1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 再びMs. Jacksonからメッセー..
2022-11-23 13:15

再びMs. Jacksonからメッセージが届いた!


- Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Listen, I got a photo from my dad.
- Okay.
- Just several, four hours ago.
- Okay.
- And it's a picture from a newsletter
from St. Mary's Middle School.
- Which you are.
- Which I attended, which I went.
- Yeah.
- And my dad goes.
- Okay.
(speaking Japanese)
- What?
(speaking Japanese)
- Really?
- So for those of you who don't know what's going on.
- Yeah, yeah, tell them, explain that.
- So I went to a middle school called St. Mary's Middle School
and there's this teacher, Ms. Jackson.
Ms. Jackson was there and she took care of me a lot.
I had a different background and everything
and she took care of it a lot.
Not to mention I wasn't Catholic.
So Ms. Jackson took care of me a lot
and St. Mary's, like most schools,
they send out newsletters to graduated students,
parents too.
They send out newsletters to the family, right?
To update on whatever's going on.
- It's like every month or?
- I have no idea.
- Okay.
- I don't know how often, but give out newsletters
to everybody.
And one day, my dad received that newsletter like always,
on a paper, and he sent it to me.
Newsletter like always, right, on a paper printed.
And it had a handwritten message personally
from Ms. Jackson to my dad.
Saying that, "Hey, I was so happy to see Kevin
"on the podcast show.
"I was happy to see Kevin."
And my dad saw that and he was like, "Wow!
"Hey, Kevin!"
He sent me a line, like,
"Ms. Jackson recognized you.
"She noticed that you're on the show."
And I freaked out as well.
- Yeah, that's quite surprising.
- Right, right.
- Wow.
- And then I talked about that on the podcast show, saying--
- Yeah, it was--
- It was on the Amazon Home Shop.
- Yeah, half a year ago.
- Maybe, yeah, some--
- Yeah, kind of, yeah.
- And then we got excited and like,
"Okay, why don't I just send a message to Ms. Jackson?"
- Yeah. (laughs)
- Like, "This probably won't reach her,
"but I'll just send a message out to Ms. Jackson."
- Yeah.
- And it did!
- Aw. - It did!
And we got a message back from Ms. Jackson.
- Wow. - Again.
- Wow.
- All right, so this is what it was,
this is what it was written.
- What a story.
- I know, right?
So this is written to my dad, right?
- Okay.
- "I think of you so often and I was thrilled last year
"when a current parent from Japan told me
"that Kevin mentioned St. Mary's and me on his podcast.
"I have such love and respect for all of you."
- Wow.
- Hey.
Thank you, Ms. Jackson. - Wow.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much.
- What a moment, right?
- It's incredible.
- It's incredible how kind of connected through the thing.
The podcast.
- Wow.
- Wow, unbelievable.
- Unbelievable, yeah.
- Unbelievable.
I have to go and say hi.
You know, when I go there,
when I go maybe next year when I visit US?
- Yeah.
- Should we go back home?
- And Ms. Jackson.
- Yeah.
- Wow.
So she has a family from Japan right now is what she said.
- So the message said,
a current parent from Japan,
a current parent from Japan told me that Kevin,
so his family's not in Japan.
It's just the school, the St. Mary's.
The parent from a St. Mary's student is in Japan.
- Oh, okay.
- Yeah, a current parent from Japan, current parent.
So, yeah.
So one of the parents whose son or daughter
attends St. Mary's is in Japan.
- Okay.
Oh, wow.
- Yeah.
All right.
- This is really amazingly.
- Yeah, amazing.
- Surprising.
- Moment, right?
That you're able to connect now indirectly.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Through the internet.
- Wow.
- Right?
I wonder if she knows how to listen to a podcast.
- True.
- Because she never mentioned that she directly saw.
- Yeah.
- Or listened to the podcast.
It's always like someone told me that you're there.
And again, another parent told Ms. Jackson that.
Like, I don't think she knows how to listen to a podcast.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Or YouTube.
- Or YouTube, right?
- Yeah.
- Right.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
- It's funny.
- Yeah.
- You say things through the podcast, through the internet.
- Yeah.
- And she replies through the letters.
- Really true.
And indirectly, right?
- Yeah.
- Through someone else.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
- I mean.
- Hmm.
- What a story.
- Yeah.
- What a story, really.
- What a story.
- Yeah.
- Right, what a story.
- Hope she's doing good.
- Yeah, I hope so, right?
I mean, she's still...
- Yeah.
- Baribari genki.
- Baribari genki.
- I mean, she's in the website, I think.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I think.
- Oh, that's great.
- Looking healthy and everything.
- Super.
- Yeah.
US has this culture of like,
when you graduate from the school,
you can donate to their school.
- Oh, yeah.
- Now, me and my dad, we're like really under the pressure
of like, "I'm gonna make that donation now, right?"
- Oh, that's why she sent you some messages, right?
I saw you on some shows.
- We're now connected, aren't we?
- I know you are big now in Japan.
- No, I'm sure it's not working like that.
I'm sure it's nothing, you know.
- I remember I cared you so much
when you were in the United States.
- You weren't even Christian
and we accepted you to the school, Kevin.
- And now using your English skills too.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Yeah, you should consider that.
- I will consider it.
I will consider it.
I will.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I'll definitely say hi to Ms. Jackson.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Man.
- It's really surprising that she recognized you.
- I know, right?
It's surprising that she remembers me.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- 'Cause you're, so it was back
when you were a junior high student, right?
- Yeah, so how long ago was that, right?
- Like more than 10 years.
- Yeah.
- You know, faces changed.
- Yeah.
- You know, everything changed.
There's a possibility that she doesn't remember me.
- She just says it.
- Because she's just, the first time she recognized me,
there was a theory that maybe someone, you know,
someone else recognized me
and then that person told Ms. Jackson, right?
Remember we talked about that?
- Yep.
- And this time as well, right?
And the parent told Ms. Jackson that maybe,
there's still a possibility
that she doesn't remember who I am.
- She doesn't remember who you are.
She doesn't listen to this podcast.
- That's still a possibility.
- She's just sending you some messages to collect the money.
- I don't know, I don't know about the money.
I don't know about the money.
It's not about the money.
It's a Christian school, right?
So it's never about the money.
We can't say that.
That's not fair.
But it is fair to say that it's possible
she might not remember me.
But I did stand out because I had a different look
and you know, I was Asian, right?
- Yes.
- That alone is already kind of memorable.
I feel like, you know, in a school where it's mostly
Americans and people from Mexico,
you know, half the majority.
So yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I hope so.
- I hope so.
I hope so.
I sure do hope so.
But you know what?
The thing about, what I remember was that the principal
of St. Mary's, at that time I forgot his name,
but he would call everybody by the student's name.
- Oh, that's great.
- Isn't that amazing?
- That's amazing.
- When, it's disappointing that I don't remember his name,
but during drop off every morning, right?
The principal would come out to the driveway
and would say, "Hey, good morning, Kevin."
- Oh.
- "Hey, good morning, John.
Good morning, Brian."
He would get it right.
You know, get it right.
- That's great.
- That's great, right?
- That's talent.
- Yeah, it's real talent.
- Yeah.
- Anyway, I was really amazed by it.
- Yeah, 'cause he's got many students at the same time,
right, and he remembers everything.
- Several hundreds.
- Yeah, several hundred students at the same time.
- That was amazing.
- Amazing.
And you had one teacher, and you don't remember his name.
- It started with P.
It started with P.
- Peter?
- No.
It was more Latino.
It had more of a Latino accent.
- Okay.
- It started with a P or an L or C.
- Pedro?
- Close, but probably not.
- Cedric?
- No.
It was more like, uh, uh, uh.
- What's that?
- Uh, uh.
It was like a, it was either uh or uh, uh.
But I can't remember.
- Yeah.
- But you know, the fact that, you know,
we're, you know, indirectly connected,
that's definitely, you know, an unbelievable moment.
- We're connected.
- I'm thankful for that.
- Yes.
And thankful for the family, right?
- Yeah, that's true, that's true.
So yeah, thank you for letting Miss Jackson know.
- Yeah.
And thank you, Miss Jackson.
- If you remember.
- If you remember who I am.
If you remember who I am.
- I hope so.
- Yeah.
- Thanks for listening, guys.
- Bye bye.

