1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 言語学習でスランプ😞 - 山ち..
2021-01-19 12:30

言語学習でスランプ😞 - 山ちゃんのアドバイス

Welcome to Kevin's Hingless Room podcast!
Hey hey hey!
What was your voice?
That was like my...
I was gonna do like a really like...
Because right now I'm...
I really want to do like this kind of fuzzy voice.
I told you this like...
I'm leaving it like yesterday.
The guy who's singing...
His name is Yuri-san.
The artist's name is Yuri.
He has a really like...
Really kind of like...
Fuzzy kind of... I don't know how you say that in English.
But like...
Zara zara kind of voice.
And I really want that.
And I was thinking if I do this...
Maybe I would be closer to Yuri-san.
So kind of like...
Practicing my kind of vocal skills here.
Oh that's nice.
Yeah. What do you think?
That's nice.
Thank you.
It's nice that I'm practicing.
Thank you.
You know, improving yourself is a good thing.
I feel distance right now.
I don't know why.
But I'm feeling a little...
I'm feeling that distance, you know.
But I...
Like I like that kind of voice too.
It is.
A little fuzzy, distorted voice.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Distorted.
Great adjective.
Keep up, man.
Jesus Christ!
Thought we were on the same side!
I've got a...
I had a...
Someone that I went to...
You had someone you went to?
Went to a cafe and had a coffee time together.
To tell you the topic.
You had a cup of coffee with somebody.
To let them tell you about the topic that they wanted to share on the podcast.
You mean which cafe?
This town?
This town?
No, it was in Shibuya.
You went to Shibuya.
He's like...
You know, it's not that...
Kind of like he...
It was so casual, you know?
Not the dating line, you know?
Yeah, I understand.
I'm not saying that...
That's not what I was saying, you know?
I'm assuming this person kind of contacted you beforehand and be like, "Okay, we should meet to tell you the podcast."
And I'm assuming that you weren't like, "Okay, why don't you just tell me the topic right now?"
And that would meet the demands.
And so you went for the cafe.
Okay, why not?
And you told me directly to my face.
Yeah, that's smooth.
Smooth, yeah.
More smooth, huh?
Well, yeah.
So that she can tell me like in face to face.
You wanted the "respect the emotion" kind of aspect.
A little face expression, you know?
That's important.
Got it, got it.
But you're now reading off of a text, though.
You're now reading off of a text.
So, "DM, excuse me."
"I've been listening to the podcast for a long time, and I've finally finished my thesis."
Big day, man!
Big day!
Big day, yeah.
"I'm looking forward to your podcast, Instagram, and YouTube content."
Thank you.
"I'm rooting for you all."
Thank you.
"I've decided to send it to you once I finish my thesis, so I'll send you a podcast request."
That's nice.
Yeah, it's nice.
"I hope you'll read it someday."
I'm reading now.
"I'm an English learner, but I sometimes fall into a slump and it's hard to study."
"Have you ever had a slump in your English learning, or have you ever thought, 'I don't want to do this anymore'?"
"How did you overcome it?"
It was from Chiharu-san.
Chiharu-san, thank you so much.
Like, this is a really, uh, I think you can resonate, can't you, Yama-chan?
You've especially studied English.
Sometimes, like, you know, it's not I'm studying studying English, actually, but sometimes I feel like,
"Oh, today I couldn't speak English as well as I expected at all."
There were no words that came up in my mind, and I couldn't express myself at all, and feel sad, feel depressed, and, you know, sometimes it happens to me.
But, "toki-toki benkyou tsuraku narimasu."
You know, one thing is I don't actually, like, feel so depressed, like, even though I felt I did mistakes, I made errors, I couldn't express myself, but, okay, the next.
Just move on.
Move on, kind of.
Move on.
That's the one thing that you should do when you're in a bad situation.
Don't do the next.
But, uh, it's true, I look back, like, I did a little review of what I did and what I did, what I couldn't, like, what I wasn't able to express.
And the next phrase was explanation, expressions.
So, first I look back and review myself, and, like, trying to point out the elements that I don't still know, don't know, and then forget about everything.
Go to the next thing.
That's what I do.
Did you never have, like, a slump?
What do you mean, slump?
Well, I mean, times where you didn't want to associate yourself with English because it reminds you of, kind of, like, a bad memory, like, you feel kind of burned out from going all in on studying languages.
I have never, like, been all in to studying languages, so it's a little bit different from a hard situation, but...
Is it that you, it's the, um, language studies has always been in the hobby zone?
Maybe that's why.
Maybe that's why.
It was, you've only been doing language studies only if you were energized into doing so, so that's why you never had a...
That could be the reason.
And also, the reason is I don't study hard even though I am motivated.
It's just having fun conversation with my friends.
You know.
So it's never, like, you know, hard to study.
Right, right, right.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, I know what you mean.
So it's maybe a little different situation me and Jiharu-san is in.
To me, I feel like this person is studying English because she has to study English. Maybe it's for an exam or something.
Maybe because she has a dream and to get to that dream, she has to acquire the English.
And that's why she's pushing herself to study English.
And I mean, so I think there's a difference between how you perceive new language versus how she's perceiving it because, you know, it's...
She's taking it as a skill set that she needs to advance her life maybe.
For you, it's more of like you enjoy the process of learning and you enjoy the process of getting new skills.
I think there's a difference there.
So what about, like, have you ever been burnt out ever?
Burned out?
Like, when we did, you know, I was in a Aka-Bana circle when we were a college student and did a final huge concert when we were third grade.
And after that, I was a little bit like burned out.
Is that the same thing?
No, I think Kanzensho is more satisfied.
The satisfaction level is fairly high.
Burnt out would be like, I don't want to...
You have negative image towards kind of like working on the whatever you're working on.
Well, I don't...
Like maybe playing piano, playing the, like learning new, you know, instruments, new music, reading new music is sometimes hard.
Like sometimes I feel like I can not make any better music.
Somehow I do continue every day.
It's your passion maybe.
Yeah, like maybe I forget every day.
You forget that you've been burnt out.
Maybe, maybe?
I'm lucky man.
Yeah, you're happy.
I forget everything actually.
But I remember that the original, like the real original motivation that I felt at the beginning, like, want to be like a huge star or want to play like this, want to be like this is something that I don't like never forget.
So that's the only one I remember.
And I forget every day.
Like every day, you know, basis I forget every day, every day.
Happy man.
Yeah, happy guy.
Quite happy guy, I know.
Have you ever experienced like...
Being burnt out?
Let's talk about this in the next episode because it's been a long time.
Alright, alright, alright.
On the next episode we'll talk about my perspective on this.
Yeah, I really want to give her some like good story, you know.
Right, right.
We'll just think about it.
We'll see you in the next episode guys.

