1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. アメリカの「KissCam」を日本..
2022-06-26 12:58



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast! Hi! Alright. Wow. I'm still kind of surprised
and like the moment is still there. Yeah. With the Miss Jackson of my middle
school, right, reaching out to me. So impressive. Yeah. So like unbelievable.
Yeah. Great moment. Yeah. Now you gotta be careful about your words now. I know, right?
I regret saying "pain in the ass" in my letter to Miss Jackson, you know.
I felt like maybe I shouldn't have said that. It's a Catholic school and like, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. I know. Maybe she's gonna send a letter to your father. Maybe you want to
control your, you know, cursing there. I mean, everyone can hear. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe she doesn't want the graduate from St. Mary's to
think that, oh, cursing. Yeah. Gotta behave. Right? Oh, wow. Yeah. This is kind of one of the, you know,
biggest, greatest thing of doing these. Right. Yeah. Right. Being able to
connect. Yeah. Right. Absolutely. Wow. Absolutely. Yeah. I gotta follow their social media. Yeah. Yeah. I mean,
that was the letter to encourage following their social media, right? Okay. Yeah. You
should follow them. I gotta do that. Yeah. I will do that. Miss Jackson. Follow me back or something.
And then toss some, you know, dancing. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe. Wink. Wink, wink. Maybe. Wink. Okay. Yeah.
Let's try to move on then. Yeah. Great. So this is a letter from Mai-san. Mai-san? Message from Mai-san.
Thank you, Mai-san.
Kiss cam?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes.
What was that?
Yeah? Okay. Yeah.
The kiss cam thing. I know. Have you seen the kiss cam videos? Yes. I think it's pretty funny. Yeah, it's funny. Yeah.
Like the compilation of like the funny moments in the kiss cam is what I like to watch. Yeah. Sometimes like the guy tries to kiss her, but like she completely rejects. Or like the guy has this paper ready, right? In case when kiss cam comes. Oh. And the kiss cam came. Yeah. And he's like, he holds up a sign that says, "She's my sister."
Yeah. He had to make sure that he wasn't going to kiss her sister, right? Yeah. Make sure that didn't happen. Right now it's kind of funny that he got that ready. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's true. Yeah.
Have you ever seen the clip of kiss cam that catches the kiss cam, the guy and the girl, lady sitting next to each other. Yeah. And then, you know, catches that pair, but they kind of tend to, "No, no, no." Like that. And then next time, you know, go somewhere, another, another, you know, couples. And then they come back, you know, the camera come back to the same couple and then, "No, no, no." And then they go another place.
And then they come back again. And it's like, they finally, "Okay, we have to." And then they kiss to each other. Yeah. Actually, they are not the real couple. There's just a guy and lady sitting to just happen to be next to each other. They don't know each other? No. What?
You know, the three times camera come and then, "Okay, we have to do this." And kiss. And then the camera go somewhere. Yeah. And the next time camera comes back again. Yeah. And the real girlfriend of that guy came back from somewhere and the guy was like, the guy was like, "What the fuck?" The lady was like, "Oh."
That's so, so funny. Oh my god, it's really funny. Wow. That's a, that's perfectly, that's perfect. Yeah. Right? That's, wow. You know, the camera guy plays, plays, you know. Yeah. I mean, it's completely something that the Japanese culture would not accept. Right. Right.
If they did that in Japan, the Kyujo or like whoever's in charge of the, the place, the event, it would be, would receive so much hate. Yeah. There would be so many messages against that kiss comment. Yeah. It'll be on Yahoo News. Yeah. Right. True. Definitely. Yeah.
So, are you able to kiss in front of people or like, there's this phrase in English and I forgot. What's that? It's like a three letter acronym. Okay. Affection, like public, too much, too much, too much, ah, I forgot. What's that?
It's like a word you use for like TMO, TM, too much. Like that means, is that TMO? That means like it's too much in public for you. Ah. TM, ah, I forgot.
Oh, so you have that word. Yeah. You're saying that. Yeah. Um, hold on. Yeah. I've never heard of it. Uh.
TM. Okay. I can't find it. Okay. I'm going to give up. But you know, like holding hands, hugging, kissing, that stuff. How comfortable are you with public? Um.
You mean in public? In public, yes. It's just, for example, like riding on a train? Or like, what do you mean in the public? Okay. How about, how about walking in the city or? Ah.
The cliche "kaisatsu mai." Okay, kaisatsu mai. Yeah. Um. Okay. Um. Let me say that I can hug. I mean, not every, every time, but yeah, I, um, yeah, occasionally did hug.
Um, hugging in front of those kaisatsu. Yeah. Um. But at the same time, you know, real like, like recognizing that, oh, this is a, maybe someone is watching us. So like, yeah, we might be a little, right. But anyways, yeah.
We're making a scene here. But yeah. Yeah. But I can hug. But not kissing. No. That's too much. Um.
Nah. I mean, basically no. Yeah. Um. Yeah. But if it's like, just like one. And it's also like, you know, the last day of something. Yeah, that's true.
Like she's going to go off to Canada or something, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or, you know, if it's dramatic enough for me to do that, then I can do that. Yeah. But if I was like, the situation was like quite usual, then hug is the, you know, the maximum to me.
Yeah, I understand. I would, um, wait. T M. Sorry. Nothing. Okay. I thought it was TMI, but it was too much information. Okay. Um,
I, I'm okay with hugs in public, but just like you kissing would just be a little bit too much. Um, only if it's like what you said, if it's like dramatic. Yeah. Yeah. If it, if it, if there's like a, like a, like if you're not going to be able to see that person for like a really long time or something, then it's like, like a, like a kiss worthy moment. Yeah. I would say. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But if it's an, if it's like in Kai guy, like us, I feel like I'll be able to do it. Yeah, of course. Like it's, it's, it's even natural. Yeah. You, you have to do. Yeah. Yeah. But like you, the same partner that you felt like, felt like it's uncomfortable to kiss in public, right?
If, if y'all to went to the U S right. When do you feel like it's like easier for you? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's even like quite natural to like, oh, I think to each other, like if we just hold hands and I go, it's, it's yeah. Too cold. Maybe. Yeah. Oh really? Yeah.
Well, I'm, I mean, it's the same person. Yeah. Right. But when you're in the U S it just, just feel like it's more of a manner. Yeah. I mean, I'm, I'm imagining the France of course I've never lived in the United States. So maybe it's a lot of different, but yeah.
Because maybe that, you know, the, the culture, the atmosphere, the city makes me, you know, do that. Live as they're living. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I guess so. All right. Yeah. What about those kiss guns? What if you.
What if I, I mean, if it's a kiss game, I'm probably okay. Okay. Because it's yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you were supposed to do it. Right? Like if it's kiss cam in the U S I'll probably be okay with it. Yeah. What about kiss cam in Japan?
Kiss cam in Japan? Yeah. Like if it's, and it's socially accepted, right? Yeah. I'll probably be okay. I'll probably be okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right. Yeah. Okay. I agree with that. Yeah. It's just a fun moment. Right. Right. It's a fun moment. Exactly. Exactly. All right. Thanks for listening guys. Bye bye.

