what you said
about eating.
Yeah, and also
decide what
you shouldn't eat.
Easy to control
to see the same way.
Bye bye.

