1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 人の心を読む力vs未来が分かる..
2021-02-21 10:08


Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
Yeah, yeah, I put some effort into that I try to make it as realistic as possible
That was nice
Thank you, yeah, yep, yep
I've got a
You know, do you know cafe latte? Yeah, I know car. Yeah. Yeah, and there's some latte art
Yeah, that someone makes a leaf heart or bear little bear and someone can make
You know write our numbers
Numbers numbers so that I can text to her, you know
It's a new way of trying to hit some hit somebody right a new way of like it, right? Yeah
And this time she writes me a message. Oh like literally a message. Yeah on a latte latte
On a bubbly latte. Yeah, you follow me latte, you know, like yeah. Yeah. I know some 3d lattes
I never I've never seen a message latte. I I know there's like like
like one or two letter or three letter lattes, but like
So detailed that you can yeah
Complicated messages. So really this yeah, sure
Which of the two is the best?
Are you sure it's already long enough you know, they're both in a little bit of an archi-hito no, koro yomi torette no, or
You could be mirai or to the no, yuk. Which is that? That was the message. That's quite long
Yeah, my that is quite long. I went to a special cafe in
Cafe in New York, huh?
So it's like a really sharp pen. Yeah, kind of okay. Yeah, that's
That's a quite a technique
on there
Okay, but I'll take it
Whichever kind of no, yukko ten ireru nara hito no, koro yomi torette no, yukku
Moshiku wa mirai yo yuchi dekiru no, yukku
That's a
Great question. Hito no, koro yomi torette no, yukku wa mirai yo yuchi dekiru no, yukku
Do you think that's a
Like having these abilities
Upside to you
I don't know
if we're talking about
Making money. Yeah, maybe
like if you're talking about trying to
You know, yeah
invest in something or like
Do bets or like right, you know if you're making a financial play
maybe that could be on but like if you're talking about like
friendship or like
Relationships or like those kinds of things
Yeah, especially reading minds. Mm-hmm. You know that is something I
don't know, but I know I
if everybody
If there if it's a society where everyone can read everybody's mind, okay
I think you know, we would make a society, you know, I think that would I
Think you know humans will be able to sustain the society. I think
Right, it's uh, I think it's possible. Yeah, so
But you know if it's just me that can read the people's mind
I I don't know. Maybe that might lead to unhappiness. Yeah, that would seem a little bit
you know, I don't know right I think a little bit like because like you're
Hmm. Yeah first I thought these were
like great ability, uh-huh, but
You know think about carefully. Yeah
It's maybe something
Like if you write if you can read someone's mind then what if
Same to the future so right
But I prefer the future thing. Uh-huh. And
One condition is that I can control that ability
Mm-hmm. I mean I can make it on and off right whenever I want, right? That's one condition. I
Don't want to see
every future
Right, right, right, especially when I want to see them like like
Gamble thing. Yeah, or like
Stock up things and try to invest something
That's useful. It reminds me of
It's a film where you can travel back in time
Yeah, and then redo whatever you want to redo and then the ultimate message was like live like it's yours
Live like
Wait, what was the message? I forgot
Like live the moment. Okay. Yeah, I think
live as if this is your
Second second. Yeah. Yeah
Second, okay. Yeah, and yeah, yeah
Which one do you prefer? Yeah
Like I feel like the negative the negative the downside of being able to read people's mind is so much higher
Yeah, than the downside of you know
Future being able to read the future because like I like what so I think
I'm gonna talk about I'm not gonna talk about the financial plays. I'm just gonna talk about the human relationships
like being able to to to read
Like oh, I like this person or like oh, I hate this person. I feel like oh, I hate this person
I think the damage of that is like really really kind of like yeah
Like I don't know like it's it feels uncomfortable
To be able to know that like yeah, maybe I'll get used to it and like but like
I don't I don't feel healthy against that. I don't
Maybe I'm just not mentally prepared like if I am mentally prepared for that, maybe I can but like
At the moment, I don't feel like it's a good
That I think the I think you I would get it going to depression. Yeah
Read a book like some days ago
Yoki, na young guy, Chikyuu, Omae, yes, okay, and there are some go to
for gotos and one member can
Read I mean one member can tell if he's lying or not. Okay
That's a special ability that he has
It seems like really useful
Yes, yeah when you do goto or those kind of things because he can
Clearly tell that if he is lying or not, right so he can understand the truth
but still
He has his wife he he had his wife but as he can see
You know, she was lying. She was hiding something, right?
So it wasn't that smooth the relationship wasn't went well. So he he divorced with
right that former wife and
Told me that it's a kind of difficult
See that mind
Some lies are
Good for the other person. Yeah, yes, you know, mm-hmm
Then we I
Think we don't need any. Yeah, I think the happiest would be like to not have any of them to
Same with everybody else
Okay, I guess
Okay, it would be the happiest way. Mm-hmm, right? Okay, okay, because I guess we're all humans and we like to stay connected
Mm-hmm, and like it's
You don't want to have that special ability to make
Make us feel isolated. Yeah, you know, like I think I think those having those kind of abilities would make us feel isolated
like that we don't we don't think the same way as everybody else does yeah, and
The fundamental nature of human beings would want to be a part of society. Yes
Yeah, okay. Very much. You may answer. Yeah
But that's how we are so she should have put the rainbow sign on there
Alright thanks listening guys. Bye. Bye

