1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 空港のアナウンスが聴けまし..
2022-02-18 12:48



Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast. Hello. This program is brought to you by Kimi no Koi wo Todokeyo Anchor.
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We're very excited to hearing your very first episode. Thank you. Thank you. Alrighty.
So today we have Haru-san. Haru-san. Thank you Haru-san. Thank you Haru-san.
Hello Yama-chan, Kevin-san. Hello. This is Haru. Hello.
Sorry for that.
Oh. Well, thank you.
Yeah, that's true. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. Why? Why did you two choices?
Thank you. Wow. Thank you. Finally. Thank you. Yeah. We read your message. Yeah, but it's not because your messages are not funny.
It's just me. Right. Randomly. Exactly. It's fine. Exactly. Yeah. It's that simple luck. Right. Yeah.
I don't think you've ever decided not to read a message because you thought it was boring, right? Yeah.
You've decided not to. I think you've in the past you decided not to read a message because it didn't make like it was a little bit like offensive-ish or like, yeah, those things are morally not there.
But if it's like in terms of like interesting or not, I don't think you ever like made a decision based on that. Yeah. Yeah. That's right.
The reason why she said kankoku is because my kakua kankoku. That's why. Yeah. Yeah. I understand that part. But the other one. But the other one. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
I feel like there's so many choices. Of course. Like business. There's so many countries. Yeah. Rapper. Yeah. I'm like not.
Why? You change gender. Right. Did I mention that I won't do this? I think somewhere like in the live stream. Yeah. I think joso. Yeah. I think you talked about joso. Okay.
Like kawaranai or something like that. Yeah. That's true. I guess. I guess that's why. Okay. No, but that doesn't mean that I want to do that. Exactly. Yeah.
But yeah. So how's the shooting? The shooting? Well, it was very challenging. It was challenging. Right. Because I've never done all those posing. Right. Like the facial expression. Yeah.
The hand position and everything like and it's very embarrassing. But okay. When you look at when you when they do all the makeup. Right. When they do all the the dress dressing. Yeah.
Like the the the the shirt, shoes, the pants and everything. Yeah. It's completely something that I've never touched or even considered. Right. Okay. So it just you start to feel like a like a not yourself.
A brand new person. And then all the the difficulties just started to came down. Started to come down. So it gradually got it became like easier and easier. Okay. With the shooting like mentally. But now looking back at now like after several months. Yeah. It's very embarrassing. Right.
Why? It's just very cringy. Right. I told you about the cringy. Right. It's cringy. Was it? Yeah, it is. It is. Okay. Yeah. So. But it was a good experience. Of course. Of course. Yes. Yes. Was there any like director people? Yeah. There were like several.
Also there were directors? Yeah. Like people who they were like I guess three. Okay. That were really in charge of how I would like position myself. The cameraman. Like the the the kikaku sekinisha stuff. Okay. Like the makeup artist. Wow. So many. So many. So the directors people told you that hand like this. Yes. Yes. Face like this. They showed me a picture. A picture? Yeah. And I want you to do something like this. Okay. Yeah. And I want you to okay. Okay. Okay. Kevin. I like that.
Like can you can you lower your face a little bit? Let's close your legs a little bit. Yeah. And then I followed that. Wow. Yeah. That was a never before done. Yeah. But that's fun. Yeah. Yeah. It's a new experience. Yeah. Of course. Of course. I feel like a once in a lifetime thing.
Maybe next next month. The cover art. Cover art of them. That's maybe. Yeah. That I would I would really cringe myself out if that happens. Really.
Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's several months ago actually. Yeah. It was. But the shooting was way before then. Yeah. It was like October. Yeah. Okay. Very long time ago. Yeah. Yeah.
Right. Right. Do we still have time? Yeah. We got four minutes. Four and a half. Okay. Can I just. Voice message? Yes. Sure. It's from Yui-san. Sure.
Hello Kevin-san and Yama-chan. My name is Tsuru and I'm long time fan of your podcast. Very different name. I have been working for an airline for many years and the requirement of my job is to make announcement of passengers who are not present at the gate.
Of course we know it may be surprising or embarrassing to passengers. But it is still a requirement of my job. My question for you is have you ever been in a situation where an airline staff member announced your full name in the airport or department store or station or somewhere?
I know it's a strange question. I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you. Okay. Wow. That voice message sounded like an announcement at the airport. I've heard this voice before. I know. I've heard this voice before.
Hello Kevin-san and Yama-chan. Yeah. I've heard this voice before. I know this voice. Thank you for using America Airlines. True. So true.
Wow. She's got the voice. Wow. She's got the voice. Man. Can we do that again? I want to hear it. Let me just do the jingle and then can you play that again? Yeah.
Hello Kevin-san and Yama-chan. My name is Tsuru and I've been listening to your podcast. I have been working for a...
I don't know how she does it. I don't know what is it about her voice that's making it like that. But that's the airport announcement voice. That's the one.
Wow. Okay. So the question was have you had your name announced? Okay.
You missed the flight for Fukuoka, right? Yeah. Yeah. You say it so naturally but did they call your name out? No because I didn't miss the flight. I didn't miss the flight. I changed the reservation. I didn't miss the flight.
You changed the reservation because you weren't going to make it to the first one, right? Yeah. But I knew it beforehand like two hours before. Ah, okay. So I changed the reservation. So I didn't miss any flight. Got it. Got it. Got it. I just changed the reservation.
I don't know why you're so stubborn about that. Have you? I have. Yeah. Oh really? Yeah. At the airport when I was with my family. Well not my name but my father's name. Why? Did he get lost?
It was, I think it was at an airport in Atlanta. Okay. I think. Or somewhere else. But the flight got, it was changed to a different like gate or like time or something and we didn't recognize that.
And then we were just chilling. Yeah. All of a sudden we just heard our name and then like, "Oh my god! That's us!" Check the board like, "Oh it's changed!" And we ran and then we made it though. Okay. Yeah. We had that happen. Wow. Yeah.
I've never had that. Never. Even in like department stores when you were a child or something? Never. No. Oh. I just don't remember. Okay. Have you? Yeah, I have. When I was a child at department store.
It was in Japan. Okay. I was in Oba-chan. Okay. Yeah. And then I guess I got lost. Yeah. And then they announced me. Yeah. So you heard the announcement? Yeah. My name. Yeah. And you went to the spot? Yeah. I went to, I think I went to the cashier. Okay. Yeah. And then they guided me. Okay. Wherever.
Yeah. I think that's what happened. Yeah. Yeah. Was it embarrassing to you? No. Not at all. Not at all? Okay. Yeah. I know people say that it's a little bit embarrassing. But like you never know it's you. Yeah. Right? So like if you just act chill. Yeah. You never know that it's you that the name's being called. Yeah. True.
So you just have to just smoothly. Yeah. Walk over to wherever you need to go. True. Right? Yeah. So like I don't think it's embarrassing. Okay. But you went to the cashier, right? I went to the cashier. Yeah. Yeah. They noticed. Yeah. Well, I mean. Is that embarrassing? Well, because it's you never know what it's for. Okay. Yeah. It might be. Right. It might be because I lost the wallet. It might be because I was lost. Yeah. My grandma's looking for me. Or it could be like,
I forgot to, you know, I, maybe they wanted to thank me for doing something. Of course. Right? Yeah. You never know. Yeah. Never know. So, yeah. It's not embarrassing. You don't know what it is. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Right. That's how I take it. All right. Just act cool. Act cool. Okay.
All right. That's 10 minutes. Yeah. Thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Bye bye.

