1. ポッドキャスト大学
  2. Introducing " Podcast Colleg..
2023-09-01 08:38

Introducing " Podcast College" hosted by DJ Rickey, Japanese Podcaster living in LA

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マイク Neumann TLM103🎤


ミキサー RODECaster Pro2🎛


マイクブームRODE PSA1+🎙









ブログ✏️ https://rickey9.site

メルマガ📩 http://bit.ly/38xWhnI

Twitter💬 https://twitter.com/rickey_blog

Substack📩 https://rickeypodcast.substack.com/



DJ Rickeyは、ポッドキャストの始め方や最適な機材、編集方法などについて話しています。彼はマイクとミキサーを使って、ポッドキャストを録音しています。また、日本のポッドキャストマーケティングに関する質問や、日本の視聴者や市場へのポッドキャストのプロモーションについての相談をいつでも歓迎しています。このポッドキャストは、LAに住む日本人ポッドキャスターであるDJ Rickeyがホストを務めています。

Podcast College紹介
You are listening to Podcast College. It's brought to you by DJ Rickey.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening to you. My name is DJ Rickey.
I'm a podcaster of Japanese, but today I'm going to, you know, speak in English.
So I'm, I can speak English and Japanese, and then some little bit about the Thai languages.
So let me introduce myself. I was born in Japan, and also I started podcasting from Ankara in 2020, June.
I remember that was the right after COVID started to spread around the world.
So I decided to share my knowledge, share my voice without traveling to anywhere.
So I thought that the podcast is very useful to share compassion, share passion,
share knowledge, share my message to the world.
Also, I thought that my voice will reach out to any corner around the world.
So I started to, you know, speak Japanese first.
And today is very much first podcast episode in English. It's all English.
So, yeah, I'm so excited. Yeah. Thank you very much for tuning in this Podcast Courage.
Podcast Courage is called in podcast today in Japanese.
But I know this podcast is talking about the how to start podcast.
And so what is the best gear for podcasters and also how to edit the podcast sounds.
And sometimes I would like to introduce how to reduce the noise.
It's a floor noise and many, many noises and a deep noise.
Has something happened while recording?
And also sometimes you might have occasion to recording podcast with by using Zoom or Discord or, you know, many, many devices, many, many tools.
And it's got like a remote recording.
So sometimes it's difficult for you to, you know, record by yourself.
So and also I'm using the microphone, many microphone.
I have many microphone. So for 80-2035 Condenser microphone and also Audio-Technica.
Audio-Technica is one of the Japanese brand.
And then AE-4100 is a dynamic microphone.
And also Yamaha AG-06 is the audio mixer.
And it's very, very useful for live streaming.
And I have a Rode NT1A.
NT1, not NT1A.
NT1 fifth generation, which was actually provided from, you know, Rode company.
So they, you know, freely, you know, give me.
And also I, you know, introducing them this microphone.
This microphone is very, very outstanding.
Yeah. And also at the same time, I'm using the Rodecaster Pro 2.
So I was so inspired by Rodecaster 1.
It's really, really outstanding.
So and a four microphone and a soundpad and then also, you know, many, many function in there.
So I, you know, decided to use Rodecaster Pro 2.
It's also, you know, very, very unique and useful for podcasting, live streaming, YouTube live streaming.
And then right now this microphone is condenser microphone.
Neumann is sound-wise okay.
Japanese people say Neumann.
And Neumann is English pronunciation.
I'm not sure about that.
Please, you know, teach me how to, you know, pronounce the brand name correctly.
So Neumann TLR103 is a condenser microphone.
It's very, very nice microphone for, you know, recording at home.
So some of the famous person like Taylor Swift used this microphone at home while COVID, you know, spreading around the world.
So, but anyway, so I have many microphone and many tools, many gears and many mic stands.
I'm using Rode PSA1+.
Yeah, this is very, very, very good for, you know, adjusting the mic to, you know, more closer to the mouth.
So I'm Japanese, but mainly this podcast is, you know, done in Japanese.
But sometimes I do in English.
So if you have any questions, any questions about the Japanese podcast marketing, so please, you know, talk to us, talk to me anytime.
And also if you'd like to, you know, promote your podcast to Japanese audience, Japanese market.
So please reach me anytime.
I would like to roughly introduce your podcast or, you know, yourself without any fee.
So I'm very free.
So today's show is kind of a little bit, you know, I'm very awkward in English, but hope you like it.
And also if you're interested in Japanese marketing and also how the Japanese podcast is trying to do, you know, podcasting.
So please talk to me and talk to, contact me anytime.
If you are listening, if you're a Japanese broadcaster, please show your thoughts and show your concerns.
And how the, you know, global market, global podcasting, especially United States, how the US podcast is, you know, promoting podcast.
So you can ask me any things about, you know, podcast outside of Japan.
So, but anyway, thank you for tuning in this podcast.
And this podcast is, is not constantly uploaded to, you know, Anker.
Oh, sorry. Anker is no longer exist.
Spotify for podcasters or Apple podcast, you know, any podcast.
So whenever I have a time, I will record about, I mean, I've not decided which day, which month I go, I upload it.
So it's dependent on my schedule, totally my schedule, but I like to, you know, podcast recording as much as many times as possible.
So thank you tuning in again.
And then, so if you have any question, any concerns, any, any, you know, thoughts, any, you know, questions, contact me anytime.
Thank you for tuning in and have a wonderful and grateful day.
Thank you so much.
Bye for now.
So today is a very, my first English podcasting.
So how did you like it?
So this podcast is probably talking about, you know, life hack or got new gadgets, new gears about the podcast.
So if you have any questions, contact me at rickypodcast.gmail.com, or we have a particular, you know, questionnaire form, and then you can click that.
Thank you very much for tuning in to my podcast, Podcast Courage.
And this podcast has been brought to you by DJ Ricky.
And keep smiling.
Don't forget your smile.
Have a wonderful and grateful day.
Bye bye.
This podcast has been brought to you by DJ Ricky.

