1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Dear Ms. Jackson of St. Mary..
2022-06-25 10:30

Dear Ms. Jackson of St. Mary’s Middle School

Ms. Jackson, thank you for writhing a little message to my father’s school letter! I’m so thrilled to know that you still remember me and I just want to use this opportunity to say thank you to all the support you gave me at SMS. The experience during SMS has now became a treasure of mine. I hope you’re doing well and I wish you the best :) Kevin.

Wow. The same time as I started the podcast. What a timing, right?
Unknown number. Wow.
All right. No. No? Or should I just put on speaker?
And you want to like... Oh, it cut off. That was pretty quick.
Yeah, maybe the delivery guy. Maybe.
The takahai people. Maybe. It's possible.
All right. All right. Okay. Oh, so it's on. It's on. It's on. Okay.
This is Kevin's English and Podcast, guys.
What up, guys? Hi. Hi, guys. Hello. Okay. Who are you? I'm fine.
Great. Um... No, I just wondered if you have any, you know, topics or
things that you want to share with me.
All right. Yeah. I've... You know, several days ago we've done our Monday
Monday night live stream. I think it was last week. You said that you ate mangoes.
Yeah. And you loved them. Yeah. I've actually tried to look for mangoes myself.
Yeah. Yeah. Went to a grocery store, but I couldn't find any.
What? Yeah. Really? Maybe it's because my grocery store is kind of small.
My basket though is the one that I'm going to. Okay. Maybe they don't have them. Okay.
But I feel like... Is it rare? Or is it... Do I have mangoes or normal?
It's actually... I guess it's rare than like apples, like oranges,
like grapes. Yeah. If you compare to those. But if you go to the like big
supermarket then you can... For a polyphone? You can find them. All right.
Yeah. Like go to like Yonge. Ah, Yonge. Life. Maybe like Summit. Yeah, Summit.
Maybe. Those like... Yeah. Big one. Right, right, right. Yeah.
Yeah. I'll look for it. Yeah. Yeah. So nice. Mangoes. Yeah.
Yeah? I've um...
I've um...
What's that? What's that? No! I have one. Okay. What's that? All right.
Come on. All right. Listen. Okay. So... Oh, you scared me. No, no, no. Don't be scared.
It's nothing to be scared of. Okay. I was um...
You know we had Father's Day, right? Yep. Yeah. It was last day. Yesterday.
Yesterday. Yeah. Right. My family got together. Oh, really? Not like literally
together but like over Zoom. Okay. Yeah. Home call. We had like a...
Yeah. Cool. And um... My dad told me. Okay. That he got a message
from um... Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Jackson. Okay.
Was a staff member. Okay. At St. Mary's Catholic School. That's the
middle school that I went to. Okay. Yeah. Mrs. Jackson was really taking
care of me. Wow. Like she was... I don't remember. I don't
think she was the president of this. Yeah. She was like vice president or like
somewhere around there. But very like in the high position. Okay. And like she
um... She would really understand that I have a different culture. Yeah.
Background and since the Catholic school. Yeah. So like my... I'm not Catholic. Yeah.
And like nicely Japanese and I have this different... So like yeah. She would
understand it and like she would really be like supportive of everything.
And kind person. Yeah. And um... I owe a lot of thanks to her. Yeah.
And you know what the message said? The message said... Yeah. Let me get... Let me
get... Yeah. Let me be accurate. Yeah. It's important. Yeah. Wow.
So the letter that my dad received is a printed out letter that every parent
gets. Right? Okay. It's like a... It's all the same.
Yeah. Yeah. It's like a... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right.
Wait. Let me get my... So she delivers that paper to every... Yeah. To every
student. Every student. Exactly. And on the bottom of that letter
is handwritten by Mrs. Jackson. Okay. Especially for your for your father. For
my dad. Here's what it said. Okay. I was so happy to
quote unquote see Kevin on his podcast in Japan.
What? What? I know right? That's crazy. Really?
I know. Wow. She... I don't know how she did it but I
just hit my knee. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're too excited?
Nice. That was... Yeah but... Oh wow. But she found out
somehow. I mean the last time I met her that was like how many years ago was
that? Like that's Chugakusei right? So like
what? More than 10 years. Yeah. Like 15 years before. Yeah.
Something like that. Yeah. And I can't believe... First of all I can't believe
she found out. She found... Not found out like in a bad way. I can't believe
she noticed me. True. Right? She remembers you. How does she
reach the podcast? How does she remember me? True. Right? And so kind that she wrote
a letter. Wow. That's unbelievable. That's so
incredible. What a kind teacher. Yeah let me just
let me just give a message out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
So if you're listening, Ms. Jackson. Yeah. This is for you. Yeah.
Thank you for supporting me during the middle school ages.
I've... I felt like I received the support that I needed.
You were so like understanding and you were so kind
and like I can't thank you enough
for what you've done to me during my my middle school
ages. I sometimes you know got in trouble I
understand. Like I recently found out that the principal
sent a letter to my dad saying that I should stop cursing.
And then I realized how much of a pain in the ass I was
as a student. But in hindsight looking back at it now the
experience I had during St. Mary's was fantastic and I can't thank you
enough. And thank you for acknowledging me
through the podcast and actually kind enough to
handwrite the letter to my dad. I appreciate that. Thank you. Thank you so
much. What a moment. What a moment right?
Wow you should thank you. Yeah. Not that. Wow.
Yeah that's uh I hope she received this message here.
Oh that's yeah amazing you know. It is. It's incredible. The handwritten
handwritten picture is this one right here. Yeah.
Wow. Unbelievable. My dad was really surprised as well. I was
blown away. Like how did she find out? True. Right? And it's weird
enough that it's a podcast right? Like it's
if it's YouTube or like Instagram maybe TikTok.
Well it's possible because you know how first of all TikTok is more like
they give you content. You don't look for them right? It's all recommended. So like
it's possible right? One of my friends in the U.S. that I went to
middle school together with maybe he followed me and then
he's connected with Miss Jackson and like somewhere around. It's possible but
podcast I mean you gotta look for it right? So
I was really and I'm sure she doesn't understand Japanese so
I don't know I was just so surprised. How? Yeah like Miss Jackson if you hear
this message how did you tell us how you actually found it? Yeah true. Yeah you can
you can email us you can um listen to this.
Yeah that means you can right right right right send something to us.
Or you can DM us. Yeah. Or yeah if email works for you just
easy email us. Wow yeah. In anyways that was quite a moment.
If she I mean it'll it'll it'll be even more
of a moment if she actually hears the message you know. Yeah.
I know right? It's pretty crazy right? Well then this part just means
a lot. Yeah yeah. She is currently the director of
advancement. I think she's the principal that's what I believe. I don't know but
that's what I last time I checked the St. Mary's homepage I
it looked like she was the principal of the school but look right here it says
director of advancement but I don't know what that means but
but uh right Miss Jackson. Wow. Thank you Miss Jackson.
All right. Well that's amazing. All right what an episode. Yeah.
Thanks for listening guys. Wow. Bye bye.

